Integrating with CodeIgniter ============================ This is recipe for using Doctrine 2 in your `CodeIgniter `_ framework. .. note:: This might not work for all CodeIgniter versions and may require slight adjustments. Here is how to set it up: Make a CodeIgniter library that is both a wrapper and a bootstrap for Doctrine 2. Setting up the file structure ----------------------------- Here are the steps: - Add a php file to your system/application/libraries folder called Doctrine.php. This is going to be your wrapper/bootstrap for the D2 entity manager. - Put the Doctrine folder (the one that contains Common, DBAL, and ORM) inside that same libraries folder. - Your system/application/libraries folder now looks like this: system/applications/libraries -Doctrine -Doctrine.php -index.html - If you want, open your config/autoload.php file and autoload your Doctrine library. register(); $entitiesClassLoader = new ClassLoader('models', rtrim(APPPATH, "/" )); $entitiesClassLoader->register(); $proxiesClassLoader = new ClassLoader('Proxies', APPPATH.'models/proxies'); $proxiesClassLoader->register(); // Set up caches $config = new Configuration; $cache = new ArrayCache; $config->setMetadataCacheImpl($cache); $driverImpl = $config->newDefaultAnnotationDriver(array(APPPATH.'models/Entities')); $config->setMetadataDriverImpl($driverImpl); $config->setQueryCacheImpl($cache); // Proxy configuration $config->setProxyDir(APPPATH.'/models/proxies'); $config->setProxyNamespace('Proxies'); // Set up logger $logger = new EchoSqlLogger; $config->setSqlLogger($logger); $config->setAutoGenerateProxyClasses( TRUE ); // Database connection information $connectionOptions = array( 'driver' => 'pdo_mysql', 'user' => $db['default']['username'], 'password' => $db['default']['password'], 'host' => $db['default']['hostname'], 'dbname' => $db['default']['database'] ); // Create EntityManager $this->em = EntityManager::create($connectionOptions, $config); } } Please note that this is a development configuration; for a production system you'll want to use a real caching system like APC, get rid of EchoSqlLogger, and turn off autoGenerateProxyClasses. For more details, consult the `Doctrine 2 Configuration documentation `_. Now to use it ------------- Whenever you need a reference to the entity manager inside one of your controllers, views, or models you can do this: .. code-block:: php doctrine->em; That's all there is to it. Once you get the reference to your EntityManager do your Doctrine 2.0 voodoo as normal. Note: If you do not choose to autoload the Doctrine library, you will need to put this line before you get a reference to it: .. code-block:: php load->library('doctrine'); Good luck!