. */ namespace Doctrine\Common\Annotations; /** * Simple lexer for docblock annotations. * * @author Roman Borschel * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * @link www.doctrine-project.org * @since 2.0 * @version $Revision$ */ class Lexer { const T_NONE = 1; const T_FLOAT = 2; const T_INTEGER = 3; const T_STRING = 4; const T_IDENTIFIER = 5; /** * Array of scanned tokens. * * @var array */ private $_tokens = array(); private $_position = 0; private $_peek = 0; /** * @var array The next token in the query string. */ public $lookahead; /** * @var array The last matched/seen token. */ public $token; public function setInput($input) { $this->_tokens = array(); $this->_scan($input); } public function reset() { $this->lookahead = null; $this->token = null; $this->_peek = 0; $this->_position = 0; } /** * Checks whether a given token matches the current lookahead. * * @param integer|string $token * @return boolean */ public function isNextToken($token) { $la = $this->lookahead; return ($la['type'] === $token || $la['value'] === $token); } /** * Moves to the next token in the input string. * * A token is an associative array containing three items: * - 'value' : the string value of the token in the input string * - 'type' : the type of the token (identifier, numeric, string, input * parameter, none) * - 'position' : the position of the token in the input string * * @return array|null the next token; null if there is no more tokens left */ public function moveNext() { $this->token = $this->lookahead; $this->_peek = 0; if (isset($this->_tokens[$this->_position])) { $this->lookahead = $this->_tokens[$this->_position++]; return true; } else { $this->lookahead = null; return false; } } /** * Tells the lexer to skip input tokens until it sees a token with the given value. * * @param $value The value to skip until. */ public function skipUntil($value) { while ($this->lookahead !== null && $this->lookahead['value'] !== $value) { $this->moveNext(); } } /** * Checks if an identifier is a keyword and returns its correct type. * * @param string $identifier identifier name * @return int token type */ private function _checkLiteral($identifier) { $name = 'Doctrine\Common\Annotations\Lexer::T_' . strtoupper($identifier); if (defined($name)) { return constant($name); } return self::T_IDENTIFIER; } /** * Scans the input string for tokens. * * @param string $input a query string */ private function _scan($input) { static $regex; if ( ! isset($regex)) { $patterns = array( '[a-z_][a-z0-9_\\\]*', '(?:[0-9]+(?:[\.][0-9]+)*)(?:e[+-]?[0-9]+)?', '"(?:[^"]|"")*"' ); $regex = '/(' . implode(')|(', $patterns) . ')|\s+|(.)/i'; } $matches = preg_split($regex, $input, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); foreach ($matches as $match) { $type = $this->_getType($match); $this->_tokens[] = array( 'value' => $match, 'type' => $type ); } } /** * @todo Doc */ private function _getType(&$value) { // $value is referenced because it can be changed if it is numeric. $type = self::T_NONE; $newVal = $this->_getNumeric($value); if ($newVal !== false){ $value = $newVal; if (strpos($value, '.') !== false || stripos($value, 'e') !== false) { $type = self::T_FLOAT; } else { $type = self::T_INTEGER; } } if ($value[0] === '"') { $type = self::T_STRING; $value = str_replace('""', '"', substr($value, 1, strlen($value) - 2)); } else if (ctype_alpha($value[0]) || $value[0] === '_') { $type = $this->_checkLiteral($value); } return $type; } /** * @todo Doc */ private function _getNumeric($value) { if ( ! is_scalar($value)) { return false; } // Checking for valid numeric numbers: 1.234, -1.234e-2 if (is_numeric($value)) { return $value; } return false; } /** * Moves the lookahead token forward. * * @return array|null The next token or NULL if there are no more tokens ahead. */ public function peek() { if (isset($this->_tokens[$this->_position + $this->_peek])) { return $this->_tokens[$this->_position + $this->_peek++]; } else { return null; } } /** * Peeks at the next token, returns it and immediately resets the peek. * * @return array|null The next token or NULL if there are no more tokens ahead. */ public function glimpse() { $peek = $this->peek(); $this->_peek = 0; return $peek; } }