. */ Doctrine::autoload('Doctrine_Configurable'); /** * Doctrine_Connection * * A wrapper layer on top of PDO / Doctrine_Adapter * * Doctrine_Connection is the heart of any Doctrine based application. * * 1. Event listeners * An easy to use, pluggable eventlistener architecture. Aspects such as * logging, query profiling and caching can be easily implemented through * the use of these listeners * * 2. Lazy-connecting * Creating an instance of Doctrine_Connection does not connect * to database. Connecting to database is only invoked when actually needed * (for example when query() is being called) * * 3. Convenience methods * Doctrine_Connection provides many convenience methods. * * 4. Modular structure * Higher level functionality such as schema importing, exporting, sequence handling etc. * is divided into modules. For a full list of connection modules see * Doctrine_Connection::$_modules * * @package Doctrine * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * @category Object Relational Mapping * @link www.phpdoctrine.com * @since 1.0 * @version $Revision$ * @author Konsta Vesterinen * @author Lukas Smith (MDB2 library) */ abstract class Doctrine_Connection extends Doctrine_Configurable implements Countable, IteratorAggregate { /** * @var $dbh the database handler */ protected $dbh; /** * @var array $tables an array containing all the initialized Doctrine_Table objects * keys representing Doctrine_Table component names and values as Doctrine_Table objects */ protected $tables = array(); /** * @var array $exported */ protected $exported = array(); /** * @var string $driverName the name of this connection driver */ protected $driverName; /** * @var array $supported an array containing all features this driver supports, * keys representing feature names and values as * one of the following (true, false, 'emulated') */ protected $supported = array(); /** * @var array $modules an array containing all modules * transaction Doctrine_Transaction driver, handles savepoint and transaction isolation abstraction * * expression Doctrine_Expression driver, handles expression abstraction * * dataDict Doctrine_DataDict driver, handles datatype abstraction * * export Doctrine_Export driver, handles db structure modification abstraction (contains * methods such as alterTable, createConstraint etc.) * import Doctrine_Import driver, handles db schema reading * * sequence Doctrine_Sequence driver, handles sequential id generation and retrieval * * unitOfWork Doctrine_Connection_UnitOfWork handles many orm functionalities such as object * deletion and saving * * formatter Doctrine_Formatter handles data formatting, quoting and escaping * * @see Doctrine_Connection::__get() * @see Doctrine_DataDict * @see Doctrine_Expression * @see Doctrine_Export * @see Doctrine_Transaction * @see Doctrine_Sequence * @see Doctrine_Connection_UnitOfWork * @see Doctrine_Formatter */ private $modules = array('transaction' => false, 'expression' => false, 'dataDict' => false, 'export' => false, 'import' => false, 'sequence' => false, 'unitOfWork' => false, 'formatter' => false, 'util' => false, ); /** * @var array $properties an array of connection properties */ protected $properties = array('sql_comments' => array(array('start' => '--', 'end' => "\n", 'escape' => false), array('start' => '/*', 'end' => '*/', 'escape' => false)), 'identifier_quoting' => array('start' => '"', 'end' => '"','escape' => '"'), 'string_quoting' => array('start' => "'", 'end' => "'", 'escape' => false, 'escape_pattern' => false), 'wildcards' => array('%', '_'), 'varchar_max_length' => 255, ); /** * @var array $serverInfo */ protected $serverInfo = array(); /** * @var array $availableDrivers an array containing all availible drivers */ private static $availableDrivers = array( 'Mysql', 'Pgsql', 'Oracle', 'Informix', 'Mssql', 'Sqlite', 'Firebird' ); /** * the constructor * * @param Doctrine_Manager $manager the manager object * @param PDO|Doctrine_Adapter_Interface $adapter database driver */ public function __construct(Doctrine_Manager $manager, $adapter) { if ( ! ($adapter instanceof PDO) && ! in_array('Doctrine_Adapter_Interface', class_implements($adapter))) { throw new Doctrine_Connection_Exception("First argument should be an instance of PDO or implement Doctrine_Adapter_Interface"); } $this->dbh = $adapter; //$this->modules['transaction'] = new Doctrine_Connection_Transaction($this); $this->modules['unitOfWork'] = new Doctrine_Connection_UnitOfWork($this); $this->setParent($manager); $this->dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_CASE, PDO::CASE_NATURAL); $this->dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $this->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_LISTENER)->onOpen($this); } /** * getName * returns the name of this driver * * @return string the name of this driver */ public function getName() { return $this->driverName; } /** * __get * lazy loads given module and returns it * * @see Doctrine_DataDict * @see Doctrine_Expression * @see Doctrine_Export * @see Doctrine_Transaction * @see Doctrine_Connection::$modules all availible modules * @param string $name the name of the module to get * @throws Doctrine_Connection_Exception if trying to get an unknown module * @return Doctrine_Connection_Module connection module */ public function __get($name) { if (isset($this->properties[$name])) return $this->properties[$name]; if ( ! isset($this->modules[$name])) { throw new Doctrine_Connection_Exception('Unknown module / property ' . $name); } if ($this->modules[$name] === false) { switch ($name) { case 'unitOfWork': $this->modules[$name] = new Doctrine_Connection_UnitOfWork($this); break; case 'formatter': $this->modules[$name] = new Doctrine_Formatter($this); break; default: $class = 'Doctrine_' . ucwords($name) . '_' . $this->getName(); $this->modules[$name] = new $class($this); } } return $this->modules[$name]; } /** * returns the manager that created this connection * * @return Doctrine_Manager */ public function getManager() { return $this->getParent(); } /** * returns the database handler of which this connection uses * * @return PDO the database handler */ public function getDbh() { return $this->dbh; } /** * connect * connects into database * * @return boolean */ public function connect() { /** if ($this->isConnected) { return false; } $event = new Doctrine_Db_Event($this, Doctrine_Db_Event::CONNECT); $this->listener->onPreConnect($event); $e = explode(':', $this->options['dsn']); $found = false; if (extension_loaded('pdo')) { if (in_array($e[0], PDO::getAvailableDrivers())) { $this->dbh = new PDO($this->options['dsn'], $this->options['username'], $this->options['password']); $this->dbh->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $found = true; } } if ( ! $found) { $class = 'Doctrine_Adapter_' . ucwords($e[0]); if (class_exists($class)) { $this->dbh = new $class($this->options['dsn'], $this->options['username'], $this->options['password']); } else { throw new Doctrine_Connection_Exception("Couldn't locate driver named " . $e[0]); } } foreach($this->pendingAttributes as $attr => $value) { // some drivers don't support setting this so we just skip it if($attr == Doctrine::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME) { continue; } $this->dbh->setAttribute($attr, $value); } $this->isConnected = true; $this->listener->onConnect($event); return true; */ } /** * converts given driver name * * @param */ public function driverName($name) { } /** * supports * * @param string $feature the name of the feature * @return boolean whether or not this drivers supports given feature */ public function supports($feature) { return (isset($this->supported[$feature]) && ($this->supported[$feature] === 'emulated' || $this->supported[$feature])); } /** * Execute a SQL REPLACE query. A REPLACE query is identical to a INSERT * query, except that if there is already a row in the table with the same * key field values, the REPLACE query just updates its values instead of * inserting a new row. * * The REPLACE type of query does not make part of the SQL standards. Since * practically only MySQL and SQLIte implement it natively, this type of * query isemulated through this method for other DBMS using standard types * of queries inside a transaction to assure the atomicity of the operation. * * @param string name of the table on which the REPLACE query will * be executed. * * @param array an associative array that describes the fields and the * values that will be inserted or updated in the specified table. The * indexes of the array are the names of all the fields of the table. * * The values of the array are values to be assigned to the specified field. * * @param array $keys an array containing all key fields (primary key fields * or unique index fields) for this table * * the uniqueness of a row will be determined according to * the provided key fields * * this method will fail if no key fields are specified * * @throws Doctrine_Connection_Exception if this driver doesn't support replace * @throws Doctrine_Connection_Exception if some of the key values was null * @throws Doctrine_Connection_Exception if there were no key fields * @throws PDOException if something fails at PDO level * @return integer number of rows affected */ public function replace($table, array $fields, array $keys) { //if ( ! $this->supports('replace')) // throw new Doctrine_Connection_Exception('replace query is not supported'); if (empty($keys)) { throw new Doctrine_Connection_Exception('Not specified which fields are keys'); } $condition = $values = array(); foreach ($fields as $name => $value) { $values[$name] = $value; if (in_array($name, $keys)) { if ($value === null) throw new Doctrine_Connection_Exception('key value '.$name.' may not be null'); $condition[] = $name . ' = ?'; $conditionValues[] = $value; } } $query = 'DELETE FROM ' . $this->quoteIdentifier($table) . ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $condition); $affectedRows = $this->exec($query); $this->insert($table, $values); $affectedRows++; return $affectedRows; } /** * Inserts a table row with specified data. * * @param string $table The table to insert data into. * @param array $values An associateve array containing column-value pairs. * @return boolean */ public function insert($table, array $values = array()) { if (empty($values)) { return false; } // column names are specified as array keys $cols = array_keys($values); // build the statement $query = 'INSERT INTO ' . $this->quoteIdentifier($table) . '(' . implode(', ', $cols) . ') ' . 'VALUES (' . substr(str_repeat('?, ', count($values)), 0, -2) . ')'; // prepare and execute the statement $this->execute($query, array_values($values)); return true; } /** * Set the charset on the current connection * * @param string charset * * @return void */ public function setCharset($charset) { } /** * Quote a string so it can be safely used as a table or column name * * Delimiting style depends on which database driver is being used. * * NOTE: just because you CAN use delimited identifiers doesn't mean * you SHOULD use them. In general, they end up causing way more * problems than they solve. * * Portability is broken by using the following characters inside * delimited identifiers: * + backtick (`) -- due to MySQL * + double quote (") -- due to Oracle * + brackets ([ or ]) -- due to Access * * Delimited identifiers are known to generally work correctly under * the following drivers: * + mssql * + mysql * + mysqli * + oci8 * + pgsql * + sqlite * * InterBase doesn't seem to be able to use delimited identifiers * via PHP 4. They work fine under PHP 5. * * @param string $str identifier name to be quoted * @param bool $checkOption check the 'quote_identifier' option * * @return string quoted identifier string */ public function quoteIdentifier($str, $checkOption = true) { return $this->formatter->quoteIdentifier($str, $checkOption); } /** * convertBooleans * some drivers need the boolean values to be converted into integers * when using DQL API * * This method takes care of that conversion * * @param array $item * @return void */ public function convertBooleans($item) { return $this->formatter->convertBooleans($item); } /** * quote * quotes given input parameter * * @param mixed $input parameter to be quoted * @param string $type * @return mixed */ public function quote($input, $type = null) { return $this->formatter->quote($input, $type); } /** * Set the date/time format for the current connection * * @param string time format * * @return void */ public function setDateFormat($format = null) { } /** * fetchAll * * @param string $statement sql query to be executed * @param array $params prepared statement params * @return array */ public function fetchAll($statement, array $params = array()) { return $this->execute($statement, $params)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } /** * fetchOne * * @param string $statement sql query to be executed * @param array $params prepared statement params * @param int $colnum 0-indexed column number to retrieve * @return mixed */ public function fetchOne($statement, array $params = array(), $colnum = 0) { return $this->execute($statement, $params)->fetchColumn($colnum); } /** * fetchRow * * @param string $statement sql query to be executed * @param array $params prepared statement params * @return array */ public function fetchRow($statement, array $params = array()) { return $this->execute($statement, $params)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } /** * fetchArray * * @param string $statement sql query to be executed * @param array $params prepared statement params * @return array */ public function fetchArray($statement, array $params = array()) { return $this->execute($statement, $params)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); } /** * fetchColumn * * @param string $statement sql query to be executed * @param array $params prepared statement params * @param int $colnum 0-indexed column number to retrieve * @return array */ public function fetchColumn($statement, array $params = array(), $colnum = 0) { return $this->execute($statement, $params)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, $colnum); } /** * fetchAssoc * * @param string $statement sql query to be executed * @param array $params prepared statement params * @return array */ public function fetchAssoc($statement, array $params = array()) { return $this->execute($statement, $params)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } /** * fetchBoth * * @param string $statement sql query to be executed * @param array $params prepared statement params * @return array */ public function fetchBoth($statement, array $params = array()) { return $this->execute($statement, $params)->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_BOTH); } /** * query * queries the database using Doctrine Query Language * returns a collection of Doctrine_Record objects * * * $users = $conn->query('SELECT u.* FROM User u'); * * $users = $conn->query('SELECT u.* FROM User u WHERE u.name LIKE ?', array('someone')); * * * @param string $query DQL query * @param array $params query parameters * @see Doctrine_Query * @return Doctrine_Collection Collection of Doctrine_Record objects */ public function query($query, array $params = array()) { $parser = new Doctrine_Query($this); return $parser->query($query, $params); } /** * query * queries the database using Doctrine Query Language and returns * the first record found * * * $user = $conn->queryOne('SELECT u.* FROM User u WHERE u.id = ?', array(1)); * * $user = $conn->queryOne('SELECT u.* FROM User u WHERE u.name LIKE ? AND u.password = ?', * array('someone', 'password') * ); * * * @param string $query DQL query * @param array $params query parameters * @see Doctrine_Query * @return Doctrine_Record|false Doctrine_Record object on success, * boolean false on failure */ public function queryOne($query, array $params = array()) { $parser = new Doctrine_Query($this); $coll = $parser->query($query, $params); if ( ! $coll->contains(0)) { return false; } return $coll[0]; } /** * queries the database with limit and offset * added to the query and returns a PDOStatement object * * @param string $query * @param integer $limit * @param integer $offset * @return PDOStatement */ public function select($query,$limit = 0,$offset = 0) { if ($limit > 0 || $offset > 0) { $query = $this->modifyLimitQuery($query, $limit, $offset); } return $this->dbh->query($query); } /** * standaloneQuery * * @param string $query sql query * @param array $params query parameters * * @return PDOStatement|Doctrine_Adapter_Statement */ public function standaloneQuery($query, $params = array()) { return $this->execute($query, $params); } /** * execute * @param string $query sql query * @param array $params query parameters * * @return PDOStatement|Doctrine_Adapter_Statement */ public function execute($query, array $params = array()) { try { if ( ! empty($params)) { $stmt = $this->dbh->prepare($query); $stmt->execute($params); return $stmt; } else { return $this->dbh->query($query); } } catch(Doctrine_Adapter_Exception $e) { } catch(PDOException $e) { } $this->rethrowException($e); } /** * exec * @param string $query sql query * @param array $params query parameters * * @return PDOStatement|Doctrine_Adapter_Statement */ public function exec($query, array $params = array()) { try { if ( ! empty($params)) { $stmt = $this->dbh->prepare($query); $stmt->execute($params); return $stmt->rowCount(); } else { return $this->dbh->exec($query); } } catch(Doctrine_Adapter_Exception $e) { } catch(PDOException $e) { } $this->rethrowException($e); } /** * rethrowException * * @throws Doctrine_Connection_Exception */ private function rethrowException(Exception $e) { $name = 'Doctrine_Connection_' . $this->driverName . '_Exception'; $exc = new $name($e->getMessage(), (int) $e->getCode()); if ( ! is_array($e->errorInfo)) { $e->errorInfo = array(null, null, null, null); } $exc->processErrorInfo($e->errorInfo); throw $exc; } /** * hasTable * whether or not this connection has table $name initialized * * @param mixed $name * @return boolean */ public function hasTable($name) { return isset($this->tables[$name]); } /** * returns a table object for given component name * * @param string $name component name * @return object Doctrine_Table */ public function getTable($name, $allowExport = true) { if (isset($this->tables[$name])) { return $this->tables[$name]; } $class = $name . 'Table'; if (class_exists($class) && in_array('Doctrine_Table', class_parents($class))) { $table = new $class($name, $this); } else { $table = new Doctrine_Table($name, $this); } $this->tables[$name] = $table; if ($allowExport) { // the following is an algorithm for loading all // the related tables for all loaded tables $next = count($this->tables); $prev = count($this->exported); $stack = $this->exported; while ($prev < $next) { $prev = count($this->tables); foreach($this->tables as $name => $tableObject) { if (isset($stack[$name])) { continue; } else { $stack[$name] = true; } $tableObject->getRelations(); } $next = count($this->tables); } // when all the tables are loaded we build the array in which the order of the tables is // relationally correct so that then those can be created in the given order) $names = array_keys($this->tables); $names = $this->unitOfWork->buildFlushTree($names); foreach($names as $name) { $tableObject = $this->tables[$name]; if (isset($this->exported[$name])) { continue; } if ($tableObject->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_EXPORT) & Doctrine::EXPORT_TABLES) { $tableObject->export(); } $this->exported[$name] = true; } } return $table; } /** * returns an array of all initialized tables * * @return array */ public function getTables() { return $this->tables; } /** * returns an iterator that iterators through all * initialized table objects * * * foreach ($conn as $index => $table) { * print $table; // get a string representation of each table object * } * * * @return ArrayIterator SPL ArrayIterator object */ public function getIterator() { return new ArrayIterator($this->tables); } /** * returns the count of initialized table objects * * @return integer */ public function count() { return count($this->tables); } /** * addTable * adds a Doctrine_Table object into connection registry * * @param $table a Doctrine_Table object to be added into registry * @return boolean */ public function addTable(Doctrine_Table $table) { $name = $table->getComponentName(); if (isset($this->tables[$name])) { return false; } $this->tables[$name] = $table; return true; } /** * create * creates a record * * create creates a record * @param string $name component name * @return Doctrine_Record Doctrine_Record object */ public function create($name) { return $this->getTable($name)->create(); } /** * flush * saves all the records from all tables * this operation is isolated using a transaction * * @throws PDOException if something went wrong at database level * @return void */ public function flush() { $this->beginTransaction(); $this->unitOfWork->saveAll(); $this->commit(); } /** * clear * clears all repositories * * @return void */ public function clear() { foreach ($this->tables as $k => $table) { $table->getRepository()->evictAll(); $table->clear(); } } /** * evictTables * evicts all tables * * @return void */ public function evictTables() { $this->tables = array(); $this->exported = array(); } /** * close * closes the connection * * @return void */ public function close() { $this->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_LISTENER)->onPreClose($this); $this->clear(); $this->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_LISTENER)->onClose($this); } /** * get the current transaction nesting level * * @return integer */ public function getTransactionLevel() { return $this->transaction->getTransactionLevel(); } /** * beginTransaction * Start a transaction or set a savepoint. * * if trying to set a savepoint and there is no active transaction * a new transaction is being started * * Listeners: onPreTransactionBegin, onTransactionBegin * * @param string $savepoint name of a savepoint to set * @throws Doctrine_Transaction_Exception if the transaction fails at database level * @return integer current transaction nesting level */ public function beginTransaction($savepoint = null) { $this->transaction->beginTransaction($savepoint); } /** * commit * Commit the database changes done during a transaction that is in * progress or release a savepoint. This function may only be called when * auto-committing is disabled, otherwise it will fail. * * Listeners: onPreTransactionCommit, onTransactionCommit * * @param string $savepoint name of a savepoint to release * @throws Doctrine_Transaction_Exception if the transaction fails at PDO level * @throws Doctrine_Validator_Exception if the transaction fails due to record validations * @return boolean false if commit couldn't be performed, true otherwise */ public function commit($savepoint = null) { $this->transaction->commit($savepoint); } /** * rollback * Cancel any database changes done during a transaction or since a specific * savepoint that is in progress. This function may only be called when * auto-committing is disabled, otherwise it will fail. Therefore, a new * transaction is implicitly started after canceling the pending changes. * * this method can be listened with onPreTransactionRollback and onTransactionRollback * eventlistener methods * * @param string $savepoint name of a savepoint to rollback to * @throws Doctrine_Transaction_Exception if the rollback operation fails at database level * @return boolean false if rollback couldn't be performed, true otherwise */ public function rollback($savepoint = null) { $this->transaction->rollback($savepoint); } /** * returns a string representation of this object * @return string */ public function __toString() { return Doctrine_Lib::getConnectionAsString($this); } }