<?php namespace Doctrine\Tests\ORM\Functional\Ticket; /** * @group DDC-2084 */ class DDC2084Test extends \Doctrine\Tests\OrmFunctionalTestCase { public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); try { $this->_schemaTool->createSchema( [ $this->_em->getClassMetadata(__NAMESPACE__ . '\DDC2084\MyEntity1'), $this->_em->getClassMetadata(__NAMESPACE__ . '\DDC2084\MyEntity2'), ] ); } catch (\Exception $exc) { } } public function loadFixture() { $e2 = new DDC2084\MyEntity2('Foo'); $e1 = new DDC2084\MyEntity1($e2); $this->_em->persist($e2); $this->_em->flush(); $this->_em->persist($e1); $this->_em->flush(); $this->_em->clear(); return $e1; } public function testIssue() { $e1 = $this->loadFixture(); $e2 = $e1->getMyEntity2(); $e = $this->_em->find(__NAMESPACE__ . '\DDC2084\MyEntity1', $e2); $this->assertInstanceOf(__NAMESPACE__ . '\DDC2084\MyEntity1', $e); $this->assertInstanceOf(__NAMESPACE__ . '\DDC2084\MyEntity2', $e->getMyEntity2()); $this->assertEquals('Foo', $e->getMyEntity2()->getValue()); } /** * @expectedException \Doctrine\ORM\ORMInvalidArgumentException * @expectedExceptionMessage Binding entities to query parameters only allowed for entities that have an identifier. */ public function testinvalidIdentifierBindingEntityException() { $this->_em->find(__NAMESPACE__ . '\DDC2084\MyEntity1', new DDC2084\MyEntity2('Foo')); } } namespace Doctrine\Tests\ORM\Functional\Ticket\DDC2084; /** * @Entity * @Table(name="DDC2084_ENTITY1") */ class MyEntity1 { /** * @Id * @OneToOne(targetEntity="MyEntity2") * @JoinColumn(name="entity2_id", referencedColumnName="id", nullable=false) */ private $entity2; public function __construct(MyEntity2 $myEntity2) { $this->entity2 = $myEntity2; } public function setMyEntity2(MyEntity2 $myEntity2) { $this->entity2 = $myEntity2; } public function getMyEntity2() { return $this->entity2; } } /** * @Entity * @Table(name="DDC2084_ENTITY2") */ class MyEntity2 { /** * @Id * @Column(type="integer") * @GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO") */ private $id; /** * @Column */ private $value; public function __construct($value) { $this->value = $value; } public function getId() { return $this->id; } public function getValue() { return $this->value; } public function setValue($value) { $this->value = $value; } }