<?php /* * $Id$ * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals * and is licensed under the LGPL. For more information, see * <http://www.phpdoctrine.com>. */ /** * Doctrine_Connection_Transaction * * @package Doctrine ORM * @url www.phpdoctrine.com * @license LGPL */ class Doctrine_Connection_Transaction implements Countable, IteratorAggregate { /** * Doctrine_Connection_Transaction is in open state when it is opened and there are no active transactions */ const STATE_OPEN = 0; /** * Doctrine_Connection_Transaction is in closed state when it is closed */ const STATE_CLOSED = 1; /** * Doctrine_Connection_Transaction is in active state when it has one active transaction */ const STATE_ACTIVE = 2; /** * Doctrine_Connection_Transaction is in busy state when it has multiple active transactions */ const STATE_BUSY = 3; /** * @var Doctrine_Connection $conn the connection object */ private $conn; /** * @see Doctrine_Connection_Transaction::STATE_* constants * @var boolean $state the current state of the connection */ private $state = 0; /** * @var integer $transaction_level the nesting level of transactions, used by transaction methods */ private $transaction_level = 0; /** * @var array $invalid an array containing all invalid records within this transaction */ protected $invalid = array(); /** * @var array $update two dimensional pending update list, the records in * this list will be updated when transaction is committed */ protected $update = array(); /** * @var array $insert two dimensional pending insert list, the records in * this list will be inserted when transaction is committed */ protected $insert = array(); /** * @var array $delete two dimensional pending delete list, the records in * this list will be deleted when transaction is committed */ protected $delete = array(); /** * the constructor * * @param Doctrine_Connection $conn */ public function __construct(Doctrine_Connection $conn) { $this->conn = $conn; $this->state = Doctrine_Connection_Transaction::STATE_OPEN; } /** * returns the state of this connection * * @see Doctrine_Connection_Transaction::STATE_* constants * @return integer the connection state */ public function getState() { return $this->state; } /** * get the current transaction nesting level * * @return integer */ public function getTransactionLevel() { return $this->transaction_level; } /** * beginTransaction * starts a new transaction * if the lockmode is long this starts db level transaction * * @return void */ public function beginTransaction() { if($this->transaction_level == 0) { if($this->conn->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_LOCKMODE) == Doctrine::LOCK_PESSIMISTIC) { $this->conn->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_LISTENER)->onPreTransactionBegin($this->conn); $this->conn->getDBH()->beginTransaction(); $this->conn->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_LISTENER)->onTransactionBegin($this->conn); } $this->state = Doctrine_Connection_Transaction::STATE_ACTIVE; } else { $this->state = Doctrine_Connection_Transaction::STATE_BUSY; } $this->transaction_level++; } /** * commits the current transaction * if lockmode is short this method starts a transaction * and commits it instantly * * @throws Doctrine_Connection_Transaction_Exception if the transaction fails at PDO level * @throws Doctrine_Validator_Exception if the transaction fails due to record validations * @return void */ public function commit() { $this->transaction_level--; if($this->transaction_level == 0) { $this->conn->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_LISTENER)->onPreTransactionCommit($this->conn); if($this->conn->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_LOCKMODE) == Doctrine::LOCK_OPTIMISTIC) { $this->conn->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_LISTENER)->onPreTransactionBegin($this->conn); $this->conn->getDBH()->beginTransaction(); $this->conn->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_LISTENER)->onTransactionBegin($this->conn); } try { $this->bulkDelete(); } catch(Exception $e) { $this->rollback(); throw new Doctrine_Connection_Transaction_Exception($e->__toString()); } if(count($this->invalid) > 0) { $this->rollback(); $tmp = $this->invalid; $this->invalid = array(); throw new Doctrine_Validator_Exception($tmp); } $this->conn->getDBH()->commit(); $this->conn->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_LISTENER)->onTransactionCommit($this->conn); $this->state = Doctrine_Connection_Transaction::STATE_OPEN; $this->invalid = array(); } elseif($this->transaction_level == 1) $this->state = Doctrine_Connection_Transaction::STATE_ACTIVE; } /** * rollback * rolls back all transactions * * this method also listens to onPreTransactionRollback and onTransactionRollback * eventlisteners * * @return void */ public function rollback() { $this->conn->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_LISTENER)->onPreTransactionRollback($this->conn); $this->delete = array(); $this->insert = array(); $this->update = array(); $this->transaction_level = 0; $this->conn->getDBH()->rollback(); $this->state = Doctrine_Connection_Transaction::STATE_OPEN; $this->conn->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_LISTENER)->onTransactionRollback($this->conn); } /** * bulkDelete * deletes all records from the pending delete list * * @return void */ public function bulkDelete() { foreach($this->delete as $name => $deletes) { $record = false; $ids = array(); foreach($deletes as $k => $record) { $ids[] = $record->getIncremented(); $record->assignIdentifier(false); } if($record instanceof Doctrine_Record) { $params = substr(str_repeat("?, ",count($ids)),0,-2); $query = 'DELETE FROM ' . $record->getTable()->getTableName() . ' WHERE ' . $record->getTable()->getIdentifier() . ' IN(' . $params . ')'; $this->conn->execute($query, $ids); } } $this->delete = array(); } /** * updates the given record * * @param Doctrine_Record $record * @return boolean */ public function update(Doctrine_Record $record) { $record->getTable()->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_LISTENER)->onPreUpdate($record); $array = $record->getPrepared(); if(empty($array)) return false; $set = array(); foreach($array as $name => $value): $set[] = $name." = ?"; if($value instanceof Doctrine_Record) { switch($value->getState()): case Doctrine_Record::STATE_TCLEAN: case Doctrine_Record::STATE_TDIRTY: $record->save(); default: $array[$name] = $value->getIncremented(); $record->set($name, $value->getIncremented()); endswitch; } endforeach; $params = array_values($array); $id = $record->obtainIdentifier(); if( ! is_array($id)) $id = array($id); $id = array_values($id); $params = array_merge($params, $id); $sql = "UPDATE ".$record->getTable()->getTableName()." SET ".implode(", ",$set)." WHERE ".implode(" = ? AND ",$record->getTable()->getPrimaryKeys())." = ?"; $stmt = $this->conn->getDBH()->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute($params); $record->assignIdentifier(true); $record->getTable()->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_LISTENER)->onUpdate($record); return true; } /** * inserts a record into database * * @param Doctrine_Record $record * @return boolean */ public function insert(Doctrine_Record $record) { // listen the onPreInsert event $record->getTable()->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_LISTENER)->onPreInsert($record); $array = $record->getPrepared(); if(empty($array)) return false; $table = $record->getTable(); $keys = $table->getPrimaryKeys(); $seq = $record->getTable()->getSequenceName(); if( ! empty($seq)) { $id = $this->getNextID($seq); $name = $record->getTable()->getIdentifier(); $array[$name] = $id; } $strfields = join(", ", array_keys($array)); $strvalues = substr(str_repeat("?, ",count($array)),0,-2); $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$record->getTable()->getTableName()." (".$strfields.") VALUES (".$strvalues.")"; $stmt = $this->conn->getDBH()->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(array_values($array)); if(count($keys) == 1 && $keys[0] == $table->getIdentifier()) { $id = $this->conn->getDBH()->lastInsertID(); if( ! $id) $id = $table->getMaxIdentifier(); $record->assignIdentifier($id); } else $record->assignIdentifier(true); // listen the onInsert event $table->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_LISTENER)->onInsert($record); return true; } /** * adds record into pending insert list * @param Doctrine_Record $record */ public function addInsert(Doctrine_Record $record) { $name = $record->getTable()->getComponentName(); $this->insert[$name][] = $record; } /** * adds record into penging update list * @param Doctrine_Record $record */ public function addUpdate(Doctrine_Record $record) { $name = $record->getTable()->getComponentName(); $this->update[$name][] = $record; } /** * adds record into pending delete list * @param Doctrine_Record $record */ public function addDelete(Doctrine_Record $record) { $name = $record->getTable()->getComponentName(); $this->delete[$name][] = $record; } /** * addInvalid * adds record into invalid records list * * @param Doctrine_Record $record * @return boolean false if record already existed in invalid records list, * otherwise true */ public function addInvalid(Doctrine_Record $record) { if(in_array($record, $this->invalid)) return false; $this->invalid[] = $record; return true; } /** * returns the pending insert list * * @return array */ public function getInserts() { return $this->insert; } /** * returns the pending update list * * @return array */ public function getUpdates() { return $this->update; } /** * returns the pending delete list * * @return array */ public function getDeletes() { return $this->delete; } public function getIterator() { } /** * an alias for getTransactionLevel * * @return integer returns the nesting level of this transaction */ public function count() { return $this->transaction_level; } }