. */ /** * Doctrine_Relation * This class represents a relation between components * * @package Doctrine ORM * @url www.phpdoctrine.com * @license LGPL */ class Doctrine_Relation { /** * RELATION CONSTANTS */ /** * constant for ONE_TO_ONE and MANY_TO_ONE aggregate relationships */ const ONE_AGGREGATE = 0; /** * constant for ONE_TO_ONE and MANY_TO_ONE composite relationships */ const ONE_COMPOSITE = 1; /** * constant for MANY_TO_MANY and ONE_TO_MANY aggregate relationships */ const MANY_AGGREGATE = 2; /** * constant for MANY_TO_MANY and ONE_TO_MANY composite relationships */ const MANY_COMPOSITE = 3; /** * @var Doctrine_Table $table foreign factory */ protected $table; /** * @var string $local local field */ protected $local; /** * @var string $foreign foreign field */ protected $foreign; /** * @var integer $type bind type */ protected $type; /** * @var string $alias relation alias */ protected $alias; /** * @param Doctrine_Table $table * @param string $local * @param string $foreign * @param integer $type * @param string $alias */ public function __construct(Doctrine_Table $table, $local, $foreign, $type, $alias) { $this->table = $table; $this->local = $local; $this->foreign = $foreign; $this->type = $type; $this->alias = $alias; } /** * getAlias * returns the relation alias * * @return string */ final public function getAlias() { return $this->alias; } /** * getType * returns the relation type, either 0 or 1 * * @see Doctrine_Relation MANY_* and ONE_* constants * @return integer */ final public function getType() { return $this->type; } /** * getTable * returns the foreign table object * * @return object Doctrine_Table */ final public function getTable() { return $this->table; } /** * getLocal * returns the name of the local column * * @return string */ final public function getLocal() { return $this->local; } /** * getForeign * returns the name of the foreignkey column where * the localkey column is pointing at * * @return string */ final public function getForeign() { return $this->foreign; } /** * isOneToOne * returns whether or not this relation is a one-to-one relation * * @return boolean */ final public function isOneToOne() { return ($this->type == Doctrine_Relation::ONE_AGGREGATE || $this->type == Doctrine_Relation::ONE_COMPOSITE); } /** * getRelationDql * * @param integer $count * @return string */ public function getRelationDql($count) { $dql = "FROM ".$this->table->getComponentName(). " WHERE ".$this->table->getComponentName(). '.' . $this->foreign. " IN (".substr(str_repeat("?, ", $count),0,-2).")"; return $dql; } /** * getDeleteOperations * * get the records that need to be deleted in order to change the old collection * to the new one * * The algorithm here is very simple and definitely not * the fastest one, since we have to iterate through the collections twice. * the complexity of this algorithm is O(n^2) * * We iterate through the old collection and get the records * that do not exists in the new collection (Doctrine_Records that need to be deleted). */ public static function getDeleteOperations(Doctrine_Collection $old, Doctrine_Collection $new) { $r = array(); foreach($old as $k => $record) { $id = $record->getIncremented(); if(empty($id)) continue; $found = false; foreach($new as $k2 => $record2) { if($record2->getIncremented() === $record->getIncremented()) { $found = true; break; } } if( ! $found) { $r[] = $record; unset($old[$k]); } } return $r; } /** * getInsertOperations * * get the records that need to be added in order to change the old collection * to the new one * * The algorithm here is very simple and definitely not * the fastest one, since we have to iterate through the collections twice. * the complexity of this algorithm is O(n^2) * * We iterate through the old collection and get the records * that exists only in the new collection (Doctrine_Records that need to be added). */ public static function getInsertOperations(Doctrine_Collection $old, Doctrine_Collection $new) { $r = array(); foreach($new as $k => $record) { $found = false; $id = $record->getIncremented(); if( ! empty($id)) { foreach($old as $k2 => $record2) { if($record2->getIncremented() === $record->getIncremented()) { $found = true; break; } } } if( ! $found) { $old[] = $record; $r[] = $record; } } return $r; } /** * __toString * * @return string */ public function __toString() { $r[] = "
        $r[] = "Class       : ".get_class($this);
        $r[] = "Component   : ".$this->table->getComponentName();
        $r[] = "Table       : ".$this->table->getTableName();
        $r[] = "Local key   : ".$this->local;
        $r[] = "Foreign key : ".$this->foreign;
        $r[] = "Type        : ".$this->type;
        $r[] = "
"; return implode("\n", $r); } }