table = $table; $this->local = $local; $this->foreign = $foreign; $this->type = $type; } /** * @see Doctrine_Table::BIND_ONE, Doctrine_Table::BIND_MANY * @return integer bind type 1 or 0 */ public function getType() { return $this->type; } /** * @return object Doctrine_Table foreign factory object */ public function getTable() { return $this->table; } /** * @return string the name of the local column */ public function getLocal() { return $this->local; } /** * @return string the name of the foreign column where * the local column is pointing at */ public function getForeign() { return $this->foreign; } /** * __toString */ public function __toString() { $r[] = "
        $r[] = "Class       : ".get_class($this);
        $r[] = "Component   : ".$this->table->getComponentName();
        $r[] = "Table       : ".$this->table->getTableName();
        $r[] = "Local key   : ".$this->local;
        $r[] = "Foreign key : ".$this->foreign;
        $r[] = "Type        : ".$this->type;
        $r[] = "
"; return implode("\n", $r); } } ?>