session = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getCurrentSession(); $this->setParent($this->session); $this->name = $name; if( ! class_exists($name) || empty($name)) throw new Doctrine_Exception("Couldn't find class $name"); $record = new $name($this); $names = array(); $class = $name; // get parent classes do { if($class == "Doctrine_Record") break; $name = $class; $names[] = $name; } while($class = get_parent_class($class)); // reverse names $names = array_reverse($names); // create database table if(method_exists($record,"setTableDefinition")) { $record->setTableDefinition(); if(isset($this->columns)) { $method = new ReflectionMethod($this->name,"setTableDefinition"); $class = $method->getDeclaringClass(); if( ! isset($this->tableName)) $this->tableName = strtolower($class->getName()); switch(count($this->primaryKeys)): case 0: $this->columns = array_merge(array("id" => array("integer",11,"autoincrement|primary")), $this->columns); $this->primaryKeys[] = "id"; $this->identifier = "id"; $this->identifierType = Doctrine_Identifier::AUTO_INCREMENT; break; default: foreach($this->primaryKeys as $pk) { $o = $this->columns[$pk][2]; $e = explode("|",$o); $found = false; foreach($e as $option) { if($found) break; $e2 = explode(":",$option); switch(strtolower($e2[0])): case "unique": $this->identifierType = Doctrine_Identifier::UNIQUE; $found = true; break; case "autoincrement": $this->identifierType = Doctrine_Identifier::AUTO_INCREMENT; $found = true; break; case "seq": $this->identifierType = Doctrine_Identifier::SEQUENCE; $found = true; break; endswitch; } if( ! isset($this->identifierType)) $this->identifierType = Doctrine_Identifier::NORMAL; $this->identifier = $pk; } endswitch; if($this->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_CREATE_TABLES)) { $dict = new Doctrine_DataDict($this->getSession()->getDBH()); $dict->createTable($this->tableName, $this->columns); } } } else { throw new Doctrine_Exception("Class '$name' has no table definition."); } $record->setUp(); // save parents array_pop($names); $this->parents = $names; $this->query = "SELECT ".implode(", ",array_keys($this->columns))." FROM ".$this->getTableName(); // check if an instance of this table is already initialized if( ! $this->session->addTable($this)) throw new Doctrine_Table_Exception(); $this->initComponents(); } /** * initializes components this table uses * * @return void */ final public function initComponents() { $this->repository = new Doctrine_Repository($this); switch($this->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_CACHE)): case Doctrine::CACHE_SQLITE: $this->cache = new Doctrine_Cache_Sqlite($this); break; case Doctrine::CACHE_NONE: $this->cache = new Doctrine_Cache($this); break; endswitch; } /** * @return Doctrine_Repository */ public function getRepository() { return $this->repository; } /** * setColumn * @param string $name * @param string $type * @param integer $length * @param mixed $options * @return void */ final public function setColumn($name, $type, $length, $options = "") { $this->columns[$name] = array($type,$length,$options); $e = explode("|",$options); if(in_array("primary",$e)) { $this->primaryKeys[] = $name; } } /** * @return mixed */ final public function getIdentifier() { return $this->identifier; } /** * @return integer */ final public function getIdentifierType() { return $this->identifierType; } /** * hasColumn * @return boolean */ final public function hasColumn($name) { return isset($this->columns[$name]); } /** * returns all primary keys * @return array */ final public function getPrimaryKeys() { return $this->primaryKeys; } /** * @return boolean */ final public function hasPrimaryKey($key) { return in_array($key,$this->primaryKeys); } /** * @param $sequence * @return void */ final public function setSequenceName($sequence) { $this->sequenceName = $sequence; } /** * @return string sequence name */ final public function getSequenceName() { return $this->sequenceName; } /** * setInheritanceMap * @param array $inheritanceMap * @return void */ final public function setInheritanceMap(array $inheritanceMap) { $this->inheritanceMap = $inheritanceMap; } /** * @return array inheritance map (array keys as fields) */ final public function getInheritanceMap() { return $this->inheritanceMap; } /** * return all composite paths in the form [component1].[component2]. . .[componentN] * @return array */ final public function getCompositePaths() { $array = array(); $name = $this->getComponentName(); foreach($this->bound as $k=>$a) { try { $fk = $this->getForeignKey($k); switch($fk->getType()): case Doctrine_Relation::ONE_COMPOSITE: case Doctrine_Relation::MANY_COMPOSITE: $n = $fk->getTable()->getComponentName(); $array[] = $name.".".$n; $e = $fk->getTable()->getCompositePaths(); if( ! empty($e)) { foreach($e as $name) { $array[] = $name.".".$n.".".$name; } } break; endswitch; } catch(InvalidKeyException $e) { } } return $array; } /** * returns all bound relations * * @return array */ final public function getBounds() { return $this->bound; } /** * returns a bound relation array * * @param string $name * @return array */ final public function getBound($name) { if( ! isset($this->bound[$name])) throw new InvalidKeyException(); return $this->bound[$name]; } /** * @param string $name * @param string $field * @return void */ final public function bind($name,$field,$type,$localKey) { if(isset($this->relations[$name])) throw new InvalidKeyException(); $e = explode(" as ",$name); $name = $e[0]; if(isset($e[1])) $alias = $e[1]; else $alias = $name; $this->bound[$alias] = array($field,$type,$localKey,$name); } /** * getComponentName * @return string the component name */ final public function getComponentName() { return $this->name; } /** * @return Doctrine_Session */ final public function getSession() { return $this->session; } /** * @return Doctrine_Cache */ final public function getCache() { return $this->cache; } /** * @param string $name component name of which a foreign key object is bound * @return Doctrine_Relation */ final public function getForeignKey($name) { if(isset($this->relations[$name])) return $this->relations[$name]; if(isset($this->bound[$name])) { $type = $this->bound[$name][1]; $local = $this->bound[$name][2]; $e = explode(".",$this->bound[$name][0]); $component = $e[0]; $foreign = $e[1]; $alias = $name; $name = $this->bound[$alias][3]; $table = $this->session->getTable($name); if($component == $this->name || in_array($component, $this->parents)) { // ONE-TO-ONE if($type == Doctrine_Relation::ONE_COMPOSITE || $type == Doctrine_Relation::ONE_AGGREGATE) { if( ! isset($local)) $local = $table->getIdentifier(); $relation = new Doctrine_LocalKey($table,$foreign,$local,$type); } else throw new Doctrine_Mapping_Exception(); } elseif($component == $name || ($component == $alias && $name == $this->name)) { if( ! isset($local)) $local = $this->identifier; // ONE-TO-MANY or ONE-TO-ONE $relation = new Doctrine_ForeignKey($table,$local,$foreign,$type); } else { // MANY-TO-MANY // only aggregate relations allowed if($type != Doctrine_Relation::MANY_AGGREGATE) throw new Doctrine_Mapping_Exception(); $classes = array_merge($this->parents, array($this->name)); foreach($classes as $class) { try { $bound = $table->getBound($class); break; } catch(InvalidKeyException $exc) { } } if( ! isset($local)) $local = $this->identifier; $e2 = explode(".",$bound[0]); if($e2[0] != $component) throw new Doctrine_Mapping_Exception(); $associationTable = $this->session->getTable($e2[0]); $this->relations[$e2[0]] = new Doctrine_ForeignKey($associationTable,$local,$e2[1],Doctrine_Relation::MANY_COMPOSITE); $relation = new Doctrine_Association($table,$associationTable,$e2[1],$foreign,$type); } $this->relations[$alias] = $relation; return $this->relations[$alias]; } else { throw new InvalidKeyException(); } } /** * returns an array containing all foreign key objects * * @return array */ final public function getForeignKeys() { $a = array(); foreach($this->bound as $k=>$v) { $a[$k] = $this->getForeignKey($k); } return $a; } /** * sets the database table name * * @param string $name database table name * @return void */ final public function setTableName($name) { $this->tableName = $name; } /** * returns the database table name * * @return string */ final public function getTableName() { return $this->tableName; } /** * create * creates a new record * * @param $array an array where keys are field names and values representing field values * @return Doctrine_Record */ public function create(array $array = array()) { $this->data = $array; $this->isNewEntry = true; $record = new $this->name($this); $this->isNewEntry = false; $this->data = array(); return $record; } /** * finds a record by its identifier * * @param $id database row id * @throws Doctrine_Find_Exception * @return Doctrine_Record a record for given database identifier */ public function find($id) { if($id !== null) { $query = $this->query." WHERE ".implode(" = ? AND ",$this->primaryKeys)." = ?"; $query = $this->applyInheritance($query); $params = array_merge(array($id), array_values($this->inheritanceMap)); $this->data = $this->session->execute($query,$params)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if($this->data === false) throw new Doctrine_Find_Exception(); } return $this->getRecord(); } /** * applyInheritance * @param $where query where part to be modified * @return string query where part with column aggregation inheritance added */ final public function applyInheritance($where) { if( ! empty($this->inheritanceMap)) { $a = array(); foreach($this->inheritanceMap as $field => $value) { $a[] = $field." = ?"; } $i = implode(" AND ",$a); $where .= " AND $i"; } return $where; } /** * findAll * returns a collection of records * * @return Doctrine_Collection */ public function findAll() { $graph = new Doctrine_Query($this->session); $users = $graph->query("FROM ".$this->name); return $users; } /** * findBySql * finds records with given sql where clause * returns a collection of records * * @param string $sql SQL after WHERE clause * @param array $params query parameters * @return Doctrine_Collection */ public function findBySql($sql, array $params = array()) { $q = new Doctrine_Query($this->session); $users = $q->query("FROM ".$this->name." WHERE ".$sql, $params); return $users; } /** * clear * clears the first level cache (identityMap) * * @return void */ public function clear() { $this->identityMap = array(); } /** * getRecord * first checks if record exists in identityMap, if not * returns a new record * * @return Doctrine_Record */ public function getRecord() { $key = $this->getIdentifier(); if(isset($this->data[$key])) { $id = $this->data[$key]; if(isset($this->identityMap[$id])) $record = $this->identityMap[$id]; else { $record = new $this->name($this); $this->identityMap[$id] = $record; } $this->data = array(); return $record; } throw new Doctrine_Exception("No primary key found"); } /** * @param $id database row id * @throws Doctrine_Find_Exception * @return DAOProxy a proxy for given identifier */ final public function getProxy($id = null) { if($id !== null) { $query = "SELECT ".implode(", ",$this->primaryKeys)." FROM ".$this->getTableName()." WHERE ".implode(" = ? && ",$this->primaryKeys)." = ?"; $query = $this->applyInheritance($query); $params = array_merge(array($id), array_values($this->inheritanceMap)); $this->data = $this->session->execute($query,$params)->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if($this->data === false) throw new Doctrine_Find_Exception(); } return $this->getRecord(); } /** * getTableDescription * @return Doctrine_Table_Description */ final public function getTableDescription() { return $this->columns; } /** * @return Doctrine_Query a Doctrine_Query object */ public function getQueryObject() { $graph = new Doctrine_Query($this->getSession()); $graph->load($this->getComponentName()); return $graph; } /** * execute * @param string $query * @param array $array * @param integer $limit * @param integer $offset */ public function execute($query, array $array = array(), $limit = null, $offset = null) { $coll = new Doctrine_Collection($this); $query = $this->session->modifyLimitQuery($query,$limit,$offset); if( ! empty($array)) { $stmt = $this->session->getDBH()->prepare($query); $stmt->execute($array); } else { $stmt = $this->session->getDBH()->query($query); } $data = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $stmt->closeCursor(); foreach($data as $row) { $this->data = $row; $record = $this->getRecord(); $coll->add($record); } return $coll; } /** * returns all columns and their definitions * * @return array */ final public function getColumns() { return $this->columns; } /** * returns an array containing all the column names * * @return array */ public function getColumnNames() { return array_keys($this->columns); } /** * setData * doctrine uses this function internally * users are strongly discouraged to use this function * * @param array $data internal data * @return void */ public function setData(array $data) { $this->data = $data; } /** * returns the maximum primary key value * * @return integer */ final public function getMaxIdentifier() { $sql = "SELECT MAX(".$this->getIdentifier().") FROM ".$this->getTableName(); $stmt = $this->session->getDBH()->query($sql); $data = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM); return isset($data[0])?$data[0]:1; } /** * return whether or not a newly created object is new or not * * @return boolean */ final public function isNewEntry() { return $this->isNewEntry; } /** * returns simple cached query * * @return string */ final public function getQuery() { return $this->query; } /** * returns internal data, used by Doctrine_Record instances * when retrieving data from database * * @return array */ final public function getData() { return $this->data; } /** * returns a string representation of this object * * @return string */ public function __toString() { return Doctrine_Lib::getTableAsString($this); } } ?>