<?php /* * This file is part of the sfDoctrine package. * (c) 2006-2007 Olivier Verdier <Olivier.Verdier@gmail.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ /** * @package symfony.plugins * @subpackage sfDoctrine * @author Olivier Verdier <Olivier.Verdier@gmail.com> * @version SVN: $Id: sfDoctrineRecord.class.php 4563 2007-07-09 22:16:05Z Jonathan.Wage $ */ class sfDoctrineRecord extends Doctrine_Record { public function __toString() { // if the current object doesn't exist we return nothing if (!$this->exists()) { return '-'; } // we try to guess a column which would give a good description of the object foreach (array('name', 'title', 'description', 'id') as $descriptionColumn) { if ($this->getTable()->hasColumn($descriptionColumn)) { return $this->get($descriptionColumn); } } return sprintf('No description for object of class "%s"', $this->getTable()->getComponentName()); } // FIXME: All code should be updated to use the new identifier() method directly public function obtainIdentifier() { return $this->identifier(); } public function set($name, $value, $load = true) { // ucfirst() is used instead of camelize() to be compatible with older version of Doctrine $filterMethod = 'filterSet'.ucfirst($name); if (method_exists($this, $filterMethod)) { $value = $this->$filterMethod($value); } $setterMethod = 'set'.sfInflector::camelize($name); return method_exists($this, $setterMethod) ? $this->$setterMethod($value) : parent::set($name, $value, $load); } public function get($name, $load = true) { $getterMethod = 'get'.sfInflector::camelize($name); $value = method_exists($this, $getterMethod) ? $this->$getterMethod() : parent::get($name, $load); // ucfirst() is used instead of camelize() to be compatible with older version of Doctrine $filterMethod = 'filterGet'.ucfirst($name); if (method_exists($this, $filterMethod)) { $value = $this->$filterMethod($value); } return $value; } function rawSet($name, $value, $load = true) { return parent::set($name, $value, $load); } function rawGet($name) { return parent::rawGet($name); } public function __call($m, $a) { $verb = substr($m, 0, 3); if ($verb == 'set' || $verb == 'get') { $camelColumn = substr($m, 3); if (in_array($camelColumn, array_keys($this->getTable()->getRelations()))) { // the column is actually a class name $column = $camelColumn; } else { // the relation was not found $column = sfInflector::underscore($camelColumn); } if ($verb == 'get') { return $this->get($column); } else // $verb must be 'set'... { return $this->set($column, $a[0]); } } throw new sfDoctrineException(sprintf('Method "%s" is not defined in class "%s"', $m, get_class($this))); } // added for compatibility with the _get_options_from_objects helper public function getPrimaryKey() { return $this->obtainIdentifier(); } // to check for the existence of a record public function has($name) { return $this->get($name)->exists(); } // Hook to update created_at and updated_at fields on record insert public function preInsert($event) { // Set created_at and update_at to now, if they exist in this record $now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); if ($this->getTable()->hasColumn('created_at')) { $this->rawSet('created_at', $now); } if ($this->getTable()->hasColumn('updated_at')) { $this->rawSet('updated_at', $now); } } // Hook to update updated_at field on record update public function preUpdate($event) { // Set update_at to now, if it exists in this record $now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); if ($this->getTable()->hasColumn('updated_at')) { $this->rawSet('updated_at', $now); } } }