createParser('Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser'); $this->assertEquals('Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser', $parser->AbstractSchemaName()); } /** * @covers Doctrine\ORM\Query\Parser::AbstractSchemaName * @group DDC-3715 */ public function testAbstractSchemaNameSupportsClassnamesWithLeadingBackslash() { $parser = $this->createParser('\Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser'); $this->assertEquals('\Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser', $parser->AbstractSchemaName()); } /** * @covers \Doctrine\ORM\Query\Parser::AbstractSchemaName * @group DDC-3715 */ public function testAbstractSchemaNameSupportsIdentifier() { $parser = $this->createParser('stdClass'); $this->assertEquals('stdClass', $parser->AbstractSchemaName()); } /** * @covers \Doctrine\ORM\Query\Parser::AbstractSchemaName * @group DDC-3715 */ public function testAbstractSchemaNameSupportsNamespaceAlias() { $parser = $this->createParser('CMS:CmsUser'); $parser->getEntityManager()->getConfiguration()->addEntityNamespace('CMS', 'Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS'); $this->assertEquals('Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser', $parser->AbstractSchemaName()); } /** * @covers \Doctrine\ORM\Query\Parser::AbstractSchemaName * @group DDC-3715 */ public function testAbstractSchemaNameSupportsNamespaceAliasWithRelativeClassname() { $parser = $this->createParser('Model:CMS\CmsUser'); $parser->getEntityManager()->getConfiguration()->addEntityNamespace('Model', 'Doctrine\Tests\Models'); $this->assertEquals('Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser', $parser->AbstractSchemaName()); } /** * @dataProvider validMatches * @covers Doctrine\ORM\Query\Parser::match * @group DDC-3701 */ public function testMatch($expectedToken, $inputString) { $parser = $this->createParser($inputString); $parser->match($expectedToken); // throws exception if not matched $this->addToAssertionCount(1); } /** * @dataProvider invalidMatches * @covers Doctrine\ORM\Query\Parser::match * @group DDC-3701 */ public function testMatchFailure($expectedToken, $inputString) { $this->expectException(QueryException::class); $parser = $this->createParser($inputString); $parser->match($expectedToken); } public function validMatches() { /* * This only covers the special case handling in the Parser that some * tokens that are *not* T_IDENTIFIER are accepted as well when matching * identifiers. * * The basic checks that tokens are classified correctly do not belong here * but in LexerTest. */ return [ [Lexer::T_WHERE, 'where'], // keyword [Lexer::T_DOT, '.'], // token that cannot be an identifier [Lexer::T_IDENTIFIER, 'someIdentifier'], [Lexer::T_IDENTIFIER, 'from'], // also a terminal string (the "FROM" keyword) as in DDC-505 [Lexer::T_IDENTIFIER, 'comma'] // not even a terminal string, but the name of a constant in the Lexer (whitebox test) ]; } public function invalidMatches() { return [ [Lexer::T_DOT, 'ALL'], // ALL is a terminal string (reserved keyword) and also possibly an identifier [Lexer::T_DOT, ','], // "," is a token on its own, but cannot be used as identifier [Lexer::T_WHERE, 'WITH'], // as in DDC-3697 [Lexer::T_WHERE, '.'], // The following are qualified or aliased names and must not be accepted where only an Identifier is expected [Lexer::T_IDENTIFIER, '\\Some\\Class'], [Lexer::T_IDENTIFIER, 'Some\\Class'], [Lexer::T_IDENTIFIER, 'Some:Name'], ]; } private function createParser($dql) { $query = new Query($this->_getTestEntityManager()); $query->setDQL($dql); $parser = new Parser($query); $parser->getLexer()->moveNext(); return $parser; } }