 *  $Id$
 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals
 * and is licensed under the LGPL. For more information, see
 * <http://www.phpdoctrine.org>.

#namespace Doctrine\ORM\Mapping;

#use \Serializable;
#use Doctrine\Common\ClassMetadata;

 * A <tt>ClassMetadata</tt> instance holds all the information (metadata) of an entity and
 * it's associations and how they're mapped to a relational database.
 * It is the backbone of Doctrine's metadata mapping.
 * @author Roman Borschel <roman@code-factory.org>
 * @since 2.0
 * @todo Rename to ClassDescriptor.
class Doctrine_ORM_Mapping_ClassMetadata extends Doctrine_Common_ClassMetadata
        implements Doctrine_Common_Configurable, Serializable
    /* The inheritance mapping types */
     * NONE means the class does not participate in an inheritance hierarchy
     * and therefore does not need an inheritance mapping type.
    const INHERITANCE_TYPE_NONE = 'none';
     * JOINED means the class will be persisted according to the rules of
     * <tt>Class Table Inheritance</tt>.
    const INHERITANCE_TYPE_JOINED = 'joined';
     * SINGLE_TABLE means the class will be persisted according to the rules of
     * <tt>Single Table Inheritance</tt>.
    const INHERITANCE_TYPE_SINGLE_TABLE = 'singleTable';
     * TABLE_PER_CLASS means the class will be persisted according to the rules
     * of <tt>Concrete Table Inheritance</tt>.
    const INHERITANCE_TYPE_TABLE_PER_CLASS = 'tablePerClass';
    /* The Id generator types. */
     * AUTO means the generator type will depend on what the used platform prefers.
     * Offers full portability.
    const GENERATOR_TYPE_AUTO = 'auto';
     * SEQUENCE means a separate sequence object will be used. Platforms that do
     * not have native sequence support may emulate it. Full portability is currently
     * not guaranteed.
    const GENERATOR_TYPE_SEQUENCE = 'sequence';
     * TABLE means a separate table is used for id generation.
     * Offers full portability.
    const GENERATOR_TYPE_TABLE = 'table';
     * IDENTITY means an identity column is used for id generation. The database
     * will fill in the id column on insertion. Platforms that do not support
     * native identity columns may emulate them. Full portability is currently
     * not guaranteed.
    const GENERATOR_TYPE_IDENTITY = 'identity';
     * NONE means the class does not have a generated id. That means the class
     * must have a natural id.
    const GENERATOR_TYPE_NONE = 'none';
    /* The Entity types */
     * A regular entity is assumed to have persistent state that Doctrine should manage.
    const ENTITY_TYPE_REGULAR = 'regular';
     * A transient entity is ignored by Doctrine (so ... it's not an entity really).
    const ENTITY_TYPE_TRANSIENT = 'transient';
     * A mapped superclass entity is itself not persisted by Doctrine but it's
     * field & association mappings are inherited by subclasses.
    const ENTITY_TYPE_MAPPED_SUPERCLASS = 'mappedSuperclass';

     * The name of the entity class that is at the root of the entity inheritance
     * hierarchy. If the entity is not part of an inheritance hierarchy this is the same
     * as $_entityName.
     * @var string
    protected $_rootEntityName;

     * The name of the custom repository class used for the entity class.
     * (Optional).
     * @var string
    protected $_customRepositoryClassName;

     * The names of the parent classes (ancestors).
     * @var array
    protected $_parentClasses = array();

     * The names of all subclasses.
     * @var array
    protected $_subClasses = array();

     * The field names of all fields that are part of the identifier/primary key
     * of the described entity class.
     * @var array
    protected $_identifier = array();
     * The inheritance mapping type used by the class.
     * @var integer
    protected $_inheritanceType = self::INHERITANCE_TYPE_NONE;
     * The Id generator type used by the class.
     * @var string
    protected $_generatorType = self::GENERATOR_TYPE_NONE;
     * The field mappings of the class.
     * Keys are field names and values are mapping definitions.
     * The mapping definition array has the following values:
     * - <b>fieldName</b> (string)
     * The name of the field in the Entity. 
     * - <b>type</b> (object Doctrine::DBAL::Types::* or custom type)
     * The database type of the column. Can be one of Doctrine's portable types
     * or a custom type.
     * - <b>columnName</b> (string, optional)
     * The column name. Optional. Defaults to the field name.
     * - <b>length</b> (integer, optional)
     * The database length of the column. Optional. Default value taken from
     * the type.
     * - <b>id</b> (boolean, optional)
     * Marks the field as the primary key of the Entity. Multiple fields of an
     * entity can have the id attribute, forming a composite key.
     * - <b>idGenerator</b> (string, optional)
     * Either: idGenerator => 'nameOfGenerator', usually only for TABLE/SEQUENCE generators
     * Or: idGenerator => 'identity' or 'auto' or 'table' or 'sequence'
     * Note that 'auto', 'table', 'sequence' and 'identity' are reserved names and
     * therefore cant be used as a generator name!
     * - <b>nullable</b> (boolean, optional)
     * Whether the column is nullable. Defaults to TRUE.
     * - <b>columnDefinition</b> (string, optional, schema-only)
     * The SQL fragment that is used when generating the DDL for the column.
     * - <b>precision</b> (integer, optional, schema-only)
     * The precision of a decimal column. Only valid if the column type is decimal.
     * - <b>scale</b> (integer, optional, schema-only)
     * The scale of a decimal column. Only valid if the column type is decimal.
     * - <b>index (string, optional, schema-only)</b>
     * Whether an index should be generated for the column.
     * The value specifies the name of the index. To create a multi-column index,
     * just use the same name for several mappings.
     * - <b>unique (string, optional, schema-only)</b>
     * Whether a unique constraint should be generated for the column.
     * The value specifies the name of the unique constraint. To create a multi-column 
     * unique constraint, just use the same name for several mappings.
     * - <b>foreignKey (string, optional, schema-only)</b>
     * @var array
    protected $_fieldMappings = array();
     * An array of field names. used to look up field names from column names.
     * Keys are column names and values are field names.
     * This is the reverse lookup map of $_columnNames.
     * @var array
    protected $_fieldNames = array();

     * An array of column names. Keys are field names and values column names.
     * Used to look up column names from field names.
     * This is the reverse lookup map of $_fieldNames.
     * @var array
    protected $_columnNames = array();
     * Map that maps lowercased column names to field names.
     * Mainly used during hydration because Doctrine enforces PDO_CASE_LOWER
     * for portability.
     * @var array
    protected $_lcColumnToFieldNames = array();

     * Inheritance options.
    protected $_inheritanceOptions = array(
    // JOINED & TABLE_PER_CLASS options
            'discriminatorColumn' => null,
            'discriminatorMap'    => array(),
    // JOINED options
            'joinSubclasses'      => true

     * Specific options that can be set for the database table the class is mapped to.
     * Some of them are dbms specific and they are only used if the table is generated
     * by Doctrine (NOT when using Migrations).
     *      -- type                         table type (mysql example: INNODB)
     *      -- charset                      character set
     *      -- collate                    collation attribute
    protected $_tableOptions = array(
        'tableName' => null,
        'type' => null,
        'charset' => null,
        'collate' => null
     * The cached lifecycle listeners. There is only one instance of each
     * listener class at any time.
     * @var array
    protected $_lifecycleListenerInstances = array();

     * The registered lifecycle callbacks for Entities of this class.
     * @var array
    protected $_lifecycleCallbacks = array();
     * The registered lifecycle listeners for Entities of this class.
     * @var array
    protected $_lifecycleListeners = array();
     * The association mappings. All mappings, inverse and owning side.
     * @var array
    protected $_associationMappings = array();
     * List of inverse association mappings, indexed by mappedBy field name.
     * @var array
    protected $_inverseMappings = array();
     * Flag indicating whether the identifier/primary key of the class is composite.
     * @var boolean
    protected $_isIdentifierComposite = false;

    protected $_reflectionClass;
    protected $_reflectionProperties;

     * Constructs a new ClassMetadata instance.
     * @param string $entityName  Name of the entity class the metadata info is used for.
    public function __construct($entityName)
        $this->_rootEntityName = $entityName;
        $this->_reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass($entityName);
        $reflectionProps = $this->_reflectionClass->getProperties();
        foreach ($reflectionProps as $prop) {
            $this->_reflectionProperties[$prop->getName()] = $prop;
        //$this->_isVirtualPropertyObject = is_subclass_of($entityName, 'Doctrine\Common\VirtualPropertyObject');

    public function getReflectionClass()
        return $this->_reflectionClass;

    public function getReflectionProperties()
        return $this->_reflectionProperties;

    public function getReflectionProperty($name)
        return $this->_reflectionProperties[$name];

     * getComponentName
     * @return string
    public function getClassName()
        return $this->_entityName;

     * Gets the name of the root class of the entity hierarchy. If the entity described
     * by the ClassMetadata is not participating in a hierarchy, this is the same as the
     * name returned by {@link getClassName()}.
     * @return string
    public function getRootClassName()
        return $this->_rootEntityName;

     * Checks whether a field is part of the identifier/primary key field(s).
     * @param string $fieldName  The field name
     * @return boolean  TRUE if the field is part of the table identifier/primary key field(s),
     *                  FALSE otherwise.
    public function isIdentifier($fieldName)
        if ( ! $this->_isIdentifierComposite) {
            return $fieldName === $this->_identifier[0];
        return in_array($fieldName, $this->_identifier);

     * Check if the class has a composite identifier.
     * @param string $fieldName  The field name
     * @return boolean  TRUE if the identifier is composite, FALSE otherwise.
    public function isIdentifierComposite()
        return $this->_isIdentifierComposite;

     * Check if the field is unique.
     * @param string $fieldName  The field name
     * @return boolean  TRUE if the field is unique, FALSE otherwise.
    public function isUniqueField($fieldName)
        $mapping = $this->getFieldMapping($fieldName);

        if ($mapping !== false) {
            return isset($mapping['unique']) && $mapping['unique'] == true;

        return false;

     * Check if the field is not null.
     * @param string $fieldName  The field name
     * @return boolean  TRUE if the field is not null, FALSE otherwise.
    public function isNotNull($fieldName)
        $mapping = $this->getFieldMapping($fieldName);
        if ($mapping !== false) {
            return isset($mapping['notnull']) && $mapping['notnull'] == true;

        return false;

     * Sets a table option.
    public function setTableOption($name, $value)
        if ( ! array_key_exists($name, $this->_tableOptions)) {
            throw new Doctrine_ClassMetadata_Exception("Unknown table option: '$name'.");
        $this->_tableOptions[$name] = $value;

     * Gets a table option.
    public function getTableOption($name)
        if ( ! array_key_exists($name, $this->_tableOptions)) {
            throw new Doctrine_ClassMetadata_Exception("Unknown table option: '$name'.");

        return $this->_tableOptions[$name];

     * getTableOptions
     * returns all table options.
     * @return array    all options and their values
    public function getTableOptions()
        return $this->_tableOptions;

     * Gets a column name for a field name.
     * If the column name for the field cannot be found, the given field name
     * is returned.
     * @param string $alias  The field name.
     * @return string  The column name.
    public function getColumnName($fieldName)
        return isset($this->_columnNames[$fieldName]) ?
                $this->_columnNames[$fieldName] : $fieldName;

     * Gets the mapping of a (regular) fields that holds some data but not a
     * reference to another object.
     * @param string $fieldName  The field name.
     * @return array  The mapping.
    public function getFieldMapping($fieldName)
        if ( ! isset($this->_fieldMappings[$fieldName])) {
            throw Doctrine_MappingException::mappingNotFound($fieldName);
        return $this->_fieldMappings[$fieldName];
     * Gets the mapping of an association.
     * @param string $fieldName  The field name that represents the association in
     *                           the object model.
     * @return Doctrine::ORM::Mapping::AssociationMapping  The mapping.
    public function getAssociationMapping($fieldName)
        if ( ! isset($this->_associationMappings[$fieldName])) {
            throw new Doctrine_Exception("Mapping not found: $fieldName");
        return $this->_associationMappings[$fieldName];
     * Gets the inverse association mapping for the given fieldname.
     * @param string $mappedByFieldName
     * @return Doctrine::ORM::Mapping::AssociationMapping The mapping.
    public function getInverseAssociationMapping($mappedByFieldName)
        if ( ! isset($this->_associationMappings[$fieldName])) {
            throw Doctrine_MappingException::mappingNotFound($fieldName);
        return $this->_inverseMappings[$mappedByFieldName];
     * Whether the class has an inverse association mapping on the given fieldname.
     * @param string $mappedByFieldName
     * @return boolean
    public function hasInverseAssociationMapping($mappedByFieldName)
        return isset($this->_inverseMappings[$mappedByFieldName]);
     * Gets all association mappings of the class.
     * @return array
    public function getAssociationMappings()
        return $this->_associationMappings;
     * Gets all association mappings of the class.
     * Alias for getAssociationMappings().
     * @return array
    public function getAssociations()
        return $this->_associationMappings;

     * Gets the field name for a column name.
     * If no field name can be found the column name is returned.
     * @param string $columnName    column name
     * @return string               column alias
    public function getFieldName($columnName)
        return isset($this->_fieldNames[$columnName]) ?
                $this->_fieldNames[$columnName] : $columnName;
     * Gets the field name for a completely lowercased column name.
     * Mainly used during hydration.
     * @param string $lcColumnName
     * @return string
     * @todo Better name.
    public function getFieldNameForLowerColumnName($lcColumnName)
        return isset($this->_lcColumnToFieldNames[$lcColumnName]) ?
                $this->_lcColumnToFieldNames[$lcColumnName] : $lcColumnName;

     * @param <type> $lcColumnName
     * @return <type> 
    public function hasLowerColumn($lcColumnName)
        return isset($this->_lcColumnToFieldNames[$lcColumnName]);
     * Adds a field mapping.
     * @param array $mapping
    public function mapField(array $mapping)
        $mapping = $this->_validateAndCompleteFieldMapping($mapping);
        if (isset($this->_fieldMappings[$mapping['fieldName']])) {
            throw Doctrine_MappingException::duplicateFieldMapping();
        $this->_fieldMappings[$mapping['fieldName']] = $mapping;
     * Validates & completes the field mapping. Default values are applied here.
     * @param array $mapping  The field mapping to validated & complete.
     * @return array  The validated and completed field mapping.
    private function _validateAndCompleteFieldMapping(array $mapping)
        // Check mandatory fields
        if ( ! isset($mapping['fieldName'])) {
            throw Doctrine_MappingException::missingFieldName();
        if ( ! isset($mapping['type'])) {
            throw Doctrine_MappingException::missingType();
        // Complete fieldName and columnName mapping
        if ( ! isset($mapping['columnName'])) {
            $mapping['columnName'] = $mapping['fieldName'];
        $lcColumnName = strtolower($mapping['columnName']);

        $this->_columnNames[$mapping['fieldName']] = $mapping['columnName'];
        $this->_fieldNames[$mapping['columnName']] = $mapping['fieldName'];
        $this->_lcColumnToFieldNames[$lcColumnName] = $mapping['fieldName'];
        // Complete id mapping
        if (isset($mapping['id']) && $mapping['id'] === true) {
            if ( ! in_array($mapping['fieldName'], $this->_identifier)) {
                $this->_identifier[] = $mapping['fieldName'];
            if (isset($mapping['idGenerator'])) {
                if ( ! $this->_isIdGeneratorType($mapping['idGenerator'])) {
                    //TODO: check if the idGenerator specifies an existing generator by name
                    throw Doctrine_MappingException::invalidGeneratorType($mapping['generatorType']);
                } else if (count($this->_identifier) > 1) {
                    throw Doctrine_MappingException::generatorNotAllowedWithCompositeId();
                $this->_generatorType = $mapping['idGenerator'];
            // TODO: validate/complete 'tableGenerator' and 'sequenceGenerator' mappings
            // Check for composite key
            if ( ! $this->_isIdentifierComposite && count($this->_identifier) > 1) {
                $this->_isIdentifierComposite = true;
        return $mapping;
     * @todo Implementation of Optimistic Locking.
    public function mapVersionField(array $mapping)
     * Overrides an existant field mapping.
     * Used i.e. by Entity classes deriving from another Entity class that acts
     * as a mapped superclass to refine the basic mapping.
     * @param array $newMapping
     * @todo Implementation.
    public function overrideFieldMapping(array $newMapping)
     * Maps an embedded value object.
     * @todo Implementation.
    public function mapEmbeddedValue()

    private $_entityIdentifiers = array();
     * Gets the identifier of an entity.
     * @param object $entity
     * @return array Map of identifier field names to values.
    public function getEntityIdentifier($entity)
        $oid = spl_object_id($entity);
        if ( ! isset($this->_entityIdentifiers[$oid])) {
            if ( ! $this->isIdentifierComposite()) {
                $idField = $this->_identifier[0];
                $idValue = $this->_reflectionProperties[$idField]->getValue($entity);
                if (isset($idValue)) {
                    //return array($idField => $idValue);
                    $this->_entityIdentifiers[$oid] = array($idField => $idValue);
                } else {
                    return false;
                //$this->_entityIdentifiers[$oid] = false;
            } else {
                $id = array();
                foreach ($this->getIdentifierFieldNames() as $idFieldName) {
                    $idValue = $this->_reflectionProperties[$idFieldName]->getValue($entity);
                    if (isset($idValue)) {
                        $id[$idFieldName] = $idValue;
                //return $id;
                $this->_entityIdentifiers[$oid] = $id;
        return $this->_entityIdentifiers[$oid];

     * @param <type> $entity
     * @param <type> $identifier
    public function setEntityIdentifier($entity, $identifier)
        if (is_array($identifier)) {
            foreach ($identifier as $fieldName => $value) {
                $this->_reflectionProperties[$fieldName]->setValue($entity, $value);
        } else {
            $this->_reflectionProperties[$this->_identifier[0]]->setValue($entity, $identifier);

     * Gets the identifier (primary key) field names of the class.
     * @return mixed
     * @deprecated Use getIdentifierFieldNames()
    public function getIdentifier()
        return $this->_identifier;

     * Gets the identifier (primary key) field names of the class.
     * @return mixed
    public function getIdentifierFieldNames()
        return $this->_identifier;
     * Gets the name of the single id field. Note that this only works on
     * entity classes that have a single-field pk.
     * @return string
    public function getSingleIdentifierFieldName()
        if ($this->_isIdentifierComposite) {
            throw new Doctrine_Exception("Calling getSingleIdentifierFieldName "
                    . "on a class that uses a composite identifier is not allowed.");
        return $this->_identifier[0];

    public function setIdentifier(array $identifier)
        $this->_identifier = $identifier;

     * Checks whether the class has a (mapped) field with a certain name.
     * @return boolean
    public function hasField($fieldName)
        return isset($this->_columnNames[$fieldName]);
     * Gets all field mappings.
     * @return array
    public function getFieldMappings()
        return $this->_fieldMappings;

     * Gets an array containing all the column names.
     * @return array
    public function getColumnNames(array $fieldNames = null)
        if ($fieldNames === null) {
            return array_keys($this->_fieldNames);
        } else {
            $columnNames = array();
            foreach ($fieldNames as $fieldName) {
                $columnNames[] = $this->getColumnName($fieldName);
            return $columnNames;

     * Returns an array with all the identifier column names.
     * @return array
    public function getIdentifierColumnNames()
        return $this->getColumnNames((array) $this->getIdentifier());

     * Returns an array containing all the field names.
     * @return array
    public function getFieldNames()
        return array_values($this->_fieldNames);
     * Gets the Id generator type used by the class.
     * @return string
    public function getIdGeneratorType()
        return $this->_generatorType;

     * Sets the type of Id generator to use for this class.
    public function setIdGeneratorType($generatorType)
        $this->_generatorType = $generatorType;
     * Checks whether the class uses an Id generator.
     * @return boolean  TRUE if the class uses an Id generator, FALSE otherwise.
    public function usesIdGenerator()
        return $this->_generatorType != self::GENERATOR_TYPE_NONE;

     * @return <type> 
    public function isInheritanceTypeNone()
        return $this->_inheritanceType == self::INHERITANCE_TYPE_NONE;
     * Checks whether the mapped class uses the JOINED inheritance mapping strategy.
     * @return boolean TRUE if the class participates in a JOINED inheritance mapping,
     *                 FALSE otherwise.
    public function isInheritanceTypeJoined()
        return $this->_inheritanceType == self::INHERITANCE_TYPE_JOINED;
     * Checks whether the mapped class uses the SINGLE_TABLE inheritance mapping strategy.
     * @return boolean TRUE if the class participates in a SINGLE_TABLE inheritance mapping,
     *                 FALSE otherwise.
    public function isInheritanceTypeSingleTable()
        return $this->_inheritanceType == self::INHERITANCE_TYPE_SINGLE_TABLE;
     * Checks whether the mapped class uses the TABLE_PER_CLASS inheritance mapping strategy.
     * @return boolean TRUE if the class participates in a TABLE_PER_CLASS inheritance mapping,
     *                 FALSE otherwise.
    public function isInheritanceTypeTablePerClass()
        return $this->_inheritanceType == self::INHERITANCE_TYPE_TABLE_PER_CLASS;
     * Checks whether the class uses an identity column for the Id generation.
     * @return boolean TRUE if the class uses the IDENTITY generator, FALSE otherwise.
    public function isIdGeneratorIdentity()
        return $this->_generatorType == self::GENERATOR_TYPE_IDENTITY;
     * Checks whether the class uses a sequence for id generation.
     * @return boolean TRUE if the class uses the SEQUENCE generator, FALSE otherwise.
    public function isIdGeneratorSequence()
        return $this->_generatorType == self::GENERATOR_TYPE_SEQUENCE;
     * Checks whether the class uses a table for id generation.
     * @return boolean  TRUE if the class uses the TABLE generator, FALSE otherwise.
    public function isIdGeneratorTable()
        $this->_generatorType == self::GENERATOR_TYPE_TABLE;
     * Checks whether the class has a natural identifier/pk (which means it does
     * not use any Id generator.
     * @return boolean
    public function isIdentifierNatural()
        return $this->_generatorType == self::GENERATOR_TYPE_NONE;
     * Gets the type of a field.
     * @param string $fieldName
     * @return string
    public function getTypeOfField($fieldName)
        return isset($this->_fieldMappings[$fieldName]) ?
                $this->_fieldMappings[$fieldName]['type'] : false;

     * getTypeOfColumn
     * @return mixed  The column type or FALSE if the type cant be determined.
    public function getTypeOfColumn($columnName)
        return $this->getTypeOfField($this->getFieldName($columnName));

     * Gets the (maximum) length of a field.
    public function getFieldLength($fieldName)
        return $this->_fieldMappings[$fieldName]['length'];

     * getTableName
     * @return void
    public function getTableName()
        return $this->getTableOption('tableName');

    public function getInheritedFields()


     * Adds a named query.
     * @param string $name  The name under which the query gets registered.
     * @param string $query The DQL query.
     * @todo Implementation.
    public function addNamedQuery($name, $query)

     * Gets the inheritance mapping type used by the class.
     * @return string
    public function getInheritanceType()
        return $this->_inheritanceType;

     * Sets the subclasses of the class.
     * All entity classes that participate in a hierarchy and have subclasses
     * need to declare them this way.
     * @param array $subclasses  The names of all subclasses.
    public function setSubclasses(array $subclasses)
        $this->_subClasses = $subclasses;

     * Gets the names of all subclasses.
     * @return array  The names of all subclasses.
    public function getSubclasses()
        return $this->_subClasses;

     * Checks whether the class has any persistent subclasses.
     * @return boolean TRUE if the class has one or more persistent subclasses, FALSE otherwise.
    public function hasSubclasses()
        return ! $this->_subClasses;

     * Gets the names of all parent classes.
     * @return array  The names of all parent classes.
    public function getParentClasses()
        return $this->_parentClasses;

     * Sets the parent class names.
     * Assumes that the class names in the passed array are in the order:
     * directParent -> directParentParent -> directParentParentParent ... -> root.
    public function setParentClasses(array $classNames)
        $this->_parentClasses = $classNames;
        if (count($classNames) > 0) {
            $this->_rootEntityName = array_pop($classNames);

     * Checks whether the class has any persistent parent classes.
     * @return boolean TRUE if the class has one or more persistent parent classes, FALSE otherwise.
    public function hasParentClasses()
        return ! $this->_parentClasses;

     * Sets the inheritance type used by the class and it's subclasses.
     * @param integer $type
    public function setInheritanceType($type, array $options = array())
        if ($parentClassNames = $this->getParentClasses()) {
            throw new Doctrine_MappingException("All classes in an inheritance hierarchy"
                . " must share the same inheritance mapping type and this type must be set"
                . " in the root class of the hierarchy.");
        if ( ! $this->_isInheritanceType($type)) {
            throw Doctrine_MappingException::invalidInheritanceType($type);
        if ($type == self::INHERITANCE_TYPE_SINGLE_TABLE ||
                $type == self::INHERITANCE_TYPE_JOINED) {

        $this->_inheritanceType = $type;
        foreach ($options as $name => $value) {
            $this->setInheritanceOption($name, $value);

     * Checks if the 2 options 'discriminatorColumn' and 'discriminatorMap' are present.
     * If either of them is missing an exception is thrown.
     * @param array $options  The options.
     * @throws Doctrine_ClassMetadata_Exception  If at least one of the required discriminator
     *                                           options is missing.
    private function _checkRequiredDiscriminatorOptions(array $options)
        if ( ! isset($options['discriminatorColumn'])) {
            throw new Doctrine_ClassMetadata_Exception("Missing option 'discriminatorColumn'."
            . " Inheritance types JOINED and SINGLE_TABLE require this option.");
        } else if ( ! isset($options['discriminatorMap'])) {
            throw new Doctrine_ClassMetadata_Exception("Missing option 'discriminatorMap'."
            . " Inheritance types JOINED and SINGLE_TABLE require this option.");

     * Gets an inheritance option.
    public function getInheritanceOption($name)
        /*if ( ! array_key_exists($name, $this->_inheritanceOptions)) {
            throw new Doctrine_ClassMetadata_Exception("Unknown inheritance option: '$name'.");

        return $this->_inheritanceOptions[$name];

     * Gets all inheritance options.
    public function getInheritanceOptions()
        return $this->_inheritanceOptions;

     * Sets an inheritance option.
    public function setInheritanceOption($name, $value)
        if ( ! array_key_exists($name, $this->_inheritanceOptions)) {
            throw new Doctrine_ClassMetadata_Exception("Unknown inheritance option: '$name'.");

        if ($this->_inheritanceType == 'joined' || $this->_inheritanceType == 'singleTable') {
            switch ($name) {
                case 'discriminatorColumn':
                    if ($value !== null && ! is_string($value)) {
                        throw new Doctrine_ClassMetadata_Exception("Invalid value '$value' for option"
                        . " 'discriminatorColumn'.");
                case 'discriminatorMap':
                    if ( ! is_array($value)) {
                        throw new Doctrine_ClassMetadata_Exception("Value for option 'discriminatorMap'"
                        . " must be an array.");
                    // ... further validation checks as needed
                    throw Doctrine_MappingException::invalidInheritanceOption($name);

        $this->_inheritanceOptions[$name] = $value;

     * exports this class to the database based on its mapping.
     * @throws Doctrine_Connection_Exception    If some error other than Doctrine::ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS
     *                                          occurred during the create table operation.
     * @return boolean                          Whether or not the export operation was successful
     *                                          false if table already existed in the database.
     * @todo Reimpl. & Placement.
    public function export()

     * Returns an array with all the information needed to create the main database table
     * for the class.
     * @return array
     * @todo Reimpl. & placement.
    public function getExportableFormat($parseForeignKeys = true)
        /*$columns = array();
        $primary = array();
        $allColumns = $this->getColumns();

        // If the class is part of a Single Table Inheritance hierarchy, collect the fields
        // of all classes in the hierarchy.
        if ($this->_inheritanceType == self::INHERITANCE_TYPE_SINGLE_TABLE) {
            $parents = $this->getParentClasses();
            if ($parents) {
                $rootClass = $this->_classFactory->getClassMetadata(array_pop($parents));
            } else {
                $rootClass = $this;
            $subClasses = $rootClass->getSubclasses();
            foreach ($subClasses as $subClass) {
                $subClassMetadata = $this->_classFactory->getClassMetadata($subClass);
                $allColumns = array_merge($allColumns, $subClassMetadata->getColumns());
        } else if ($this->_inheritanceType == self::INHERITANCE_TYPE_JOINED) {
            // Remove inherited, non-pk fields. They're not in the table of this class
            foreach ($allColumns as $name => $definition) {
                if (isset($definition['id']) && $definition['id'] === true) {
                    if ($this->getParentClasses() && isset($definition['autoincrement'])) {
                if (isset($definition['inherited']) && $definition['inherited'] === true) {
        } else if ($this->_inheritanceType == self::INHERITANCE_TYPE_TABLE_PER_CLASS) {
            // If this is a subclass, just remove existing autoincrement options on the pk
            if ($this->getParentClasses()) {
                foreach ($allColumns as $name => $definition) {
                    if (isset($definition['id']) && $definition['id'] === true) {
                        if (isset($definition['autoincrement'])) {

        // Convert enum & boolean default values
        foreach ($allColumns as $name => $definition) {
            switch ($definition['type']) {
                case 'enum':
                    if (isset($definition['default'])) {
                        $definition['default'] = $this->enumIndex($name, $definition['default']);
                case 'boolean':
                    if (isset($definition['default'])) {
                        $definition['default'] = $this->_em->convertBooleans($definition['default']);
            $columns[$name] = $definition;

            if (isset($definition['id']) && $definition['id']) {
                $primary[] = $name;

        // Collect foreign keys from the relations
        $options['foreignKeys'] = array();
        if ($parseForeignKeys && $this->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_EXPORT)
                & Doctrine::EXPORT_CONSTRAINTS) {
            $constraints = array();
            $emptyIntegrity = array('onUpdate' => null, 'onDelete' => null);
            foreach ($this->getRelations() as $name => $relation) {
                $fk = $relation->toArray();
                $fk['foreignTable'] = $relation->getTable()->getTableName();

                if ($relation->getTable() === $this && in_array($relation->getLocal(), $primary)) {
                    if ($relation->hasConstraint()) {
                        throw new Doctrine_Table_Exception("Badly constructed integrity constraints.");

                $integrity = array('onUpdate' => $fk['onUpdate'],
                                   'onDelete' => $fk['onDelete']);

                if ($relation instanceof Doctrine_Relation_LocalKey) {
                    $def = array('local'        => $relation->getLocal(),
                                 'foreign'      => $relation->getForeign(),
                                 'foreignTable' => $relation->getTable()->getTableName());

                    if (($key = array_search($def, $options['foreignKeys'])) === false) {
                        $options['foreignKeys'][] = $def;
                        $constraints[] = $integrity;
                    } else {
                        if ($integrity !== $emptyIntegrity) {
                            $constraints[$key] = $integrity;

            foreach ($constraints as $k => $def) {
                $options['foreignKeys'][$k] = array_merge($options['foreignKeys'][$k], $def);

        $options['primary'] = $primary;

        return array('tableName' => $this->getTableOption('tableName'),
                     'columns'   => $columns,
                     'options'   => array_merge($options, $this->getTableOptions()));


     * Checks whether a persistent field is inherited from a superclass.
     * @return boolean TRUE if the field is inherited, FALSE otherwise.
    public function isInheritedField($fieldName)
        return isset($this->_fieldMappings[$fieldName]['inherited']);

     * Sets the name of the primary table the class is mapped to.
     * @param string $tableName  The table name.
    public function setTableName($tableName)
        $this->setTableOption('tableName', $tableName);

     * Serializes the metadata.
     * Part of the implementation of the Serializable interface.
     * @return string  The serialized metadata.
    public function serialize()
        //$contents = get_object_vars($this);
        /* @TODO How to handle $this->_em and $this->_parser ? */
        //return serialize($contents);
        return "";

     * Reconstructs the metadata class from it's serialized representation.
     * Part of the implementation of the Serializable interface.
     * @param string $serialized  The serialized metadata class.
    public function unserialize($serialized)
        return true;
     * Checks whether the given type identifies an entity type.
     * @param string $type
     * @return boolean
    private function _isEntityType($type)
        return $type == self::ENTITY_TYPE_REGULAR ||
                $type == self::ENTITY_TYPE_MAPPED_SUPERCLASS ||
                $type == self::ENTITY_TYPE_TRANSIENT;
     * Checks whether the given type identifies an inheritance type.
     * @param string $type
     * @return boolean
    private function _isInheritanceType($type)
        return $type == self::INHERITANCE_TYPE_NONE ||
                $type == self::INHERITANCE_TYPE_SINGLE_TABLE ||
                $type == self::INHERITANCE_TYPE_JOINED ||
                $type == self::INHERITANCE_TYPE_TABLE_PER_CLASS;
     * Checks whether the given type identifies an id generator type.
     * @param string $type
     * @return boolean
    private function _isIdGeneratorType($type)
        return $type == self::GENERATOR_TYPE_AUTO ||
                $type == self::GENERATOR_TYPE_IDENTITY ||
                $type == self::GENERATOR_TYPE_SEQUENCE ||
                $type == self::GENERATOR_TYPE_TABLE ||
                $type == self::GENERATOR_TYPE_NONE;
     * Makes some automatic additions to the association mapping to make the life
     * easier for the user.
     * @param array $mapping
     * @return unknown
     * @todo Pass param by ref?
    private function _completeAssociationMapping(array $mapping)
        $mapping['sourceEntity'] = $this->_entityName;
        return $mapping;
     * Adds a one-to-one mapping.
     * @param array $mapping The mapping.
    public function mapOneToOne(array $mapping)
        $mapping = $this->_completeAssociationMapping($mapping);
        $oneToOneMapping = new Doctrine_ORM_Mapping_OneToOneMapping($mapping);

     * Registers the mapping as an inverse mapping, if it is a mapping on the
     * inverse side of an association mapping.
     * @param AssociationMapping The mapping to register as inverse if it is a mapping
     *      for the inverse side of an association.
    private function _registerMappingIfInverse(Doctrine_ORM_Mapping_AssociationMapping $assoc)
        if ($assoc->isInverseSide()) {
            $this->_inverseMappings[$assoc->getMappedByFieldName()] = $assoc;

     * Adds a one-to-many mapping.
     * @param array $mapping The mapping.
    public function mapOneToMany(array $mapping)
        $mapping = $this->_completeAssociationMapping($mapping);
        $oneToManyMapping = new Doctrine_ORM_Mapping_OneToManyMapping($mapping);

     * Adds a many-to-one mapping.
     * @param array $mapping The mapping.
    public function mapManyToOne(array $mapping)
        // A many-to-one mapping is simply a one-one backreference

     * Adds a many-to-many mapping.
     * @param array $mapping The mapping.
    public function mapManyToMany(array $mapping)
        $mapping = $this->_completeAssociationMapping($mapping);
        $manyToManyMapping = new Doctrine_ORM_Mapping_ManyToManyMapping($mapping);
     * Stores the association mapping.
     * @param Doctrine_Association $assocMapping
    private function _storeAssociationMapping(Doctrine_ORM_Mapping_AssociationMapping $assocMapping)
        $sourceFieldName = $assocMapping->getSourceFieldName();
        if (isset($this->_associationMappings[$sourceFieldName])) {
            throw Doctrine_MappingException::duplicateFieldMapping();
        $this->_associationMappings[$sourceFieldName] = $assocMapping;
     * Registers a custom mapper for the entity class.
     * @param string $mapperClassName  The class name of the custom mapper.
    public function setCustomRepositoryClass($repositoryClassName)
        if ( ! is_subclass_of($repositoryClassName, 'Doctrine_EntityRepository')) {
            throw new Doctrine_ClassMetadata_Exception("The custom repository must be a subclass"
                    . " of Doctrine_EntityRepository.");
        $this->_customRepositoryClassName = $repositoryClassName;
     * Gets the name of the custom repository class used for the entity class.
     * @return string|null  The name of the custom repository class or NULL if the entity
     *                      class does not have a custom repository class.
    public function getCustomRepositoryClass()
         return $this->_customRepositoryClassName;

     * @todo Thoughts & Implementation.
    public function setEntityType($type)

     * Binds the entity instances of this class to a specific EntityManager.
     * @todo Implementation. Replaces the bindComponent() methods on the old Doctrine_Manager.
     *       Binding an Entity to a specific EntityManager in 2.0 is the same as binding
     *       it to a Connection in 1.0.
    public function bindToEntityManager($emName)

     * Dispatches the lifecycle event of the given Entity to the registered
     * lifecycle callbacks and lifecycle listeners.
     * @param string $event  The lifecycle event.
     * @param Entity $entity  The Entity on which the event occured.
    public function invokeLifecycleCallbacks($lifecycleEvent, Doctrine_ORM_Entity $entity)
        foreach ($this->getLifecycleCallbacks($lifecycleEvent) as $callback) {
        foreach ($this->getLifecycleListeners($lifecycleEvent) as $className => $callback) {
            if ( ! isset($this->_lifecycleListenerInstances[$className])) {
                $this->_lifecycleListenerInstances[$className] = new $className;
     * Gets the registered lifecycle callbacks for an event.
     * @param string $event
     * @return array
    public function getLifecycleCallbacks($event)
        return isset($this->_lifecycleCallbacks[$event]) ?
                $this->_lifecycleCallbacks[$event] : array();
     * Gets the registered lifecycle listeners for an event.
     * @param string $event
     * @return array
    public function getLifecycleListeners($event)
        return isset($this->_lifecycleListeners[$event]) ?
                $this->_lifecycleListeners[$event] : array();
     * Adds a lifecycle listener for Entities of this class.
     * Note: If the same listener class is registered more than once, the old
     * one will be overridden.
     * @param string $listenerClass
     * @param array $callbacks
    public function addLifecycleListener($listenerClass, array $callbacks)
        $this->_lifecycleListeners[$event][$listenerClass] = array();
        foreach ($callbacks as $method => $event) {
            $this->_lifecycleListeners[$event][$listenerClass][] = $method;
     * Adds a lifecycle callback for Entities of this class.
     * Note: If the same callback is registered more than once, the old one
     * will be overridden.
     * @param string $callback
     * @param string $event
    public function addLifecycleCallback($callback, $event)
        if ( ! isset($this->_lifecycleCallbacks[$event])) {
            $this->_lifecycleCallbacks[$event] = array();
        if ( ! in_array($callback, $this->_lifecycleCallbacks[$event])) {
            $this->_lifecycleCallbacks[$event][$callback] = $callback;

     * @todo Implementation. Immutable entities can not be updated or deleted once
     *       they are created. This means the entity can only be modified as long as it's
     *       new (STATE_NEW).
    public function isImmutable()
        return false;

    public function isDiscriminatorColumn($columnName)
        return $columnName === $this->_inheritanceOptions['discriminatorColumn'];

    public function hasAttribute($name)
        return isset($this->_attributes[$name]);
    public function getAttribute($name)
        if ($this->hasAttribute($name)) {
            return $this->_attributes[$name];
    public function setAttribute($name, $value)
        if ($this->hasAttribute($name)) {
            $this->_attributes[$name] = $value;
    public function hasAssociation($fieldName)
        return isset($this->_associationMappings[$fieldName]);

    public function __toString()
        return spl_object_hash($this);