. */ /* Annotations */ final class DoctrineEntity extends \Addendum\Annotation { public $repositoryClass; } final class DoctrineInheritanceType extends \Addendum\Annotation {} final class DoctrineDiscriminatorColumn extends \Addendum\Annotation { public $name; public $type; public $length; } final class DoctrineDiscriminatorMap extends \Addendum\Annotation {} final class DoctrineSubClasses extends \Addendum\Annotation {} final class DoctrineId extends \Addendum\Annotation {} final class DoctrineGeneratedValue extends \Addendum\Annotation { public $strategy; //public $generator; } final class DoctrineVersion extends \Addendum\Annotation {} final class DoctrineJoinColumn extends \Addendum\Annotation { public $name; public $referencedColumnName; public $unique = false; public $nullable = true; public $onDelete; public $onUpdate; } final class DoctrineJoinColumns extends \Addendum\Annotation {} final class DoctrineColumn extends \Addendum\Annotation { public $type; public $length; public $unique = false; public $nullable = false; } final class DoctrineOneToOne extends \Addendum\Annotation { public $targetEntity; public $mappedBy; public $cascade; } final class DoctrineOneToMany extends \Addendum\Annotation { public $mappedBy; public $targetEntity; public $cascade; } final class DoctrineManyToOne extends \Addendum\Annotation { public $targetEntity; public $cascade; } final class DoctrineManyToMany extends \Addendum\Annotation { public $targetEntity; public $mappedBy; public $cascade; } final class DoctrineElementCollection extends \Addendum\Annotation { public $tableName; } final class DoctrineTable extends \Addendum\Annotation { public $name; public $catalog; public $schema; } final class DoctrineJoinTable extends \Addendum\Annotation { public $name; public $catalog; public $schema; public $joinColumns; public $inverseJoinColumns; } final class DoctrineSequenceGenerator extends \Addendum\Annotation { //public $name; public $sequenceName; public $allocationSize = 20; public $initialValue = 1; /** The name of the class that defines the generator. */ //public $definingClass; }