<?php /* * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals * and is licensed under the MIT license. For more information, see * <http://www.doctrine-project.org>. */ namespace Doctrine\ORM\Mapping; use ReflectionException, Doctrine\ORM\ORMException, Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager, Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms, Doctrine\ORM\Events, Doctrine\Common\Util\ClassUtils, Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\RuntimeReflectionService, Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\ReflectionService, Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\ClassMetadataFactory as ClassMetadataFactoryInterface; /** * The ClassMetadataFactory is used to create ClassMetadata objects that contain all the * metadata mapping informations of a class which describes how a class should be mapped * to a relational database. * * @since 2.0 * @author Benjamin Eberlei <kontakt@beberlei.de> * @author Guilherme Blanco <guilhermeblanco@hotmail.com> * @author Jonathan Wage <jonwage@gmail.com> * @author Roman Borschel <roman@code-factory.org> */ class ClassMetadataFactory implements ClassMetadataFactoryInterface { /** * @var EntityManager */ private $em; /** * @var AbstractPlatform */ private $targetPlatform; /** * @var \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\Driver */ private $driver; /** * @var \Doctrine\Common\EventManager */ private $evm; /** * @var \Doctrine\Common\Cache\Cache */ private $cacheDriver; /** * @var array */ private $loadedMetadata = array(); /** * @var bool */ private $initialized = false; /** * @var ReflectionService */ private $reflectionService; /** * @param EntityManager $$em */ public function setEntityManager(EntityManager $em) { $this->em = $em; } /** * Sets the cache driver used by the factory to cache ClassMetadata instances. * * @param \Doctrine\Common\Cache\Cache $cacheDriver */ public function setCacheDriver($cacheDriver) { $this->cacheDriver = $cacheDriver; } /** * Gets the cache driver used by the factory to cache ClassMetadata instances. * * @return \Doctrine\Common\Cache\Cache */ public function getCacheDriver() { return $this->cacheDriver; } public function getLoadedMetadata() { return $this->loadedMetadata; } /** * Forces the factory to load the metadata of all classes known to the underlying * mapping driver. * * @return array The ClassMetadata instances of all mapped classes. */ public function getAllMetadata() { if ( ! $this->initialized) { $this->initialize(); } $metadata = array(); foreach ($this->driver->getAllClassNames() as $className) { $metadata[] = $this->getMetadataFor($className); } return $metadata; } /** * Lazy initialization of this stuff, especially the metadata driver, * since these are not needed at all when a metadata cache is active. */ private function initialize() { $this->driver = $this->em->getConfiguration()->getMetadataDriverImpl(); $this->targetPlatform = $this->em->getConnection()->getDatabasePlatform(); $this->evm = $this->em->getEventManager(); $this->initialized = true; } /** * Gets the class metadata descriptor for a class. * * @param string $className The name of the class. * @return \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata */ public function getMetadataFor($className) { if (isset($this->loadedMetadata[$className])) { return $this->loadedMetadata[$className]; } $realClassName = $className; // Check for namespace alias if (strpos($className, ':') !== false) { list($namespaceAlias, $simpleClassName) = explode(':', $className); $realClassName = $this->em->getConfiguration()->getEntityNamespace($namespaceAlias) . '\\' . $simpleClassName; } else { $realClassName = ClassUtils::getRealClass($realClassName); } if (isset($this->loadedMetadata[$realClassName])) { // We do not have the alias name in the map, include it $this->loadedMetadata[$className] = $this->loadedMetadata[$realClassName]; return $this->loadedMetadata[$realClassName]; } if ($this->cacheDriver) { if (($cached = $this->cacheDriver->fetch("$realClassName\$CLASSMETADATA")) !== false) { $this->wakeupReflection($cached, $this->getReflectionService()); $this->loadedMetadata[$realClassName] = $cached; } else { foreach ($this->loadMetadata($realClassName) as $loadedClassName) { $this->cacheDriver->save( "$loadedClassName\$CLASSMETADATA", $this->loadedMetadata[$loadedClassName], null ); } } } else { $this->loadMetadata($realClassName); } if ($className != $realClassName) { // We do not have the alias name in the map, include it $this->loadedMetadata[$className] = $this->loadedMetadata[$realClassName]; } return $this->loadedMetadata[$className]; } /** * Checks whether the factory has the metadata for a class loaded already. * * @param string $className * @return boolean TRUE if the metadata of the class in question is already loaded, FALSE otherwise. */ public function hasMetadataFor($className) { return isset($this->loadedMetadata[$className]); } /** * Sets the metadata descriptor for a specific class. * * NOTE: This is only useful in very special cases, like when generating proxy classes. * * @param string $className * @param ClassMetadata $class */ public function setMetadataFor($className, $class) { $this->loadedMetadata[$className] = $class; } /** * Get array of parent classes for the given entity class * * @param string $name * @return array $parentClasses */ protected function getParentClasses($name) { // Collect parent classes, ignoring transient (not-mapped) classes. $parentClasses = array(); foreach (array_reverse($this->getReflectionService()->getParentClasses($name)) as $parentClass) { if ( ! $this->driver->isTransient($parentClass)) { $parentClasses[] = $parentClass; } } return $parentClasses; } /** * Loads the metadata of the class in question and all it's ancestors whose metadata * is still not loaded. * * @param string $name The name of the class for which the metadata should get loaded. * @param array $tables The metadata collection to which the loaded metadata is added. */ protected function loadMetadata($name) { if ( ! $this->initialized) { $this->initialize(); } $loaded = array(); $parentClasses = $this->getParentClasses($name); $parentClasses[] = $name; // Move down the hierarchy of parent classes, starting from the topmost class $parent = null; $rootEntityFound = false; $visited = array(); foreach ($parentClasses as $className) { if (isset($this->loadedMetadata[$className])) { $parent = $this->loadedMetadata[$className]; if ( ! $parent->isMappedSuperclass) { $rootEntityFound = true; array_unshift($visited, $className); } continue; } $class = $this->newClassMetadataInstance($className); $this->initializeReflection($class, $this->getReflectionService()); if ($parent) { $class->setInheritanceType($parent->inheritanceType); $class->setDiscriminatorColumn($parent->discriminatorColumn); $class->setIdGeneratorType($parent->generatorType); $this->addInheritedFields($class, $parent); $this->addInheritedRelations($class, $parent); $class->setIdentifier($parent->identifier); $class->setVersioned($parent->isVersioned); $class->setVersionField($parent->versionField); $class->setDiscriminatorMap($parent->discriminatorMap); $class->setLifecycleCallbacks($parent->lifecycleCallbacks); $class->setChangeTrackingPolicy($parent->changeTrackingPolicy); if ($parent->isMappedSuperclass) { $class->setCustomRepositoryClass($parent->customRepositoryClassName); } } // Invoke driver try { $this->driver->loadMetadataForClass($className, $class); } catch (ReflectionException $e) { throw MappingException::reflectionFailure($className, $e); } // If this class has a parent the id generator strategy is inherited. // However this is only true if the hierachy of parents contains the root entity, // if it consinsts of mapped superclasses these don't necessarily include the id field. if ($parent && $rootEntityFound) { if ($parent->isIdGeneratorSequence()) { $class->setSequenceGeneratorDefinition($parent->sequenceGeneratorDefinition); } else if ($parent->isIdGeneratorTable()) { $class->getTableGeneratorDefinition($parent->tableGeneratorDefinition); } if ($parent->generatorType) { $class->setIdGeneratorType($parent->generatorType); } if ($parent->idGenerator) { $class->setIdGenerator($parent->idGenerator); } } else { $this->completeIdGeneratorMapping($class); } if ($parent && $parent->isInheritanceTypeSingleTable()) { $class->setPrimaryTable($parent->table); } if ($parent && $parent->containsForeignIdentifier) { $class->containsForeignIdentifier = true; } if ($parent && !empty ($parent->namedQueries)) { $this->addInheritedNamedQueries($class, $parent); } if ($parent && !empty ($parent->namedNativeQueries)) { $this->addInheritedNamedNativeQueries($class, $parent); } if ($parent && !empty ($parent->sqlResultSetMappings)) { $this->addInheritedSqlResultSetMappings($class, $parent); } $class->setParentClasses($visited); if ( $class->isRootEntity() && ! $class->isInheritanceTypeNone() && ! $class->discriminatorMap) { $this->addDefaultDiscriminatorMap($class); } if ($this->evm->hasListeners(Events::loadClassMetadata)) { $eventArgs = new \Doctrine\ORM\Event\LoadClassMetadataEventArgs($class, $this->em); $this->evm->dispatchEvent(Events::loadClassMetadata, $eventArgs); } $this->wakeupReflection($class, $this->getReflectionService()); $this->validateRuntimeMetadata($class, $parent); $this->loadedMetadata[$className] = $class; $parent = $class; if ( ! $class->isMappedSuperclass) { $rootEntityFound = true; array_unshift($visited, $className); } $loaded[] = $className; } return $loaded; } /** * Validate runtime metadata is correctly defined. * * @param ClassMetadata $class * @param ClassMetadata $parent */ protected function validateRuntimeMetadata($class, $parent) { if ( ! $class->reflClass ) { // only validate if there is a reflection class instance return; } $class->validateIdentifier(); $class->validateAssocations(); $class->validateLifecycleCallbacks($this->getReflectionService()); // verify inheritance if ( ! $class->isMappedSuperclass && !$class->isInheritanceTypeNone()) { if ( ! $parent) { if (count($class->discriminatorMap) == 0) { throw MappingException::missingDiscriminatorMap($class->name); } if ( ! $class->discriminatorColumn) { throw MappingException::missingDiscriminatorColumn($class->name); } } else if ($parent && !$class->reflClass->isAbstract() && !in_array($class->name, array_values($class->discriminatorMap))) { // enforce discriminator map for all entities of an inheritance hierachy, otherwise problems will occur. throw MappingException::mappedClassNotPartOfDiscriminatorMap($class->name, $class->rootEntityName); } } else if ($class->isMappedSuperclass && $class->name == $class->rootEntityName && (count($class->discriminatorMap) || $class->discriminatorColumn)) { // second condition is necessary for mapped superclasses in the middle of an inheritance hierachy throw MappingException::noInheritanceOnMappedSuperClass($class->name); } } /** * Creates a new ClassMetadata instance for the given class name. * * @param string $className * @return \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata */ protected function newClassMetadataInstance($className) { return new ClassMetadata($className, $this->em->getConfiguration()->getNamingStrategy()); } /** * Adds a default discriminator map if no one is given * * If an entity is of any inheritance type and does not contain a * discrimiator map, then the map is generated automatically. This process * is expensive computation wise. * * The automatically generated discriminator map contains the lowercase shortname of * each class as key. * * @param \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata $class */ private function addDefaultDiscriminatorMap(ClassMetadata $class) { $allClasses = $this->driver->getAllClassNames(); $subClassesMetadata = array(); $fqcn = $class->getName(); $map = array($this->getShortName($class->name) => $fqcn); $duplicates = array(); foreach ($allClasses as $subClassCandidate) { if (is_subclass_of($subClassCandidate, $fqcn)) { $shortName = $this->getShortName($subClassCandidate); if (isset($map[$shortName])) { $duplicates[] = $shortName; } $map[$shortName] = $subClassCandidate; } } if ($duplicates) { throw MappingException::duplicateDiscriminatorEntry($class->name, $duplicates, $map); } $class->setDiscriminatorMap($map); } /** * Get the lower-case shortname of a class. * * @param string $className * @return string */ private function getShortName($className) { if (strpos($className, "\\") === false) { return strtolower($className); } $parts = explode("\\", $className); return strtolower(end($parts)); } /** * Cache the metadata * * @param $className * @param \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata $metadata */ private function cacheMetadata($className, ClassMetadata $metadata) { $this->cacheDriver->save( "$className\$CLASSMETADATA", $metadata, null ); } /** * Verify if metadata is cached * * @param $className * @return bool */ private function cacheContainsMetadata($className) { return $this->cacheDriver->contains("$className\$CLASSMETADATA"); } /** * Fetch metadata from cache * * @param $className */ private function fetchMetadataFromCache($className) { return $this->cacheDriver->fetch("$className\$CLASSMETADATA"); } /** * Adds inherited fields to the subclass mapping. * * @param \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata $subClass * @param \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata $parentClass */ private function addInheritedFields(ClassMetadata $subClass, ClassMetadata $parentClass) { foreach ($parentClass->fieldMappings as $mapping) { if ( ! isset($mapping['inherited']) && ! $parentClass->isMappedSuperclass) { $mapping['inherited'] = $parentClass->name; } if ( ! isset($mapping['declared'])) { $mapping['declared'] = $parentClass->name; } $subClass->addInheritedFieldMapping($mapping); } foreach ($parentClass->reflFields as $name => $field) { $subClass->reflFields[$name] = $field; } } /** * Adds inherited association mappings to the subclass mapping. * * @param \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata $subClass * @param \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata $parentClass */ private function addInheritedRelations(ClassMetadata $subClass, ClassMetadata $parentClass) { foreach ($parentClass->associationMappings as $field => $mapping) { if ($parentClass->isMappedSuperclass) { if ($mapping['type'] & ClassMetadata::TO_MANY && !$mapping['isOwningSide']) { throw MappingException::illegalToManyAssocationOnMappedSuperclass($parentClass->name, $field); } $mapping['sourceEntity'] = $subClass->name; } //$subclassMapping = $mapping; if ( ! isset($mapping['inherited']) && ! $parentClass->isMappedSuperclass) { $mapping['inherited'] = $parentClass->name; } if ( ! isset($mapping['declared'])) { $mapping['declared'] = $parentClass->name; } $subClass->addInheritedAssociationMapping($mapping); } } /** * Adds inherited named queries to the subclass mapping. * * @since 2.2 * @param \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata $subClass * @param \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata $parentClass */ private function addInheritedNamedQueries(ClassMetadata $subClass, ClassMetadata $parentClass) { foreach ($parentClass->namedQueries as $name => $query) { if ( ! isset ($subClass->namedQueries[$name])) { $subClass->addNamedQuery(array( 'name' => $query['name'], 'query' => $query['query'] )); } } } /** * Adds inherited named native queries to the subclass mapping. * * @since 2.3 * @param \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata $subClass * @param \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata $parentClass */ private function addInheritedNamedNativeQueries(ClassMetadata $subClass, ClassMetadata $parentClass) { foreach ($parentClass->namedNativeQueries as $name => $query) { if ( ! isset ($subClass->namedNativeQueries[$name])) { $subClass->addNamedNativeQuery(array( 'name' => $query['name'], 'query' => $query['query'], 'isSelfClass' => $query['isSelfClass'], 'resultSetMapping' => $query['resultSetMapping'], 'resultClass' => $query['isSelfClass'] ? $subClass->name : $query['resultClass'], )); } } } /** * Adds inherited sql result set mappings to the subclass mapping. * * @since 2.3 * @param \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata $subClass * @param \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata $parentClass */ private function addInheritedSqlResultSetMappings(ClassMetadata $subClass, ClassMetadata $parentClass) { foreach ($parentClass->sqlResultSetMappings as $name => $mapping) { if ( ! isset ($subClass->sqlResultSetMappings[$name])) { $entities = array(); foreach ($mapping['entities'] as $entity) { $entities[] = array( 'fields' => $entity['fields'], 'isSelfClass' => $entity['isSelfClass'], 'discriminatorColumn' => $entity['discriminatorColumn'], 'entityClass' => $entity['isSelfClass'] ? $subClass->name : $entity['entityClass'], ); } $subClass->addSqlResultSetMapping(array( 'name' => $mapping['name'], 'columns' => $mapping['columns'], 'entities' => $entities, )); } } } /** * Completes the ID generator mapping. If "auto" is specified we choose the generator * most appropriate for the targeted database platform. * * @param \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata $class */ private function completeIdGeneratorMapping(ClassMetadataInfo $class) { $idGenType = $class->generatorType; if ($idGenType == ClassMetadata::GENERATOR_TYPE_AUTO) { if ($this->targetPlatform->prefersSequences()) { $class->setIdGeneratorType(ClassMetadata::GENERATOR_TYPE_SEQUENCE); } else if ($this->targetPlatform->prefersIdentityColumns()) { $class->setIdGeneratorType(ClassMetadata::GENERATOR_TYPE_IDENTITY); } else { $class->setIdGeneratorType(ClassMetadata::GENERATOR_TYPE_TABLE); } } // Create & assign an appropriate ID generator instance switch ($class->generatorType) { case ClassMetadata::GENERATOR_TYPE_IDENTITY: // For PostgreSQL IDENTITY (SERIAL) we need a sequence name. It defaults to // <table>_<column>_seq in PostgreSQL for SERIAL columns. // Not pretty but necessary and the simplest solution that currently works. $sequenceName = null; if ($this->targetPlatform instanceof Platforms\PostgreSQLPlatform) { $fieldName = $class->getSingleIdentifierFieldName(); $columnName = $class->getSingleIdentifierColumnName(); $quoted = isset($class->fieldMappings[$fieldName]['quoted']) || isset($class->table['quoted']); $sequenceName = $class->getTableName() . '_' . $columnName . '_seq'; $definition = array( 'sequenceName' => $this->targetPlatform->fixSchemaElementName($sequenceName) ); if ($quoted) { $definition['quoted'] = true; } $sequenceName = $this->em->getConfiguration()->getQuoteStrategy()->getSequenceName($definition, $class, $this->targetPlatform); } $class->setIdGenerator(new \Doctrine\ORM\Id\IdentityGenerator($sequenceName)); break; case ClassMetadata::GENERATOR_TYPE_SEQUENCE: // If there is no sequence definition yet, create a default definition $definition = $class->sequenceGeneratorDefinition; if ( ! $definition) { $fieldName = $class->getSingleIdentifierFieldName(); $columnName = $class->getSingleIdentifierColumnName(); $quoted = isset($class->fieldMappings[$fieldName]['quoted']) || isset($class->table['quoted']); $sequenceName = $class->getTableName() . '_' . $columnName . '_seq'; $definition = array( 'sequenceName' => $this->targetPlatform->fixSchemaElementName($sequenceName), 'allocationSize' => 1, 'initialValue' => 1, ); if ($quoted) { $definition['quoted'] = true; } $class->setSequenceGeneratorDefinition($definition); } $sequenceGenerator = new \Doctrine\ORM\Id\SequenceGenerator( $this->em->getConfiguration()->getQuoteStrategy()->getSequenceName($definition, $class, $this->targetPlatform), $definition['allocationSize'] ); $class->setIdGenerator($sequenceGenerator); break; case ClassMetadata::GENERATOR_TYPE_NONE: $class->setIdGenerator(new \Doctrine\ORM\Id\AssignedGenerator()); break; case ClassMetadata::GENERATOR_TYPE_UUID: $class->setIdGenerator(new \Doctrine\ORM\Id\UuidGenerator()); break; case ClassMetadata::GENERATOR_TYPE_TABLE: throw new ORMException("TableGenerator not yet implemented."); break; case ClassMetadata::GENERATOR_TYPE_CUSTOM: $definition = $class->customGeneratorDefinition; if ( ! class_exists($definition['class'])) { throw new ORMException("Can't instantiate custom generator : " . $definition['class']); } $class->setIdGenerator(new $definition['class']); break; default: throw new ORMException("Unknown generator type: " . $class->generatorType); } } /** * Check if this class is mapped by this EntityManager + ClassMetadata configuration * * @param $class * @return bool */ public function isTransient($class) { if ( ! $this->initialized) { $this->initialize(); } // Check for namespace alias if (strpos($class, ':') !== false) { list($namespaceAlias, $simpleClassName) = explode(':', $class); $class = $this->em->getConfiguration()->getEntityNamespace($namespaceAlias) . '\\' . $simpleClassName; } return $this->driver->isTransient($class); } /** * Get reflectionService. * * @return \Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\ReflectionService */ public function getReflectionService() { if ($this->reflectionService === null) { $this->reflectionService = new RuntimeReflectionService(); } return $this->reflectionService; } /** * Set reflectionService. * * @param reflectionService the value to set. */ public function setReflectionService(ReflectionService $reflectionService) { $this->reflectionService = $reflectionService; } /** * Wakeup reflection after ClassMetadata gets unserialized from cache. * * @param ClassMetadataInfo $class * @param ReflectionService $reflService * @return void */ protected function wakeupReflection(ClassMetadataInfo $class, ReflectionService $reflService) { $class->wakeupReflection($reflService); } /** * Initialize Reflection after ClassMetadata was constructed. * * @param ClassMetadataInfo $class * @param ReflectionService $reflService * @return void */ protected function initializeReflection(ClassMetadataInfo $class, ReflectionService $reflService) { $class->initializeReflection($reflService); } }