. */ /** * Doctrine_Migration_Builder * * @package Doctrine * @subpackage Migration * @author Konsta Vesterinen * @author Jonathan H. Wage * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * @link www.phpdoctrine.com * @since 1.0 * @version $Revision: 2939 $ */ class Doctrine_Migration_Builder { /** * migrationsPath * * The path to your migration classes directory * * @var string */ private $migrationsPath = ''; /** * suffix * * File suffix to use when writing class definitions * * @var string $suffix */ private $suffix = '.class.php'; /** * tpl * * Class template used for writing classes * * @var $tpl */ private static $tpl; /** * __construct * * @return void */ public function __construct($migrationsPath = null) { if ($migrationsPath) { $this->setMigrationsPath($migrationsPath); } $this->loadTemplate(); } /** * setMigrationsPath * * @param string path the path where migration classes are stored and being generated * @return */ public function setMigrationsPath($path) { Doctrine::makeDirectories($path); $this->migrationsPath = $path; } /** * getMigrationsPath * * @return string the path where migration classes are stored and being generated */ public function getMigrationsPath() { return $this->migrationsPath; } /** * loadTemplate * * Loads the class template used for generating classes * * @return void */ protected function loadTemplate() { if (isset(self::$tpl)) { return; } self::$tpl =<<generateMigrationsFromModels($directory); Doctrine::removeDirectories($directory); return $result; } /** * generateMigrationsFromModels * * @param string $modelsPath * @return void */ public function generateMigrationsFromModels($modelsPath = null) { if ($modelsPath) { $models = Doctrine::loadModels($modelsPath); } else { $models = Doctrine::getLoadedModels(); } $foreignKeys = array(); foreach ($models as $model) { $export = Doctrine::getTable($model)->getExportableFormat(); $foreignKeys[$export['tableName']] = $export['options']['foreignKeys']; $up = $this->buildCreateTable($export); $down = $this->buildDropTable($export); $className = 'Add' . Doctrine::classify($export['tableName']); $this->generateMigrationClass($className, array(), $up, $down); } $className = 'ApplyForeignKeyConstraints'; $up = ''; $down = ''; foreach ($foreignKeys as $tableName => $definitions) { $tableForeignKeyNames[$tableName] = array(); foreach ($definitions as $definition) { $definition['name'] = $tableName . '_' . $definition['foreignTable'] . '_' . $definition['local'] . '_' . $definition['foreign']; $up .= $this->buildCreateForeignKey($tableName, $definition); $down .= $this->buildDropForeignKey($tableName, $definition); } } $this->generateMigrationClass($className, array(), $up, $down); return true; } /** * buildCreateForeignKey * * @param string $tableName * @param string $definition * @return void */ public function buildCreateForeignKey($tableName, $definition) { return "\t\t\$this->createForeignKey('" . $tableName . "', " . var_export($definition, true) . ");"; } /** * buildDropForeignKey * * @param string $tableName * @param string $definition * @return void */ public function buildDropForeignKey($tableName, $definition) { return "\t\t\$this->dropForeignKey('" . $tableName . "', '" . $definition['name'] . "');\n"; } /** * buildCreateTable * * @param string $tableData * @return void */ public function buildCreateTable($tableData) { $code = "\t\t\$this->createTable('" . $tableData['tableName'] . "', "; $code .= var_export($tableData['columns'], true) . ", "; $code .= var_export(array('indexes' => $tableData['options']['indexes'], 'primary' => $tableData['options']['primary']), true); $code .= ");"; return $code; } /** * buildDropTable * * @param string $tableData * @return string */ public function buildDropTable($tableData) { return "\t\t\$this->dropTable('" . $tableData['tableName'] . "');"; } /** * generateMigrationClass * * @return void */ public function generateMigrationClass($className, $options = array(), $up = null, $down = null, $return = false) { if ($return || !$this->getMigrationsPath()) { return $this->buildMigrationClass($className, null, $options, $up, $down); } else { if ( ! $this->getMigrationsPath()) { throw new Doctrine_Migration_Exception('You must specify the path to your migrations.'); } $migration = new Doctrine_Migration($this->getMigrationsPath()); $next = (string) $migration->getNextVersion(); $fileName = str_repeat('0', (3 - strlen($next))) . $next . '_' . Doctrine::tableize($className) . $this->suffix; $class = $this->buildMigrationClass($className, $fileName, $options, $up, $down); $path = $this->getMigrationsPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fileName; file_put_contents($path, $class); } } /** * buildMigrationClass * * @return string */ public function buildMigrationClass($className, $fileName = null, $options = array(), $up = null, $down = null) { $extends = isset($options['extends']) ? $options['extends']:'Doctrine_Migration'; $content = '