<?php namespace Doctrine\Tests\ORM\Query; use Doctrine\ORM\Query\Lexer; use Doctrine\Tests\OrmTestCase; class LexerTest extends OrmTestCase { //private $_lexer; protected function setUp() { } /** * @dataProvider provideTokens */ public function testScannerRecognizesTokens($type, $value) { $lexer = new Lexer($value); $lexer->moveNext(); $token = $lexer->lookahead; $this->assertEquals($type, $token['type']); $this->assertEquals($value, $token['value']); } public function testScannerRecognizesTerminalString() { /* * "all" looks like an identifier, but in fact it's a reserved word * (a terminal string). It's up to the parser to accept it as an identifier * (with its literal value) when appropriate. */ $lexer = new Lexer('all'); $lexer->moveNext(); $token = $lexer->lookahead; $this->assertEquals(Lexer::T_ALL, $token['type']); } public function testScannerRecognizesDecimalInteger() { $lexer = new Lexer('1234'); $lexer->moveNext(); $token = $lexer->lookahead; $this->assertEquals(Lexer::T_INTEGER, $token['type']); $this->assertEquals(1234, $token['value']); } public function testScannerRecognizesFloat() { $lexer = new Lexer('1.234'); $lexer->moveNext(); $token = $lexer->lookahead; $this->assertEquals(Lexer::T_FLOAT, $token['type']); $this->assertEquals(1.234, $token['value']); } public function testScannerRecognizesFloatWithExponent() { $lexer = new Lexer('1.2e3'); $lexer->moveNext(); $token = $lexer->lookahead; $this->assertEquals(Lexer::T_FLOAT, $token['type']); $this->assertEquals(1.2e3, $token['value']); } public function testScannerRecognizesFloatWithExponent2() { $lexer = new Lexer('0.2e3'); $lexer->moveNext(); $token = $lexer->lookahead; $this->assertEquals(Lexer::T_FLOAT, $token['type']); $this->assertEquals(.2e3, $token['value']); } public function testScannerRecognizesFloatWithNegativeExponent() { $lexer = new Lexer('7E-10'); $lexer->moveNext(); $token = $lexer->lookahead; $this->assertEquals(Lexer::T_FLOAT, $token['type']); $this->assertEquals(7E-10, $token['value']); } public function testScannerRecognizesFloatBig() { $lexer = new Lexer('123456789.01'); $lexer->moveNext(); $token = $lexer->lookahead; $this->assertEquals(Lexer::T_FLOAT, $token['type']); $this->assertEquals(1.2345678901e8, $token['value']); } public function testScannerRecognizesFloatContainingWhitespace() { $lexer = new Lexer('- 1.234e2'); $lexer->moveNext(); $token = $lexer->lookahead; $this->assertEquals(Lexer::T_MINUS, $token['type']); $this->assertEquals('-', $token['value']); $lexer->moveNext(); $token = $lexer->lookahead; $this->assertEquals(Lexer::T_FLOAT, $token['type']); $this->assertNotEquals(-1.234e2, $token['value']); $this->assertEquals(1.234e2, $token['value']); } public function testScannerRecognizesStringContainingWhitespace() { $lexer = new Lexer("'This is a string.'"); $lexer->moveNext(); $token = $lexer->lookahead; $this->assertEquals(Lexer::T_STRING, $token['type']); $this->assertEquals("This is a string.", $token['value']); } public function testScannerRecognizesStringContainingSingleQuotes() { $lexer = new Lexer("'abc''defg'''"); $lexer->moveNext(); $token = $lexer->lookahead; $this->assertEquals(Lexer::T_STRING, $token['type']); $this->assertEquals("abc'defg'", $token['value']); } public function testScannerRecognizesInputParameter() { $lexer = new Lexer('?1'); $lexer->moveNext(); $token = $lexer->lookahead; $this->assertEquals(Lexer::T_INPUT_PARAMETER, $token['type']); $this->assertEquals('?1', $token['value']); } public function testScannerRecognizesNamedInputParameter() { $lexer = new Lexer(':name'); $lexer->moveNext(); $token = $lexer->lookahead; $this->assertEquals(Lexer::T_INPUT_PARAMETER, $token['type']); $this->assertEquals(':name', $token['value']); } public function testScannerRecognizesNamedInputParameterStartingWithUnderscore() { $lexer = new Lexer(':_name'); $lexer->moveNext(); $token = $lexer->lookahead; $this->assertEquals(Lexer::T_INPUT_PARAMETER, $token['type']); $this->assertEquals(':_name', $token['value']); } public function testScannerTokenizesASimpleQueryCorrectly() { $dql = "SELECT u FROM My\Namespace\User u WHERE u.name = 'Jack O''Neil'"; $lexer = new Lexer($dql); $tokens = [ [ 'value' => 'SELECT', 'type' => Lexer::T_SELECT, 'position' => 0 ], [ 'value' => 'u', 'type' => Lexer::T_IDENTIFIER, 'position' => 7 ], [ 'value' => 'FROM', 'type' => Lexer::T_FROM, 'position' => 9 ], [ 'value' => 'My\Namespace\User', 'type' => Lexer::T_FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME, 'position' => 14 ], [ 'value' => 'u', 'type' => Lexer::T_IDENTIFIER, 'position' => 32 ], [ 'value' => 'WHERE', 'type' => Lexer::T_WHERE, 'position' => 34 ], [ 'value' => 'u', 'type' => Lexer::T_IDENTIFIER, 'position' => 40 ], [ 'value' => '.', 'type' => Lexer::T_DOT, 'position' => 41 ], [ 'value' => 'name', 'type' => Lexer::T_IDENTIFIER, 'position' => 42 ], [ 'value' => '=', 'type' => Lexer::T_EQUALS, 'position' => 47 ], [ 'value' => "Jack O'Neil", 'type' => Lexer::T_STRING, 'position' => 49 ] ]; foreach ($tokens as $expected) { $lexer->moveNext(); $actual = $lexer->lookahead; $this->assertEquals($expected['value'], $actual['value']); $this->assertEquals($expected['type'], $actual['type']); $this->assertEquals($expected['position'], $actual['position']); } $this->assertFalse($lexer->moveNext()); } public function provideTokens() { return [ [Lexer::T_IDENTIFIER, 'u'], // one char [Lexer::T_IDENTIFIER, 'someIdentifier'], [Lexer::T_IDENTIFIER, 's0m31d3nt1f13r'], // including digits [Lexer::T_IDENTIFIER, 'some_identifier'], // including underscore [Lexer::T_IDENTIFIER, '_some_identifier'], // starts with underscore [Lexer::T_IDENTIFIER, 'comma'], // name of a token class with value < 100 (whitebox test) [Lexer::T_FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME, 'Some\Class'], // DQL class reference [Lexer::T_ALIASED_NAME, 'Some:Name'], [Lexer::T_ALIASED_NAME, 'Some:Subclassed\Name'] ]; } }