root = dirname(__FILE__); } /** * setDefaultAttributes */ final public function setDefaultAttributes() { static $init = false; if( ! $init) { $init = true; $attributes = array( Doctrine::ATTR_CACHE_DIR => "%ROOT%".DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."cachedir", Doctrine::ATTR_FETCHMODE => Doctrine::FETCH_LAZY, Doctrine::ATTR_CACHE_TTL => 100, Doctrine::ATTR_CACHE_SIZE => 100, Doctrine::ATTR_CACHE => Doctrine::CACHE_NONE, Doctrine::ATTR_BATCH_SIZE => 5, Doctrine::ATTR_LISTENER => new EmptyEventListener(), Doctrine::ATTR_PK_COLUMNS => array("id"), Doctrine::ATTR_PK_TYPE => Doctrine::INCREMENT_KEY, Doctrine::ATTR_LOCKMODE => 1, Doctrine::ATTR_VLD => false, Doctrine::ATTR_CREATE_TABLES => true ); foreach($attributes as $attribute => $value) { $old = $this->getAttribute($attribute); if($old === null) $this->setAttribute($attribute,$value); } } } /** * @return string the root directory of Doctrine */ final public function getRoot() { return $this->root; } /** * getInstance this class uses the singleton pattern */ final public static function getInstance() { static $instance; if( ! isset($instance)) $instance = new Doctrine_Manager(); return $instance; } /** * openSession open a new session and save it to Doctrine_Manager->sessions * @param PDO $pdo PDO database driver * @param string $name name of the session, if empty numeric key is used * @return Doctrine_Session the opened session object */ final public function openSession(PDO $pdo, $name = null) { // initialize the default attributes $this->setDefaultAttributes(); if($name !== null) { $name = (string) $name; if(isset($this->sessions[$name])) throw new InvalidKeyException(); } else { $name = $this->index; $this->index++; } switch($pdo->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME)): case "mysql": $this->sessions[$name] = new Doctrine_Session_Mysql($this,$pdo); break; case "sqlite": $this->sessions[$name] = new Doctrine_Session_Sqlite($this,$pdo); break; case "pgsql": $this->sessions[$name] = new Doctrine_Session_Pgsql($this,$pdo); break; case "oci": $this->sessions[$name] = new Doctrine_Session_Oracle($this,$pdo); break; case "mssql": $this->sessions[$name] = new Doctrine_Session_Mssql($this,$pdo); break; case "firebird": $this->sessions[$name] = new Doctrine_Session_Firebird($this,$pdo); break; case "informix": $this->sessions[$name] = new Doctrine_Session_Informix($this,$pdo); break; endswitch; $this->currIndex = $name; return $this->sessions[$name]; } /** * getSession * @param integer $index * @return object Doctrine_Session * @throws InvalidKeyException */ final public function getSession($index) { if( ! isset($this->sessions[$index])) throw new InvalidKeyException(); $this->currIndex = $index; return $this->sessions[$index]; } /** * closes the session * * @param Doctrine_Session $session * @return void */ final public function closeSession(Doctrine_Session $session) { $session->close(); unset($session); } /** * getSessions * @return array */ final public function getSessions() { return $this->sessions; } /** * setCurrentSession * @param mixed $key the session key * @throws InvalidKeyException * @return void */ final public function setCurrentSession($key) { $key = (string) $key; if( ! isset($this->sessions[$key])) throw new InvalidKeyException(); $this->currIndex = $key; } /** * count * @return integer the number of open sessions */ public function count() { return count($this->sessions); } /** * getIterator * @return ArrayIterator */ public function getIterator() { return new ArrayIterator($this->sessions); } /** * getCurrentSession * @return object Doctrine_Session */ final public function getCurrentSession() { $i = $this->currIndex; if( ! isset($this->sessions[$i])) throw new Doctrine_Session_Exception(); return $this->sessions[$i]; } /** * __toString */ public function __toString() { $r[] = "
        $r[] = "Doctrine_Manager";
        $r[] = "Sessions : ".count($this->sessions);
        $r[] = "
"; return implode("\n",$r); } } ?>