. */ namespace Doctrine\ORM; use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\Mapping\RuntimeReflectionService; use Doctrine\DBAL\LockMode; use Doctrine\ORM\Internal\HydrationCompleteHandler; use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Reflection\ReflectionPropertiesGetter; use Exception; use InvalidArgumentException; use UnexpectedValueException; use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection; use Doctrine\Common\Collections\Collection; use Doctrine\Common\NotifyPropertyChanged; use Doctrine\Common\PropertyChangedListener; use Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManagerAware; use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata; use Doctrine\ORM\Proxy\Proxy; use Doctrine\ORM\Event\LifecycleEventArgs; use Doctrine\ORM\Event\PreUpdateEventArgs; use Doctrine\ORM\Event\PreFlushEventArgs; use Doctrine\ORM\Event\OnFlushEventArgs; use Doctrine\ORM\Event\PostFlushEventArgs; use Doctrine\ORM\Event\ListenersInvoker; use Doctrine\ORM\Cache\Persister\CachedPersister; use Doctrine\ORM\Persisters\Entity\BasicEntityPersister; use Doctrine\ORM\Persisters\Entity\SingleTablePersister; use Doctrine\ORM\Persisters\Entity\JoinedSubclassPersister; use Doctrine\ORM\Persisters\Collection\OneToManyPersister; use Doctrine\ORM\Persisters\Collection\ManyToManyPersister; use Doctrine\ORM\Utility\IdentifierFlattener; use Doctrine\ORM\Cache\AssociationCacheEntry; /** * The UnitOfWork is responsible for tracking changes to objects during an * "object-level" transaction and for writing out changes to the database * in the correct order. * * Internal note: This class contains highly performance-sensitive code. * * @since 2.0 * @author Benjamin Eberlei * @author Guilherme Blanco * @author Jonathan Wage * @author Roman Borschel * @author Rob Caiger */ class UnitOfWork implements PropertyChangedListener { /** * An entity is in MANAGED state when its persistence is managed by an EntityManager. */ const STATE_MANAGED = 1; /** * An entity is new if it has just been instantiated (i.e. using the "new" operator) * and is not (yet) managed by an EntityManager. */ const STATE_NEW = 2; /** * A detached entity is an instance with persistent state and identity that is not * (or no longer) associated with an EntityManager (and a UnitOfWork). */ const STATE_DETACHED = 3; /** * A removed entity instance is an instance with a persistent identity, * associated with an EntityManager, whose persistent state will be deleted * on commit. */ const STATE_REMOVED = 4; /** * Hint used to collect all primary keys of associated entities during hydration * and execute it in a dedicated query afterwards * @see https://doctrine-orm.readthedocs.org/en/latest/reference/dql-doctrine-query-language.html?highlight=eager#temporarily-change-fetch-mode-in-dql */ const HINT_DEFEREAGERLOAD = 'deferEagerLoad'; /** * The identity map that holds references to all managed entities that have * an identity. The entities are grouped by their class name. * Since all classes in a hierarchy must share the same identifier set, * we always take the root class name of the hierarchy. * * @var array */ private $identityMap = array(); /** * Map of all identifiers of managed entities. * Keys are object ids (spl_object_hash). * * @var array */ private $entityIdentifiers = array(); /** * Map of the original entity data of managed entities. * Keys are object ids (spl_object_hash). This is used for calculating changesets * at commit time. * * Internal note: Note that PHPs "copy-on-write" behavior helps a lot with memory usage. * A value will only really be copied if the value in the entity is modified * by the user. * * @var array */ private $originalEntityData = array(); /** * Map of entity changes. Keys are object ids (spl_object_hash). * Filled at the beginning of a commit of the UnitOfWork and cleaned at the end. * * @var array */ private $entityChangeSets = array(); /** * The (cached) states of any known entities. * Keys are object ids (spl_object_hash). * * @var array */ private $entityStates = array(); /** * Map of entities that are scheduled for dirty checking at commit time. * This is only used for entities with a change tracking policy of DEFERRED_EXPLICIT. * Keys are object ids (spl_object_hash). * * @var array */ private $scheduledForSynchronization = array(); /** * A list of all pending entity insertions. * * @var array */ private $entityInsertions = array(); /** * A list of all pending entity updates. * * @var array */ private $entityUpdates = array(); /** * Any pending extra updates that have been scheduled by persisters. * * @var array */ private $extraUpdates = array(); /** * A list of all pending entity deletions. * * @var array */ private $entityDeletions = array(); /** * All pending collection deletions. * * @var array */ private $collectionDeletions = array(); /** * All pending collection updates. * * @var array */ private $collectionUpdates = array(); /** * List of collections visited during changeset calculation on a commit-phase of a UnitOfWork. * At the end of the UnitOfWork all these collections will make new snapshots * of their data. * * @var array */ private $visitedCollections = array(); /** * The EntityManager that "owns" this UnitOfWork instance. * * @var EntityManagerInterface */ private $em; /** * The calculator used to calculate the order in which changes to * entities need to be written to the database. * * @var \Doctrine\ORM\Internal\CommitOrderCalculator */ private $commitOrderCalculator; /** * The entity persister instances used to persist entity instances. * * @var array */ private $persisters = array(); /** * The collection persister instances used to persist collections. * * @var array */ private $collectionPersisters = array(); /** * The EventManager used for dispatching events. * * @var \Doctrine\Common\EventManager */ private $evm; /** * The ListenersInvoker used for dispatching events. * * @var \Doctrine\ORM\Event\ListenersInvoker */ private $listenersInvoker; /** * The IdentifierFlattener used for manipulating identifiers * * @var \Doctrine\ORM\Utility\IdentifierFlattener */ private $identifierFlattener; /** * Orphaned entities that are scheduled for removal. * * @var array */ private $orphanRemovals = array(); /** * Read-Only objects are never evaluated * * @var array */ private $readOnlyObjects = array(); /** * Map of Entity Class-Names and corresponding IDs that should eager loaded when requested. * * @var array */ private $eagerLoadingEntities = array(); /** * @var boolean */ protected $hasCache = false; /** * Helper for handling completion of hydration * * @var HydrationCompleteHandler */ private $hydrationCompleteHandler; /** * @var ReflectionPropertiesGetter */ private $reflectionPropertiesGetter; /** * Initializes a new UnitOfWork instance, bound to the given EntityManager. * * @param EntityManagerInterface $em */ public function __construct(EntityManagerInterface $em) { $this->em = $em; $this->evm = $em->getEventManager(); $this->listenersInvoker = new ListenersInvoker($em); $this->hasCache = $em->getConfiguration()->isSecondLevelCacheEnabled(); $this->identifierFlattener = new IdentifierFlattener($this, $em->getMetadataFactory()); $this->hydrationCompleteHandler = new HydrationCompleteHandler($this->listenersInvoker, $em); $this->reflectionPropertiesGetter = new ReflectionPropertiesGetter(new RuntimeReflectionService()); } /** * Commits the UnitOfWork, executing all operations that have been postponed * up to this point. The state of all managed entities will be synchronized with * the database. * * The operations are executed in the following order: * * 1) All entity insertions * 2) All entity updates * 3) All collection deletions * 4) All collection updates * 5) All entity deletions * * @param null|object|array $entity * * @return void * * @throws \Exception */ public function commit($entity = null) { // Raise preFlush if ($this->evm->hasListeners(Events::preFlush)) { $this->evm->dispatchEvent(Events::preFlush, new PreFlushEventArgs($this->em)); } // Compute changes done since last commit. if ($entity === null) { $this->computeChangeSets(); } elseif (is_object($entity)) { $this->computeSingleEntityChangeSet($entity); } elseif (is_array($entity)) { foreach ($entity as $object) { $this->computeSingleEntityChangeSet($object); } } if ( ! ($this->entityInsertions || $this->entityDeletions || $this->entityUpdates || $this->collectionUpdates || $this->collectionDeletions || $this->orphanRemovals)) { $this->dispatchOnFlushEvent(); $this->dispatchPostFlushEvent(); return; // Nothing to do. } if ($this->orphanRemovals) { foreach ($this->orphanRemovals as $orphan) { $this->remove($orphan); } } $this->dispatchOnFlushEvent(); // Now we need a commit order to maintain referential integrity $commitOrder = $this->getCommitOrder(); $conn = $this->em->getConnection(); $conn->beginTransaction(); try { if ($this->entityInsertions) { foreach ($commitOrder as $class) { $this->executeInserts($class); } } if ($this->entityUpdates) { foreach ($commitOrder as $class) { $this->executeUpdates($class); } } // Extra updates that were requested by persisters. if ($this->extraUpdates) { $this->executeExtraUpdates(); } // Collection deletions (deletions of complete collections) foreach ($this->collectionDeletions as $collectionToDelete) { $this->getCollectionPersister($collectionToDelete->getMapping())->delete($collectionToDelete); } // Collection updates (deleteRows, updateRows, insertRows) foreach ($this->collectionUpdates as $collectionToUpdate) { $this->getCollectionPersister($collectionToUpdate->getMapping())->update($collectionToUpdate); } // Entity deletions come last and need to be in reverse commit order if ($this->entityDeletions) { for ($count = count($commitOrder), $i = $count - 1; $i >= 0 && $this->entityDeletions; --$i) { $this->executeDeletions($commitOrder[$i]); } } $conn->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->em->close(); $conn->rollback(); $this->afterTransactionRolledBack(); throw $e; } $this->afterTransactionComplete(); // Take new snapshots from visited collections foreach ($this->visitedCollections as $coll) { $coll->takeSnapshot(); } $this->dispatchPostFlushEvent(); // Clear up $this->entityInsertions = $this->entityUpdates = $this->entityDeletions = $this->extraUpdates = $this->entityChangeSets = $this->collectionUpdates = $this->collectionDeletions = $this->visitedCollections = $this->scheduledForSynchronization = $this->orphanRemovals = array(); } /** * Computes the changesets of all entities scheduled for insertion. * * @return void */ private function computeScheduleInsertsChangeSets() { foreach ($this->entityInsertions as $entity) { $class = $this->em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity)); $this->computeChangeSet($class, $entity); } } /** * Only flushes the given entity according to a ruleset that keeps the UoW consistent. * * 1. All entities scheduled for insertion, (orphan) removals and changes in collections are processed as well! * 2. Read Only entities are skipped. * 3. Proxies are skipped. * 4. Only if entity is properly managed. * * @param object $entity * * @return void * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ private function computeSingleEntityChangeSet($entity) { $state = $this->getEntityState($entity); if ($state !== self::STATE_MANAGED && $state !== self::STATE_REMOVED) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Entity has to be managed or scheduled for removal for single computation " . self::objToStr($entity)); } $class = $this->em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity)); if ($state === self::STATE_MANAGED && $class->isChangeTrackingDeferredImplicit()) { $this->persist($entity); } // Compute changes for INSERTed entities first. This must always happen even in this case. $this->computeScheduleInsertsChangeSets(); if ($class->isReadOnly) { return; } // Ignore uninitialized proxy objects if ($entity instanceof Proxy && ! $entity->__isInitialized__) { return; } // Only MANAGED entities that are NOT SCHEDULED FOR INSERTION OR DELETION are processed here. $oid = spl_object_hash($entity); if ( ! isset($this->entityInsertions[$oid]) && ! isset($this->entityDeletions[$oid]) && isset($this->entityStates[$oid])) { $this->computeChangeSet($class, $entity); } } /** * Executes any extra updates that have been scheduled. */ private function executeExtraUpdates() { foreach ($this->extraUpdates as $oid => $update) { list ($entity, $changeset) = $update; $this->entityChangeSets[$oid] = $changeset; $this->getEntityPersister(get_class($entity))->update($entity); } $this->extraUpdates = array(); } /** * Gets the changeset for an entity. * * @param object $entity * * @return array */ public function getEntityChangeSet($entity) { $oid = spl_object_hash($entity); if (isset($this->entityChangeSets[$oid])) { return $this->entityChangeSets[$oid]; } return array(); } /** * Computes the changes that happened to a single entity. * * Modifies/populates the following properties: * * {@link _originalEntityData} * If the entity is NEW or MANAGED but not yet fully persisted (only has an id) * then it was not fetched from the database and therefore we have no original * entity data yet. All of the current entity data is stored as the original entity data. * * {@link _entityChangeSets} * The changes detected on all properties of the entity are stored there. * A change is a tuple array where the first entry is the old value and the second * entry is the new value of the property. Changesets are used by persisters * to INSERT/UPDATE the persistent entity state. * * {@link _entityUpdates} * If the entity is already fully MANAGED (has been fetched from the database before) * and any changes to its properties are detected, then a reference to the entity is stored * there to mark it for an update. * * {@link _collectionDeletions} * If a PersistentCollection has been de-referenced in a fully MANAGED entity, * then this collection is marked for deletion. * * @ignore * * @internal Don't call from the outside. * * @param ClassMetadata $class The class descriptor of the entity. * @param object $entity The entity for which to compute the changes. * * @return void */ public function computeChangeSet(ClassMetadata $class, $entity) { $oid = spl_object_hash($entity); if (isset($this->readOnlyObjects[$oid])) { return; } if ( ! $class->isInheritanceTypeNone()) { $class = $this->em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity)); } $invoke = $this->listenersInvoker->getSubscribedSystems($class, Events::preFlush) & ~ListenersInvoker::INVOKE_MANAGER; if ($invoke !== ListenersInvoker::INVOKE_NONE) { $this->listenersInvoker->invoke($class, Events::preFlush, $entity, new PreFlushEventArgs($this->em), $invoke); } $actualData = array(); foreach ($class->reflFields as $name => $refProp) { $value = $refProp->getValue($entity); if ($class->isCollectionValuedAssociation($name) && $value !== null) { if ($value instanceof PersistentCollection) { if ($value->getOwner() === $entity) { continue; } $value = new ArrayCollection($value->getValues()); } // If $value is not a Collection then use an ArrayCollection. if ( ! $value instanceof Collection) { $value = new ArrayCollection($value); } $assoc = $class->associationMappings[$name]; // Inject PersistentCollection $value = new PersistentCollection( $this->em, $this->em->getClassMetadata($assoc['targetEntity']), $value ); $value->setOwner($entity, $assoc); $value->setDirty( ! $value->isEmpty()); $class->reflFields[$name]->setValue($entity, $value); $actualData[$name] = $value; continue; } if (( ! $class->isIdentifier($name) || ! $class->isIdGeneratorIdentity()) && ($name !== $class->versionField)) { $actualData[$name] = $value; } } if ( ! isset($this->originalEntityData[$oid])) { // Entity is either NEW or MANAGED but not yet fully persisted (only has an id). // These result in an INSERT. $this->originalEntityData[$oid] = $actualData; $changeSet = array(); foreach ($actualData as $propName => $actualValue) { if ( ! isset($class->associationMappings[$propName])) { $changeSet[$propName] = array(null, $actualValue); continue; } $assoc = $class->associationMappings[$propName]; if ($assoc['isOwningSide'] && $assoc['type'] & ClassMetadata::TO_ONE) { $changeSet[$propName] = array(null, $actualValue); } } $this->entityChangeSets[$oid] = $changeSet; } else { // Entity is "fully" MANAGED: it was already fully persisted before // and we have a copy of the original data $originalData = $this->originalEntityData[$oid]; $isChangeTrackingNotify = $class->isChangeTrackingNotify(); $changeSet = ($isChangeTrackingNotify && isset($this->entityChangeSets[$oid])) ? $this->entityChangeSets[$oid] : array(); foreach ($actualData as $propName => $actualValue) { // skip field, its a partially omitted one! if ( ! (isset($originalData[$propName]) || array_key_exists($propName, $originalData))) { continue; } $orgValue = $originalData[$propName]; // skip if value haven't changed if ($orgValue === $actualValue) { continue; } // if regular field if ( ! isset($class->associationMappings[$propName])) { if ($isChangeTrackingNotify) { continue; } $changeSet[$propName] = array($orgValue, $actualValue); continue; } $assoc = $class->associationMappings[$propName]; // Persistent collection was exchanged with the "originally" // created one. This can only mean it was cloned and replaced // on another entity. if ($actualValue instanceof PersistentCollection) { $owner = $actualValue->getOwner(); if ($owner === null) { // cloned $actualValue->setOwner($entity, $assoc); } else if ($owner !== $entity) { // no clone, we have to fix if (!$actualValue->isInitialized()) { $actualValue->initialize(); // we have to do this otherwise the cols share state } $newValue = clone $actualValue; $newValue->setOwner($entity, $assoc); $class->reflFields[$propName]->setValue($entity, $newValue); } } if ($orgValue instanceof PersistentCollection) { // A PersistentCollection was de-referenced, so delete it. $coid = spl_object_hash($orgValue); if (isset($this->collectionDeletions[$coid])) { continue; } $this->collectionDeletions[$coid] = $orgValue; $changeSet[$propName] = $orgValue; // Signal changeset, to-many assocs will be ignored. continue; } if ($assoc['type'] & ClassMetadata::TO_ONE) { if ($assoc['isOwningSide']) { $changeSet[$propName] = array($orgValue, $actualValue); } if ($orgValue !== null && $assoc['orphanRemoval']) { $this->scheduleOrphanRemoval($orgValue); } } } if ($changeSet) { $this->entityChangeSets[$oid] = $changeSet; $this->originalEntityData[$oid] = $actualData; $this->entityUpdates[$oid] = $entity; } } // Look for changes in associations of the entity foreach ($class->associationMappings as $field => $assoc) { if (($val = $class->reflFields[$field]->getValue($entity)) === null) { continue; } $this->computeAssociationChanges($assoc, $val); if ( ! isset($this->entityChangeSets[$oid]) && $assoc['isOwningSide'] && $assoc['type'] == ClassMetadata::MANY_TO_MANY && $val instanceof PersistentCollection && $val->isDirty()) { $this->entityChangeSets[$oid] = array(); $this->originalEntityData[$oid] = $actualData; $this->entityUpdates[$oid] = $entity; } } } /** * Computes all the changes that have been done to entities and collections * since the last commit and stores these changes in the _entityChangeSet map * temporarily for access by the persisters, until the UoW commit is finished. * * @return void */ public function computeChangeSets() { // Compute changes for INSERTed entities first. This must always happen. $this->computeScheduleInsertsChangeSets(); // Compute changes for other MANAGED entities. Change tracking policies take effect here. foreach ($this->identityMap as $className => $entities) { $class = $this->em->getClassMetadata($className); // Skip class if instances are read-only if ($class->isReadOnly) { continue; } // If change tracking is explicit or happens through notification, then only compute // changes on entities of that type that are explicitly marked for synchronization. switch (true) { case ($class->isChangeTrackingDeferredImplicit()): $entitiesToProcess = $entities; break; case (isset($this->scheduledForSynchronization[$className])): $entitiesToProcess = $this->scheduledForSynchronization[$className]; break; default: $entitiesToProcess = array(); } foreach ($entitiesToProcess as $entity) { // Ignore uninitialized proxy objects if ($entity instanceof Proxy && ! $entity->__isInitialized__) { continue; } // Only MANAGED entities that are NOT SCHEDULED FOR INSERTION OR DELETION are processed here. $oid = spl_object_hash($entity); if ( ! isset($this->entityInsertions[$oid]) && ! isset($this->entityDeletions[$oid]) && isset($this->entityStates[$oid])) { $this->computeChangeSet($class, $entity); } } } } /** * Computes the changes of an association. * * @param array $assoc The association mapping. * @param mixed $value The value of the association. * * @throws ORMInvalidArgumentException * @throws ORMException * * @return void */ private function computeAssociationChanges($assoc, $value) { if ($value instanceof Proxy && ! $value->__isInitialized__) { return; } if ($value instanceof PersistentCollection && $value->isDirty()) { $coid = spl_object_hash($value); if ($assoc['isOwningSide']) { $this->collectionUpdates[$coid] = $value; } $this->visitedCollections[$coid] = $value; } // Look through the entities, and in any of their associations, // for transient (new) entities, recursively. ("Persistence by reachability") // Unwrap. Uninitialized collections will simply be empty. $unwrappedValue = ($assoc['type'] & ClassMetadata::TO_ONE) ? array($value) : $value->unwrap(); $targetClass = $this->em->getClassMetadata($assoc['targetEntity']); foreach ($unwrappedValue as $key => $entry) { if (! ($entry instanceof $targetClass->name)) { throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::invalidAssociation($targetClass, $assoc, $entry); } $state = $this->getEntityState($entry, self::STATE_NEW); if ( ! ($entry instanceof $assoc['targetEntity'])) { throw ORMException::unexpectedAssociationValue($assoc['sourceEntity'], $assoc['fieldName'], get_class($entry), $assoc['targetEntity']); } switch ($state) { case self::STATE_NEW: if ( ! $assoc['isCascadePersist']) { throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::newEntityFoundThroughRelationship($assoc, $entry); } $this->persistNew($targetClass, $entry); $this->computeChangeSet($targetClass, $entry); break; case self::STATE_REMOVED: // Consume the $value as array (it's either an array or an ArrayAccess) // and remove the element from Collection. if ($assoc['type'] & ClassMetadata::TO_MANY) { unset($value[$key]); } break; case self::STATE_DETACHED: // Can actually not happen right now as we assume STATE_NEW, // so the exception will be raised from the DBAL layer (constraint violation). throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::detachedEntityFoundThroughRelationship($assoc, $entry); break; default: // MANAGED associated entities are already taken into account // during changeset calculation anyway, since they are in the identity map. } } } /** * @param \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata $class * @param object $entity * * @return void */ private function persistNew($class, $entity) { $oid = spl_object_hash($entity); $invoke = $this->listenersInvoker->getSubscribedSystems($class, Events::prePersist); if ($invoke !== ListenersInvoker::INVOKE_NONE) { $this->listenersInvoker->invoke($class, Events::prePersist, $entity, new LifecycleEventArgs($entity, $this->em), $invoke); } $idGen = $class->idGenerator; if ( ! $idGen->isPostInsertGenerator()) { $idValue = $idGen->generate($this->em, $entity); if ( ! $idGen instanceof \Doctrine\ORM\Id\AssignedGenerator) { $idValue = array($class->identifier[0] => $idValue); $class->setIdentifierValues($entity, $idValue); } $this->entityIdentifiers[$oid] = $idValue; } $this->entityStates[$oid] = self::STATE_MANAGED; $this->scheduleForInsert($entity); } /** * INTERNAL: * Computes the changeset of an individual entity, independently of the * computeChangeSets() routine that is used at the beginning of a UnitOfWork#commit(). * * The passed entity must be a managed entity. If the entity already has a change set * because this method is invoked during a commit cycle then the change sets are added. * whereby changes detected in this method prevail. * * @ignore * * @param ClassMetadata $class The class descriptor of the entity. * @param object $entity The entity for which to (re)calculate the change set. * * @return void * * @throws ORMInvalidArgumentException If the passed entity is not MANAGED. */ public function recomputeSingleEntityChangeSet(ClassMetadata $class, $entity) { $oid = spl_object_hash($entity); if ( ! isset($this->entityStates[$oid]) || $this->entityStates[$oid] != self::STATE_MANAGED) { throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::entityNotManaged($entity); } // skip if change tracking is "NOTIFY" if ($class->isChangeTrackingNotify()) { return; } if ( ! $class->isInheritanceTypeNone()) { $class = $this->em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity)); } $actualData = array(); foreach ($class->reflFields as $name => $refProp) { if (( ! $class->isIdentifier($name) || ! $class->isIdGeneratorIdentity()) && ($name !== $class->versionField) && ! $class->isCollectionValuedAssociation($name)) { $actualData[$name] = $refProp->getValue($entity); } } if ( ! isset($this->originalEntityData[$oid])) { throw new \RuntimeException('Cannot call recomputeSingleEntityChangeSet before computeChangeSet on an entity.'); } $originalData = $this->originalEntityData[$oid]; $changeSet = array(); foreach ($actualData as $propName => $actualValue) { $orgValue = isset($originalData[$propName]) ? $originalData[$propName] : null; if ($orgValue !== $actualValue) { $changeSet[$propName] = array($orgValue, $actualValue); } } if ($changeSet) { if (isset($this->entityChangeSets[$oid])) { $this->entityChangeSets[$oid] = array_merge($this->entityChangeSets[$oid], $changeSet); } else if ( ! isset($this->entityInsertions[$oid])) { $this->entityChangeSets[$oid] = $changeSet; $this->entityUpdates[$oid] = $entity; } $this->originalEntityData[$oid] = $actualData; } } /** * Executes all entity insertions for entities of the specified type. * * @param \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata $class * * @return void */ private function executeInserts($class) { $entities = array(); $className = $class->name; $persister = $this->getEntityPersister($className); $invoke = $this->listenersInvoker->getSubscribedSystems($class, Events::postPersist); foreach ($this->entityInsertions as $oid => $entity) { if ($this->em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity))->name !== $className) { continue; } $persister->addInsert($entity); unset($this->entityInsertions[$oid]); if ($invoke !== ListenersInvoker::INVOKE_NONE) { $entities[] = $entity; } } $postInsertIds = $persister->executeInserts(); if ($postInsertIds) { // Persister returned post-insert IDs foreach ($postInsertIds as $id => $entity) { $oid = spl_object_hash($entity); $idField = $class->identifier[0]; $class->reflFields[$idField]->setValue($entity, $id); $this->entityIdentifiers[$oid] = array($idField => $id); $this->entityStates[$oid] = self::STATE_MANAGED; $this->originalEntityData[$oid][$idField] = $id; $this->addToIdentityMap($entity); } } foreach ($entities as $entity) { $this->listenersInvoker->invoke($class, Events::postPersist, $entity, new LifecycleEventArgs($entity, $this->em), $invoke); } } /** * Executes all entity updates for entities of the specified type. * * @param \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata $class * * @return void */ private function executeUpdates($class) { $className = $class->name; $persister = $this->getEntityPersister($className); $preUpdateInvoke = $this->listenersInvoker->getSubscribedSystems($class, Events::preUpdate); $postUpdateInvoke = $this->listenersInvoker->getSubscribedSystems($class, Events::postUpdate); foreach ($this->entityUpdates as $oid => $entity) { if ($this->em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity))->name !== $className) { continue; } if ($preUpdateInvoke != ListenersInvoker::INVOKE_NONE) { $this->listenersInvoker->invoke($class, Events::preUpdate, $entity, new PreUpdateEventArgs($entity, $this->em, $this->entityChangeSets[$oid]), $preUpdateInvoke); $this->recomputeSingleEntityChangeSet($class, $entity); } if ( ! empty($this->entityChangeSets[$oid])) { $persister->update($entity); } unset($this->entityUpdates[$oid]); if ($postUpdateInvoke != ListenersInvoker::INVOKE_NONE) { $this->listenersInvoker->invoke($class, Events::postUpdate, $entity, new LifecycleEventArgs($entity, $this->em), $postUpdateInvoke); } } } /** * Executes all entity deletions for entities of the specified type. * * @param \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata $class * * @return void */ private function executeDeletions($class) { $className = $class->name; $persister = $this->getEntityPersister($className); $invoke = $this->listenersInvoker->getSubscribedSystems($class, Events::postRemove); foreach ($this->entityDeletions as $oid => $entity) { if ($this->em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity))->name !== $className) { continue; } $persister->delete($entity); unset( $this->entityDeletions[$oid], $this->entityIdentifiers[$oid], $this->originalEntityData[$oid], $this->entityStates[$oid] ); // Entity with this $oid after deletion treated as NEW, even if the $oid // is obtained by a new entity because the old one went out of scope. //$this->entityStates[$oid] = self::STATE_NEW; if ( ! $class->isIdentifierNatural()) { $class->reflFields[$class->identifier[0]]->setValue($entity, null); } if ($invoke !== ListenersInvoker::INVOKE_NONE) { $this->listenersInvoker->invoke($class, Events::postRemove, $entity, new LifecycleEventArgs($entity, $this->em), $invoke); } } } /** * Gets the commit order. * * @param array|null $entityChangeSet * * @return array */ private function getCommitOrder(array $entityChangeSet = null) { if ($entityChangeSet === null) { $entityChangeSet = array_merge($this->entityInsertions, $this->entityUpdates, $this->entityDeletions); } $calc = $this->getCommitOrderCalculator(); // See if there are any new classes in the changeset, that are not in the // commit order graph yet (don't have a node). // We have to inspect changeSet to be able to correctly build dependencies. // It is not possible to use IdentityMap here because post inserted ids // are not yet available. $newNodes = array(); foreach ($entityChangeSet as $entity) { $class = $this->em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity)); if ($calc->hasClass($class->name)) { continue; } $calc->addClass($class); $newNodes[] = $class; } // Calculate dependencies for new nodes while ($class = array_pop($newNodes)) { foreach ($class->associationMappings as $assoc) { if ( ! ($assoc['isOwningSide'] && $assoc['type'] & ClassMetadata::TO_ONE)) { continue; } $targetClass = $this->em->getClassMetadata($assoc['targetEntity']); if ( ! $calc->hasClass($targetClass->name)) { $calc->addClass($targetClass); $newNodes[] = $targetClass; } $calc->addDependency($targetClass, $class); // If the target class has mapped subclasses, these share the same dependency. if ( ! $targetClass->subClasses) { continue; } foreach ($targetClass->subClasses as $subClassName) { $targetSubClass = $this->em->getClassMetadata($subClassName); if ( ! $calc->hasClass($subClassName)) { $calc->addClass($targetSubClass); $newNodes[] = $targetSubClass; } $calc->addDependency($targetSubClass, $class); } } } return $calc->getCommitOrder(); } /** * Schedules an entity for insertion into the database. * If the entity already has an identifier, it will be added to the identity map. * * @param object $entity The entity to schedule for insertion. * * @return void * * @throws ORMInvalidArgumentException * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public function scheduleForInsert($entity) { $oid = spl_object_hash($entity); if (isset($this->entityUpdates[$oid])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("Dirty entity can not be scheduled for insertion."); } if (isset($this->entityDeletions[$oid])) { throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::scheduleInsertForRemovedEntity($entity); } if (isset($this->originalEntityData[$oid]) && ! isset($this->entityInsertions[$oid])) { throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::scheduleInsertForManagedEntity($entity); } if (isset($this->entityInsertions[$oid])) { throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::scheduleInsertTwice($entity); } $this->entityInsertions[$oid] = $entity; if (isset($this->entityIdentifiers[$oid])) { $this->addToIdentityMap($entity); } if ($entity instanceof NotifyPropertyChanged) { $entity->addPropertyChangedListener($this); } } /** * Checks whether an entity is scheduled for insertion. * * @param object $entity * * @return boolean */ public function isScheduledForInsert($entity) { return isset($this->entityInsertions[spl_object_hash($entity)]); } /** * Schedules an entity for being updated. * * @param object $entity The entity to schedule for being updated. * * @return void * * @throws ORMInvalidArgumentException */ public function scheduleForUpdate($entity) { $oid = spl_object_hash($entity); if ( ! isset($this->entityIdentifiers[$oid])) { throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::entityHasNoIdentity($entity, "scheduling for update"); } if (isset($this->entityDeletions[$oid])) { throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::entityIsRemoved($entity, "schedule for update"); } if ( ! isset($this->entityUpdates[$oid]) && ! isset($this->entityInsertions[$oid])) { $this->entityUpdates[$oid] = $entity; } } /** * INTERNAL: * Schedules an extra update that will be executed immediately after the * regular entity updates within the currently running commit cycle. * * Extra updates for entities are stored as (entity, changeset) tuples. * * @ignore * * @param object $entity The entity for which to schedule an extra update. * @param array $changeset The changeset of the entity (what to update). * * @return void */ public function scheduleExtraUpdate($entity, array $changeset) { $oid = spl_object_hash($entity); $extraUpdate = array($entity, $changeset); if (isset($this->extraUpdates[$oid])) { list($ignored, $changeset2) = $this->extraUpdates[$oid]; $extraUpdate = array($entity, $changeset + $changeset2); } $this->extraUpdates[$oid] = $extraUpdate; } /** * Checks whether an entity is registered as dirty in the unit of work. * Note: Is not very useful currently as dirty entities are only registered * at commit time. * * @param object $entity * * @return boolean */ public function isScheduledForUpdate($entity) { return isset($this->entityUpdates[spl_object_hash($entity)]); } /** * Checks whether an entity is registered to be checked in the unit of work. * * @param object $entity * * @return boolean */ public function isScheduledForDirtyCheck($entity) { $rootEntityName = $this->em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity))->rootEntityName; return isset($this->scheduledForSynchronization[$rootEntityName][spl_object_hash($entity)]); } /** * INTERNAL: * Schedules an entity for deletion. * * @param object $entity * * @return void */ public function scheduleForDelete($entity) { $oid = spl_object_hash($entity); if (isset($this->entityInsertions[$oid])) { if ($this->isInIdentityMap($entity)) { $this->removeFromIdentityMap($entity); } unset($this->entityInsertions[$oid], $this->entityStates[$oid]); return; // entity has not been persisted yet, so nothing more to do. } if ( ! $this->isInIdentityMap($entity)) { return; } $this->removeFromIdentityMap($entity); if (isset($this->entityUpdates[$oid])) { unset($this->entityUpdates[$oid]); } if ( ! isset($this->entityDeletions[$oid])) { $this->entityDeletions[$oid] = $entity; $this->entityStates[$oid] = self::STATE_REMOVED; } } /** * Checks whether an entity is registered as removed/deleted with the unit * of work. * * @param object $entity * * @return boolean */ public function isScheduledForDelete($entity) { return isset($this->entityDeletions[spl_object_hash($entity)]); } /** * Checks whether an entity is scheduled for insertion, update or deletion. * * @param object $entity * * @return boolean */ public function isEntityScheduled($entity) { $oid = spl_object_hash($entity); return isset($this->entityInsertions[$oid]) || isset($this->entityUpdates[$oid]) || isset($this->entityDeletions[$oid]); } /** * INTERNAL: * Registers an entity in the identity map. * Note that entities in a hierarchy are registered with the class name of * the root entity. * * @ignore * * @param object $entity The entity to register. * * @return boolean TRUE if the registration was successful, FALSE if the identity of * the entity in question is already managed. * * @throws ORMInvalidArgumentException */ public function addToIdentityMap($entity) { $classMetadata = $this->em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity)); $idHash = implode(' ', $this->entityIdentifiers[spl_object_hash($entity)]); if ($idHash === '') { throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::entityWithoutIdentity($classMetadata->name, $entity); } $className = $classMetadata->rootEntityName; if (isset($this->identityMap[$className][$idHash])) { return false; } $this->identityMap[$className][$idHash] = $entity; return true; } /** * Gets the state of an entity with regard to the current unit of work. * * @param object $entity * @param int|null $assume The state to assume if the state is not yet known (not MANAGED or REMOVED). * This parameter can be set to improve performance of entity state detection * by potentially avoiding a database lookup if the distinction between NEW and DETACHED * is either known or does not matter for the caller of the method. * * @return int The entity state. */ public function getEntityState($entity, $assume = null) { $oid = spl_object_hash($entity); if (isset($this->entityStates[$oid])) { return $this->entityStates[$oid]; } if ($assume !== null) { return $assume; } // State can only be NEW or DETACHED, because MANAGED/REMOVED states are known. // Note that you can not remember the NEW or DETACHED state in _entityStates since // the UoW does not hold references to such objects and the object hash can be reused. // More generally because the state may "change" between NEW/DETACHED without the UoW being aware of it. $class = $this->em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity)); $id = $class->getIdentifierValues($entity); if ( ! $id) { return self::STATE_NEW; } if ($class->containsForeignIdentifier) { $id = $this->identifierFlattener->flattenIdentifier($class, $id); } switch (true) { case ($class->isIdentifierNatural()): // Check for a version field, if available, to avoid a db lookup. if ($class->isVersioned) { return ($class->getFieldValue($entity, $class->versionField)) ? self::STATE_DETACHED : self::STATE_NEW; } // Last try before db lookup: check the identity map. if ($this->tryGetById($id, $class->rootEntityName)) { return self::STATE_DETACHED; } // db lookup if ($this->getEntityPersister($class->name)->exists($entity)) { return self::STATE_DETACHED; } return self::STATE_NEW; case ( ! $class->idGenerator->isPostInsertGenerator()): // if we have a pre insert generator we can't be sure that having an id // really means that the entity exists. We have to verify this through // the last resort: a db lookup // Last try before db lookup: check the identity map. if ($this->tryGetById($id, $class->rootEntityName)) { return self::STATE_DETACHED; } // db lookup if ($this->getEntityPersister($class->name)->exists($entity)) { return self::STATE_DETACHED; } return self::STATE_NEW; default: return self::STATE_DETACHED; } } /** * INTERNAL: * Removes an entity from the identity map. This effectively detaches the * entity from the persistence management of Doctrine. * * @ignore * * @param object $entity * * @return boolean * * @throws ORMInvalidArgumentException */ public function removeFromIdentityMap($entity) { $oid = spl_object_hash($entity); $classMetadata = $this->em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity)); $idHash = implode(' ', $this->entityIdentifiers[$oid]); if ($idHash === '') { throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::entityHasNoIdentity($entity, "remove from identity map"); } $className = $classMetadata->rootEntityName; if (isset($this->identityMap[$className][$idHash])) { unset($this->identityMap[$className][$idHash]); unset($this->readOnlyObjects[$oid]); //$this->entityStates[$oid] = self::STATE_DETACHED; return true; } return false; } /** * INTERNAL: * Gets an entity in the identity map by its identifier hash. * * @ignore * * @param string $idHash * @param string $rootClassName * * @return object */ public function getByIdHash($idHash, $rootClassName) { return $this->identityMap[$rootClassName][$idHash]; } /** * INTERNAL: * Tries to get an entity by its identifier hash. If no entity is found for * the given hash, FALSE is returned. * * @ignore * * @param string $idHash * @param string $rootClassName * * @return object|bool The found entity or FALSE. */ public function tryGetByIdHash($idHash, $rootClassName) { if (! is_string($idHash)) { $idHash = (string) $idHash; } if (isset($this->identityMap[$rootClassName][$idHash])) { return $this->identityMap[$rootClassName][$idHash]; } return false; } /** * Checks whether an entity is registered in the identity map of this UnitOfWork. * * @param object $entity * * @return boolean */ public function isInIdentityMap($entity) { $oid = spl_object_hash($entity); if ( ! isset($this->entityIdentifiers[$oid])) { return false; } $classMetadata = $this->em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity)); $idHash = implode(' ', $this->entityIdentifiers[$oid]); if ($idHash === '') { return false; } return isset($this->identityMap[$classMetadata->rootEntityName][$idHash]); } /** * INTERNAL: * Checks whether an identifier hash exists in the identity map. * * @ignore * * @param string $idHash * @param string $rootClassName * * @return boolean */ public function containsIdHash($idHash, $rootClassName) { return isset($this->identityMap[$rootClassName][$idHash]); } /** * Persists an entity as part of the current unit of work. * * @param object $entity The entity to persist. * * @return void */ public function persist($entity) { $visited = array(); $this->doPersist($entity, $visited); } /** * Persists an entity as part of the current unit of work. * * This method is internally called during persist() cascades as it tracks * the already visited entities to prevent infinite recursions. * * @param object $entity The entity to persist. * @param array $visited The already visited entities. * * @return void * * @throws ORMInvalidArgumentException * @throws UnexpectedValueException */ private function doPersist($entity, array &$visited) { $oid = spl_object_hash($entity); if (isset($visited[$oid])) { return; // Prevent infinite recursion } $visited[$oid] = $entity; // Mark visited $class = $this->em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity)); // We assume NEW, so DETACHED entities result in an exception on flush (constraint violation). // If we would detect DETACHED here we would throw an exception anyway with the same // consequences (not recoverable/programming error), so just assuming NEW here // lets us avoid some database lookups for entities with natural identifiers. $entityState = $this->getEntityState($entity, self::STATE_NEW); switch ($entityState) { case self::STATE_MANAGED: // Nothing to do, except if policy is "deferred explicit" if ($class->isChangeTrackingDeferredExplicit()) { $this->scheduleForDirtyCheck($entity); } break; case self::STATE_NEW: $this->persistNew($class, $entity); break; case self::STATE_REMOVED: // Entity becomes managed again unset($this->entityDeletions[$oid]); $this->entityStates[$oid] = self::STATE_MANAGED; break; case self::STATE_DETACHED: // Can actually not happen right now since we assume STATE_NEW. throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::detachedEntityCannot($entity, "persisted"); default: throw new UnexpectedValueException("Unexpected entity state: $entityState." . self::objToStr($entity)); } $this->cascadePersist($entity, $visited); } /** * Deletes an entity as part of the current unit of work. * * @param object $entity The entity to remove. * * @return void */ public function remove($entity) { $visited = array(); $this->doRemove($entity, $visited); } /** * Deletes an entity as part of the current unit of work. * * This method is internally called during delete() cascades as it tracks * the already visited entities to prevent infinite recursions. * * @param object $entity The entity to delete. * @param array $visited The map of the already visited entities. * * @return void * * @throws ORMInvalidArgumentException If the instance is a detached entity. * @throws UnexpectedValueException */ private function doRemove($entity, array &$visited) { $oid = spl_object_hash($entity); if (isset($visited[$oid])) { return; // Prevent infinite recursion } $visited[$oid] = $entity; // mark visited // Cascade first, because scheduleForDelete() removes the entity from the identity map, which // can cause problems when a lazy proxy has to be initialized for the cascade operation. $this->cascadeRemove($entity, $visited); $class = $this->em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity)); $entityState = $this->getEntityState($entity); switch ($entityState) { case self::STATE_NEW: case self::STATE_REMOVED: // nothing to do break; case self::STATE_MANAGED: $invoke = $this->listenersInvoker->getSubscribedSystems($class, Events::preRemove); if ($invoke !== ListenersInvoker::INVOKE_NONE) { $this->listenersInvoker->invoke($class, Events::preRemove, $entity, new LifecycleEventArgs($entity, $this->em), $invoke); } $this->scheduleForDelete($entity); break; case self::STATE_DETACHED: throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::detachedEntityCannot($entity, "removed"); default: throw new UnexpectedValueException("Unexpected entity state: $entityState." . self::objToStr($entity)); } } /** * Merges the state of the given detached entity into this UnitOfWork. * * @param object $entity * * @return object The managed copy of the entity. * * @throws OptimisticLockException If the entity uses optimistic locking through a version * attribute and the version check against the managed copy fails. * * @todo Require active transaction!? OptimisticLockException may result in undefined state!? */ public function merge($entity) { $visited = array(); return $this->doMerge($entity, $visited); } /** * Executes a merge operation on an entity. * * @param object $entity * @param array $visited * @param object|null $prevManagedCopy * @param array|null $assoc * * @return object The managed copy of the entity. * * @throws OptimisticLockException If the entity uses optimistic locking through a version * attribute and the version check against the managed copy fails. * @throws ORMInvalidArgumentException If the entity instance is NEW. * @throws EntityNotFoundException */ private function doMerge($entity, array &$visited, $prevManagedCopy = null, $assoc = null) { $oid = spl_object_hash($entity); if (isset($visited[$oid])) { $managedCopy = $visited[$oid]; if ($prevManagedCopy !== null) { $this->updateAssociationWithMergedEntity($entity, $assoc, $prevManagedCopy, $managedCopy); } return $managedCopy; } $class = $this->em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity)); // First we assume DETACHED, although it can still be NEW but we can avoid // an extra db-roundtrip this way. If it is not MANAGED but has an identity, // we need to fetch it from the db anyway in order to merge. // MANAGED entities are ignored by the merge operation. $managedCopy = $entity; if ($this->getEntityState($entity, self::STATE_DETACHED) !== self::STATE_MANAGED) { // Try to look the entity up in the identity map. $id = $class->getIdentifierValues($entity); // If there is no ID, it is actually NEW. if ( ! $id) { $managedCopy = $this->newInstance($class); $this->persistNew($class, $managedCopy); } else { $flatId = ($class->containsForeignIdentifier) ? $this->identifierFlattener->flattenIdentifier($class, $id) : $id; $managedCopy = $this->tryGetById($flatId, $class->rootEntityName); if ($managedCopy) { // We have the entity in-memory already, just make sure its not removed. if ($this->getEntityState($managedCopy) == self::STATE_REMOVED) { throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::entityIsRemoved($managedCopy, "merge"); } } else { // We need to fetch the managed copy in order to merge. $managedCopy = $this->em->find($class->name, $flatId); } if ($managedCopy === null) { // If the identifier is ASSIGNED, it is NEW, otherwise an error // since the managed entity was not found. if ( ! $class->isIdentifierNatural()) { throw EntityNotFoundException::fromClassNameAndIdentifier( $class->getName(), $this->identifierFlattener->flattenIdentifier($class, $id) ); } $managedCopy = $this->newInstance($class); $class->setIdentifierValues($managedCopy, $id); $this->persistNew($class, $managedCopy); } } if ($class->isVersioned) { $reflField = $class->reflFields[$class->versionField]; $managedCopyVersion = $reflField->getValue($managedCopy); $entityVersion = $reflField->getValue($entity); // Throw exception if versions don't match. if ($managedCopyVersion != $entityVersion) { throw OptimisticLockException::lockFailedVersionMismatch($entity, $entityVersion, $managedCopyVersion); } } $visited[$oid] = $managedCopy; // mark visited if (!($entity instanceof Proxy && ! $entity->__isInitialized())) { if ($managedCopy instanceof Proxy && ! $managedCopy->__isInitialized()) { $managedCopy->__load(); } $this->mergeEntityStateIntoManagedCopy($entity, $managedCopy); } if ($class->isChangeTrackingDeferredExplicit()) { $this->scheduleForDirtyCheck($entity); } } if ($prevManagedCopy !== null) { $this->updateAssociationWithMergedEntity($entity, $assoc, $prevManagedCopy, $managedCopy); } // Mark the managed copy visited as well $visited[spl_object_hash($managedCopy)] = $managedCopy; $this->cascadeMerge($entity, $managedCopy, $visited); return $managedCopy; } /** * Sets/adds associated managed copies into the previous entity's association field * * @param object $entity * @param array $association * @param object $previousManagedCopy * @param object $managedCopy * * @return void */ private function updateAssociationWithMergedEntity($entity, array $association, $previousManagedCopy, $managedCopy) { $assocField = $association['fieldName']; $prevClass = $this->em->getClassMetadata(get_class($previousManagedCopy)); if ($association['type'] & ClassMetadata::TO_ONE) { $prevClass->reflFields[$assocField]->setValue($previousManagedCopy, $managedCopy); return; } $value = $prevClass->reflFields[$assocField]->getValue($previousManagedCopy); $value[] = $managedCopy; if ($association['type'] == ClassMetadata::ONE_TO_MANY) { $class = $this->em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity)); $class->reflFields[$association['mappedBy']]->setValue($managedCopy, $previousManagedCopy); } } /** * Detaches an entity from the persistence management. It's persistence will * no longer be managed by Doctrine. * * @param object $entity The entity to detach. * * @return void */ public function detach($entity) { $visited = array(); $this->doDetach($entity, $visited); } /** * Executes a detach operation on the given entity. * * @param object $entity * @param array $visited * @param boolean $noCascade if true, don't cascade detach operation. * * @return void */ private function doDetach($entity, array &$visited, $noCascade = false) { $oid = spl_object_hash($entity); if (isset($visited[$oid])) { return; // Prevent infinite recursion } $visited[$oid] = $entity; // mark visited switch ($this->getEntityState($entity, self::STATE_DETACHED)) { case self::STATE_MANAGED: if ($this->isInIdentityMap($entity)) { $this->removeFromIdentityMap($entity); } unset( $this->entityInsertions[$oid], $this->entityUpdates[$oid], $this->entityDeletions[$oid], $this->entityIdentifiers[$oid], $this->entityStates[$oid], $this->originalEntityData[$oid] ); break; case self::STATE_NEW: case self::STATE_DETACHED: return; } if ( ! $noCascade) { $this->cascadeDetach($entity, $visited); } } /** * Refreshes the state of the given entity from the database, overwriting * any local, unpersisted changes. * * @param object $entity The entity to refresh. * * @return void * * @throws InvalidArgumentException If the entity is not MANAGED. */ public function refresh($entity) { $visited = array(); $this->doRefresh($entity, $visited); } /** * Executes a refresh operation on an entity. * * @param object $entity The entity to refresh. * @param array $visited The already visited entities during cascades. * * @return void * * @throws ORMInvalidArgumentException If the entity is not MANAGED. */ private function doRefresh($entity, array &$visited) { $oid = spl_object_hash($entity); if (isset($visited[$oid])) { return; // Prevent infinite recursion } $visited[$oid] = $entity; // mark visited $class = $this->em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity)); if ($this->getEntityState($entity) !== self::STATE_MANAGED) { throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::entityNotManaged($entity); } $this->getEntityPersister($class->name)->refresh( array_combine($class->getIdentifierFieldNames(), $this->entityIdentifiers[$oid]), $entity ); $this->cascadeRefresh($entity, $visited); } /** * Cascades a refresh operation to associated entities. * * @param object $entity * @param array $visited * * @return void */ private function cascadeRefresh($entity, array &$visited) { $class = $this->em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity)); $associationMappings = array_filter( $class->associationMappings, function ($assoc) { return $assoc['isCascadeRefresh']; } ); foreach ($associationMappings as $assoc) { $relatedEntities = $class->reflFields[$assoc['fieldName']]->getValue($entity); switch (true) { case ($relatedEntities instanceof PersistentCollection): // Unwrap so that foreach() does not initialize $relatedEntities = $relatedEntities->unwrap(); // break; is commented intentionally! case ($relatedEntities instanceof Collection): case (is_array($relatedEntities)): foreach ($relatedEntities as $relatedEntity) { $this->doRefresh($relatedEntity, $visited); } break; case ($relatedEntities !== null): $this->doRefresh($relatedEntities, $visited); break; default: // Do nothing } } } /** * Cascades a detach operation to associated entities. * * @param object $entity * @param array $visited * * @return void */ private function cascadeDetach($entity, array &$visited) { $class = $this->em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity)); $associationMappings = array_filter( $class->associationMappings, function ($assoc) { return $assoc['isCascadeDetach']; } ); foreach ($associationMappings as $assoc) { $relatedEntities = $class->reflFields[$assoc['fieldName']]->getValue($entity); switch (true) { case ($relatedEntities instanceof PersistentCollection): // Unwrap so that foreach() does not initialize $relatedEntities = $relatedEntities->unwrap(); // break; is commented intentionally! case ($relatedEntities instanceof Collection): case (is_array($relatedEntities)): foreach ($relatedEntities as $relatedEntity) { $this->doDetach($relatedEntity, $visited); } break; case ($relatedEntities !== null): $this->doDetach($relatedEntities, $visited); break; default: // Do nothing } } } /** * Cascades a merge operation to associated entities. * * @param object $entity * @param object $managedCopy * @param array $visited * * @return void */ private function cascadeMerge($entity, $managedCopy, array &$visited) { $class = $this->em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity)); $associationMappings = array_filter( $class->associationMappings, function ($assoc) { return $assoc['isCascadeMerge']; } ); foreach ($associationMappings as $assoc) { $relatedEntities = $class->reflFields[$assoc['fieldName']]->getValue($entity); if ($relatedEntities instanceof Collection) { if ($relatedEntities === $class->reflFields[$assoc['fieldName']]->getValue($managedCopy)) { continue; } if ($relatedEntities instanceof PersistentCollection) { // Unwrap so that foreach() does not initialize $relatedEntities = $relatedEntities->unwrap(); } foreach ($relatedEntities as $relatedEntity) { $this->doMerge($relatedEntity, $visited, $managedCopy, $assoc); } } else if ($relatedEntities !== null) { $this->doMerge($relatedEntities, $visited, $managedCopy, $assoc); } } } /** * Cascades the save operation to associated entities. * * @param object $entity * @param array $visited * * @return void */ private function cascadePersist($entity, array &$visited) { $class = $this->em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity)); $associationMappings = array_filter( $class->associationMappings, function ($assoc) { return $assoc['isCascadePersist']; } ); foreach ($associationMappings as $assoc) { $relatedEntities = $class->reflFields[$assoc['fieldName']]->getValue($entity); switch (true) { case ($relatedEntities instanceof PersistentCollection): // Unwrap so that foreach() does not initialize $relatedEntities = $relatedEntities->unwrap(); // break; is commented intentionally! case ($relatedEntities instanceof Collection): case (is_array($relatedEntities)): if (($assoc['type'] & ClassMetadata::TO_MANY) <= 0) { throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::invalidAssociation( $this->em->getClassMetadata($assoc['targetEntity']), $assoc, $relatedEntities ); } foreach ($relatedEntities as $relatedEntity) { $this->doPersist($relatedEntity, $visited); } break; case ($relatedEntities !== null): if (! $relatedEntities instanceof $assoc['targetEntity']) { throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::invalidAssociation( $this->em->getClassMetadata($assoc['targetEntity']), $assoc, $relatedEntities ); } $this->doPersist($relatedEntities, $visited); break; default: // Do nothing } } } /** * Cascades the delete operation to associated entities. * * @param object $entity * @param array $visited * * @return void */ private function cascadeRemove($entity, array &$visited) { $class = $this->em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity)); $associationMappings = array_filter( $class->associationMappings, function ($assoc) { return $assoc['isCascadeRemove']; } ); $entitiesToCascade = array(); foreach ($associationMappings as $assoc) { if ($entity instanceof Proxy && !$entity->__isInitialized__) { $entity->__load(); } $relatedEntities = $class->reflFields[$assoc['fieldName']]->getValue($entity); switch (true) { case ($relatedEntities instanceof Collection): case (is_array($relatedEntities)): // If its a PersistentCollection initialization is intended! No unwrap! foreach ($relatedEntities as $relatedEntity) { $entitiesToCascade[] = $relatedEntity; } break; case ($relatedEntities !== null): $entitiesToCascade[] = $relatedEntities; break; default: // Do nothing } } foreach ($entitiesToCascade as $relatedEntity) { $this->doRemove($relatedEntity, $visited); } } /** * Acquire a lock on the given entity. * * @param object $entity * @param int $lockMode * @param int $lockVersion * * @return void * * @throws ORMInvalidArgumentException * @throws TransactionRequiredException * @throws OptimisticLockException */ public function lock($entity, $lockMode, $lockVersion = null) { if ($entity === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("No entity passed to UnitOfWork#lock()."); } if ($this->getEntityState($entity, self::STATE_DETACHED) != self::STATE_MANAGED) { throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::entityNotManaged($entity); } $class = $this->em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity)); switch (true) { case LockMode::OPTIMISTIC === $lockMode: if ( ! $class->isVersioned) { throw OptimisticLockException::notVersioned($class->name); } if ($lockVersion === null) { return; } if ($entity instanceof Proxy && !$entity->__isInitialized__) { $entity->__load(); } $entityVersion = $class->reflFields[$class->versionField]->getValue($entity); if ($entityVersion != $lockVersion) { throw OptimisticLockException::lockFailedVersionMismatch($entity, $lockVersion, $entityVersion); } break; case LockMode::NONE === $lockMode: case LockMode::PESSIMISTIC_READ === $lockMode: case LockMode::PESSIMISTIC_WRITE === $lockMode: if (!$this->em->getConnection()->isTransactionActive()) { throw TransactionRequiredException::transactionRequired(); } $oid = spl_object_hash($entity); $this->getEntityPersister($class->name)->lock( array_combine($class->getIdentifierFieldNames(), $this->entityIdentifiers[$oid]), $lockMode ); break; default: // Do nothing } } /** * Gets the CommitOrderCalculator used by the UnitOfWork to order commits. * * @return \Doctrine\ORM\Internal\CommitOrderCalculator */ public function getCommitOrderCalculator() { if ($this->commitOrderCalculator === null) { $this->commitOrderCalculator = new Internal\CommitOrderCalculator; } return $this->commitOrderCalculator; } /** * Clears the UnitOfWork. * * @param string|null $entityName if given, only entities of this type will get detached. * * @return void */ public function clear($entityName = null) { if ($entityName === null) { $this->identityMap = $this->entityIdentifiers = $this->originalEntityData = $this->entityChangeSets = $this->entityStates = $this->scheduledForSynchronization = $this->entityInsertions = $this->entityUpdates = $this->entityDeletions = $this->collectionDeletions = $this->collectionUpdates = $this->extraUpdates = $this->readOnlyObjects = $this->visitedCollections = $this->orphanRemovals = array(); if ($this->commitOrderCalculator !== null) { $this->commitOrderCalculator->clear(); } } else { $visited = array(); foreach ($this->identityMap as $className => $entities) { if ($className !== $entityName) { continue; } foreach ($entities as $entity) { $this->doDetach($entity, $visited, false); } } } if ($this->evm->hasListeners(Events::onClear)) { $this->evm->dispatchEvent(Events::onClear, new Event\OnClearEventArgs($this->em, $entityName)); } } /** * INTERNAL: * Schedules an orphaned entity for removal. The remove() operation will be * invoked on that entity at the beginning of the next commit of this * UnitOfWork. * * @ignore * * @param object $entity * * @return void */ public function scheduleOrphanRemoval($entity) { $this->orphanRemovals[spl_object_hash($entity)] = $entity; } /** * INTERNAL: * Schedules a complete collection for removal when this UnitOfWork commits. * * @param PersistentCollection $coll * * @return void */ public function scheduleCollectionDeletion(PersistentCollection $coll) { $coid = spl_object_hash($coll); // TODO: if $coll is already scheduled for recreation ... what to do? // Just remove $coll from the scheduled recreations? if (isset($this->collectionUpdates[$coid])) { unset($this->collectionUpdates[$coid]); } $this->collectionDeletions[$coid] = $coll; } /** * @param PersistentCollection $coll * * @return bool */ public function isCollectionScheduledForDeletion(PersistentCollection $coll) { return isset($this->collectionDeletions[spl_object_hash($coll)]); } /** * @param ClassMetadata $class * * @return \Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManagerAware|object */ private function newInstance($class) { $entity = $class->newInstance(); if ($entity instanceof \Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManagerAware) { $entity->injectObjectManager($this->em, $class); } return $entity; } /** * INTERNAL: * Creates an entity. Used for reconstitution of persistent entities. * * Internal note: Highly performance-sensitive method. * * @ignore * * @param string $className The name of the entity class. * @param array $data The data for the entity. * @param array $hints Any hints to account for during reconstitution/lookup of the entity. * * @return object The managed entity instance. * * @todo Rename: getOrCreateEntity */ public function createEntity($className, array $data, &$hints = array()) { $class = $this->em->getClassMetadata($className); //$isReadOnly = isset($hints[Query::HINT_READ_ONLY]); $id = $this->identifierFlattener->flattenIdentifier($class, $data); $idHash = implode(' ', $id); if (isset($this->identityMap[$class->rootEntityName][$idHash])) { $entity = $this->identityMap[$class->rootEntityName][$idHash]; $oid = spl_object_hash($entity); if ( isset($hints[Query::HINT_REFRESH]) && isset($hints[Query::HINT_REFRESH_ENTITY]) && ($unmanagedProxy = $hints[Query::HINT_REFRESH_ENTITY]) !== $entity && $unmanagedProxy instanceof Proxy && $this->isIdentifierEquals($unmanagedProxy, $entity) ) { // DDC-1238 - we have a managed instance, but it isn't the provided one. // Therefore we clear its identifier. Also, we must re-fetch metadata since the // refreshed object may be anything foreach ($class->identifier as $fieldName) { $class->reflFields[$fieldName]->setValue($unmanagedProxy, null); } return $unmanagedProxy; } if ($entity instanceof Proxy && ! $entity->__isInitialized()) { $entity->__setInitialized(true); $overrideLocalValues = true; if ($entity instanceof NotifyPropertyChanged) { $entity->addPropertyChangedListener($this); } } else { $overrideLocalValues = isset($hints[Query::HINT_REFRESH]); // If only a specific entity is set to refresh, check that it's the one if (isset($hints[Query::HINT_REFRESH_ENTITY])) { $overrideLocalValues = $hints[Query::HINT_REFRESH_ENTITY] === $entity; } } if ($overrideLocalValues) { // inject ObjectManager upon refresh. if ($entity instanceof ObjectManagerAware) { $entity->injectObjectManager($this->em, $class); } $this->originalEntityData[$oid] = $data; } } else { $entity = $this->newInstance($class); $oid = spl_object_hash($entity); $this->entityIdentifiers[$oid] = $id; $this->entityStates[$oid] = self::STATE_MANAGED; $this->originalEntityData[$oid] = $data; $this->identityMap[$class->rootEntityName][$idHash] = $entity; if ($entity instanceof NotifyPropertyChanged) { $entity->addPropertyChangedListener($this); } $overrideLocalValues = true; } if ( ! $overrideLocalValues) { return $entity; } foreach ($data as $field => $value) { if (isset($class->fieldMappings[$field])) { $class->reflFields[$field]->setValue($entity, $value); } } // Loading the entity right here, if its in the eager loading map get rid of it there. unset($this->eagerLoadingEntities[$class->rootEntityName][$idHash]); if (isset($this->eagerLoadingEntities[$class->rootEntityName]) && ! $this->eagerLoadingEntities[$class->rootEntityName]) { unset($this->eagerLoadingEntities[$class->rootEntityName]); } // Properly initialize any unfetched associations, if partial objects are not allowed. if (isset($hints[Query::HINT_FORCE_PARTIAL_LOAD])) { return $entity; } foreach ($class->associationMappings as $field => $assoc) { // Check if the association is not among the fetch-joined associations already. if (isset($hints['fetchAlias']) && isset($hints['fetched'][$hints['fetchAlias']][$field])) { continue; } $targetClass = $this->em->getClassMetadata($assoc['targetEntity']); switch (true) { case ($assoc['type'] & ClassMetadata::TO_ONE): if ( ! $assoc['isOwningSide']) { // use the given entity association if (isset($data[$field]) && is_object($data[$field]) && isset($this->entityStates[spl_object_hash($data[$field])])) { $this->originalEntityData[$oid][$field] = $data[$field]; $class->reflFields[$field]->setValue($entity, $data[$field]); $targetClass->reflFields[$assoc['mappedBy']]->setValue($data[$field], $entity); continue 2; } // Inverse side of x-to-one can never be lazy $class->reflFields[$field]->setValue($entity, $this->getEntityPersister($assoc['targetEntity'])->loadOneToOneEntity($assoc, $entity)); continue 2; } // use the entity association if (isset($data[$field]) && is_object($data[$field]) && isset($this->entityStates[spl_object_hash($data[$field])])) { $class->reflFields[$field]->setValue($entity, $data[$field]); $this->originalEntityData[$oid][$field] = $data[$field]; continue; } $associatedId = array(); // TODO: Is this even computed right in all cases of composite keys? foreach ($assoc['targetToSourceKeyColumns'] as $targetColumn => $srcColumn) { $joinColumnValue = isset($data[$srcColumn]) ? $data[$srcColumn] : null; if ($joinColumnValue !== null) { if ($targetClass->containsForeignIdentifier) { $associatedId[$targetClass->getFieldForColumn($targetColumn)] = $joinColumnValue; } else { $associatedId[$targetClass->fieldNames[$targetColumn]] = $joinColumnValue; } } elseif ($targetClass->containsForeignIdentifier && in_array($targetClass->getFieldForColumn($targetColumn), $targetClass->identifier, true) ) { // the missing key is part of target's entity primary key $associatedId = array(); break; } } if ( ! $associatedId) { // Foreign key is NULL $class->reflFields[$field]->setValue($entity, null); $this->originalEntityData[$oid][$field] = null; continue; } if ( ! isset($hints['fetchMode'][$class->name][$field])) { $hints['fetchMode'][$class->name][$field] = $assoc['fetch']; } // Foreign key is set // Check identity map first // FIXME: Can break easily with composite keys if join column values are in // wrong order. The correct order is the one in ClassMetadata#identifier. $relatedIdHash = implode(' ', $associatedId); switch (true) { case (isset($this->identityMap[$targetClass->rootEntityName][$relatedIdHash])): $newValue = $this->identityMap[$targetClass->rootEntityName][$relatedIdHash]; // If this is an uninitialized proxy, we are deferring eager loads, // this association is marked as eager fetch, and its an uninitialized proxy (wtf!) // then we can append this entity for eager loading! if ($hints['fetchMode'][$class->name][$field] == ClassMetadata::FETCH_EAGER && isset($hints[self::HINT_DEFEREAGERLOAD]) && !$targetClass->isIdentifierComposite && $newValue instanceof Proxy && $newValue->__isInitialized__ === false) { $this->eagerLoadingEntities[$targetClass->rootEntityName][$relatedIdHash] = current($associatedId); } break; case ($targetClass->subClasses): // If it might be a subtype, it can not be lazy. There isn't even // a way to solve this with deferred eager loading, which means putting // an entity with subclasses at a *-to-one location is really bad! (performance-wise) $newValue = $this->getEntityPersister($assoc['targetEntity'])->loadOneToOneEntity($assoc, $entity, $associatedId); break; default: switch (true) { // We are negating the condition here. Other cases will assume it is valid! case ($hints['fetchMode'][$class->name][$field] !== ClassMetadata::FETCH_EAGER): $newValue = $this->em->getProxyFactory()->getProxy($assoc['targetEntity'], $associatedId); break; // Deferred eager load only works for single identifier classes case (isset($hints[self::HINT_DEFEREAGERLOAD]) && ! $targetClass->isIdentifierComposite): // TODO: Is there a faster approach? $this->eagerLoadingEntities[$targetClass->rootEntityName][$relatedIdHash] = current($associatedId); $newValue = $this->em->getProxyFactory()->getProxy($assoc['targetEntity'], $associatedId); break; default: // TODO: This is very imperformant, ignore it? $newValue = $this->em->find($assoc['targetEntity'], $associatedId); break; } // PERF: Inlined & optimized code from UnitOfWork#registerManaged() $newValueOid = spl_object_hash($newValue); $this->entityIdentifiers[$newValueOid] = $associatedId; $this->identityMap[$targetClass->rootEntityName][$relatedIdHash] = $newValue; if ( $newValue instanceof NotifyPropertyChanged && ( ! $newValue instanceof Proxy || $newValue->__isInitialized()) ) { $newValue->addPropertyChangedListener($this); } $this->entityStates[$newValueOid] = self::STATE_MANAGED; // make sure that when an proxy is then finally loaded, $this->originalEntityData is set also! break; } $this->originalEntityData[$oid][$field] = $newValue; $class->reflFields[$field]->setValue($entity, $newValue); if ($assoc['inversedBy'] && $assoc['type'] & ClassMetadata::ONE_TO_ONE) { $inverseAssoc = $targetClass->associationMappings[$assoc['inversedBy']]; $targetClass->reflFields[$inverseAssoc['fieldName']]->setValue($newValue, $entity); } break; default: // Ignore if its a cached collection if (isset($hints[Query::HINT_CACHE_ENABLED]) && $class->getFieldValue($entity, $field) instanceof PersistentCollection) { break; } // use the given collection if (isset($data[$field]) && $data[$field] instanceof PersistentCollection) { $data[$field]->setOwner($entity, $assoc); $class->reflFields[$field]->setValue($entity, $data[$field]); $this->originalEntityData[$oid][$field] = $data[$field]; break; } // Inject collection $pColl = new PersistentCollection($this->em, $targetClass, new ArrayCollection); $pColl->setOwner($entity, $assoc); $pColl->setInitialized(false); $reflField = $class->reflFields[$field]; $reflField->setValue($entity, $pColl); if ($assoc['fetch'] == ClassMetadata::FETCH_EAGER) { $this->loadCollection($pColl); $pColl->takeSnapshot(); } $this->originalEntityData[$oid][$field] = $pColl; break; } } if ($overrideLocalValues) { // defer invoking of postLoad event to hydration complete step $this->hydrationCompleteHandler->deferPostLoadInvoking($class, $entity); } return $entity; } /** * @return void */ public function triggerEagerLoads() { if ( ! $this->eagerLoadingEntities) { return; } // avoid infinite recursion $eagerLoadingEntities = $this->eagerLoadingEntities; $this->eagerLoadingEntities = array(); foreach ($eagerLoadingEntities as $entityName => $ids) { if ( ! $ids) { continue; } $class = $this->em->getClassMetadata($entityName); $this->getEntityPersister($entityName)->loadAll( array_combine($class->identifier, array(array_values($ids))) ); } } /** * Initializes (loads) an uninitialized persistent collection of an entity. * * @param \Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection $collection The collection to initialize. * * @return void * * @todo Maybe later move to EntityManager#initialize($proxyOrCollection). See DDC-733. */ public function loadCollection(PersistentCollection $collection) { $assoc = $collection->getMapping(); $persister = $this->getEntityPersister($assoc['targetEntity']); switch ($assoc['type']) { case ClassMetadata::ONE_TO_MANY: $persister->loadOneToManyCollection($assoc, $collection->getOwner(), $collection); break; case ClassMetadata::MANY_TO_MANY: $persister->loadManyToManyCollection($assoc, $collection->getOwner(), $collection); break; } $collection->setInitialized(true); } /** * Gets the identity map of the UnitOfWork. * * @return array */ public function getIdentityMap() { return $this->identityMap; } /** * Gets the original data of an entity. The original data is the data that was * present at the time the entity was reconstituted from the database. * * @param object $entity * * @return array */ public function getOriginalEntityData($entity) { $oid = spl_object_hash($entity); if (isset($this->originalEntityData[$oid])) { return $this->originalEntityData[$oid]; } return array(); } /** * @ignore * * @param object $entity * @param array $data * * @return void */ public function setOriginalEntityData($entity, array $data) { $this->originalEntityData[spl_object_hash($entity)] = $data; } /** * INTERNAL: * Sets a property value of the original data array of an entity. * * @ignore * * @param string $oid * @param string $property * @param mixed $value * * @return void */ public function setOriginalEntityProperty($oid, $property, $value) { $this->originalEntityData[$oid][$property] = $value; } /** * Gets the identifier of an entity. * The returned value is always an array of identifier values. If the entity * has a composite identifier then the identifier values are in the same * order as the identifier field names as returned by ClassMetadata#getIdentifierFieldNames(). * * @param object $entity * * @return array The identifier values. */ public function getEntityIdentifier($entity) { return $this->entityIdentifiers[spl_object_hash($entity)]; } /** * Processes an entity instance to extract their identifier values. * * @param object $entity The entity instance. * * @return mixed A scalar value. * * @throws \Doctrine\ORM\ORMInvalidArgumentException */ public function getSingleIdentifierValue($entity) { $class = $this->em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity)); if ($class->isIdentifierComposite) { throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::invalidCompositeIdentifier(); } $values = $this->isInIdentityMap($entity) ? $this->getEntityIdentifier($entity) : $class->getIdentifierValues($entity); return isset($values[$class->identifier[0]]) ? $values[$class->identifier[0]] : null; } /** * Tries to find an entity with the given identifier in the identity map of * this UnitOfWork. * * @param mixed $id The entity identifier to look for. * @param string $rootClassName The name of the root class of the mapped entity hierarchy. * * @return object|bool Returns the entity with the specified identifier if it exists in * this UnitOfWork, FALSE otherwise. */ public function tryGetById($id, $rootClassName) { $idHash = implode(' ', (array) $id); if (! is_string($idHash)) { $idHash = (string) $idHash; } if (isset($this->identityMap[$rootClassName][$idHash])) { return $this->identityMap[$rootClassName][$idHash]; } return false; } /** * Schedules an entity for dirty-checking at commit-time. * * @param object $entity The entity to schedule for dirty-checking. * * @return void * * @todo Rename: scheduleForSynchronization */ public function scheduleForDirtyCheck($entity) { $rootClassName = $this->em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity))->rootEntityName; $this->scheduledForSynchronization[$rootClassName][spl_object_hash($entity)] = $entity; } /** * Checks whether the UnitOfWork has any pending insertions. * * @return boolean TRUE if this UnitOfWork has pending insertions, FALSE otherwise. */ public function hasPendingInsertions() { return ! empty($this->entityInsertions); } /** * Calculates the size of the UnitOfWork. The size of the UnitOfWork is the * number of entities in the identity map. * * @return integer */ public function size() { $countArray = array_map(function ($item) { return count($item); }, $this->identityMap); return array_sum($countArray); } /** * Gets the EntityPersister for an Entity. * * @param string $entityName The name of the Entity. * * @return \Doctrine\ORM\Persisters\Entity\EntityPersister */ public function getEntityPersister($entityName) { if (isset($this->persisters[$entityName])) { return $this->persisters[$entityName]; } $class = $this->em->getClassMetadata($entityName); switch (true) { case ($class->isInheritanceTypeNone()): $persister = new BasicEntityPersister($this->em, $class); break; case ($class->isInheritanceTypeSingleTable()): $persister = new SingleTablePersister($this->em, $class); break; case ($class->isInheritanceTypeJoined()): $persister = new JoinedSubclassPersister($this->em, $class); break; default: throw new \RuntimeException('No persister found for entity.'); } if ($this->hasCache && $class->cache !== null) { $persister = $this->em->getConfiguration() ->getSecondLevelCacheConfiguration() ->getCacheFactory() ->buildCachedEntityPersister($this->em, $persister, $class); } $this->persisters[$entityName] = $persister; return $this->persisters[$entityName]; } /** * Gets a collection persister for a collection-valued association. * * @param array $association * * @return \Doctrine\ORM\Persisters\Collection\CollectionPersister */ public function getCollectionPersister(array $association) { $role = isset($association['cache']) ? $association['sourceEntity'] . '::' . $association['fieldName'] : $association['type']; if (isset($this->collectionPersisters[$role])) { return $this->collectionPersisters[$role]; } $persister = ClassMetadata::ONE_TO_MANY === $association['type'] ? new OneToManyPersister($this->em) : new ManyToManyPersister($this->em); if ($this->hasCache && isset($association['cache'])) { $persister = $this->em->getConfiguration() ->getSecondLevelCacheConfiguration() ->getCacheFactory() ->buildCachedCollectionPersister($this->em, $persister, $association); } $this->collectionPersisters[$role] = $persister; return $this->collectionPersisters[$role]; } /** * INTERNAL: * Registers an entity as managed. * * @param object $entity The entity. * @param array $id The identifier values. * @param array $data The original entity data. * * @return void */ public function registerManaged($entity, array $id, array $data) { $oid = spl_object_hash($entity); $this->entityIdentifiers[$oid] = $id; $this->entityStates[$oid] = self::STATE_MANAGED; $this->originalEntityData[$oid] = $data; $this->addToIdentityMap($entity); if ($entity instanceof NotifyPropertyChanged && ( ! $entity instanceof Proxy || $entity->__isInitialized())) { $entity->addPropertyChangedListener($this); } } /** * INTERNAL: * Clears the property changeset of the entity with the given OID. * * @param string $oid The entity's OID. * * @return void */ public function clearEntityChangeSet($oid) { $this->entityChangeSets[$oid] = array(); } /* PropertyChangedListener implementation */ /** * Notifies this UnitOfWork of a property change in an entity. * * @param object $entity The entity that owns the property. * @param string $propertyName The name of the property that changed. * @param mixed $oldValue The old value of the property. * @param mixed $newValue The new value of the property. * * @return void */ public function propertyChanged($entity, $propertyName, $oldValue, $newValue) { $oid = spl_object_hash($entity); $class = $this->em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity)); $isAssocField = isset($class->associationMappings[$propertyName]); if ( ! $isAssocField && ! isset($class->fieldMappings[$propertyName])) { return; // ignore non-persistent fields } // Update changeset and mark entity for synchronization $this->entityChangeSets[$oid][$propertyName] = array($oldValue, $newValue); if ( ! isset($this->scheduledForSynchronization[$class->rootEntityName][$oid])) { $this->scheduleForDirtyCheck($entity); } } /** * Gets the currently scheduled entity insertions in this UnitOfWork. * * @return array */ public function getScheduledEntityInsertions() { return $this->entityInsertions; } /** * Gets the currently scheduled entity updates in this UnitOfWork. * * @return array */ public function getScheduledEntityUpdates() { return $this->entityUpdates; } /** * Gets the currently scheduled entity deletions in this UnitOfWork. * * @return array */ public function getScheduledEntityDeletions() { return $this->entityDeletions; } /** * Gets the currently scheduled complete collection deletions * * @return array */ public function getScheduledCollectionDeletions() { return $this->collectionDeletions; } /** * Gets the currently scheduled collection inserts, updates and deletes. * * @return array */ public function getScheduledCollectionUpdates() { return $this->collectionUpdates; } /** * Helper method to initialize a lazy loading proxy or persistent collection. * * @param object $obj * * @return void */ public function initializeObject($obj) { if ($obj instanceof Proxy) { $obj->__load(); return; } if ($obj instanceof PersistentCollection) { $obj->initialize(); } } /** * Helper method to show an object as string. * * @param object $obj * * @return string */ private static function objToStr($obj) { return method_exists($obj, '__toString') ? (string)$obj : get_class($obj).'@'.spl_object_hash($obj); } /** * Marks an entity as read-only so that it will not be considered for updates during UnitOfWork#commit(). * * This operation cannot be undone as some parts of the UnitOfWork now keep gathering information * on this object that might be necessary to perform a correct update. * * @param object $object * * @return void * * @throws ORMInvalidArgumentException */ public function markReadOnly($object) { if ( ! is_object($object) || ! $this->isInIdentityMap($object)) { throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::readOnlyRequiresManagedEntity($object); } $this->readOnlyObjects[spl_object_hash($object)] = true; } /** * Is this entity read only? * * @param object $object * * @return bool * * @throws ORMInvalidArgumentException */ public function isReadOnly($object) { if ( ! is_object($object)) { throw ORMInvalidArgumentException::readOnlyRequiresManagedEntity($object); } return isset($this->readOnlyObjects[spl_object_hash($object)]); } /** * Perform whatever processing is encapsulated here after completion of the transaction. */ private function afterTransactionComplete() { if ( ! $this->hasCache) { return; } foreach ($this->persisters as $persister) { if ($persister instanceof CachedPersister) { $persister->afterTransactionComplete(); } } foreach ($this->collectionPersisters as $persister) { if ($persister instanceof CachedPersister) { $persister->afterTransactionComplete(); } } } /** * Perform whatever processing is encapsulated here after completion of the rolled-back. */ private function afterTransactionRolledBack() { if ( ! $this->hasCache) { return; } foreach ($this->persisters as $persister) { if ($persister instanceof CachedPersister) { $persister->afterTransactionRolledBack(); } } foreach ($this->collectionPersisters as $persister) { if ($persister instanceof CachedPersister) { $persister->afterTransactionRolledBack(); } } } private function dispatchOnFlushEvent() { if ($this->evm->hasListeners(Events::onFlush)) { $this->evm->dispatchEvent(Events::onFlush, new OnFlushEventArgs($this->em)); } } private function dispatchPostFlushEvent() { if ($this->evm->hasListeners(Events::postFlush)) { $this->evm->dispatchEvent(Events::postFlush, new PostFlushEventArgs($this->em)); } } /** * Verifies if two given entities actually are the same based on identifier comparison * * @param object $entity1 * @param object $entity2 * * @return bool */ private function isIdentifierEquals($entity1, $entity2) { if ($entity1 === $entity2) { return true; } $class = $this->em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity1)); if ($class !== $this->em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity2))) { return false; } $oid1 = spl_object_hash($entity1); $oid2 = spl_object_hash($entity2); $id1 = isset($this->entityIdentifiers[$oid1]) ? $this->entityIdentifiers[$oid1] : $this->identifierFlattener->flattenIdentifier($class, $class->getIdentifierValues($entity1)); $id2 = isset($this->entityIdentifiers[$oid2]) ? $this->entityIdentifiers[$oid2] : $this->identifierFlattener->flattenIdentifier($class, $class->getIdentifierValues($entity2)); return $id1 === $id2 || implode(' ', $id1) === implode(' ', $id2); } /** * @param object $entity * @param object $managedCopy * * @throws ORMException * @throws OptimisticLockException * @throws TransactionRequiredException */ private function mergeEntityStateIntoManagedCopy($entity, $managedCopy) { $class = $this->em->getClassMetadata(get_class($entity)); foreach ($this->reflectionPropertiesGetter->getProperties($class->name) as $prop) { $name = $prop->name; $prop->setAccessible(true); if ( ! isset($class->associationMappings[$name])) { if ( ! $class->isIdentifier($name)) { $prop->setValue($managedCopy, $prop->getValue($entity)); } } else { $assoc2 = $class->associationMappings[$name]; if ($assoc2['type'] & ClassMetadata::TO_ONE) { $other = $prop->getValue($entity); if ($other === null) { $prop->setValue($managedCopy, null); } else { if ($other instanceof Proxy && !$other->__isInitialized()) { // do not merge fields marked lazy that have not been fetched. return; } if ( ! $assoc2['isCascadeMerge']) { if ($this->getEntityState($other) === self::STATE_DETACHED) { $targetClass = $this->em->getClassMetadata($assoc2['targetEntity']); $relatedId = $targetClass->getIdentifierValues($other); if ($targetClass->subClasses) { $other = $this->em->find($targetClass->name, $relatedId); } else { $other = $this->em->getProxyFactory()->getProxy( $assoc2['targetEntity'], $relatedId ); $this->registerManaged($other, $relatedId, array()); } } $prop->setValue($managedCopy, $other); } } } else { $mergeCol = $prop->getValue($entity); if ($mergeCol instanceof PersistentCollection && ! $mergeCol->isInitialized()) { // do not merge fields marked lazy that have not been fetched. // keep the lazy persistent collection of the managed copy. return; } $managedCol = $prop->getValue($managedCopy); if ( ! $managedCol) { $managedCol = new PersistentCollection( $this->em, $this->em->getClassMetadata($assoc2['targetEntity']), new ArrayCollection ); $managedCol->setOwner($managedCopy, $assoc2); $prop->setValue($managedCopy, $managedCol); $this->originalEntityData[spl_object_hash($entity)][$name] = $managedCol; } if ($assoc2['isCascadeMerge']) { $managedCol->initialize(); // clear and set dirty a managed collection if its not also the same collection to merge from. if ( ! $managedCol->isEmpty() && $managedCol !== $mergeCol) { $managedCol->unwrap()->clear(); $managedCol->setDirty(true); if ($assoc2['isOwningSide'] && $assoc2['type'] == ClassMetadata::MANY_TO_MANY && $class->isChangeTrackingNotify() ) { $this->scheduleForDirtyCheck($managedCopy); } } } } } if ($class->isChangeTrackingNotify()) { // Just treat all properties as changed, there is no other choice. $this->propertyChanged($managedCopy, $name, null, $prop->getValue($managedCopy)); } } } /** * This method called by hydrators, and indicates that hydrator totally completed current hydration cycle. * Unit of work able to fire deferred events, related to loading events here. * * @internal should be called internally from object hydrators */ public function hydrationComplete() { $this->hydrationCompleteHandler->hydrationComplete(); } }