<?php /* * $Id$ * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals * and is licensed under the LGPL. For more information, see * <http://www.doctrine-project.org>. */ namespace Doctrine\Common\Cli; /** * Generic CLI Controller of Tasks execution * * To include a new Task support, create a task: * * [php] * class MyProject\Tools\Cli\Tasks\MyTask extends Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Cli\Tasks\AbstractTask * { * public function run(); * public function basicHelp(); * public function extendedHelp(); * public function validate(); * } * * And then, load the namespace assoaicated an include the support to it in your command-line script: * * [php] * $cli = new Doctrine\Common\Cli\CliController(); * $cliNS = $cli->getNamespace('custom'); * $cliNS->addTask('myTask', 'MyProject\Tools\Cli\Tasks\MyTask'); * * To execute, just type any classify-able name: * * $ cli.php custom:my-task * * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * @link www.doctrine-project.org * @since 2.0 * @version $Revision$ * @author Benjamin Eberlei <kontakt@beberlei.de> * @author Guilherme Blanco <guilhermeblanco@hotmail.com> * @author Jonathan Wage <jonwage@gmail.com> * @author Roman Borschel <roman@code-factory.org> */ class CliController extends AbstractNamespace { /** * The CLI processor of tasks * * @param Configuration $config * @param AbstractPrinter $printer CLI Output printer */ public function __construct(Configuration $config, AbstractPrinter $printer = null) { $this->setPrinter($printer); $this->setConfiguration($config); // Include core namespaces of tasks $ns = 'Doctrine\Common\Cli\Tasks'; $this->addNamespace('Core') ->addTask('help', $ns . '\HelpTask') ->addTask('version', $ns . '\VersionTask'); $ns = 'Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Cli\Tasks'; $this->addNamespace('Orm') ->addTask('clear-cache', $ns . '\ClearCacheTask') ->addTask('convert-mapping', $ns . '\ConvertMappingTask') ->addTask('ensure-production-settings', $ns . '\EnsureProductionSettingsTask') ->addTask('generate-proxies', $ns . '\GenerateProxiesTask') ->addTask('run-dql', $ns . '\RunDqlTask') ->addTask('schema-tool', $ns . '\SchemaToolTask') ->addTask('version', $ns . '\VersionTask'); $ns = 'Doctrine\DBAL\Tools\Cli\Tasks'; $this->addNamespace('Dbal') ->addTask('run-sql', $ns . '\RunSqlTask') ->addTask('version', $ns . '\VersionTask'); } /** * Add a single task to CLI Core Namespace. This method acts as a delegate. * Example of inclusion support to a single task: * * [php] * $cli->addTask('my-custom-task', 'MyProject\Cli\Tasks\MyCustomTask'); * * @param string $name CLI Task name * @param string $class CLI Task class (FQCN - Fully Qualified Class Name) * * @return CliController This object instance */ public function addTask($name, $class) { $this->getNamespace('Core')->addTask($name, $class); return $this; } /** * Processor of CLI Tasks. Handles multiple task calls, instantiate * respective classes and run them. * * @param array $args CLI Arguments */ public function run($args = array()) { // Remove script file argument $scriptFile = array_shift($args); // If not arguments are defined, include "help" if (empty($args)) { array_unshift($args, 'Core:Help'); } // Process all sent arguments $args = $this->_processArguments($args); try { $this->getPrinter()->writeln('Doctrine Command Line Interface' . PHP_EOL, 'HEADER'); // Handle possible multiple tasks on a single command foreach($args as $taskData) { $taskName = $taskData['name']; $taskArguments = $taskData['args']; $this->runTask($taskName, $taskArguments); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $message = $taskName . ' => ' . $e->getMessage(); if (isset($taskArguments['trace']) && $taskArguments['trace']) { $message .= PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . $e->getTraceAsString(); } $this->getPrinter()->writeln($message, 'ERROR'); } } /** * Executes a given CLI Task * * @param atring $name CLI Task name * @param array $args CLI Arguments */ public function runTask($name, $args = array()) { // Retrieve namespace name, task name and arguments $taskPath = explode(':', $name); // Find the correct namespace where the task is defined $taskName = array_pop($taskPath); $taskNamespace = $this->_retrieveTaskNamespace($taskPath); $taskNamespace->runTask($taskName, $args); } /** * Processes arguments and returns a structured hierachy. * Example: * * cli.php foo -abc --option=value bar --option -a=value --optArr=value1,value2 * * Returns: * * array( * 0 => array( * 'name' => 'foo', * 'args' => array( * 'a' => true, * 'b' => true, * 'c' => true, * 'option' => 'value', * ), * ), * 1 => array( * 'name' => 'bar', * 'args' => array( * 'option' => true, * 'a' => 'value', * 'optArr' => array( * 'value1', 'value2' * ), * ), * ), * ) * * Based on implementation of Patrick Fisher <patrick@pwfisher.com> available at: * http://pwfisher.com/nucleus/index.php?itemid=45 * * @param array $args * * @return array */ private function _processArguments($args = array()) { $flags = PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE; $regex = '/\s*[,]?\s*"([^"]*)"|\s*[,]?\s*([^,]*)/i'; $preparedArgs = array(); $out = & $preparedArgs; foreach ($args as $arg){ // --foo --bar=baz if (substr($arg, 0, 2) == '--'){ $eqPos = strpos($arg, '='); // --foo if ($eqPos === false){ $key = substr($arg, 2); $out[$key] = isset($out[$key]) ? $out[$key] : true; // --bar=baz } else { $key = substr($arg, 2, $eqPos - 2); $value = substr($arg, $eqPos + 1); $value = (strpos($value, ' ') !== false) ? $value : array_values(array_filter( explode(',', $value), function ($v) { return trim($v) != ''; } )); $out[$key] = ( ! is_array($value) || (is_array($value) && count($value) > 1)) ? $value : $value[0]; } // -k=value -abc } else if (substr($arg, 0, 1) == '-'){ // -k=value if (substr($arg, 2, 1) == '='){ $key = substr($arg, 1, 1); $value = substr($arg, 3); $value = (strpos($value, ' ') !== false) ? $value : array_values(array_filter( explode(',', $value), function ($v) { return trim($v) != ''; } )); $out[$key] = ( ! is_array($value) || (is_array($value) && count($value) > 1)) ? $value : $value[0]; // -abc } else { $chars = str_split(substr($arg, 1)); foreach ($chars as $char){ $key = $char; $out[$key] = isset($out[$key]) ? $out[$key] : true; } } // plain-arg } else { $key = count($preparedArgs); $preparedArgs[$key] = array( 'name' => $arg, 'args' => array() ); $out = & $preparedArgs[$key]['args']; } } return $preparedArgs; } /** * Retrieve the correct namespace given a namespace path * * @param array $namespacePath CLI Namespace path * * @return AbstractNamespace */ private function _retrieveTaskNamespace($namespacePath) { $taskNamespace = $this; $currentNamespacePath = ''; // Consider possible missing namespace (ie. "help") and forward to "core" if (count($namespacePath) == 0) { $namespacePath = array('Core'); } // Loop through each namespace foreach ($namespacePath as $namespaceName) { $taskNamespace = $taskNamespace->getNamespace($namespaceName); // If the given namespace returned "null", throw exception if ($taskNamespace === null) { throw CliException::namespaceDoesNotExist($namespaceName, $currentNamespacePath); } $currentNamespacePath = (( ! empty($currentNamespacePath)) ? ':' : '') . $taskNamespace->getName(); } return $taskNamespace; } }