getTable($key)); $this->data = $graph->getData($key); if( ! is_array($this->data)) $this->data = array(); $this->batchSize = $this->getTable()->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_BATCH_SIZE); } /** * @param integer $batchSize batch size */ public function setBatchSize($batchSize) { $batchSize = (int) $batchSize; if($batchSize <= 0) return false; $this->batchSize = $batchSize; return true; } /** * @return integer */ public function getBatchSize() { return $this->batchSize; } /** * load load a specified element, by loading the batch the element is part of * @param Doctrine_Record $record data access object * @return boolean whether or not the load operation was successful */ public function load(Doctrine_Record $record) { if(empty($this->data)) return false; $id = $record->getID(); foreach($this->data as $key => $v) { if(is_object($v)) { if($v->getID() == $id) break; } elseif(is_array($v["id"])) { if($v["id"] == $id) break; } } $x = floor($key / $this->batchSize); if( ! isset($this->loaded[$x])) { $e = $x * $this->batchSize; $e2 = ($x + 1)* $this->batchSize; $a = array(); $proxies = array(); for($i = $e; $i < $e2 && $i < $this->count(); $i++): if(is_object($this->data[$i])) $id = $this->data[$i]->getID(); elseif(is_array($this->data[$i])) $id = $this->data[$i]["id"]; $load = false; // check the cache // no need of fetching the same data twice try { $record = $this->table->getCache()->fetch($id); } catch(InvalidKeyException $ex) { $load = true; } if($load) $a[] = $id; endfor; $c = count($a); $query = $this->table->getQuery()." WHERE "; $query .= ($c > 1)?"id IN (":"id = "; $query .= substr(str_repeat("?, ",count($a)),0,-2); $query .= ($c > 1)?")":""; $stmt = $this->table->getSession()->execute($query,$a); while($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)): $this->table->setData($row); if(is_object($this->data[$e])) { $this->data[$e]->factoryRefresh($this->table); } else { $this->data[$e] = $this->table->getRecord(); } $e++; endwhile; $this->loaded[$x] = true; return true; } else { return false; } } /** * get * @param mixed $key the key of the data access object * @return object Doctrine_Record data access object */ public function get($key) { if(isset($this->data[$key])) { switch(gettype($this->data[$key])): case "array": try { // try to fetch the Doctrine_Record from cache if( ! isset($this->data[$key]["id"])) throw new InvalidKeyException(); $record = $this->table->getCache()->fetch($this->data[$key]["id"]); } catch(InvalidKeyException $e) { // Doctrine_Record didn't exist in cache $this->table->setData($this->data[$key]); $proxy = $this->table->getProxy(); $record = $proxy; } $record->addCollection($this); break; case "object": $record = $this->data[$key]; break; endswitch; } else { $this->expand(); if(isset($this->data[$key])) { $record = $this->data[$key]; } else { $record = $this->table->create(); } } if(isset($this->reference_field)) $record->set($this->reference_field,$this->reference); $this->data[$key] = $record; return $this->data[$key]; } /** * @return Doctrine_BatchIterator */ public function getIterator() { return new Doctrine_BatchIterator($this); } } ?>