<?php /* * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals * and is licensed under the LGPL. For more information, see * <http://www.doctrine-project.org>. */ namespace Doctrine\ORM\Query; use Doctrine\DBAL\LockMode, Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata, Doctrine\ORM\Query, Doctrine\ORM\Query\QueryException; /** * The SqlWalker is a TreeWalker that walks over a DQL AST and constructs * the corresponding SQL. * * @author Roman Borschel <roman@code-factory.org> * @author Benjamin Eberlei <kontakt@beberlei.de> * @since 2.0 * @todo Rename: SQLWalker */ class SqlWalker implements TreeWalker { /** * @var ResultSetMapping */ private $_rsm; /** Counters for generating unique column aliases, table aliases and parameter indexes. */ private $_aliasCounter = 0; private $_tableAliasCounter = 0; private $_scalarResultCounter = 1; private $_sqlParamIndex = 1; /** * @var ParserResult */ private $_parserResult; /** * @var EntityManager */ private $_em; /** * @var Doctrine\DBAL\Connection */ private $_conn; /** * @var AbstractQuery */ private $_query; private $_tableAliasMap = array(); /** Map from result variable names to their SQL column alias names. */ private $_scalarResultAliasMap = array(); /** Map of all components/classes that appear in the DQL query. */ private $_queryComponents; /** A list of classes that appear in non-scalar SelectExpressions. */ private $_selectedClasses = array(); /** * The DQL alias of the root class of the currently traversed query. */ private $_rootAliases = array(); /** * Flag that indicates whether to generate SQL table aliases in the SQL. * These should only be generated for SELECT queries, not for UPDATE/DELETE. */ private $_useSqlTableAliases = true; /** * The database platform abstraction. * * @var AbstractPlatform */ private $_platform; /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function __construct($query, $parserResult, array $queryComponents) { $this->_query = $query; $this->_parserResult = $parserResult; $this->_queryComponents = $queryComponents; $this->_rsm = $parserResult->getResultSetMapping(); $this->_em = $query->getEntityManager(); $this->_conn = $this->_em->getConnection(); $this->_platform = $this->_conn->getDatabasePlatform(); } /** * Gets the Query instance used by the walker. * * @return Query. */ public function getQuery() { return $this->_query; } /** * Gets the Connection used by the walker. * * @return Connection */ public function getConnection() { return $this->_conn; } /** * Gets the EntityManager used by the walker. * * @return EntityManager */ public function getEntityManager() { return $this->_em; } /** * Gets the information about a single query component. * * @param string $dqlAlias The DQL alias. * @return array */ public function getQueryComponent($dqlAlias) { return $this->_queryComponents[$dqlAlias]; } /** * Gets an executor that can be used to execute the result of this walker. * * @return AbstractExecutor */ public function getExecutor($AST) { $isDeleteStatement = $AST instanceof AST\DeleteStatement; $isUpdateStatement = $AST instanceof AST\UpdateStatement; if ($isDeleteStatement) { $primaryClass = $this->_em->getClassMetadata( $AST->deleteClause->abstractSchemaName ); if ($primaryClass->isInheritanceTypeJoined()) { return new Exec\MultiTableDeleteExecutor($AST, $this); } else { return new Exec\SingleTableDeleteUpdateExecutor($AST, $this); } } else if ($isUpdateStatement) { $primaryClass = $this->_em->getClassMetadata( $AST->updateClause->abstractSchemaName ); if ($primaryClass->isInheritanceTypeJoined()) { return new Exec\MultiTableUpdateExecutor($AST, $this); } else { return new Exec\SingleTableDeleteUpdateExecutor($AST, $this); } } return new Exec\SingleSelectExecutor($AST, $this); } /** * Generates a unique, short SQL table alias. * * @param string $tableName Table name * @param string $dqlAlias The DQL alias. * @return string Generated table alias. */ public function getSqlTableAlias($tableName, $dqlAlias = '') { $tableName .= $dqlAlias; if ( ! isset($this->_tableAliasMap[$tableName])) { $this->_tableAliasMap[$tableName] = strtolower(substr($tableName, 0, 1)) . $this->_tableAliasCounter++ . '_'; } return $this->_tableAliasMap[$tableName]; } /** * Forces the SqlWalker to use a specific alias for a table name, rather than * generating an alias on its own. * * @param string $tableName * @param string $alias * @param string $dqlAlias * @return string */ public function setSqlTableAlias($tableName, $alias, $dqlAlias = '') { $tableName .= $dqlAlias; $this->_tableAliasMap[$tableName] = $alias; return $alias; } /** * Gets an SQL column alias for a column name. * * @param string $columnName * @return string */ public function getSqlColumnAlias($columnName) { return $columnName . $this->_aliasCounter++; } /** * Generates the SQL JOINs that are necessary for Class Table Inheritance * for the given class. * * @param ClassMetadata $class The class for which to generate the joins. * @param string $dqlAlias The DQL alias of the class. * @return string The SQL. */ private function _generateClassTableInheritanceJoins($class, $dqlAlias) { $sql = ''; $baseTableAlias = $this->getSQLTableAlias($class->table['name'], $dqlAlias); // INNER JOIN parent class tables foreach ($class->parentClasses as $parentClassName) { $parentClass = $this->_em->getClassMetadata($parentClassName); $tableAlias = $this->getSQLTableAlias($parentClass->table['name'], $dqlAlias); // If this is a joined association we must use left joins to preserve the correct result. $sql .= isset($this->_queryComponents[$dqlAlias]['relation']) ? ' LEFT ' : ' INNER '; $sql .= 'JOIN ' . $parentClass->getQuotedTableName($this->_platform) . ' ' . $tableAlias . ' ON '; $first = true; foreach ($class->identifier as $idField) { if ($first) $first = false; else $sql .= ' AND '; $columnName = $class->getQuotedColumnName($idField, $this->_platform); $sql .= $baseTableAlias . '.' . $columnName . ' = ' . $tableAlias . '.' . $columnName; } } // LEFT JOIN subclass tables, if partial objects disallowed. if ( ! $this->_query->getHint(Query::HINT_FORCE_PARTIAL_LOAD)) { foreach ($class->subClasses as $subClassName) { $subClass = $this->_em->getClassMetadata($subClassName); $tableAlias = $this->getSQLTableAlias($subClass->table['name'], $dqlAlias); $sql .= ' LEFT JOIN ' . $subClass->getQuotedTableName($this->_platform) . ' ' . $tableAlias . ' ON '; $first = true; foreach ($class->identifier as $idField) { if ($first) $first = false; else $sql .= ' AND '; $columnName = $class->getQuotedColumnName($idField, $this->_platform); $sql .= $baseTableAlias . '.' . $columnName . ' = ' . $tableAlias . '.' . $columnName; } } } return $sql; } private function _generateOrderedCollectionOrderByItems() { $sql = ''; foreach ($this->_selectedClasses AS $dqlAlias => $class) { $qComp = $this->_queryComponents[$dqlAlias]; if (isset($qComp['relation']['orderBy'])) { foreach ($qComp['relation']['orderBy'] AS $fieldName => $orientation) { if ($qComp['metadata']->isInheritanceTypeJoined()) { $tableName = $this->_em->getUnitOfWork()->getEntityPersister($class->name)->getOwningTable($fieldName); } else { $tableName = $qComp['metadata']->table['name']; } if ($sql != '') { $sql .= ', '; } $sql .= $this->getSqlTableAlias($tableName, $dqlAlias) . '.' . $qComp['metadata']->getQuotedColumnName($fieldName, $this->_platform) . " $orientation"; } } } return $sql; } /** * Generates a discriminator column SQL condition for the class with the given DQL alias. * * @param array $dqlAliases List of root DQL aliases to inspect for discriminator restrictions. * @return string */ private function _generateDiscriminatorColumnConditionSQL(array $dqlAliases) { $encapsulate = false; $sql = ''; foreach ($dqlAliases as $dqlAlias) { $class = $this->_queryComponents[$dqlAlias]['metadata']; if ($class->isInheritanceTypeSingleTable()) { $conn = $this->_em->getConnection(); $values = array(); if ($class->discriminatorValue !== null) { // discrimnators can be 0 $values[] = $conn->quote($class->discriminatorValue); } foreach ($class->subClasses as $subclassName) { $values[] = $conn->quote($this->_em->getClassMetadata($subclassName)->discriminatorValue); } if ($sql != '') { $sql .= ' AND '; $encapsulate = true; } $sql .= ($sql != '' ? ' AND ' : '') . (($this->_useSqlTableAliases) ? $this->getSqlTableAlias($class->table['name'], $dqlAlias) . '.' : '') . $class->discriminatorColumn['name'] . ' IN (' . implode(', ', $values) . ')'; } } return ($encapsulate) ? '(' . $sql . ')' : $sql; } /** * Walks down a SelectStatement AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkSelectStatement(AST\SelectStatement $AST) { $sql = $this->walkSelectClause($AST->selectClause); $sql .= $this->walkFromClause($AST->fromClause); if (($whereClause = $AST->whereClause) !== null) { $sql .= $this->walkWhereClause($whereClause); } else if (($discSql = $this->_generateDiscriminatorColumnConditionSQL($this->_rootAliases)) !== '') { $sql .= ' WHERE ' . $discSql; } $sql .= $AST->groupByClause ? $this->walkGroupByClause($AST->groupByClause) : ''; $sql .= $AST->havingClause ? $this->walkHavingClause($AST->havingClause) : ''; if (($orderByClause = $AST->orderByClause) !== null) { $sql .= $AST->orderByClause ? $this->walkOrderByClause($AST->orderByClause) : ''; } else if (($orderBySql = $this->_generateOrderedCollectionOrderByItems()) !== '') { $sql .= ' ORDER BY '.$orderBySql; } $sql = $this->_platform->modifyLimitQuery( $sql, $this->_query->getMaxResults(), $this->_query->getFirstResult() ); if (($lockMode = $this->_query->getHint(Query::HINT_LOCK_MODE)) !== false) { if ($lockMode == LockMode::PESSIMISTIC_READ) { $sql .= " " . $this->_platform->getReadLockSQL(); } else if ($lockMode == LockMode::PESSIMISTIC_WRITE) { $sql .= " " . $this->_platform->getWriteLockSQL(); } else if ($lockMode == LockMode::OPTIMISTIC) { foreach ($this->_selectedClasses AS $class) { if ( ! $class->isVersioned) { throw \Doctrine\ORM\OptimisticLockException::lockFailed(); } } } } return $sql; } /** * Walks down an UpdateStatement AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param UpdateStatement * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkUpdateStatement(AST\UpdateStatement $AST) { $this->_useSqlTableAliases = false; $sql = $this->walkUpdateClause($AST->updateClause); if (($whereClause = $AST->whereClause) !== null) { $sql .= $this->walkWhereClause($whereClause); } else if (($discSql = $this->_generateDiscriminatorColumnConditionSQL($this->_rootAliases)) !== '') { $sql .= ' WHERE ' . $discSql; } return $sql; } /** * Walks down a DeleteStatement AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param DeleteStatement * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkDeleteStatement(AST\DeleteStatement $AST) { $this->_useSqlTableAliases = false; $sql = $this->walkDeleteClause($AST->deleteClause); if (($whereClause = $AST->whereClause) !== null) { $sql .= $this->walkWhereClause($whereClause); } else if (($discSql = $this->_generateDiscriminatorColumnConditionSQL($this->_rootAliases)) !== '') { $sql .= ' WHERE ' . $discSql; } return $sql; } /** * Walks down an IdentificationVariable (no AST node associated), thereby generating the SQL. * * @param string $identificationVariable * @param string $fieldName * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkIdentificationVariable($identificationVariable, $fieldName = null) { $class = $this->_queryComponents[$identificationVariable]['metadata']; if ( $fieldName !== null && $class->isInheritanceTypeJoined() && isset($class->fieldMappings[$fieldName]['inherited']) ) { $class = $this->_em->getClassMetadata($class->fieldMappings[$fieldName]['inherited']); } return $this->getSQLTableAlias($class->table['name'], $identificationVariable); } /** * Walks down a PathExpression AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param mixed * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkPathExpression($pathExpr) { $sql = ''; switch ($pathExpr->type) { case AST\PathExpression::TYPE_STATE_FIELD: $fieldName = $pathExpr->field; $dqlAlias = $pathExpr->identificationVariable; $class = $this->_queryComponents[$dqlAlias]['metadata']; if ($this->_useSqlTableAliases) { $sql .= $this->walkIdentificationVariable($dqlAlias, $fieldName) . '.'; } $sql .= $class->getQuotedColumnName($fieldName, $this->_platform); break; case AST\PathExpression::TYPE_SINGLE_VALUED_ASSOCIATION: // 1- the owning side: // Just use the foreign key, i.e. u.group_id $fieldName = $pathExpr->field; $dqlAlias = $pathExpr->identificationVariable; $class = $this->_queryComponents[$dqlAlias]['metadata']; if (isset($class->associationMappings[$fieldName]['inherited'])) { $class = $this->_em->getClassMetadata($class->associationMappings[$fieldName]['inherited']); } $assoc = $class->associationMappings[$fieldName]; if ($assoc['isOwningSide']) { // COMPOSITE KEYS NOT (YET?) SUPPORTED if (count($assoc['sourceToTargetKeyColumns']) > 1) { throw QueryException::associationPathCompositeKeyNotSupported(); } if ($this->_useSqlTableAliases) { $sql .= $this->getSqlTableAlias($class->table['name'], $dqlAlias) . '.'; } $sql .= reset($assoc['targetToSourceKeyColumns']); } else { throw QueryException::associationPathInverseSideNotSupported(); } break; default: throw QueryException::invalidPathExpression($pathExpr); } return $sql; } /** * Walks down a SelectClause AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param $selectClause * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkSelectClause($selectClause) { $sql = 'SELECT ' . (($selectClause->isDistinct) ? 'DISTINCT ' : '') . implode( ', ', array_map(array($this, 'walkSelectExpression'), $selectClause->selectExpressions) ); $addMetaColumns = ! $this->_query->getHint(Query::HINT_FORCE_PARTIAL_LOAD) && $this->_query->getHydrationMode() == Query::HYDRATE_OBJECT || $this->_query->getHydrationMode() != Query::HYDRATE_OBJECT && $this->_query->getHint(Query::HINT_INCLUDE_META_COLUMNS); foreach ($this->_selectedClasses as $dqlAlias => $class) { // Register as entity or joined entity result if ($this->_queryComponents[$dqlAlias]['relation'] === null) { $this->_rsm->addEntityResult($class->name, $dqlAlias); } else { $this->_rsm->addJoinedEntityResult( $class->name, $dqlAlias, $this->_queryComponents[$dqlAlias]['parent'], $this->_queryComponents[$dqlAlias]['relation']['fieldName'] ); } if ($class->isInheritanceTypeSingleTable() || $class->isInheritanceTypeJoined()) { // Add discriminator columns to SQL $rootClass = $this->_em->getClassMetadata($class->rootEntityName); $tblAlias = $this->getSqlTableAlias($rootClass->table['name'], $dqlAlias); $discrColumn = $rootClass->discriminatorColumn; $columnAlias = $this->getSqlColumnAlias($discrColumn['name']); $sql .= ", $tblAlias." . $discrColumn['name'] . ' AS ' . $columnAlias; $columnAlias = $this->_platform->getSQLResultCasing($columnAlias); $this->_rsm->setDiscriminatorColumn($dqlAlias, $columnAlias); $this->_rsm->addMetaResult($dqlAlias, $this->_platform->getSQLResultCasing($columnAlias), $discrColumn['fieldName']); // Add foreign key columns to SQL, if necessary if ($addMetaColumns) { //FIXME: Include foreign key columns of child classes also!!?? foreach ($class->associationMappings as $assoc) { if ($assoc['isOwningSide'] && $assoc['type'] & ClassMetadata::TO_ONE) { if (isset($assoc['inherited'])) { $owningClass = $this->_em->getClassMetadata($assoc['inherited']); $sqlTableAlias = $this->getSqlTableAlias($owningClass->table['name'], $dqlAlias); } else { $sqlTableAlias = $this->getSqlTableAlias($class->table['name'], $dqlAlias); } foreach ($assoc['targetToSourceKeyColumns'] as $srcColumn) { $columnAlias = $this->getSqlColumnAlias($srcColumn); $sql .= ", $sqlTableAlias." . $srcColumn . ' AS ' . $columnAlias; $columnAlias = $this->_platform->getSQLResultCasing($columnAlias); $this->_rsm->addMetaResult($dqlAlias, $this->_platform->getSQLResultCasing($columnAlias), $srcColumn); } } } } } else { // Add foreign key columns to SQL, if necessary if ($addMetaColumns) { $sqlTableAlias = $this->getSqlTableAlias($class->table['name'], $dqlAlias); foreach ($class->associationMappings as $assoc) { if ($assoc['isOwningSide'] && $assoc['type'] & ClassMetadata::TO_ONE) { foreach ($assoc['targetToSourceKeyColumns'] as $srcColumn) { $columnAlias = $this->getSqlColumnAlias($srcColumn); $sql .= ', ' . $sqlTableAlias . '.' . $srcColumn . ' AS ' . $columnAlias; $columnAlias = $this->_platform->getSQLResultCasing($columnAlias); $this->_rsm->addMetaResult($dqlAlias, $this->_platform->getSQLResultCasing($columnAlias), $srcColumn); } } } } } } return $sql; } /** * Walks down a FromClause AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkFromClause($fromClause) { $identificationVarDecls = $fromClause->identificationVariableDeclarations; $sqlParts = array(); foreach ($identificationVarDecls as $identificationVariableDecl) { $sql = ''; $rangeDecl = $identificationVariableDecl->rangeVariableDeclaration; $dqlAlias = $rangeDecl->aliasIdentificationVariable; $this->_rootAliases[] = $dqlAlias; $class = $this->_em->getClassMetadata($rangeDecl->abstractSchemaName); $sql .= $class->getQuotedTableName($this->_platform) . ' ' . $this->getSqlTableAlias($class->table['name'], $dqlAlias); if ($class->isInheritanceTypeJoined()) { $sql .= $this->_generateClassTableInheritanceJoins($class, $dqlAlias); } foreach ($identificationVariableDecl->joinVariableDeclarations as $joinVarDecl) { $sql .= $this->walkJoinVariableDeclaration($joinVarDecl); } if ($identificationVariableDecl->indexBy) { $this->_rsm->addIndexBy( $identificationVariableDecl->indexBy->simpleStateFieldPathExpression->identificationVariable, $identificationVariableDecl->indexBy->simpleStateFieldPathExpression->field ); } $sqlParts[] = $this->_platform->appendLockHint($sql, $this->_query->getHint(Query::HINT_LOCK_MODE)); } return ' FROM ' . implode(', ', $sqlParts); } /** * Walks down a FunctionNode AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkFunction($function) { return $function->getSql($this); } /** * Walks down an OrderByClause AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param OrderByClause * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkOrderByClause($orderByClause) { $colSql = $this->_generateOrderedCollectionOrderByItems(); if ($colSql != '') { $colSql = ", ".$colSql; } // OrderByClause ::= "ORDER" "BY" OrderByItem {"," OrderByItem}* return ' ORDER BY ' . implode( ', ', array_map(array($this, 'walkOrderByItem'), $orderByClause->orderByItems) ) . $colSql; } /** * Walks down an OrderByItem AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param OrderByItem * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkOrderByItem($orderByItem) { $sql = ''; $expr = $orderByItem->expression; if ($expr instanceof AST\PathExpression) { $sql = $this->walkPathExpression($expr); } else { $columnName = $this->_queryComponents[$expr]['token']['value']; $sql = $this->_scalarResultAliasMap[$columnName]; } return $sql . ' ' . strtoupper($orderByItem->type); } /** * Walks down a HavingClause AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param HavingClause * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkHavingClause($havingClause) { return ' HAVING ' . $this->walkConditionalExpression($havingClause->conditionalExpression); } /** * Walks down a JoinVariableDeclaration AST node and creates the corresponding SQL. * * @param JoinVariableDeclaration $joinVarDecl * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkJoinVariableDeclaration($joinVarDecl) { $join = $joinVarDecl->join; $joinType = $join->joinType; if ($joinType == AST\Join::JOIN_TYPE_LEFT || $joinType == AST\Join::JOIN_TYPE_LEFTOUTER) { $sql = ' LEFT JOIN '; } else { $sql = ' INNER JOIN '; } $joinAssocPathExpr = $join->joinAssociationPathExpression; $joinedDqlAlias = $join->aliasIdentificationVariable; $relation = $this->_queryComponents[$joinedDqlAlias]['relation']; $targetClass = $this->_em->getClassMetadata($relation['targetEntity']); $sourceClass = $this->_em->getClassMetadata($relation['sourceEntity']); $targetTableName = $targetClass->getQuotedTableName($this->_platform); $targetTableAlias = $this->getSqlTableAlias($targetClass->table['name'], $joinedDqlAlias); $sourceTableAlias = $this->getSqlTableAlias($sourceClass->table['name'], $joinAssocPathExpr->identificationVariable); // Ensure we got the owning side, since it has all mapping info $assoc = ( ! $relation['isOwningSide']) ? $targetClass->associationMappings[$relation['mappedBy']] : $relation; if ($this->_query->getHint(Query::HINT_INTERNAL_ITERATION) == true) { if ($relation['type'] == ClassMetadata::ONE_TO_MANY || $relation['type'] == ClassMetadata::MANY_TO_MANY) { throw QueryException::iterateWithFetchJoinNotAllowed($assoc); } } // This condition is not checking ClassMetadata::MANY_TO_ONE, because by definition it cannot // be the owning side and previously we ensured that $assoc is always the owning side of the associations. // The owning side is necessary at this point because only it contains the JoinColumn information. if ($assoc['type'] & ClassMetadata::TO_ONE) { $sql .= $targetTableName . ' ' . $targetTableAlias . ' ON '; $first = true; foreach ($assoc['sourceToTargetKeyColumns'] as $sourceColumn => $targetColumn) { if ( ! $first) $sql .= ' AND '; else $first = false; if ($relation['isOwningSide']) { if ($targetClass->containsForeignIdentifier && !isset($targetClass->fieldNames[$targetColumn])) { $quotedTargetColumn = $targetColumn; // Join columns cannot be quoted. } else { $quotedTargetColumn = $targetClass->getQuotedColumnName($targetClass->fieldNames[$targetColumn], $this->_platform); } $sql .= $sourceTableAlias . '.' . $sourceColumn . ' = ' . $targetTableAlias . '.' . $quotedTargetColumn; } else { if ($sourceClass->containsForeignIdentifier && !isset($sourceClass->fieldNames[$targetColumn])) { $quotedTargetColumn = $targetColumn; // Join columns cannot be quoted. } else { $quotedTargetColumn = $sourceClass->getQuotedColumnName($sourceClass->fieldNames[$targetColumn], $this->_platform); } $sql .= $sourceTableAlias . '.' . $quotedTargetColumn . ' = ' . $targetTableAlias . '.' . $sourceColumn; } } } else if ($assoc['type'] == ClassMetadata::MANY_TO_MANY) { // Join relation table $joinTable = $assoc['joinTable']; $joinTableAlias = $this->getSqlTableAlias($joinTable['name'], $joinedDqlAlias); $sql .= $sourceClass->getQuotedJoinTableName($assoc, $this->_platform) . ' ' . $joinTableAlias . ' ON '; $first = true; if ($relation['isOwningSide']) { foreach ($assoc['relationToSourceKeyColumns'] as $relationColumn => $sourceColumn) { if ( ! $first) $sql .= ' AND '; else $first = false; if ($sourceClass->containsForeignIdentifier && !isset($sourceClass->fieldNames[$sourceColumn])) { $quotedTargetColumn = $sourceColumn; // Join columns cannot be quoted. } else { $quotedTargetColumn = $sourceClass->getQuotedColumnName($sourceClass->fieldNames[$sourceColumn], $this->_platform); } $sql .= $sourceTableAlias . '.' . $quotedTargetColumn . ' = ' . $joinTableAlias . '.' . $relationColumn; } } else { foreach ($assoc['relationToTargetKeyColumns'] as $relationColumn => $targetColumn) { if ( ! $first) $sql .= ' AND '; else $first = false; if ($sourceClass->containsForeignIdentifier && !isset($sourceClass->fieldNames[$targetColumn])) { $quotedTargetColumn = $targetColumn; // Join columns cannot be quoted. } else { $quotedTargetColumn = $sourceClass->getQuotedColumnName($sourceClass->fieldNames[$targetColumn], $this->_platform); } $sql .= $sourceTableAlias . '.' . $quotedTargetColumn . ' = ' . $joinTableAlias . '.' . $relationColumn; } } // Join target table $sql .= ($joinType == AST\Join::JOIN_TYPE_LEFT || $joinType == AST\Join::JOIN_TYPE_LEFTOUTER) ? ' LEFT JOIN ' : ' INNER JOIN '; $sql .= $targetTableName . ' ' . $targetTableAlias . ' ON '; $first = true; if ($relation['isOwningSide']) { foreach ($assoc['relationToTargetKeyColumns'] as $relationColumn => $targetColumn) { if ( ! $first) $sql .= ' AND '; else $first = false; if ($targetClass->containsForeignIdentifier && !isset($targetClass->fieldNames[$targetColumn])) { $quotedTargetColumn = $targetColumn; // Join columns cannot be quoted. } else { $quotedTargetColumn = $targetClass->getQuotedColumnName($targetClass->fieldNames[$targetColumn], $this->_platform); } $sql .= $targetTableAlias . '.' . $quotedTargetColumn . ' = ' . $joinTableAlias . '.' . $relationColumn; } } else { foreach ($assoc['relationToSourceKeyColumns'] as $relationColumn => $sourceColumn) { if ( ! $first) $sql .= ' AND '; else $first = false; if ($targetClass->containsForeignIdentifier && !isset($targetClass->fieldNames[$sourceColumn])) { $quotedTargetColumn = $sourceColumn; // Join columns cannot be quoted. } else { $quotedTargetColumn = $targetClass->getQuotedColumnName($targetClass->fieldNames[$sourceColumn], $this->_platform); } $sql .= $targetTableAlias . '.' . $quotedTargetColumn . ' = ' . $joinTableAlias . '.' . $relationColumn; } } } // Handle WITH clause if (($condExpr = $join->conditionalExpression) !== null) { // Phase 2 AST optimization: Skip processment of ConditionalExpression // if only one ConditionalTerm is defined $sql .= ' AND (' . $this->walkConditionalExpression($condExpr) . ')'; } $discrSql = $this->_generateDiscriminatorColumnConditionSQL(array($joinedDqlAlias)); if ($discrSql) { $sql .= ' AND ' . $discrSql; } // FIXME: these should either be nested or all forced to be left joins (DDC-XXX) if ($targetClass->isInheritanceTypeJoined()) { $sql .= $this->_generateClassTableInheritanceJoins($targetClass, $joinedDqlAlias); } return $sql; } /** * Walks down a SelectExpression AST node and generates the corresponding SQL. * * @param SelectExpression $selectExpression * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkSelectExpression($selectExpression) { $sql = ''; $expr = $selectExpression->expression; if ($expr instanceof AST\PathExpression) { if ($expr->type == AST\PathExpression::TYPE_STATE_FIELD) { $fieldName = $expr->field; $dqlAlias = $expr->identificationVariable; $qComp = $this->_queryComponents[$dqlAlias]; $class = $qComp['metadata']; if ( ! $selectExpression->fieldIdentificationVariable) { $resultAlias = $fieldName; } else { $resultAlias = $selectExpression->fieldIdentificationVariable; } if ($class->isInheritanceTypeJoined()) { $tableName = $this->_em->getUnitOfWork()->getEntityPersister($class->name)->getOwningTable($fieldName); } else { $tableName = $class->getTableName(); } $sqlTableAlias = $this->getSqlTableAlias($tableName, $dqlAlias); $columnName = $class->getQuotedColumnName($fieldName, $this->_platform); $columnAlias = $this->getSqlColumnAlias($columnName); $sql .= $sqlTableAlias . '.' . $columnName . ' AS ' . $columnAlias; $columnAlias = $this->_platform->getSQLResultCasing($columnAlias); $this->_rsm->addScalarResult($columnAlias, $resultAlias); } else { throw QueryException::invalidPathExpression($expr->type); } } else if ($expr instanceof AST\AggregateExpression) { if ( ! $selectExpression->fieldIdentificationVariable) { $resultAlias = $this->_scalarResultCounter++; } else { $resultAlias = $selectExpression->fieldIdentificationVariable; } $columnAlias = 'sclr' . $this->_aliasCounter++; $sql .= $this->walkAggregateExpression($expr) . ' AS ' . $columnAlias; $this->_scalarResultAliasMap[$resultAlias] = $columnAlias; $columnAlias = $this->_platform->getSQLResultCasing($columnAlias); $this->_rsm->addScalarResult($columnAlias, $resultAlias); } else if ($expr instanceof AST\Subselect) { if ( ! $selectExpression->fieldIdentificationVariable) { $resultAlias = $this->_scalarResultCounter++; } else { $resultAlias = $selectExpression->fieldIdentificationVariable; } $columnAlias = 'sclr' . $this->_aliasCounter++; $sql .= '(' . $this->walkSubselect($expr) . ') AS '.$columnAlias; $this->_scalarResultAliasMap[$resultAlias] = $columnAlias; $columnAlias = $this->_platform->getSQLResultCasing($columnAlias); $this->_rsm->addScalarResult($columnAlias, $resultAlias); } else if ($expr instanceof AST\Functions\FunctionNode) { if ( ! $selectExpression->fieldIdentificationVariable) { $resultAlias = $this->_scalarResultCounter++; } else { $resultAlias = $selectExpression->fieldIdentificationVariable; } $columnAlias = 'sclr' . $this->_aliasCounter++; $sql .= $this->walkFunction($expr) . ' AS ' . $columnAlias; $this->_scalarResultAliasMap[$resultAlias] = $columnAlias; $columnAlias = $this->_platform->getSQLResultCasing($columnAlias); $this->_rsm->addScalarResult($columnAlias, $resultAlias); } else if ( $expr instanceof AST\SimpleArithmeticExpression || $expr instanceof AST\ArithmeticTerm || $expr instanceof AST\ArithmeticFactor || $expr instanceof AST\ArithmeticPrimary ) { if ( ! $selectExpression->fieldIdentificationVariable) { $resultAlias = $this->_scalarResultCounter++; } else { $resultAlias = $selectExpression->fieldIdentificationVariable; } $columnAlias = 'sclr' . $this->_aliasCounter++; $sql .= $this->walkSimpleArithmeticExpression($expr) . ' AS ' . $columnAlias; $this->_scalarResultAliasMap[$resultAlias] = $columnAlias; $columnAlias = $this->_platform->getSQLResultCasing($columnAlias); $this->_rsm->addScalarResult($columnAlias, $resultAlias); } else { // IdentificationVariable or PartialObjectExpression if ($expr instanceof AST\PartialObjectExpression) { $dqlAlias = $expr->identificationVariable; $partialFieldSet = $expr->partialFieldSet; } else { $dqlAlias = $expr; $partialFieldSet = array(); } $queryComp = $this->_queryComponents[$dqlAlias]; $class = $queryComp['metadata']; if ( ! isset($this->_selectedClasses[$dqlAlias])) { $this->_selectedClasses[$dqlAlias] = $class; } $beginning = true; // Select all fields from the queried class foreach ($class->fieldMappings as $fieldName => $mapping) { if ($partialFieldSet && !in_array($fieldName, $partialFieldSet)) { continue; } if (isset($mapping['inherited'])) { $tableName = $this->_em->getClassMetadata($mapping['inherited'])->table['name']; } else { $tableName = $class->table['name']; } if ($beginning) $beginning = false; else $sql .= ', '; $sqlTableAlias = $this->getSqlTableAlias($tableName, $dqlAlias); $columnAlias = $this->getSqlColumnAlias($mapping['columnName']); $sql .= $sqlTableAlias . '.' . $class->getQuotedColumnName($fieldName, $this->_platform) . ' AS ' . $columnAlias; $columnAlias = $this->_platform->getSQLResultCasing($columnAlias); $this->_rsm->addFieldResult($dqlAlias, $columnAlias, $fieldName, $class->name); } if ($class->containsForeignIdentifier) { // Add double entry for association identifier columns to simplify hydrator code foreach ($class->identifier AS $idField) { if (isset($class->associationMappings[$idField])) { if (isset($mapping['inherited'])) { $tableName = $this->_em->getClassMetadata($mapping['inherited'])->table['name']; } else { $tableName = $class->table['name']; } if ($beginning) $beginning = false; else $sql .= ', '; $joinColumnName = $class->associationMappings[$idField]['joinColumns'][0]['name']; $sqlTableAlias = $this->getSqlTableAlias($tableName, $dqlAlias); $columnAlias = $this->getSqlColumnAlias($joinColumnName); $sql .= $sqlTableAlias . '.' . $joinColumnName . ' AS ' . $columnAlias; $columnAlias = $this->_platform->getSQLResultCasing($columnAlias); $this->_rsm->addMetaResult($dqlAlias, $columnAlias, $idField); } } } // Add any additional fields of subclasses (excluding inherited fields) // 1) on Single Table Inheritance: always, since its marginal overhead // 2) on Class Table Inheritance only if partial objects are disallowed, // since it requires outer joining subtables. if ($class->isInheritanceTypeSingleTable() || ! $this->_query->getHint(Query::HINT_FORCE_PARTIAL_LOAD)) { foreach ($class->subClasses as $subClassName) { $subClass = $this->_em->getClassMetadata($subClassName); $sqlTableAlias = $this->getSqlTableAlias($subClass->table['name'], $dqlAlias); foreach ($subClass->fieldMappings as $fieldName => $mapping) { if (isset($mapping['inherited']) || $partialFieldSet && !in_array($fieldName, $partialFieldSet)) { continue; } if ($beginning) $beginning = false; else $sql .= ', '; $columnAlias = $this->getSqlColumnAlias($mapping['columnName']); $sql .= $sqlTableAlias . '.' . $subClass->getQuotedColumnName($fieldName, $this->_platform) . ' AS ' . $columnAlias; $columnAlias = $this->_platform->getSQLResultCasing($columnAlias); $this->_rsm->addFieldResult($dqlAlias, $columnAlias, $fieldName, $subClassName); } // Add join columns (foreign keys) of the subclass //TODO: Probably better do this in walkSelectClause to honor the INCLUDE_META_COLUMNS hint foreach ($subClass->associationMappings as $fieldName => $assoc) { if ($assoc['isOwningSide'] && $assoc['type'] & ClassMetadata::TO_ONE && ! isset($assoc['inherited'])) { foreach ($assoc['targetToSourceKeyColumns'] as $srcColumn) { if ($beginning) $beginning = false; else $sql .= ', '; $columnAlias = $this->getSqlColumnAlias($srcColumn); $sql .= $sqlTableAlias . '.' . $srcColumn . ' AS ' . $columnAlias; $this->_rsm->addMetaResult($dqlAlias, $this->_platform->getSQLResultCasing($columnAlias), $srcColumn); } } } } } } return $sql; } /** * Walks down a QuantifiedExpression AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param QuantifiedExpression * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkQuantifiedExpression($qExpr) { return ' ' . strtoupper($qExpr->type) . '(' . $this->walkSubselect($qExpr->subselect) . ')'; } /** * Walks down a Subselect AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param Subselect * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkSubselect($subselect) { $useAliasesBefore = $this->_useSqlTableAliases; $this->_useSqlTableAliases = true; $sql = $this->walkSimpleSelectClause($subselect->simpleSelectClause); $sql .= $this->walkSubselectFromClause($subselect->subselectFromClause); $sql .= $subselect->whereClause ? $this->walkWhereClause($subselect->whereClause) : ''; $sql .= $subselect->groupByClause ? $this->walkGroupByClause($subselect->groupByClause) : ''; $sql .= $subselect->havingClause ? $this->walkHavingClause($subselect->havingClause) : ''; $sql .= $subselect->orderByClause ? $this->walkOrderByClause($subselect->orderByClause) : ''; $this->_useSqlTableAliases = $useAliasesBefore; return $sql; } /** * Walks down a SubselectFromClause AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param SubselectFromClause * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkSubselectFromClause($subselectFromClause) { $identificationVarDecls = $subselectFromClause->identificationVariableDeclarations; $sqlParts = array (); foreach ($identificationVarDecls as $subselectIdVarDecl) { $sql = ''; $rangeDecl = $subselectIdVarDecl->rangeVariableDeclaration; $dqlAlias = $rangeDecl->aliasIdentificationVariable; $class = $this->_em->getClassMetadata($rangeDecl->abstractSchemaName); $sql .= $class->getQuotedTableName($this->_platform) . ' ' . $this->getSqlTableAlias($class->table['name'], $dqlAlias); if ($class->isInheritanceTypeJoined()) { $sql .= $this->_generateClassTableInheritanceJoins($class, $dqlAlias); } foreach ($subselectIdVarDecl->joinVariableDeclarations as $joinVarDecl) { $sql .= $this->walkJoinVariableDeclaration($joinVarDecl); } $sqlParts[] = $this->_platform->appendLockHint($sql, $this->_query->getHint(Query::HINT_LOCK_MODE)); } return ' FROM ' . implode(', ', $sqlParts); } /** * Walks down a SimpleSelectClause AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param SimpleSelectClause * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkSimpleSelectClause($simpleSelectClause) { return 'SELECT' . ($simpleSelectClause->isDistinct ? ' DISTINCT' : '') . $this->walkSimpleSelectExpression($simpleSelectClause->simpleSelectExpression); } /** * Walks down a SimpleSelectExpression AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param SimpleSelectExpression * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkSimpleSelectExpression($simpleSelectExpression) { $sql = ''; $expr = $simpleSelectExpression->expression; if ($expr instanceof AST\PathExpression) { $sql .= $this->walkPathExpression($expr); } else if ($expr instanceof AST\AggregateExpression) { if ( ! $simpleSelectExpression->fieldIdentificationVariable) { $alias = $this->_scalarResultCounter++; } else { $alias = $simpleSelectExpression->fieldIdentificationVariable; } $sql .= $this->walkAggregateExpression($expr) . ' AS dctrn__' . $alias; } else if ($expr instanceof AST\Subselect) { if ( ! $simpleSelectExpression->fieldIdentificationVariable) { $alias = $this->_scalarResultCounter++; } else { $alias = $simpleSelectExpression->fieldIdentificationVariable; } $columnAlias = 'sclr' . $this->_aliasCounter++; $sql .= '(' . $this->walkSubselect($expr) . ') AS ' . $columnAlias; $this->_scalarResultAliasMap[$alias] = $columnAlias; } else if ($expr instanceof AST\Functions\FunctionNode) { if ( ! $simpleSelectExpression->fieldIdentificationVariable) { $alias = $this->_scalarResultCounter++; } else { $alias = $simpleSelectExpression->fieldIdentificationVariable; } $columnAlias = 'sclr' . $this->_aliasCounter++; $sql .= $this->walkFunction($expr) . ' AS ' . $columnAlias; $this->_scalarResultAliasMap[$alias] = $columnAlias; } else if ( $expr instanceof AST\SimpleArithmeticExpression || $expr instanceof AST\ArithmeticTerm || $expr instanceof AST\ArithmeticFactor || $expr instanceof AST\ArithmeticPrimary ) { if ( ! $simpleSelectExpression->fieldIdentificationVariable) { $alias = $this->_scalarResultCounter++; } else { $alias = $simpleSelectExpression->fieldIdentificationVariable; } $columnAlias = 'sclr' . $this->_aliasCounter++; $sql .= $this->walkSimpleArithmeticExpression($expr) . ' AS ' . $columnAlias; $this->_scalarResultAliasMap[$alias] = $columnAlias; } else { // IdentificationVariable $class = $this->_queryComponents[$expr]['metadata']; $tableAlias = $this->getSqlTableAlias($class->getTableName(), $expr); $first = true; foreach ($class->identifier as $identifier) { if ($first) $first = false; else $sql .= ', '; $sql .= $tableAlias . '.' . $class->getQuotedColumnName($identifier, $this->_platform); } } return ' ' . $sql; } /** * Walks down an AggregateExpression AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param AggregateExpression * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkAggregateExpression($aggExpression) { return $aggExpression->functionName . '(' . ($aggExpression->isDistinct ? 'DISTINCT ' : '') . $this->walkPathExpression($aggExpression->pathExpression) . ')'; } /** * Walks down a GroupByClause AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param GroupByClause * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkGroupByClause($groupByClause) { return ' GROUP BY ' . implode( ', ', array_map(array($this, 'walkGroupByItem'), $groupByClause->groupByItems) ); } /** * Walks down a GroupByItem AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param GroupByItem * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkGroupByItem(AST\PathExpression $pathExpr) { return $this->walkPathExpression($pathExpr); } /** * Walks down a DeleteClause AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param DeleteClause * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkDeleteClause(AST\DeleteClause $deleteClause) { $sql = 'DELETE FROM '; $class = $this->_em->getClassMetadata($deleteClause->abstractSchemaName); $sql .= $class->getQuotedTableName($this->_platform); $this->setSqlTableAlias($class->getTableName(), $class->getTableName(), $deleteClause->aliasIdentificationVariable); $this->_rootAliases[] = $deleteClause->aliasIdentificationVariable; return $sql; } /** * Walks down an UpdateClause AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param UpdateClause * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkUpdateClause($updateClause) { $sql = 'UPDATE '; $class = $this->_em->getClassMetadata($updateClause->abstractSchemaName); $sql .= $class->getQuotedTableName($this->_platform); $this->setSqlTableAlias($class->getTableName(), $class->getTableName(), $updateClause->aliasIdentificationVariable); $this->_rootAliases[] = $updateClause->aliasIdentificationVariable; $sql .= ' SET ' . implode( ', ', array_map(array($this, 'walkUpdateItem'), $updateClause->updateItems) ); return $sql; } /** * Walks down an UpdateItem AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param UpdateItem * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkUpdateItem($updateItem) { $useTableAliasesBefore = $this->_useSqlTableAliases; $this->_useSqlTableAliases = false; $sql = $this->walkPathExpression($updateItem->pathExpression) . ' = '; $newValue = $updateItem->newValue; if ($newValue === null) { $sql .= 'NULL'; } else if ($newValue instanceof AST\Node) { $sql .= $newValue->dispatch($this); } else { $sql .= $this->_conn->quote($newValue); } $this->_useSqlTableAliases = $useTableAliasesBefore; return $sql; } /** * Walks down a WhereClause AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param WhereClause * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkWhereClause($whereClause) { $discrSql = $this->_generateDiscriminatorColumnConditionSql($this->_rootAliases); $condSql = $this->walkConditionalExpression($whereClause->conditionalExpression); return ' WHERE ' . (( ! $discrSql) ? $condSql : '(' . $condSql . ') AND ' . $discrSql); } /** * Walk down a ConditionalExpression AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param ConditionalExpression * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkConditionalExpression($condExpr) { // Phase 2 AST optimization: Skip processment of ConditionalExpression // if only one ConditionalTerm is defined return ( ! ($condExpr instanceof AST\ConditionalExpression)) ? $this->walkConditionalTerm($condExpr) : implode( ' OR ', array_map(array($this, 'walkConditionalTerm'), $condExpr->conditionalTerms) ); } /** * Walks down a ConditionalTerm AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param ConditionalTerm * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkConditionalTerm($condTerm) { // Phase 2 AST optimization: Skip processment of ConditionalTerm // if only one ConditionalFactor is defined return ( ! ($condTerm instanceof AST\ConditionalTerm)) ? $this->walkConditionalFactor($condTerm) : implode( ' AND ', array_map(array($this, 'walkConditionalFactor'), $condTerm->conditionalFactors) ); } /** * Walks down a ConditionalFactor AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param ConditionalFactor * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkConditionalFactor($factor) { // Phase 2 AST optimization: Skip processment of ConditionalFactor // if only one ConditionalPrimary is defined return ( ! ($factor instanceof AST\ConditionalFactor)) ? $this->walkConditionalPrimary($factor) : ($factor->not ? 'NOT ' : '') . $this->walkConditionalPrimary($factor->conditionalPrimary); } /** * Walks down a ConditionalPrimary AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param ConditionalPrimary * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkConditionalPrimary($primary) { if ($primary->isSimpleConditionalExpression()) { return $primary->simpleConditionalExpression->dispatch($this); } else if ($primary->isConditionalExpression()) { $condExpr = $primary->conditionalExpression; return '(' . $this->walkConditionalExpression($condExpr) . ')'; } } /** * Walks down an ExistsExpression AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param ExistsExpression * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkExistsExpression($existsExpr) { $sql = ($existsExpr->not) ? 'NOT ' : ''; $sql .= 'EXISTS (' . $this->walkSubselect($existsExpr->subselect) . ')'; return $sql; } /** * Walks down a CollectionMemberExpression AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param CollectionMemberExpression * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkCollectionMemberExpression($collMemberExpr) { $sql = $collMemberExpr->not ? 'NOT ' : ''; $sql .= 'EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM '; $entityExpr = $collMemberExpr->entityExpression; $collPathExpr = $collMemberExpr->collectionValuedPathExpression; $fieldName = $collPathExpr->field; $dqlAlias = $collPathExpr->identificationVariable; $class = $this->_queryComponents[$dqlAlias]['metadata']; if ($entityExpr instanceof AST\InputParameter) { $dqlParamKey = $entityExpr->name; $entity = $this->_query->getParameter($dqlParamKey); } else { //TODO throw new \BadMethodCallException("Not implemented"); } $assoc = $class->associationMappings[$fieldName]; if ($assoc['type'] == ClassMetadata::ONE_TO_MANY) { $targetClass = $this->_em->getClassMetadata($assoc['targetEntity']); $targetTableAlias = $this->getSqlTableAlias($targetClass->table['name']); $sourceTableAlias = $this->getSqlTableAlias($class->table['name'], $dqlAlias); $sql .= $targetClass->getQuotedTableName($this->_platform) . ' ' . $targetTableAlias . ' WHERE '; $owningAssoc = $targetClass->associationMappings[$assoc['mappedBy']]; $first = true; foreach ($owningAssoc['targetToSourceKeyColumns'] as $targetColumn => $sourceColumn) { if ($first) $first = false; else $sql .= ' AND '; $sql .= $sourceTableAlias . '.' . $class->getQuotedColumnName($class->fieldNames[$targetColumn], $this->_platform) . ' = ' . $targetTableAlias . '.' . $sourceColumn; } $sql .= ' AND '; $first = true; foreach ($targetClass->identifier as $idField) { if ($first) $first = false; else $sql .= ' AND '; $this->_parserResult->addParameterMapping($dqlParamKey, $this->_sqlParamIndex++); $sql .= $targetTableAlias . '.' . $targetClass->getQuotedColumnName($idField, $this->_platform) . ' = ?'; } } else { // many-to-many $targetClass = $this->_em->getClassMetadata($assoc['targetEntity']); $owningAssoc = $assoc['isOwningSide'] ? $assoc : $targetClass->associationMappings[$assoc['mappedBy']]; $joinTable = $owningAssoc['joinTable']; // SQL table aliases $joinTableAlias = $this->getSqlTableAlias($joinTable['name']); $targetTableAlias = $this->getSqlTableAlias($targetClass->table['name']); $sourceTableAlias = $this->getSqlTableAlias($class->table['name'], $dqlAlias); // join to target table $sql .= $targetClass->getQuotedJoinTableName($owningAssoc, $this->_platform) . ' ' . $joinTableAlias . ' INNER JOIN ' . $targetClass->getQuotedTableName($this->_platform) . ' ' . $targetTableAlias . ' ON '; // join conditions $joinColumns = $assoc['isOwningSide'] ? $joinTable['inverseJoinColumns'] : $joinTable['joinColumns']; $first = true; foreach ($joinColumns as $joinColumn) { if ($first) $first = false; else $sql .= ' AND '; $sql .= $joinTableAlias . '.' . $joinColumn['name'] . ' = ' . $targetTableAlias . '.' . $targetClass->getQuotedColumnName( $targetClass->fieldNames[$joinColumn['referencedColumnName']], $this->_platform); } $sql .= ' WHERE '; $joinColumns = $assoc['isOwningSide'] ? $joinTable['joinColumns'] : $joinTable['inverseJoinColumns']; $first = true; foreach ($joinColumns as $joinColumn) { if ($first) $first = false; else $sql .= ' AND '; $sql .= $joinTableAlias . '.' . $joinColumn['name'] . ' = ' . $sourceTableAlias . '.' . $class->getQuotedColumnName( $class->fieldNames[$joinColumn['referencedColumnName']], $this->_platform); } $sql .= ' AND '; $first = true; foreach ($targetClass->identifier as $idField) { if ($first) $first = false; else $sql .= ' AND '; $this->_parserResult->addParameterMapping($dqlParamKey, $this->_sqlParamIndex++); $sql .= $targetTableAlias . '.' . $targetClass->getQuotedColumnName($idField, $this->_platform) . ' = ?'; } } return $sql . ')'; } /** * Walks down an EmptyCollectionComparisonExpression AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param EmptyCollectionComparisonExpression * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkEmptyCollectionComparisonExpression($emptyCollCompExpr) { $sizeFunc = new AST\Functions\SizeFunction('size'); $sizeFunc->collectionPathExpression = $emptyCollCompExpr->expression; return $sizeFunc->getSql($this) . ($emptyCollCompExpr->not ? ' > 0' : ' = 0'); } /** * Walks down a NullComparisonExpression AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param NullComparisonExpression * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkNullComparisonExpression($nullCompExpr) { $sql = ''; $innerExpr = $nullCompExpr->expression; if ($innerExpr instanceof AST\InputParameter) { $dqlParamKey = $innerExpr->name; $this->_parserResult->addParameterMapping($dqlParamKey, $this->_sqlParamIndex++); $sql .= ' ?'; } else { $sql .= $this->walkPathExpression($innerExpr); } $sql .= ' IS' . ($nullCompExpr->not ? ' NOT' : '') . ' NULL'; return $sql; } /** * Walks down an InExpression AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param InExpression * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkInExpression($inExpr) { $sql = $this->walkPathExpression($inExpr->pathExpression) . ($inExpr->not ? ' NOT' : '') . ' IN ('; if ($inExpr->subselect) { $sql .= $this->walkSubselect($inExpr->subselect); } else { $sql .= implode(', ', array_map(array($this, 'walkInParameter'), $inExpr->literals)); } $sql .= ')'; return $sql; } /** * Walks down an InstanceOfExpression AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param InstanceOfExpression * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkInstanceOfExpression($instanceOfExpr) { $sql = ''; $dqlAlias = $instanceOfExpr->identificationVariable; $discrClass = $class = $this->_queryComponents[$dqlAlias]['metadata']; $fieldName = null; if ($class->discriminatorColumn) { $discrClass = $this->_em->getClassMetadata($class->rootEntityName); } if ($this->_useSqlTableAliases) { $sql .= $this->getSQLTableAlias($discrClass->table['name'], $dqlAlias) . '.'; } $sql .= $class->discriminatorColumn['name'] . ($instanceOfExpr->not ? ' <> ' : ' = '); if ($instanceOfExpr->value instanceof AST\InputParameter) { // We need to modify the parameter value to be its correspondent mapped value $dqlParamKey = $instanceOfExpr->value->name; $paramValue = $this->_query->getParameter($dqlParamKey); if ( ! ($paramValue instanceof \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata)) { throw QueryException::invalidParameterType('ClassMetadata', get_class($paramValue)); } $entityClassName = $paramValue->name; } else { // Get name from ClassMetadata to resolve aliases. $entityClassName = $this->_em->getClassMetadata($instanceOfExpr->value)->name; } if ($entityClassName == $class->name) { $sql .= $this->_conn->quote($class->discriminatorValue); } else { $discrMap = array_flip($class->discriminatorMap); $sql .= $this->_conn->quote($discrMap[$entityClassName]); } return $sql; } /** * Walks down an InParameter AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param InParameter * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkInParameter($inParam) { return $inParam instanceof AST\InputParameter ? $this->walkInputParameter($inParam) : $this->walkLiteral($inParam); } /** * Walks down a literal that represents an AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param mixed * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkLiteral($literal) { switch ($literal->type) { case AST\Literal::STRING: return $this->_conn->quote($literal->value); case AST\Literal::BOOLEAN: $bool = strtolower($literal->value) == 'true' ? true : false; $boolVal = $this->_conn->getDatabasePlatform()->convertBooleans($bool); return is_string($boolVal) ? $this->_conn->quote($boolVal) : $boolVal; case AST\Literal::NUMERIC: return $literal->value; default: throw QueryException::invalidLiteral($literal); } } /** * Walks down a BetweenExpression AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param BetweenExpression * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkBetweenExpression($betweenExpr) { $sql = $this->walkArithmeticExpression($betweenExpr->expression); if ($betweenExpr->not) $sql .= ' NOT'; $sql .= ' BETWEEN ' . $this->walkArithmeticExpression($betweenExpr->leftBetweenExpression) . ' AND ' . $this->walkArithmeticExpression($betweenExpr->rightBetweenExpression); return $sql; } /** * Walks down a LikeExpression AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param LikeExpression * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkLikeExpression($likeExpr) { $stringExpr = $likeExpr->stringExpression; $sql = $stringExpr->dispatch($this) . ($likeExpr->not ? ' NOT' : '') . ' LIKE '; if ($likeExpr->stringPattern instanceof AST\InputParameter) { $inputParam = $likeExpr->stringPattern; $dqlParamKey = $inputParam->name; $this->_parserResult->addParameterMapping($dqlParamKey, $this->_sqlParamIndex++); $sql .= '?'; } else { $sql .= $this->_conn->quote($likeExpr->stringPattern); } if ($likeExpr->escapeChar) { $sql .= ' ESCAPE ' . $this->_conn->quote($likeExpr->escapeChar); } return $sql; } /** * Walks down a StateFieldPathExpression AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param StateFieldPathExpression * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkStateFieldPathExpression($stateFieldPathExpression) { return $this->walkPathExpression($stateFieldPathExpression); } /** * Walks down a ComparisonExpression AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param ComparisonExpression * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkComparisonExpression($compExpr) { $sql = ''; $leftExpr = $compExpr->leftExpression; $rightExpr = $compExpr->rightExpression; if ($leftExpr instanceof AST\Node) { $sql .= $leftExpr->dispatch($this); } else { $sql .= is_numeric($leftExpr) ? $leftExpr : $this->_conn->quote($leftExpr); } $sql .= ' ' . $compExpr->operator . ' '; if ($rightExpr instanceof AST\Node) { $sql .= $rightExpr->dispatch($this); } else { $sql .= is_numeric($rightExpr) ? $rightExpr : $this->_conn->quote($rightExpr); } return $sql; } /** * Walks down an InputParameter AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param InputParameter * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkInputParameter($inputParam) { $this->_parserResult->addParameterMapping($inputParam->name, $this->_sqlParamIndex++); return '?'; } /** * Walks down an ArithmeticExpression AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param ArithmeticExpression * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkArithmeticExpression($arithmeticExpr) { return ($arithmeticExpr->isSimpleArithmeticExpression()) ? $this->walkSimpleArithmeticExpression($arithmeticExpr->simpleArithmeticExpression) : '(' . $this->walkSubselect($arithmeticExpr->subselect) . ')'; } /** * Walks down an SimpleArithmeticExpression AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param SimpleArithmeticExpression * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkSimpleArithmeticExpression($simpleArithmeticExpr) { return ( ! ($simpleArithmeticExpr instanceof AST\SimpleArithmeticExpression)) ? $this->walkArithmeticTerm($simpleArithmeticExpr) : implode( ' ', array_map(array($this, 'walkArithmeticTerm'), $simpleArithmeticExpr->arithmeticTerms) ); } /** * Walks down an ArithmeticTerm AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param mixed * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkArithmeticTerm($term) { if (is_string($term)) { return $term; } // Phase 2 AST optimization: Skip processment of ArithmeticTerm // if only one ArithmeticFactor is defined return ( ! ($term instanceof AST\ArithmeticTerm)) ? $this->walkArithmeticFactor($term) : implode( ' ', array_map(array($this, 'walkArithmeticFactor'), $term->arithmeticFactors) ); } /** * Walks down an ArithmeticFactor that represents an AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param mixed * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkArithmeticFactor($factor) { if (is_string($factor)) { return $factor; } // Phase 2 AST optimization: Skip processment of ArithmeticFactor // if only one ArithmeticPrimary is defined return ( ! ($factor instanceof AST\ArithmeticFactor)) ? $this->walkArithmeticPrimary($factor) : ($factor->isNegativeSigned() ? '-' : ($factor->isPositiveSigned() ? '+' : '')) . $this->walkArithmeticPrimary($factor->arithmeticPrimary); } /** * Walks down an ArithmeticPrimary that represents an AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param mixed * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkArithmeticPrimary($primary) { if ($primary instanceof AST\SimpleArithmeticExpression) { return '(' . $this->walkSimpleArithmeticExpression($primary) . ')'; } else if ($primary instanceof AST\Node) { return $primary->dispatch($this); } // TODO: We need to deal with IdentificationVariable here return ''; } /** * Walks down a StringPrimary that represents an AST node, thereby generating the appropriate SQL. * * @param mixed * @return string The SQL. */ public function walkStringPrimary($stringPrimary) { return (is_string($stringPrimary)) ? $this->_conn->quote($stringPrimary) : $stringPrimary->dispatch($this); } }