. */ require_once("Doctrine/Exception.php"); /** * Doctrine * the base class of Doctrine framework * * @package Doctrine * @author Konsta Vesterinen * @license LGPL */ final class Doctrine { /** * ERROR MODE CONSTANTS */ /** * NO PRIMARY KEY COLUMN ERROR * no primary key column found error code */ const ERR_NO_PK = 0; /** * PRIMARY KEY MISMATCH ERROR * this error code is used when user uses factory refresh for a * given Doctrine_Record and the old primary key doesn't match the new one */ const ERR_REFRESH = 1; /** * FIND ERROR * this code used when for example Doctrine_Table::find() is called and * a Data Access Object is not found */ const ERR_FIND = 2; /** * TABLE NOT FOUND ERROR * this error code is used when user tries to initialize * a table and there is no database table for this factory */ const ERR_NOSUCH_TABLE = 3; /** * NAMING ERROR * this code is used when user defined Doctrine_Table is badly named */ const ERR_NAMING = 5; /** * TABLE INSTANCE ERROR * this code is used when user tries to initialize * a table that is already initialized */ const ERR_TABLE_INSTANCE = 6; /** * NO OPEN SESSIONS ERROR * error code which is used when user tries to get * current session are there are no sessions open */ const ERR_NO_SESSIONS = 7; /** * MAPPING ERROR * if there is something wrong with mapping logic * this error code is used */ const ERR_MAPPING = 8; /** * ATTRIBUTE CONSTANTS */ /** * event listener attribute */ const ATTR_LISTENER = 1; /** * fetchmode attribute */ const ATTR_FETCHMODE = 2; /** * cache directory attribute */ const ATTR_CACHE_DIR = 3; /** * cache time to live attribute */ const ATTR_CACHE_TTL = 4; /** * cache size attribute */ const ATTR_CACHE_SIZE = 5; /** * cache slam defense probability */ const ATTR_CACHE_SLAM = 6; /** * cache container attribute */ const ATTR_CACHE = 7; /** * batch size attribute */ const ATTR_BATCH_SIZE = 8; /** * primary key columns attribute */ const ATTR_PK_COLUMNS = 9; /** * primary key type attribute */ const ATTR_PK_TYPE = 10; /** * locking attribute */ const ATTR_LOCKMODE = 11; /** * validatate attribute */ const ATTR_VLD = 12; /** * name prefix attribute */ const ATTR_NAME_PREFIX = 13; /** * create tables attribute */ const ATTR_CREATE_TABLES = 14; /** * collection key attribute */ const ATTR_COLL_KEY = 15; /** * collection limit attribute */ const ATTR_COLL_LIMIT = 16; /** * CACHE CONSTANTS */ /** * sqlite cache constant */ const CACHE_SQLITE = 0; /** * constant for disabling the caching */ const CACHE_NONE = 1; /** * FETCHMODE CONSTANTS */ /** * IMMEDIATE FETCHING * mode for immediate fetching */ const FETCH_IMMEDIATE = 0; /** * BATCH FETCHING * mode for batch fetching */ const FETCH_BATCH = 1; /** * LAZY FETCHING * mode for lazy fetching */ const FETCH_LAZY = 2; /** * LAZY FETCHING * mode for offset fetching */ const FETCH_OFFSET = 3; /** * LAZY OFFSET FETCHING * mode for lazy offset fetching */ const FETCH_LAZY_OFFSET = 4; /** * RETURN CONSTANTS */ /** * RETURN VALUEHOLDER */ const RETURN_VHOLDER = 1; /** * RETURN RECORD */ const RETURN_RECORD = 2; /** * LOCKMODE CONSTANTS */ /** * mode for optimistic locking */ const LOCK_OPTIMISTIC = 0; /** * mode for pessimistic locking */ const LOCK_PESSIMISTIC = 1; /** * PRIMARY KEY TYPE CONSTANTS */ /** * auto-incremented/(sequence updated) primary key */ const INCREMENT_KEY = 0; /** * unique key */ const UNIQUE_KEY = 1; /** * @var string $path doctrine root directory */ private static $path; /** * returns the doctrine root * * @return string */ public static function getPath() { if(! self::$path) self::$path = dirname(__FILE__); return self::$path; } /** * loads all runtime classes * * @return void */ public static function loadAll() { if(! self::$path) self::$path = dirname(__FILE__); $path = self::$path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."Doctrine"; $dir = dir($path); $a = array(); while (false !== ($entry = $dir->read())) { switch($entry): case ".": case "..": break; case "Cache": case "Record": case "Collection": case "Table": case "Validator": case "Exception": case "EventListener": case "Session": case "DQL": case "Sensei": case "Iterator": case "View": case "Query": $a[] = $path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$entry; break; default: if(is_file($path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$entry) && substr($entry,-4) == ".php") { require_once($path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$entry); } endswitch; } foreach($a as $dirname) { $dir = dir($dirname); $path = $dirname.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; while (false !== ($entry = $dir->read())) { if(is_file($path.$entry) && substr($entry,-4) == ".php") { require_once($path.$entry); } } } } /** * method for making a single file of * most used doctrine components * * @throws Doctrine_Exception * @return void */ public static function compile() { if(! self::$path) self::$path = dirname(__FILE__); $classes = array("Doctrine", "Configurable", "Manager", "Session", "Table", "Iterator", "Exception", "Access", "Record", "Record_Iterator", "Collection", "Validator", "Hydrate", "Query", "Query_Part", "Query_From", "Query_Orderby", "Query_Groupby", "Query_Condition", "Query_Where", "Query_Having", "RawSql", "EventListener_Interface", "EventListener", "Relation", "ForeignKey", "LocalKey", "Association", "DB"); $ret = array(); foreach($classes as $class) { if($class !== "Doctrine") $class = 'Doctrine_'.$class; $file = self::$path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.str_replace("_",DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$class).".php"; if( ! file_exists($file)) throw new Doctrine_Exception("Couldn't compile $file. File $file does not exists."); self::autoload($class); $refl = new ReflectionClass($class); $lines = file($file); $start = $refl->getStartLine() - 1; $end = $refl->getEndLine() - 2; $i = 0; while($i < count($lines)) { $i++; if($i < $start) continue; $ret[] = $lines[$i]; if($i > $end) break; } } $fp = fopen(self::$path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'Doctrine.compiled.php', 'w+'); fwrite($fp, ""); fclose($fp); } /** * simple autoload function * returns true if the class was loaded, otherwise false * * @param string $classname * @return boolean */ public static function autoload($classname) { if(! self::$path) self::$path = dirname(__FILE__); $class = self::$path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.str_replace("_",DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR,$classname).".php"; if( ! file_exists($class)) return false; require_once($class); return true; } } ?>