--classdir= * Specifies the directory where to start looking for mapped classes. * This argument is required when the annotation metadata driver is used, * otherwise it has no effect. * * --dump-sql * Specifies that instead of directly executing the SQL statements, * they should be printed to the standard output. * * --create * Specifies that the schema of the classes should be created. * * --drop * Specifies that the schema of the classes should be dropped. * * --update * Specifies that the schema of the classes should be updated. * * * @author robo * @since 2.0 */ class SchemaToolTask extends AbstractTask { /** * @inheritdoc */ public function extendedHelp() { $printer = $this->getPrinter(); $printer->write('Task: ')->writeln('schema-tool', 'KEYWORD') ->write('Synopsis: '); $this->_writeSynopsis($printer); $printer->writeln('Description: Processes the schema and either apply it directly on EntityManager or generate the SQL output.') ->writeln('Options:') ->write('--create', 'REQ_ARG') ->writeln("\t\tCreates the schema in EntityManager (create tables on Database)") ->writeln("\t\t\tIf defined, --drop and --update can not be requested on same task") ->write(PHP_EOL) ->write('--drop', 'REQ_ARG') ->writeln("\t\t\tDrops the schema of EntityManager (drop tables on Database)") ->writeln("\t\t\tIf defined, --create and --update can not be requested on same task") ->write(PHP_EOL) ->write('--update', 'REQ_ARG') ->writeln("\t\tUpdates the schema in EntityManager (update tables on Database)") ->writeln("\t\t\tIf defined, --create and --drop can not be requested on same task") ->write(PHP_EOL) ->write('--dump-sql', 'OPT_ARG') ->writeln("\t\tInstead of try to apply generated SQLs into EntityManager, output them.") ->write(PHP_EOL) ->write('--classdir=', 'OPT_ARG') ->writeln("\tOptional class directory to fetch for Entities."); } /** * @inheritdoc */ public function basicHelp() { $this->_writeSynopsis($this->getPrinter()); } private function _writeSynopsis($printer) { $printer->write('schema-tool', 'KEYWORD') ->write(' (--create | --drop | --update)', 'REQ_ARG') ->writeln(' [--dump-sql] [--classdir=]', 'OPT_ARG'); } /** * @inheritdoc */ public function validate() { if ( ! parent::validate()) { return false; } $args = $this->getArguments(); $printer = $this->getPrinter(); if ( ! $this->_requireEntityManager()) { return false; } $isCreate = isset($args['create']); $isDrop = isset($args['drop']); $isUpdate = isset($args['update']); if ( ! ($isCreate ^ $isDrop ^ $isUpdate)) { $printer->writeln("One of --create, --drop or --update required, and only one.", 'ERROR'); return false; } if ($this->_em->getConfiguration()->getMetadataDriverImpl() instanceof \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\AnnotationDriver && ! isset($args['classdir'])) { $printer->writeln("The supplied configuration uses the annotation metadata driver." . " The 'classdir' argument is required for this driver.", 'ERROR'); return false; } return true; } /** * Executes the task. */ public function run() { $args = $this->getArguments(); $isCreate = isset($args['create']); $isDrop = isset($args['drop']); $isUpdate = isset($args['update']); $cmf = $this->_em->getMetadataFactory(); $driver = $this->_em->getConfiguration()->getMetadataDriverImpl(); $classes = array(); if ($driver instanceof \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\AnnotationDriver) { $iter = new \FilesystemIterator($args['classdir']); $declared = get_declared_classes(); foreach ($iter as $item) { $baseName = $item->getBaseName(); if ($baseName[0] == '.') { continue; } require_once $item->getPathName(); } $declared = array_diff(get_declared_classes(), $declared); foreach ($declared as $className) { if ( ! $driver->isTransient($className)) { $classes[] = $cmf->getMetadataFor($className); } } } else { $preloadedClasses = $driver->preload(true); foreach ($preloadedClasses as $className) { $classes[] = $cmf->getMetadataFor($className); } } $printer = $this->getPrinter(); $tool = new SchemaTool($this->_em); if ($isCreate) { if (isset($args['dump-sql'])) { foreach ($tool->getCreateSchemaSql($classes) as $sql) { $printer->writeln($sql); } } else { $printer->writeln('Creating database schema...', 'INFO'); try { $tool->createSchema($classes); $printer->writeln('Database schema created successfully.', 'INFO'); } catch (\Exception $ex) { throw new DoctrineException($ex); } } } else if ($isDrop) { if (isset($args['dump-sql'])) { foreach ($tool->getDropSchemaSql($classes) as $sql) { $printer->writeln($sql); } } else { $printer->writeln('Dropping database schema...', 'INFO'); try { $tool->dropSchema($classes); $printer->writeln('Database schema dropped successfully.', 'INFO'); } catch (\Exception $ex) { throw new DoctrineException($ex); } } } else if ($isUpdate) { $printer->writeln("--update support is not yet fully implemented.", 'ERROR'); if (isset($args['dump-sql'])) { foreach ($tool->getUpdateSchemaSql($classes) as $sql) { $printer->writeln($sql); } } else { $printer->writeln('Updating database schema...', 'INFO'); try { $tool->updateSchema($classes); $printer->writeln('Database schema updated successfully.', 'INFO'); } catch (\Exception $ex) { throw new DoctrineException($ex); } } } } }