. */ #namespace Doctrine\ORM\Internal\Hydration; /** * The hydrator has the tedious task to process result sets returned by the database * and turn them into useable structures. * * Runtime complexity: The following gives the overall number of iterations * required to process a result set when using identity hydration * (HYDRATE_IDENTITY_OBJECT or HYDRATE_IDENTITY_ARRAY). * * numRowsInResult * numColumnsInResult + numRowsInResult * numClassesInQuery * * This comes down to: * * (numRowsInResult * (numColumnsInResult + numClassesInQuery)) * * For scalar hydration (HYDRATE_SCALAR) it's: * * numRowsInResult * numColumnsInResult * * Note that this is only a crude definition as it also heavily * depends on the complexity of all the single operations that are performed in * each iteration. * * As can be seen, the number of columns in the result has the most impact on * the overall performance (apart from the row count, of course), since numClassesInQuery * is usually pretty low. * That's why the performance of the _gatherRowData() methods which are responsible * for the "numRowsInResult * numColumnsInResult" part is crucial to fast hydration. * * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * @link www.doctrine-project.org * @since 1.0 * @version $Revision: 3192 $ * @author Konsta Vesterinen * @author Roman Borschel */ class Doctrine_ORM_Internal_Hydration_StandardHydrator extends Doctrine_ORM_Internal_Hydration_AbstractHydrator { /** * Parses the data returned by statement object. * * This is method defines the core of Doctrine's object population algorithm. * * @param array $aliasMap Array that maps DQL aliases to their components * (DQL alias => array( * 'metadata' => Table object, * 'parent' => Parent DQL alias (if any), * 'relation' => Relation object (if any), * 'map' => Custom index to use as the key in the result (if any), * 'agg' => List of aggregate value names (sql alias => dql alias) * ) * ) * @return mixed The created object/array graph. * @throws Doctrine_Hydrator_Exception If the hydration process failed. */ public function hydrateResultSet($parserResult) { if ($parserResult->getHydrationMode() === null) { $hydrationMode = $this->_hydrationMode; } else { $hydrationMode = $parserResult->getHydrationMode(); } $stmt = $parserResult->getDatabaseStatement(); if ($hydrationMode == Doctrine_ORM_Query::HYDRATE_NONE) { return $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NUM); } $this->_tableAliases = $parserResult->getTableToClassAliasMap(); $this->_queryComponents = $parserResult->getQueryComponents(); if ($hydrationMode == Doctrine_ORM_Query::HYDRATE_ARRAY) { $driver = new Doctrine_ORM_Internal_Hydration_ArrayDriver(); } else { $driver = new Doctrine_ORM_Internal_Hydration_ObjectDriver($this->_em); } $s = microtime(true); reset($this->_queryComponents); $rootAlias = key($this->_queryComponents); $rootEntityName = $this->_queryComponents[$rootAlias]['metadata']->getClassName(); // if only one class is involved we can make our lives easier $isSimpleQuery = count($this->_queryComponents) <= 1; // Lookup map to quickly discover/lookup existing entities in the result // It's the identifier "memory" $identifierMap = array(); // Holds for each class a pointer to the last previously seen element in the result set $resultPointers = array(); // Holds the values of the identifier/primary key fields of entities, // separated by a pipe '|' and grouped by DQL class alias (r, u, i, ... whatever) // The $idTemplate is a prepared template. $id is set to a fresh template when // starting to process a row. $id = array(); $idTemplate = array(); if ($parserResult->isMixedQuery() || $hydrationMode == Doctrine_ORM_Query::HYDRATE_SCALAR) { $result = array(); } else { $result = $driver->getElementCollection($rootEntityName); } if ($stmt === false || $stmt === 0) { return $result; } // Initialize foreach ($this->_queryComponents as $dqlAlias => $component) { $identifierMap[$dqlAlias] = array(); $resultPointers[$dqlAlias] = array(); $idTemplate[$dqlAlias] = ''; } $cache = array(); // Evaluate HYDRATE_SINGLE_SCALAR if ($hydrationMode == Doctrine_ORM_Query::HYDRATE_SINGLE_SCALAR) { $result = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); //TODO: Let this exception be raised by Query as QueryException if (count($result) > 1 || count($result[0]) > 1) { throw Doctrine_ORM_Exceptions_HydrationException::nonUniqueResult(); } $result = $this->_gatherScalarRowData($result[0], $cache); return array_shift($result); } $resultCounter = 0; // Process result set while ($data = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { // Evaluate HYDRATE_SCALAR if ($hydrationMode == Doctrine_ORM_Query::HYDRATE_SCALAR) { $result[] = $this->_gatherScalarRowData($data, $cache); continue; } // From here on its all about graph construction // 1) Initialize $id = $idTemplate; // initialize the id-memory $nonemptyComponents = array(); $rowData = $this->_gatherRowData($data, $cache, $id, $nonemptyComponents); // 2) Hydrate the data of the root entity from the current row // Check for an existing element $index = false; if ($isSimpleQuery || ! isset($identifierMap[$rootAlias][$id[$rootAlias]])) { $element = $driver->getElement($rowData[$rootAlias], $rootEntityName); if ($field = $this->_getCustomIndexField($rootAlias)) { if ($parserResult->isMixedQuery()) { $result[] = array( $driver->getFieldValue($element, $field) => $element ); ++$resultCounter; } else { $driver->addElementToIndexedCollection($result, $element, $field); } } else { if ($parserResult->isMixedQuery()) { $result[] = array($element); ++$resultCounter; } else { $driver->addElementToCollection($result, $element); } } $identifierMap[$rootAlias][$id[$rootAlias]] = $driver->getLastKey($result); } else { $index = $identifierMap[$rootAlias][$id[$rootAlias]]; } $driver->updateResultPointer($resultPointers, $result, $index, $rootAlias, false); unset($rowData[$rootAlias]); // end hydrate data of the root component for the current row // Extract scalar values. They're appended at the end. if (isset($rowData['scalars'])) { $scalars = $rowData['scalars']; unset($rowData['scalars']); } // 3) Now hydrate the rest of the data found in the current row, that // belongs to other (related) entities. foreach ($rowData as $dqlAlias => $data) { $index = false; $map = $this->_queryComponents[$dqlAlias]; $entityName = $map['metadata']->getClassName(); $parent = $map['parent']; $relation = $map['relation']; $relationAlias = $relation->getSourceFieldName(); $path = $parent . '.' . $dqlAlias; // Get a reference to the right element in the result tree. // This element will get the associated element attached. if ($parserResult->isMixedQuery() && $parent == $rootAlias) { $key = key(reset($resultPointers)); // TODO: Exception if $key === null ? $baseElement =& $resultPointers[$parent][$key]; } else if (isset($resultPointers[$parent])) { $baseElement =& $resultPointers[$parent]; } else { unset($resultPointers[$dqlAlias]); // Ticket #1228 continue; } // Check the type of the relation (many or single-valued) if ( ! $relation->isOneToOne()) { // x-to-many relation $oneToOne = false; if (isset($nonemptyComponents[$dqlAlias])) { $driver->initRelatedCollection($baseElement, $relationAlias); $indexExists = isset($identifierMap[$path][$id[$parent]][$id[$dqlAlias]]); $index = $indexExists ? $identifierMap[$path][$id[$parent]][$id[$dqlAlias]] : false; $indexIsValid = $index !== false ? $driver->isIndexKeyInUse($baseElement, $relationAlias, $index) : false; if ( ! $indexExists || ! $indexIsValid) { $element = $driver->getElement($data, $entityName); if ($field = $this->_getCustomIndexField($dqlAlias)) { $driver->addRelatedIndexedElement($baseElement, $relationAlias, $element, $field); } else { $driver->addRelatedElement($baseElement, $relationAlias, $element); } $identifierMap[$path][$id[$parent]][$id[$dqlAlias]] = $driver->getLastKey( $driver->getReferenceValue($baseElement, $relationAlias)); } } else if ( ! $driver->isFieldSet($baseElement, $relationAlias)) { if ($hydrationMode == Doctrine_ORM_Query::HYDRATE_ARRAY) { $baseElement[$relationAlias] = array(); } else { $driver->setRelatedElement($baseElement, $relationAlias, $driver->getElementCollection($entityName)); } } } else { // x-to-one relation $oneToOne = true; if ( ! isset($nonemptyComponents[$dqlAlias]) && ! $driver->isFieldSet($baseElement, $relationAlias)) { $driver->setRelatedElement($baseElement, $relationAlias, $driver->getNullPointer()); } else if ( ! $driver->isFieldSet($baseElement, $relationAlias)) { $driver->setRelatedElement($baseElement, $relationAlias, $driver->getElement($data, $entityName)); } } if ($hydrationMode == Doctrine_ORM_Query::HYDRATE_ARRAY) { $coll =& $baseElement[$relationAlias]; } else { $coll = $driver->getReferenceValue($baseElement, $relationAlias); } if ($coll !== null) { $driver->updateResultPointer($resultPointers, $coll, $index, $dqlAlias, $oneToOne); } } // Append scalar values to mixed result sets if (isset($scalars)) { foreach ($scalars as $name => $value) { $result[$resultCounter - 1][$name] = $value; } } } $stmt->closeCursor(); $driver->flush(); $e = microtime(true); echo 'Hydration took: ' . ($e - $s) . PHP_EOL; return $result; } }