<?php namespace Doctrine\Tests\ORM\Functional; use Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsUser, Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsGroup; require_once __DIR__ . '/../../TestInit.php'; /** * Basic many-to-many association tests. * ("Working with associations") * * @author robo */ class ManyToManyBasicAssociationTest extends \Doctrine\Tests\OrmFunctionalTestCase { protected function setUp() { $this->useModelSet('cms'); parent::setUp(); } public function testManyToManyAddRemove() { // Set up user with 2 groups $user = new CmsUser; $user->username = 'romanb'; $user->status = 'dev'; $user->name = 'Roman B.'; $group1 = new CmsGroup; $group1->name = 'Developers'; $group2 = new CmsGroup; $group2->name = 'Humans'; $user->addGroup($group1); $user->addGroup($group2); $this->_em->persist($user); // cascades to groups $this->_em->flush(); $this->_em->clear(); $uRep = $this->_em->getRepository(get_class($user)); // Get user $user = $uRep->findOneById($user->getId()); $this->assertNotNull($user, "Has to return exactly one entry."); $this->assertFalse($user->getGroups()->isInitialized()); // Check groups $this->assertEquals(2, $user->getGroups()->count()); $this->assertTrue($user->getGroups()->isInitialized()); // Remove first group unset($user->groups[0]); //$user->getGroups()->remove(0); $this->_em->flush(); $this->_em->clear(); // Reload same user $user2 = $uRep->findOneById($user->getId()); // Check groups $this->assertEquals(1, $user2->getGroups()->count()); } public function testManyToManyInverseSideIgnored() { $user = new CmsUser; $user->username = 'romanb'; $user->status = 'dev'; $user->name = 'Roman B.'; $group = new CmsGroup; $group->name = 'Humans'; // modify directly, addUser() would also (properly) set the owning side $group->users[] = $user; $this->_em->persist($user); $this->_em->persist($group); $this->_em->flush(); $this->_em->clear(); // Association should not exist $user2 = $this->_em->find(get_class($user), $user->getId()); $this->assertNotNull($user2, "Has to return exactly one entry."); $this->assertEquals(0, $user2->getGroups()->count()); } }