. */ namespace Doctrine\ORM\Mapping; /** * A one-to-one mapping describes a uni-directional mapping from one entity * to another entity. * * IMPORTANT NOTE: * * The fields of this class are only public for 2 reasons: * 1) To allow fast READ access. * 2) To drastically reduce the size of a serialized instance (private/protected members * get the whole class name, namespace inclusive, prepended to every property in * the serialized representation). * * Instances of this class are stored serialized in the metadata cache together with the * owning ClassMetadata instance. * * @since 2.0 * @author Roman Borschel * @author Giorgio Sironi */ class OneToOneMapping extends AssociationMapping { /** * READ-ONLY: Maps the source foreign/primary key columns to the target primary/foreign key columns. * i.e. source.id (pk) => target.user_id (fk). * Reverse mapping of _targetToSourceKeyColumns. */ public $sourceToTargetKeyColumns = array(); /** * READ-ONLY: Maps the target primary/foreign key columns to the source foreign/primary key columns. * i.e. target.user_id (fk) => source.id (pk). * Reverse mapping of _sourceToTargetKeyColumns. */ public $targetToSourceKeyColumns = array(); /** * READ-ONLY: Whether to delete orphaned elements (when nulled out, i.e. $foo->other = null) * * @var boolean */ public $orphanRemoval = false; /** * READ-ONLY: The join column definitions. Only present on the owning side. * * @var array */ public $joinColumns = array(); /** * READ-ONLY: A map of join column names to field names that are used in cases * when the join columns are fetched as part of the query result. * * @var array */ public $joinColumnFieldNames = array(); /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @param array $mapping The mapping to validate & complete. * @return array The validated & completed mapping. * @override */ protected function _validateAndCompleteMapping(array $mapping) { parent::_validateAndCompleteMapping($mapping); if (isset($mapping['joinColumns']) && $mapping['joinColumns']) { $this->isOwningSide = true; } if ($this->isOwningSide) { if ( ! isset($mapping['joinColumns']) || ! $mapping['joinColumns']) { // Apply default join column $mapping['joinColumns'] = array(array( 'name' => $this->sourceFieldName . '_id', 'referencedColumnName' => 'id' )); } foreach ($mapping['joinColumns'] as $joinColumn) { $this->sourceToTargetKeyColumns[$joinColumn['name']] = $joinColumn['referencedColumnName']; $this->joinColumnFieldNames[$joinColumn['name']] = isset($joinColumn['fieldName']) ? $joinColumn['fieldName'] : $joinColumn['name']; } $this->joinColumns = $mapping['joinColumns']; $this->targetToSourceKeyColumns = array_flip($this->sourceToTargetKeyColumns); } //TODO: if orphanRemoval, cascade=remove is implicit! $this->orphanRemoval = isset($mapping['orphanRemoval']) ? (bool) $mapping['orphanRemoval'] : false; return $mapping; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @return boolean * @override */ public function isOneToOne() { return true; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @param object $sourceEntity the entity source of this association * @param object $targetEntity the entity to load data in * @param EntityManager $em * @param array $joinColumnValues Values of the join columns of $sourceEntity. */ public function load($sourceEntity, $targetEntity, $em, array $joinColumnValues = array()) { $targetClass = $em->getClassMetadata($this->targetEntityName); if ($this->isOwningSide) { // Mark inverse side as fetched in the hints, otherwise the UoW would // try to load it in a separate query (remember: to-one inverse sides can not be lazy). $hints = array(); if ($this->inversedBy) { $hints['fetched'][$targetClass->name][$this->inversedBy] = true; if ($targetClass->subClasses) { foreach ($targetClass->subClasses as $targetSubclassName) { $hints['fetched'][$targetSubclassName][$this->inversedBy] = true; } } } /* cascade read-only status if ($em->getUnitOfWork()->isReadOnly($sourceEntity)) { $hints[Query::HINT_READ_ONLY] = true; } */ $targetEntity = $em->getUnitOfWork()->getEntityPersister($this->targetEntityName)->load($joinColumnValues, $targetEntity, $this, $hints); if ($targetEntity !== null && $this->inversedBy && ! $targetClass->isCollectionValuedAssociation($this->inversedBy)) { $targetClass->reflFields[$this->inversedBy]->setValue($targetEntity, $sourceEntity); } } else { $conditions = array(); $sourceClass = $em->getClassMetadata($this->sourceEntityName); $owningAssoc = $targetClass->getAssociationMapping($this->mappedBy); // TRICKY: since the association is specular source and target are flipped foreach ($owningAssoc->targetToSourceKeyColumns as $sourceKeyColumn => $targetKeyColumn) { if (isset($sourceClass->fieldNames[$sourceKeyColumn])) { $conditions[$targetKeyColumn] = $sourceClass->reflFields[$sourceClass->fieldNames[$sourceKeyColumn]]->getValue($sourceEntity); } else { throw MappingException::joinColumnMustPointToMappedField( $sourceClass->name, $sourceKeyColumn ); } } $targetEntity = $em->getUnitOfWork()->getEntityPersister($this->targetEntityName)->load($conditions, $targetEntity, $this); if ($targetEntity !== null) { $targetClass->setFieldValue($targetEntity, $this->mappedBy, $sourceEntity); } } return $targetEntity; } /** * Determines which fields get serialized. * * It is only serialized what is necessary for best unserialization performance. * That means any metadata properties that are not set or empty or simply have * their default value are NOT serialized. * * @return array The names of all the fields that should be serialized. */ public function __sleep() { $serialized = parent::__sleep(); $serialized[] = 'joinColumns'; $serialized[] = 'joinColumnFieldNames'; $serialized[] = 'sourceToTargetKeyColumns'; $serialized[] = 'targetToSourceKeyColumns'; if ($this->orphanRemoval) { $serialized[] = 'orphanRemoval'; } return $serialized; } }