namespace Doctrine\ORM\Mapping;
* A many-to-many mapping describes the mapping between two collections of
* entities.
* The fields of this class are only public for 2 reasons:
* 1) To allow fast READ access.
* 2) To drastically reduce the size of a serialized instance (private/protected members
* get the whole class name, namespace inclusive, prepended to every property in
* the serialized representation).
* Instances of this class are stored serialized in the metadata cache together with the
* owning ClassMetadata instance.
* @since 2.0
* @author Roman Borschel
* @author Giorgio Sironi
class ManyToManyMapping extends AssociationMapping
* READ-ONLY: Maps the columns in the relational table to the columns in the source table.
public $relationToSourceKeyColumns = array();
* READ-ONLY: Maps the columns in the relation table to the columns in the target table.
public $relationToTargetKeyColumns = array();
* READ-ONLY: List of aggregated column names on the join table.
public $joinTableColumns = array();
/** FUTURE: The key column mapping, if any. The key column holds the keys of the Collection. */
//public $keyColumn;
* READ-ONLY: Order this collection by the given DQL snippet.
* Only simple unqualified field names and ASC|DESC are allowed
* @var array
public $orderBy;
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function _validateAndCompleteMapping(array $mapping)
if ($this->isOwningSide) {
// owning side MUST have a join table
if ( ! isset($mapping['joinTable']) || ! $mapping['joinTable']) {
// Apply default join table
$sourceShortName = substr($this->sourceEntityName, strrpos($this->sourceEntityName, '\\') + 1);
$targetShortName = substr($this->targetEntityName, strrpos($this->targetEntityName, '\\') + 1);
$mapping['joinTable'] = array(
'name' => $sourceShortName .'_' . $targetShortName,
'joinColumns' => array(
'name' => $sourceShortName . '_id',
'referencedColumnName' => 'id',
'onDelete' => 'CASCADE'
'inverseJoinColumns' => array(
'name' => $targetShortName . '_id',
'referencedColumnName' => 'id',
'onDelete' => 'CASCADE'
$this->joinTable = $mapping['joinTable'];
// owning side MUST specify joinColumns
else if ( ! isset($mapping['joinTable']['joinColumns'])) {
throw MappingException::missingRequiredOption(
$this->sourceFieldName, 'joinColumns',
'Did you think of case sensitivity / plural s?'
// owning side MUST specify inverseJoinColumns
else if ( ! isset($mapping['joinTable']['inverseJoinColumns'])) {
throw MappingException::missingRequiredOption(
$this->sourceFieldName, 'inverseJoinColumns',
'Did you think of case sensitivity / plural s?'
foreach ($mapping['joinTable']['joinColumns'] as $joinColumn) {
$this->relationToSourceKeyColumns[$joinColumn['name']] = $joinColumn['referencedColumnName'];
$this->joinTableColumns[] = $joinColumn['name'];
foreach ($mapping['joinTable']['inverseJoinColumns'] as $inverseJoinColumn) {
$this->relationToTargetKeyColumns[$inverseJoinColumn['name']] = $inverseJoinColumn['referencedColumnName'];
$this->joinTableColumns[] = $inverseJoinColumn['name'];
if (isset($mapping['orderBy'])) {
if ( ! is_array($mapping['orderBy'])) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("'orderBy' is expected to be an array, not ".gettype($mapping['orderBy']));
$this->orderBy = $mapping['orderBy'];
* Loads entities in $targetCollection using $em.
* The data of $sourceEntity are used to restrict the collection
* via the join table.
* @param object The owner of the collection.
* @param object The collection to populate.
* @param array
public function load($sourceEntity, $targetCollection, $em, array $joinColumnValues = array())
$sourceClass = $em->getClassMetadata($this->sourceEntityName);
$joinTableConditions = array();
if ($this->isOwningSide) {
foreach ($this->relationToSourceKeyColumns as $relationKeyColumn => $sourceKeyColumn) {
// getting id
if (isset($sourceClass->fieldNames[$sourceKeyColumn])) {
$joinTableConditions[$relationKeyColumn] = $sourceClass->reflFields[$sourceClass->fieldNames[$sourceKeyColumn]]->getValue($sourceEntity);
} else {
throw MappingException::joinColumnMustPointToMappedField(
$sourceClass->name, $sourceKeyColumn
} else {
$owningAssoc = $em->getClassMetadata($this->targetEntityName)->associationMappings[$this->mappedBy];
// TRICKY: since the association is inverted source and target are flipped
foreach ($owningAssoc->relationToTargetKeyColumns as $relationKeyColumn => $sourceKeyColumn) {
// getting id
if (isset($sourceClass->fieldNames[$sourceKeyColumn])) {
$joinTableConditions[$relationKeyColumn] = $sourceClass->reflFields[$sourceClass->fieldNames[$sourceKeyColumn]]->getValue($sourceEntity);
} else {
throw MappingException::joinColumnMustPointToMappedField(
$sourceClass->name, $sourceKeyColumn
$persister = $em->getUnitOfWork()->getEntityPersister($this->targetEntityName);
$persister->loadManyToManyCollection($this, $joinTableConditions, $targetCollection);
/** {@inheritdoc} */
public function isManyToMany()
return true;
* Determines which fields get serialized.
* It is only serialized what is necessary for best unserialization performance.
* That means any metadata properties that are not set or empty or simply have
* their default value are NOT serialized.
* @return array The names of all the fields that should be serialized.
public function __sleep()
$serialized = parent::__sleep();
$serialized[] = 'joinTableColumns';
$serialized[] = 'relationToSourceKeyColumns';
$serialized[] = 'relationToTargetKeyColumns';
if ($this->orderBy) {
$serialized[] = 'orderBy';
return $serialized;