. */ /** * Doctrine_Validator * Doctrine_Validator performs validations in record properties * * @package Doctrine ORM * @url www.phpdoctrine.com * @license LGPL */ class Doctrine_Validator { /** * @var array $stack error stack */ private $stack = array(); /** * @var array $validators an array of validator objects */ private static $validators = array(); /** * @var Doctrine_Null $null a Doctrine_Null object used for extremely fast * null value testing */ private static $null; /** * initNullObject * * @param Doctrine_Null $null * @return void */ public static function initNullObject(Doctrine_Null $null) { self::$null = $null; } /** * returns a validator object * * @param string $name * @return Doctrine_Validator_Interface */ public static function getValidator($name) { if( ! isset(self::$validators[$name])) { $class = "Doctrine_Validator_".ucwords(strtolower($name)); if(class_exists($class)) { self::$validators[$name] = new $class; } else { throw new Doctrine_Exception("Validator named '$name' not availible."); } } return self::$validators[$name]; } /** * validates a given record and saves possible errors * in Doctrine_Validator::$stack * * @param Doctrine_Record $record * @return void */ public function validateRecord(Doctrine_Record $record) { $columns = $record->getTable()->getColumns(); $component = $record->getTable()->getComponentName(); switch($record->getState()): case Doctrine_Record::STATE_TDIRTY: case Doctrine_Record::STATE_TCLEAN: // all fields will be validated $data = $record->getData(); break; default: // only the modified fields will be validated $data = $record->getModified(); endswitch; $err = array(); foreach($data as $key => $value) { if($value === self::$null) $value = null; elseif($value instanceof Doctrine_Record) $value = $value->getIncremented(); $column = $columns[$key]; if($column[0] == "enum") { $value = $record->getTable()->enumIndex($key, $value); if($value === false) { $err[$key] = 'enum'; continue; } } if($column[0] == "array" || $column[0] == "object") $length = strlen(serialize($value)); else $length = strlen($value); if($length > $column[1]) { $err[$key] = 'length'; continue; } if( ! is_array($column[2])) $e = explode("|",$column[2]); else $e = $column[2]; foreach($e as $k => $arg) { if(is_string($k)) { $name = $k; $args = $arg; } else { $args = explode(":",$arg); $name = array_shift($args); if( ! isset($args[0])) $args[0] = ''; } if(empty($name) || $name == 'primary' || $name == 'protected' || $name == 'autoincrement' || $name == 'default') continue; $validator = self::getValidator($name); if( ! $validator->validate($record, $key, $value, $args)) { $err[$key] = $name; //$err[$key] = 'not valid'; // errors found quit validation looping for this column break; } } if( ! self::isValidType($value, $column[0])) { $err[$key] = 'type'; continue; } } if( ! empty($err)) { $this->stack = $err; return false; } return true; } /** * whether or not this validator has errors * * @return boolean */ public function hasErrors() { return (count($this->stack) > 0); } /** * returns the error stack * * @return array */ public function getErrorStack() { return $this->stack; } /** * converts a doctrine type to native php type * * @param $doctrineType * @return string */ public static function phpType($doctrineType) { switch($doctrineType) { case 'enum': return 'integer'; case 'blob': case 'clob': case 'mbstring': case 'timestamp': case 'date': case 'gzip': return 'string'; break; default: return $doctrineType; } } /** * returns whether or not the given variable is * valid type * * @param mixed $var * @param string $type * @return boolean */ public static function isValidType($var, $type) { if($type == 'boolean') return true; $looseType = self::gettype($var); $type = self::phpType($type); switch($looseType): case 'float': case 'double': case 'integer': if($type == 'string' || $type == 'float') return true; case 'string': case 'array': case 'object': return ($type === $looseType); break; case 'NULL': return true; break; endswitch; } /** * returns the type of loosely typed variable * * @param mixed $var * @return string */ public static function gettype($var) { $type = gettype($var); switch($type): case 'string': if(preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/",$var)) return 'integer'; elseif(is_numeric($var)) return 'float'; else return $type; break; default: return $type; endswitch; } }