. */ /** * Doctrine * the base class of Doctrine framework * * @package Doctrine * @author Konsta Vesterinen * @author Lukas Smith (PEAR MDB2 library) * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * @link www.phpdoctrine.com * @since 1.0 * @version $Revision$ */ final class Doctrine { /** * DEPRECATED ATTRIBUTE CONSTANT NAMES AND VALUES * * REMOVE BEFORE 1.0 * These were deprecated either because they are not used anymore or because they didn't follow the naming pattern required * by Doctrine attributes * * Attribute names must be ATTR_{ATTR_NAME} and the values must be {ATTR_NAME}_NAME_OF_VALUE */ const LIMIT_ROWS = 1; const LIMIT_RECORDS = 2; const FETCH_IMMEDIATE = 0; const FETCH_BATCH = 1; const FETCH_OFFSET = 3; const FETCH_LAZY_OFFSET = 4; const FETCH_VHOLDER = 1; const FETCH_RECORD = 2; const FETCH_ARRAY = 3; /** * VERSION */ const VERSION = '1.0.0'; /** * ERROR CONSTANTS */ const ERR = -1; const ERR_SYNTAX = -2; const ERR_CONSTRAINT = -3; const ERR_NOT_FOUND = -4; const ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS = -5; const ERR_UNSUPPORTED = -6; const ERR_MISMATCH = -7; const ERR_INVALID = -8; const ERR_NOT_CAPABLE = -9; const ERR_TRUNCATED = -10; const ERR_INVALID_NUMBER = -11; const ERR_INVALID_DATE = -12; const ERR_DIVZERO = -13; const ERR_NODBSELECTED = -14; const ERR_CANNOT_CREATE = -15; const ERR_CANNOT_DELETE = -16; const ERR_CANNOT_DROP = -17; const ERR_NOSUCHTABLE = -18; const ERR_NOSUCHFIELD = -19; const ERR_NEED_MORE_DATA = -20; const ERR_NOT_LOCKED = -21; const ERR_VALUE_COUNT_ON_ROW = -22; const ERR_INVALID_DSN = -23; const ERR_CONNECT_FAILED = -24; const ERR_EXTENSION_NOT_FOUND = -25; const ERR_NOSUCHDB = -26; const ERR_ACCESS_VIOLATION = -27; const ERR_CANNOT_REPLACE = -28; const ERR_CONSTRAINT_NOT_NULL = -29; const ERR_DEADLOCK = -30; const ERR_CANNOT_ALTER = -31; const ERR_MANAGER = -32; const ERR_MANAGER_PARSE = -33; const ERR_LOADMODULE = -34; const ERR_INSUFFICIENT_DATA = -35; const ERR_CLASS_NAME = -36; /** * PDO derived constants */ const CASE_NATURAL = 0; const CASE_UPPER = 1; const CASE_LOWER = 2; const CURSOR_FWDONLY = 0; const CURSOR_SCROLL = 1; const ERRMODE_EXCEPTION = 2; const ERRMODE_SILENT = 0; const ERRMODE_WARNING = 1; const FETCH_ASSOC = 2; const FETCH_BOTH = 4; const FETCH_BOUND = 6; const FETCH_CLASS = 8; const FETCH_CLASSTYPE = 262144; const FETCH_COLUMN = 7; const FETCH_FUNC = 10; const FETCH_GROUP = 65536; const FETCH_INTO = 9; const FETCH_LAZY = 1; const FETCH_NAMED = 11; const FETCH_NUM = 3; const FETCH_OBJ = 5; const FETCH_ORI_ABS = 4; const FETCH_ORI_FIRST = 2; const FETCH_ORI_LAST = 3; const FETCH_ORI_NEXT = 0; const FETCH_ORI_PRIOR = 1; const FETCH_ORI_REL = 5; const FETCH_SERIALIZE = 524288; const FETCH_UNIQUE = 196608; const NULL_EMPTY_STRING = 1; const NULL_NATURAL = 0; const NULL_TO_STRING = NULL; const PARAM_BOOL = 5; const PARAM_INPUT_OUTPUT = -2147483648; const PARAM_INT = 1; const PARAM_LOB = 3; const PARAM_NULL = 0; const PARAM_STMT = 4; const PARAM_STR = 2; /** * ATTRIBUTE CONSTANTS */ /** * PDO derived attributes */ const ATTR_AUTOCOMMIT = 0; const ATTR_PREFETCH = 1; const ATTR_TIMEOUT = 2; const ATTR_ERRMODE = 3; const ATTR_SERVER_VERSION = 4; const ATTR_CLIENT_VERSION = 5; const ATTR_SERVER_INFO = 6; const ATTR_CONNECTION_STATUS = 7; const ATTR_CASE = 8; const ATTR_CURSOR_NAME = 9; const ATTR_CURSOR = 10; const ATTR_ORACLE_NULLS = 11; const ATTR_PERSISTENT = 12; const ATTR_STATEMENT_CLASS = 13; const ATTR_FETCH_TABLE_NAMES = 14; const ATTR_FETCH_CATALOG_NAMES = 15; const ATTR_DRIVER_NAME = 16; const ATTR_STRINGIFY_FETCHES = 17; const ATTR_MAX_COLUMN_LEN = 18; /** * Doctrine constants */ const ATTR_LISTENER = 100; const ATTR_QUOTE_IDENTIFIER = 101; const ATTR_FIELD_CASE = 102; const ATTR_IDXNAME_FORMAT = 103; const ATTR_SEQNAME_FORMAT = 104; const ATTR_SEQCOL_NAME = 105; const ATTR_CMPNAME_FORMAT = 118; const ATTR_DBNAME_FORMAT = 117; const ATTR_TBLCLASS_FORMAT = 119; const ATTR_TBLNAME_FORMAT = 120; const ATTR_EXPORT = 140; const ATTR_DECIMAL_PLACES = 141; const ATTR_PORTABILITY = 106; const ATTR_VALIDATE = 107; const ATTR_COLL_KEY = 108; const ATTR_QUERY_LIMIT = 109; const ATTR_DEFAULT_TABLE_TYPE = 112; const ATTR_DEF_TEXT_LENGTH = 113; const ATTR_DEF_VARCHAR_LENGTH = 114; const ATTR_DEF_TABLESPACE = 115; const ATTR_EMULATE_DATABASE = 116; const ATTR_USE_NATIVE_ENUM = 117; const ATTR_DEFAULT_SEQUENCE = 133; const ATTR_FETCHMODE = 118; const ATTR_NAME_PREFIX = 121; const ATTR_CREATE_TABLES = 122; const ATTR_COLL_LIMIT = 123; const ATTR_CACHE = 150; const ATTR_RESULT_CACHE = 150; const ATTR_CACHE_LIFESPAN = 151; const ATTR_RESULT_CACHE_LIFESPAN = 151; const ATTR_LOAD_REFERENCES = 153; const ATTR_RECORD_LISTENER = 154; const ATTR_THROW_EXCEPTIONS = 155; const ATTR_DEFAULT_PARAM_NAMESPACE = 156; const ATTR_QUERY_CACHE = 157; const ATTR_QUERY_CACHE_LIFESPAN = 158; const ATTR_AUTOLOAD_TABLE_CLASSES = 160; const ATTR_MODEL_LOADING = 161; const ATTR_LOCK = 162; const ATTR_HYDRATE = 163; const ATTR_IDENTIFIER = 164; /** * QUERY_LIMIT CONSTANTS */ /** * QUERY_LIMIT_ROWS * * constant for row limiting * * @see self::ATTR_QUERY_LIMIT */ const QUERY_LIMIT_ROWS = 1; /** * constant for record limiting * @see self::ATTR_QUERY_LIMIT */ const QUERY_LIMIT_RECORDS = 2; /** * FETCHMODE CONSTANTS */ /** * IMMEDIATE FETCHING * mode for immediate fetching * @see self::ATTR_FETCHMODE */ const FETCHMODE_IMMEDIATE = 0; /** * FETCHMODE_BATCH * * mode for batch fetching * * @see self::ATTR_FETCHMODE */ const FETCHMODE_BATCH = 1; /** * FETCHMODE_OFFSET * * mode for offset fetching * * @see self::ATTR_FETCHMODE */ const FETCHMODE_OFFSET = 3; /** * FETCHMODE_LAZY_OFFSET * * mode for lazy offset fetching * * @see self::ATTR_FETCHMODE */ const FETCHMODE_LAZY_OFFSET = 4; /** * FETCHMODE CONSTANTS */ /** * FETCHMODE_VHOLDER * * @see self::ATTR_FETCHMODE */ const FETCHMODE_VHOLDER = 1; /** * FETCHMODE_RECORD * * Specifies that the fetch method shall return Doctrine_Record * objects as the elements of the result set. * * This is the default fetchmode. * * @see self::ATTR_FETCHMODE */ const FETCHMODE_RECORD = 2; /** * FETCHMODE_ARRAY * * @see self::ATTR_FETCHMODE */ const FETCHMODE_ARRAY = 3; /** * PORTABILITY CONSTANTS */ /** * PORTABILITY_NONE * * Portability: turn off all portability features. * * @see self::ATTR_PORTABILITY */ const PORTABILITY_NONE = 0; /** * PORTABILITY_FIX_CASE * * Portability: convert names of tables and fields to case defined in the * "field_case" option when using the query*(), fetch*() methods. * * @see self::ATTR_PORTABILITY */ const PORTABILITY_FIX_CASE = 1; /** * PORTABILITY_RTRIM * * Portability: right trim the data output by query*() and fetch*(). * * @see self::ATTR_PORTABILITY */ const PORTABILITY_RTRIM = 2; /** * PORTABILITY_DELETE_COUNT * * Portability: force reporting the number of rows deleted. * * @see self::ATTR_PORTABILITY */ const PORTABILITY_DELETE_COUNT = 4; /** * PORTABILITY_EMPTY_TO_NULL * * Portability: convert empty values to null strings in data output by * query*() and fetch*(). * * @see self::ATTR_PORTABILITY */ const PORTABILITY_EMPTY_TO_NULL = 8; /** * PORTABILITY_FIX_ASSOC_FIELD_NAMES * * Portability: removes database/table qualifiers from associative indexes * * @see self::ATTR_PORTABILITY */ const PORTABILITY_FIX_ASSOC_FIELD_NAMES = 16; /** * PORTABILITY_EXPR * * Portability: makes Doctrine_Expression throw exception for unportable RDBMS expressions * * @see self::ATTR_PORTABILITY */ const PORTABILITY_EXPR = 32; /** * PORTABILITY_ALL * * Portability: turn on all portability features. * * @see self::ATTR_PORTABILITY */ const PORTABILITY_ALL = 63; /** * LOCK CONSTANTS */ /** * LOCK_OPTIMISTIC * * mode for optimistic locking * @see self::ATTR_LOCK */ const LOCK_OPTIMISTIC = 0; /** * LOCK_PESSIMISTIC * * mode for pessimistic locking * * @see self::ATTR_LOCK */ const LOCK_PESSIMISTIC = 1; /** * EXPORT CONSTANTS */ /** * EXPORT_NONE * * @see self::ATTR_EXPORT */ const EXPORT_NONE = 0; /** * EXPORT_TABLES * * @see self::ATTR_EXPORT */ const EXPORT_TABLES = 1; /** * EXPORT_CONSTRAINTS * * @see self::ATTR_EXPORT */ const EXPORT_CONSTRAINTS = 2; /** * EXPORT_PLUGINS * * @see self::ATTR_EXPORT */ const EXPORT_PLUGINS = 4; /** * EXPORT_ALL * * @see self::ATTR_EXPORT */ const EXPORT_ALL = 7; /** * HYDRATE CONSTANTS */ /** * HYDRATE_RECORD * * @see self::ATTR_HYDRATE */ const HYDRATE_RECORD = 2; /** * HYDRATE_ARRAY * * @see self::ATTR_HYDRATE */ const HYDRATE_ARRAY = 3; /** * HYDRATE_NONE * * @see self::ATTR_HYDRATE */ const HYDRATE_NONE = 4; /** * VALIDATE CONSTANTS * * @see self::ATTR_VALIDATE */ const VALIDATE_NONE = 0; /** * VALIDATE_LENGTHS * * @see self::ATTR_VALIDATE */ const VALIDATE_LENGTHS = 1; /** * VALIDATE_TYPES * * @see self::ATTR_VALIDATE */ const VALIDATE_TYPES = 2; /** * VALIDATE_CONSTRAINTS * * @see self::ATTR_VALIDATE */ const VALIDATE_CONSTRAINTS = 4; /** * VALIDATE_ALL * * @see self::ATTR_VALIDATE */ const VALIDATE_ALL = 7; /** * IDENTIFIER_AUTOINC * * constant for auto_increment identifier * * @see self::ATTR_IDENTIFIER */ const IDENTIFIER_AUTOINC = 1; /** * IDENTIFIER_SEQUENCE * * constant for sequence identifier * * @see self::ATTR_IDENTIFIER */ const IDENTIFIER_SEQUENCE = 2; /** * IDENTIFIER_NATURAL * * constant for normal identifier * * @see self::ATTR_IDENTIFIER */ const IDENTIFIER_NATURAL = 3; /** * IDENTIFIER_COMPOSITE * * constant for composite identifier * @see self::ATTR_IDENTIFIER */ const IDENTIFIER_COMPOSITE = 4; /** * MODEL_LOADING_AGGRESSIVE * * Constant for agressive model loading * Will require_once() all found model files * * @see self::ATTR_MODEL_LOADING */ const MODEL_LOADING_AGGRESSIVE = 1; /** * MODEL_LOADING_CONSERVATIVE * * Constant for conservative model loading * Will not require_once() found model files inititally instead it will build an array * and reference it in autoload() when a class is needed it will require_once() it * * @see self::ATTR_MODEL_LOADING */ const MODEL_LOADING_CONSERVATIVE= 2; /** * Path * * @var string $path doctrine root directory */ private static $_path; /** * _loadedModelFiles * * Array of all the loaded models and the path to each one for autoloading * * @var array */ private static $_loadedModelFiles = array(); /** * __construct * * @return void * @throws Doctrine_Exception */ public function __construct() { throw new Doctrine_Exception('Doctrine is static class. No instances can be created.'); } /** * getPath * returns the doctrine root * * @return string */ public static function getPath() { if ( ! self::$_path) { self::$_path = dirname(__FILE__); } return self::$_path; } /** * loadModels * * Recursively load all models from a directory or array of directories * * @param string $directory Path to directory of models or array of directory paths * @return array $loadedModels */ public static function loadModels($directory) { $loadedModels = array(); if ($directory !== null) { $manager = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance(); foreach ((array) $directory as $dir) { $it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir), RecursiveIteratorIterator::LEAVES_ONLY); foreach ($it as $file) { $e = explode('.', $file->getFileName()); if (end($e) === 'php' && strpos($file->getFileName(), '.inc') === false) { if ($manager->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_MODEL_LOADING) === Doctrine::MODEL_LOADING_CONSERVATIVE) { self::$_loadedModelFiles[$e[0]] = $file->getPathName(); $loadedModels[] = $e[0]; } else { $declaredBefore = get_declared_classes(); require_once($file->getPathName()); $declaredAfter = get_declared_classes(); // Using array_slice because array_diff is broken is some PHP versions $foundClasses = array_slice($declaredAfter, count($declaredBefore) - 1); if ($foundClasses) { foreach ($foundClasses as $className) { if (self::isValidModelClass($className) && !in_array($className, $loadedModels)) { $loadedModels[] = $className; } } } } } } } } return self::filterInvalidModels($loadedModels); } /** * getLoadedModels * * Get all the loaded models, you can provide an array of classes or it will use get_declared_classes() * * Will filter through an array of classes and return the Doctrine_Records out of them. * If you do not specify $classes it will return all of the currently loaded Doctrine_Records * * @return array $loadedModels */ public static function getLoadedModels() { $classes = get_declared_classes(); $classes = array_merge($classes, array_keys(self::$_loadedModelFiles)); return self::filterInvalidModels($classes); } /** * filterInvalidModels * * Filter through an array of classes and return all the classes that are valid models * * @param classes Array of classes to filter through, otherwise uses get_declared_classes() * @return array $loadedModels */ public static function filterInvalidModels($classes) { $validModels = array(); foreach ((array) $classes as $name) { if (self::isValidModelClass($name) && !in_array($name, $validModels)) { $validModels[] = $name; } } return $validModels; } /** * isValidModelClass * * Checks if what is passed is a valid Doctrine_Record * * @param mixed $class Can be a string named after the class, an instance of the class, or an instance of the class reflected * @return boolean */ public static function isValidModelClass($class) { if ($class instanceof Doctrine_Record) { $class = get_class($class); } if (is_string($class) && class_exists($class)) { $class = new ReflectionClass($class); } if ($class instanceof ReflectionClass) { // Skip the following classes // - abstract classes // - not a subclass of Doctrine_Record // - don't have a setTableDefinition method if (!$class->isAbstract() && $class->isSubClassOf('Doctrine_Record') && $class->hasMethod('setTableDefinition')) { return true; } } return false; } /** * getConnectionByTableName * * Get the connection object for a table by the actual table name * * @param string $tableName * @return object Doctrine_Connection */ public static function getConnectionByTableName($tableName) { $loadedModels = self::getLoadedModels(); foreach ($loadedModels as $name) { $model = new $name(); $table = $model->getTable(); if ($table->getTableName() == $tableName) { return $table->getConnection(); } } return Doctrine_Manager::connection(); } /** * generateModelsFromDb * * method for importing existing schema to Doctrine_Record classes * * @param string $directory Directory to write your models to * @param array $databases Array of databases to generate models for * @return boolean * @throws Exception */ public static function generateModelsFromDb($directory, array $databases = array()) { return Doctrine_Manager::connection()->import->importSchema($directory, $databases); } /** * generateYamlFromDb * * Generates models from database to temporary location then uses those models to generate a yaml schema file. * This should probably be fixed. We should write something to generate a yaml schema file directly from the database. * * @param string $yamlPath Path to write oyur yaml schema file to * @return void */ public static function generateYamlFromDb($yamlPath) { $directory = sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'tmp_doctrine_models'; Doctrine::generateModelsFromDb($directory); $export = new Doctrine_Export_Schema(); $result = $export->exportSchema($yamlPath, 'yml', $directory); Doctrine_Lib::removeDirectories($directory); return $result; } /** * generateModelsFromYaml * * Generate a yaml schema file from an existing directory of models * * @param string $yamlPath Path to your yaml schema files * @param string $directory Directory to generate your models in * @param array $options Array of options to pass to the schema importer * @return void */ public static function generateModelsFromYaml($yamlPath, $directory, $options = array()) { $import = new Doctrine_Import_Schema(); $import->setOptions($options); return $import->importSchema($yamlPath, 'yml', $directory); } /** * createTablesFromModels * * Creates database tables for the models in the specified directory * * @param string $directory Directory containing your models * @return void */ public static function createTablesFromModels($directory = null) { return Doctrine_Manager::connection()->export->exportSchema($directory); } /** * createTablesFromArray * * Creates database tables for the models in the supplied array * * @param array $array An array of models to be exported * @return void */ public static function createTablesFromArray($array) { return Doctrine_Manager::connection()->export->exportClasses($array); } /** * generateSqlFromModels * * @param string $directory * @return string $build String of sql queries. One query per line */ public static function generateSqlFromModels($directory = null) { $sql = Doctrine_Manager::connection()->export->exportSql($directory); $build = ''; foreach ($sql as $query) { $build .= $query.";\n"; } return $build; } /** * generateYamlFromModels * * Generate yaml schema file for the models in the specified directory * * @param string $yamlPath Path to your yaml schema files * @param string $directory Directory to generate your models in * @return void */ public static function generateYamlFromModels($yamlPath, $directory) { $export = new Doctrine_Export_Schema(); return $export->exportSchema($yamlPath, 'yml', $directory); } /** * createDatabases * * Creates databases for connections * * @param string $specifiedConnections Array of connections you wish to create the database for * @return void */ public static function createDatabases($specifiedConnections = array()) { if ( ! is_array($specifiedConnections)) { $specifiedConnections = (array) $specifiedConnections; } $manager = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance(); $connections = $manager->getConnections(); $results = array(); foreach ($connections as $name => $connection) { if ( ! empty($specifiedConnections) && !in_array($name, $specifiedConnections)) { continue; } $info = $manager->parsePdoDsn($connection->getOption('dsn')); $username = $connection->getOption('username'); $password = $connection->getOption('password'); // Make connection without database specified so we can create it $connect = $manager->openConnection(new PDO($info['scheme'] . ':host=' . $info['host'], $username, $password), 'tmp_connection', false); try { // Create database $connect->export->createDatabase($name); // Close the tmp connection with no database $manager->closeConnection($connect); // Close original connection $manager->closeConnection($connection); // Reopen original connection with newly created database $manager->openConnection(new PDO($info['dsn'], $username, $password), $name, true); $results[$name] = true; } catch (Exception $e) { $results[$name] = false; } } return $results; } /** * dropDatabases * * Drops databases for connections * * @param string $specifiedConnections Array of connections you wish to drop the database for * @return void */ public static function dropDatabases($specifiedConnections = array()) { if ( ! is_array($specifiedConnections)) { $specifiedConnections = (array) $specifiedConnections; } $manager = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance(); $connections = $manager->getConnections(); $results = array(); foreach ($connections as $name => $connection) { if ( ! empty($specifiedConnections) && !in_array($name, $specifiedConnections)) { continue; } try { $connection->export->dropDatabase($connection->getDatabaseName()); $results[$name] = true; } catch (Exception $e) { $results[$name] = false; } } return $results; } /** * dumpData * * Dump data to a yaml fixtures file * * @param string $yamlPath Path to write the yaml data fixtures to * @param string $individualFiles Whether or not to dump data to individual fixtures files * @return void */ public static function dumpData($yamlPath, $individualFiles = false) { $data = new Doctrine_Data(); return $data->exportData($yamlPath, 'yml', array(), $individualFiles); } /** * loadData * * Load data from a yaml fixtures file. * The output of dumpData can be fed to loadData * * @param string $yamlPath Path to your yaml data fixtures * @param string $append Whether or not to append the data * @return void */ public static function loadData($yamlPath, $append = false) { $data = new Doctrine_Data(); if ( ! $append) { $data->purge(); } return $data->importData($yamlPath, 'yml'); } /** * migrate * * Migrate database to specified $to version. Migrates from current to latest if you do not specify. * * @param string $migrationsPath Path to migrations directory which contains your migration classes * @param string $to Version you wish to migrate to. * @return bool true * @throws new Doctrine_Migration_Exception */ public static function migrate($migrationsPath, $to = null) { $migration = new Doctrine_Migration($migrationsPath); return $migration->migrate($to); } /** * generateMigrationClass * * Generate new migration class skeleton * * @param string $className Name of the Migration class to generate * @param string $migrationsPath Path to directory which contains your migration classes */ public static function generateMigrationClass($className, $migrationsPath) { $builder = new Doctrine_Migration_Builder($migrationsPath); return $builder->generateMigrationClass($className); } /** * generateMigrationsFromDb * * @param string $migrationsPath * @return void * @throws new Doctrine_Migration_Exception */ public static function generateMigrationsFromDb($migrationsPath) { $builder = new Doctrine_Migration_Builder($migrationsPath); return $builder->generateMigrationsFromDb(); } /** * generateMigrationsFromModels * * @param string $migrationsPath * @param string $modelsPath * @return void */ public static function generateMigrationsFromModels($migrationsPath, $modelsPath = null) { $builder = new Doctrine_Migration_Builder($migrationsPath); return $builder->generateMigrationsFromModels($modelsPath); } /** * getTable * * @param string $tableName * @return void */ public static function getTable($tableName) { return Doctrine_Manager::table($tableName); } /** * autoload * * simple autoload function * returns true if the class was loaded, otherwise false * * @param string $classname * @return boolean */ public static function autoload($className) { if ( substr($className, 0, 9) != 'Doctrine_' || class_exists($className, false) || interface_exists($className, false)) { return false; } if ( ! self::$_path) { self::$_path = dirname(__FILE__); } $findPattern = self::$_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '*' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . str_replace('_', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, str_replace('Doctrine_', '', $className)) . '.php'; $matches = glob($findPattern); if ( ! isset($matches[0])) { return false; } $class = $matches[0]; if (file_exists($class)) { require $class; return true; } $loadedModels = self::$_loadedModelFiles; if (isset($loadedModels[$className]) && file_exists($loadedModels[$className])) { require_once $loadedModels[$className]; return true; } return false; } /** * dump * * dumps a given variable * * @param mixed $var a variable of any type * @param boolean $output whether to output the content * @param string $indent indention string * @return void|string */ public static function dump($var, $output = true, $indent = "") { $ret = array(); switch (gettype($var)) { case 'array': $ret[] = 'Array('; $indent .= " "; foreach ($var as $k => $v) { $ret[] = $indent . $k . ' : ' . self::dump($v, false, $indent); } $indent = substr($indent,0, -4); $ret[] = $indent . ")"; break; case 'object': $ret[] = 'Object(' . get_class($var) . ')'; break; default: $ret[] = var_export($var, true); } if ($output) { print implode("\n", $ret); } return implode("\n", $ret); } /** * tableize * * returns table name from class name * * @param string $classname * @return string */ public static function tableize($className) { return Doctrine_Inflector::tableize($className); } /** * classify * * returns class name from table name * * @param string $tablename * @return string */ public static function classify($tableName) { return Doctrine_Inflector::classify($tableName); } }