Coverage for Doctrine_DataDict_Pgsql

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1 <?php
2 /*
3  *  $Id: Pgsql.php 2762 2007-10-07 23:43:26Z zYne $
4  *
16  *
17  * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals
18  * and is licensed under the LGPL. For more information, see
19  * <>.
20  */
21 Doctrine::autoload('Doctrine_DataDict');
22 /**
23  * @package     Doctrine
24  * @subpackage  DataDict
25  * @license LGPL
26  * @author      Konsta Vesterinen <>
27  * @author      Paul Cooper <>
28  * @author      Lukas Smith <> (PEAR MDB2 library)
29  * @version     $Revision: 2762 $
30  * @link
31  * @since       1.0
32  */
33 class Doctrine_DataDict_Pgsql extends Doctrine_DataDict
34 {
35     /**
36      * @param array $reservedKeyWords     an array of reserved keywords by pgsql
37      */
38     protected static $reservedKeyWords = array(
39                                         'abort',
40                                         'absolute',
41                                         'access',
42                                         'action',
43                                         'add',
44                                         'after',
45                                         'aggregate',
46                                         'all',
47                                         'alter',
48                                         'analyse',
49                                         'analyze',
50                                         'and',
51                                         'any',
52                                         'as',
53                                         'asc',
54                                         'assertion',
55                                         'assignment',
56                                         'at',
57                                         'authorization',
58                                         'backward',
59                                         'before',
60                                         'begin',
61                                         'between',
62                                         'bigint',
63                                         'binary',
64                                         'bit',
65                                         'boolean',
66                                         'both',
67                                         'by',
68                                         'cache',
69                                         'called',
70                                         'cascade',
71                                         'case',
72                                         'cast',
73                                         'chain',
74                                         'char',
75                                         'character',
76                                         'characteristics',
77                                         'check',
78                                         'checkpoint',
79                                         'class',
80                                         'close',
81                                         'cluster',
82                                         'coalesce',
83                                         'collate',
84                                         'column',
85                                         'comment',
86                                         'commit',
87                                         'committed',
88                                         'constraint',
89                                         'constraints',
90                                         'conversion',
91                                         'convert',
92                                         'copy',
93                                         'create',
94                                         'createdb',
95                                         'createuser',
96                                         'cross',
97                                         'current_date',
98                                         'current_time',
99                                         'current_timestamp',
100                                         'current_user',
101                                         'cursor',
102                                         'cycle',
103                                         'database',
104                                         'day',
105                                         'deallocate',
106                                         'dec',
107                                         'decimal',
108                                         'declare',
109                                         'default',
110                                         'deferrable',
111                                         'deferred',
112                                         'definer',
113                                         'delete',
114                                         'delimiter',
115                                         'delimiters',
116                                         'desc',
117                                         'distinct',
118                                         'do',
119                                         'domain',
120                                         'double',
121                                         'drop',
122                                         'each',
123                                         'else',
124                                         'encoding',
125                                         'encrypted',
126                                         'end',
127                                         'escape',
128                                         'except',
129                                         'exclusive',
130                                         'execute',
131                                         'exists',
132                                         'explain',
133                                         'external',
134                                         'extract',
135                                         'false',
136                                         'fetch',
137                                         'float',
138                                         'for',
139                                         'force',
140                                         'foreign',
141                                         'forward',
142                                         'freeze',
143                                         'from',
144                                         'full',
145                                         'function',
146                                         'get',
147                                         'global',
148                                         'grant',
149                                         'group',
150                                         'handler',
151                                         'having',
152                                         'hour',
153                                         'ilike',
154                                         'immediate',
155                                         'immutable',
156                                         'implicit',
157                                         'in',
158                                         'increment',
159                                         'index',
160                                         'inherits',
161                                         'initially',
162                                         'inner',
163                                         'inout',
164                                         'input',
165                                         'insensitive',
166                                         'insert',
167                                         'instead',
168                                         'int',
169                                         'integer',
170                                         'intersect',
171                                         'interval',
172                                         'into',
173                                         'invoker',
174                                         'is',
175                                         'isnull',
176                                         'isolation',
177                                         'join',
178                                         'key',
179                                         'lancompiler',
180                                         'language',
181                                         'leading',
182                                         'left',
183                                         'level',
184                                         'like',
185                                         'limit',
186                                         'listen',
187                                         'load',
188                                         'local',
189                                         'localtime',
190                                         'localtimestamp',
191                                         'location',
192                                         'lock',
193                                         'match',
194                                         'maxvalue',
195                                         'minute',
196                                         'minvalue',
197                                         'mode',
198                                         'month',
199                                         'move',
200                                         'names',
201                                         'national',
202                                         'natural',
203                                         'nchar',
204                                         'new',
205                                         'next',
206                                         'no',
207                                         'nocreatedb',
208                                         'nocreateuser',
209                                         'none',
210                                         'not',
211                                         'nothing',
212                                         'notify',
213                                         'notnull',
214                                         'null',
215                                         'nullif',
216                                         'numeric',
217                                         'of',
218                                         'off',
219                                         'offset',
220                                         'oids',
221                                         'old',
222                                         'on',
223                                         'only',
224                                         'operator',
225                                         'option',
226                                         'or',
227                                         'order',
228                                         'out',
229                                         'outer',
230                                         'overlaps',
231                                         'overlay',
232                                         'owner',
233                                         'partial',
234                                         'password',
235                                         'path',
236                                         'pendant',
237                                         'placing',
238                                         'position',
239                                         'precision',
240                                         'prepare',
241                                         'primary',
242                                         'prior',
243                                         'privileges',
244                                         'procedural',
245                                         'procedure',
246                                         'read',
247                                         'real',
248                                         'recheck',
249                                         'references',
250                                         'reindex',
251                                         'relative',
252                                         'rename',
253                                         'replace',
254                                         'reset',
255                                         'restrict',
256                                         'returns',
257                                         'revoke',
258                                         'right',
259                                         'rollback',
260                                         'row',
261                                         'rule',
262                                         'schema',
263                                         'scroll',
264                                         'second',
265                                         'security',
266                                         'select',
267                                         'sequence',
268                                         'serializable',
269                                         'session',
270                                         'session_user',
271                                         'set',
272                                         'setof',
273                                         'share',
274                                         'show',
275                                         'similar',
276                                         'simple',
277                                         'smallint',
278                                         'some',
279                                         'stable',
280                                         'start',
281                                         'statement',
282                                         'statistics',
283                                         'stdin',
284                                         'stdout',
285                                         'storage',
286                                         'strict',
287                                         'substring',
288                                         'sysid',
289                                         'table',
290                                         'temp',
291                                         'template',
292                                         'temporary',
293                                         'then',
294                                         'time',
295                                         'timestamp',
296                                         'to',
297                                         'toast',
298                                         'trailing',
299                                         'transaction',
300                                         'treat',
301                                         'trigger',
302                                         'trim',
303                                         'true',
304                                         'truncate',
305                                         'trusted',
306                                         'type',
307                                         'unencrypted',
308                                         'union',
309                                         'unique',
310                                         'unknown',
311                                         'unlisten',
312                                         'until',
313                                         'update',
314                                         'usage',
315                                         'user',
316                                         'using',
317                                         'vacuum',
318                                         'valid',
319                                         'validator',
320                                         'values',
321                                         'varchar',
322                                         'varying',
323                                         'verbose',
324                                         'version',
325                                         'view',
326                                         'volatile',
327                                         'when',
328                                         'where',
329                                         'with',
330                                         'without',
331                                         'work',
332                                         'write',
333                                         'year',
334                                         'zone'
335                                         );
337     /**
338      * Obtain DBMS specific SQL code portion needed to declare an text type
339      * field to be used in statements like CREATE TABLE.
340      *
341      * @param array $field  associative array with the name of the properties
342      *      of the field being declared as array indexes. Currently, the types
343      *      of supported field properties are as follows:
344      *
345      *      length
346      *          Integer value that determines the maximum length of the text
347      *          field. If this argument is missing the field should be
348      *          declared to have the longest length allowed by the DBMS.
349      *
350      *      default
351      *          Text value to be used as default for this field.
352      *
353      *      notnull
354      *          Boolean flag that indicates whether this field is constrained
355      *          to not be set to null.
356      *
357      * @return string  DBMS specific SQL code portion that should be used to
358      *      declare the specified field.
359      */
360     public function getNativeDeclaration(array $field)
361     {
362         if ( ! isset($field['type'])) {
363             throw new Doctrine_DataDict_Exception('Missing column type.');
364         }
365         switch ($field['type']) {
366             case 'char':
367             case 'string':
368             case 'array':
369             case 'object':
370             case 'varchar':
371             case 'gzip':
372                 // TODO: what is the maximum VARCHAR length in pgsql ?
373                 $length = (isset($field['length']) && $field['length'] && $field['length'] < 10000) ? $field['length'] : null;
375                 $fixed  = ((isset($field['fixed']) && $field['fixed']) || $field['type'] == 'char') ? true : false;
377                 return $fixed ? ($length ? 'CHAR(' . $length . ')' : 'CHAR('.$this->conn->options['default_text_field_length'].')')
378                     : ($length ? 'VARCHAR(' .$length . ')' : 'TEXT');
380             case 'clob':
381                 return 'TEXT';
382             case 'blob':
383                 return 'BYTEA';
384             case 'enum':
385             case 'integer':
386             case 'int':
387                 if ( ! empty($field['autoincrement'])) {
388                     if ( ! empty($field['length'])) {
389                         $length = $field['length'];
390                         if ($length > 4) {
391                             return 'BIGSERIAL';
392                         }
393                     }
394                     return 'SERIAL';
395                 }
396                 if ( ! empty($field['length'])) {
397                     $length = $field['length'];
398                     if ($length <= 2) {
399                         return 'SMALLINT';
400                     } elseif ($length == 3 || $length == 4) {
401                         return 'INT';
402                     } elseif ($length > 4) {
403                         return 'BIGINT';
404                     }
405                 }
406                 return 'INT';
407             case 'boolean':
408                 return 'BOOLEAN';
409             case 'date':
410                 return 'DATE';
411             case 'time':
412                 return 'TIME without time zone';
413             case 'timestamp':
414                 return 'TIMESTAMP without time zone';
415             case 'float':
416             case 'double':
417                 return 'FLOAT8';
418             case 'decimal':
419                 $length = !empty($field['length']) ? $field['length'] : 18;
420                 $scale = !empty($field['scale']) ? $field['scale'] : $this->conn->getAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_DECIMAL_PLACES);
421                 return 'NUMERIC('.$length.','.$scale.')';
422         }
423         throw new Doctrine_DataDict_Exception('Unknown field type \'' . $field['type'] .  '\'.');
424     }
425     /**
426      * Maps a native array description of a field to a portable Doctrine datatype and length
427      *
428      * @param array  $field native field description
429      *
430      * @return array containing the various possible types, length, sign, fixed
431      */
432     public function getPortableDeclaration(array $field)
433     {
435         $length = (isset($field['length'])) ? $field['length'] : null;
436         if ($length == '-1' && isset($field['atttypmod'])) {
437             $length = $field['atttypmod'] - 4;
438         }
439         if ((int)$length <= 0) {
440             $length = null;
441         }
442         $type = array();
443         $unsigned = $fixed = null;
445         if ( ! isset($field['name'])) {
446             $field['name'] = '';
447         }
449         $dbType = strtolower($field['type']);
451         switch ($dbType) {
452             case 'smallint':
453             case 'int2':
454                 $type[] = 'integer';
455                 $unsigned = false;
456                 $length = 2;
457                 if ($length == '2') {
458                     $type[] = 'boolean';
459                     if (preg_match('/^(is|has)/', $field['name'])) {
460                         $type = array_reverse($type);
461                     }
462                 }
463                 break;
464             case 'int':
465             case 'int4':
466             case 'integer':
467             case 'serial':
468             case 'serial4':
469                 $type[] = 'integer';
470                 $unsigned = false;
471                 $length = 4;
472                 break;
473             case 'bigint':
474             case 'int8':
475             case 'bigserial':
476             case 'serial8':
477                 $type[] = 'integer';
478                 $unsigned = false;
479                 $length = 8;
480                 break;
481             case 'bool':
482             case 'boolean':
483                 $type[] = 'boolean';
484                 $length = 1;
485                 break;
486             case 'text':
487             case 'varchar':
488                 $fixed = false;
489             case 'unknown':
490             case 'char':
491             case 'bpchar':
492                 $type[] = 'string';
493                 if ($length == '1') {
494                     $type[] = 'boolean';
495                     if (preg_match('/^(is|has)/', $field['name'])) {
496                         $type = array_reverse($type);
497                     }
498                 } elseif (strstr($dbType, 'text')) {
499                     $type[] = 'clob';
500                 }
501                 if ($fixed !== false) {
502                     $fixed = true;
503                 }
504                 break;
505             case 'date':
506                 $type[] = 'date';
507                 $length = null;
508                 break;
509             case 'datetime':
510             case 'timestamp':
511                 $type[] = 'timestamp';
512                 $length = null;
513                 break;
514             case 'time':
515                 $type[] = 'time';
516                 $length = null;
517                 break;
518             case 'float':
519             case 'float4':
520             case 'double':
521             case 'real':
522                 $type[] = 'float';
523                 break;
524             case 'decimal':
525             case 'money':
526             case 'numeric':
527                 $type[] = 'decimal';
528                 break;
529             case 'tinyblob':
530             case 'mediumblob':
531             case 'longblob':
532             case 'blob':
533             case 'bytea':
534                 $type[] = 'blob';
535                 $length = null;
536                 break;
537             case 'oid':
538                 $type[] = 'blob';
539                 $type[] = 'clob';
540                 $length = null;
541                 break;
542             case 'year':
543                 $type[] = 'integer';
544                 $type[] = 'date';
545                 $length = null;
546                 break;
547             default:
548                 throw new Doctrine_DataDict_Exception('unknown database attribute type: '.$dbType);
549         }
551         return array('type'     => $type,
552                      'length'   => $length,
553                      'unsigned' => $unsigned,
554                      'fixed'    => $fixed);
555     }
556     /**
557      * Obtain DBMS specific SQL code portion needed to declare an integer type
558      * field to be used in statements like CREATE TABLE.
559      *
560      * @param string $name name the field to be declared.
561      * @param array $field associative array with the name of the properties
562      *       of the field being declared as array indexes. Currently, the types
563      *       of supported field properties are as follows:
564      *
565      *       unsigned
566      *           Boolean flag that indicates whether the field should be
567      *           declared as unsigned integer if possible.
568      *
569      *       default
570      *           Integer value to be used as default for this field.
571      *
572      *       notnull
573      *           Boolean flag that indicates whether this field is constrained
574      *           to not be set to null.
575      * @return string DBMS specific SQL code portion that should be used to
576      *       declare the specified field.
577      */
578     public function getIntegerDeclaration($name, $field)
579     {
580         /**
581         if ( ! empty($field['unsigned'])) {
582             $this->conn->warnings[] = "unsigned integer field \"$name\" is being declared as signed integer";
583         }
584         */
586         if ( ! empty($field['autoincrement'])) {
587             $name = $this->conn->quoteIdentifier($name, true);
588             return $name . ' ' . $this->getNativeDeclaration($field);
589         }
591         $default = '';
592         if (array_key_exists('default', $field)) {
593             if ($field['default'] === '') {
594                 $field['default'] = empty($field['notnull']) ? null : 0;
595             }
596             $default = ' DEFAULT '.$this->conn->quote($field['default'], $field['type']);
597         }
598         /**
599         TODO: is this needed ?
600         elseif (empty($field['notnull'])) {
601             $default = ' DEFAULT NULL';
602         }
603         */
605         $notnull = empty($field['notnull']) ? '' : ' NOT NULL';
606         $name = $this->conn->quoteIdentifier($name, true);
607         return $name . ' ' . $this->getNativeDeclaration($field) . $default . $notnull;
608     }
609     /**
610      * parseBoolean
611      * parses a literal boolean value and returns
612      * proper sql equivalent
613      *
614      * @param string $value     boolean value to be parsed
615      * @return string           parsed boolean value
616      */
617     public function parseBoolean($value)
618     {
619         return $value;
620     }
621 }