. */ namespace Doctrine\DBAL\Schema; use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Type; /** * Object Representation of a table * * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * @link www.doctrine-project.org * @since 2.0 * @version $Revision$ * @author Benjamin Eberlei */ class Table extends AbstractAsset { /** * @var int */ const ID_NONE = 0; /** * @var int */ const ID_SEQUENCE = 1; /** * @var int */ const ID_IDENTITY = 2; /** * @var string */ protected $_name = null; /** * @var array */ protected $_columns = array(); /** * @var array */ protected $_indexes = array(); /** * @var string */ protected $_primaryKeyName = false; /** * @var array */ protected $_constraints = array(); /** * @var array */ protected $_options = array(); /** * @var bool */ protected $_idGeneratorType = self::ID_NONE; /** * * @param string $tableName * @param array $columns * @param array $indexes * @param array $constraints * @param int $idGeneratorType * @param array $options */ public function __construct($tableName, array $columns=array(), array $indexes=array(), array $constraints=array(), $idGeneratorType=self::ID_NONE, array $options=array()) { $this->_name = $tableName; $this->_idGeneratorType = $idGeneratorType; foreach ($columns AS $column) { $this->_addColumn($column); } foreach ($indexes AS $idx) { $this->_addIndex($idx); } foreach ($constraints AS $constraint) { $this->_addConstraint($constraint); } $this->_options = $options; } /** * Set Primary Key * * @param array $columns * @param string $indexName * @return Table */ public function setPrimaryKey(array $columns, $indexName=false) { return $this->_createIndex($columns, $indexName?:"primary", true, true); } /** * @param string $type * @return Table */ public function setIdGeneratorType($type) { $this->_idGeneratorType = $type; return $this; } /** * @param array $columnNames * @param string $indexName * @return Table */ public function addIndex(array $columnNames, $indexName=null) { return $this->_createIndex($columnNames, $indexName, false, false); } /** * * @param array $columnNames * @param string $indexName * @return Table */ public function addUniqueIndex(array $columnNames, $indexName=null) { return $this->_createIndex($columnNames, $indexName, true, false); } /** * * @param array $columnNames * @param string $indexName * @param bool $isUnique * @param bool $isPrimary * @return Table */ private function _createIndex(array $columnNames, $indexName, $isUnique, $isPrimary) { if (preg_match('(([^a-zA-Z0-9_]+))', $indexName)) { throw SchemaException::indexNameInvalid($indexName); } foreach ($columnNames AS $columnName) { if (!isset($this->_columns[$columnName])) { throw SchemaException::columnDoesNotExist($columnName); } } $this->_addIndex(new Index($indexName, $columnNames, $isUnique, $isPrimary)); return $this; } /** * @param string $columnName * @param string $columnType * @param array $options * @return Table */ public function createColumn($columnName, $typeName, array $options=array()) { $column = new Column($columnName, Type::getType($typeName), $options); $this->_addColumn($column); return $this; } /** * Rename Column * * @param string $oldColumnName * @param string $newColumnName * @return Table */ public function renameColumn($oldColumnName, $newColumnName) { $column = $this->getColumn($oldColumnName); $this->dropColumn($oldColumnName); $column->_setName($newColumnName); return $this; } /** * Change Column Details * * @param string $columnName * @param array $options * @return Table */ public function changeColumn($columnName, array $options) { $column = $this->getColumn($columnName); $column->setOptions($options); return $this; } /** * Drop Column from Table * * @param string $columnName * @return Table */ public function dropColumn($columnName) { $column = $this->getColumn($columnName); unset($this->_columns[$columnName]); return $this; } /** * Add a foreign key constraint * * @param Table $foreignTable * @param array $localColumns * @param array $foreignColumns * @param array $options * @return Table */ public function addForeignKeyConstraint(Table $foreignTable, array $localColumnNames, array $foreignColumnNames, $name=null, array $options=array()) { foreach ($localColumnNames AS $columnName) { if (!$this->hasColumn($columnName)) { throw SchemaException::columnDoesNotExist($columnName); } } foreach ($foreignColumnNames AS $columnName) { if (!$foreignTable->hasColumn($columnName)) { throw SchemaException::columnDoesNotExist($columnName); } } $constraint = new ForeignKeyConstraint( $localColumnNames, $foreignTable->getName(), $foreignColumnNames, $name, $options ); $this->_addConstraint($constraint); return $this; } /** * @param string $name * @param string $value * @return Table */ public function addOption($name, $value) { $this->_options[$name] = $value; return $this; } /** * @param Column $column */ protected function _addColumn(Column $column) { $columnName = $column->getName(); if (isset($this->_columns[$columnName])) { throw SchemaException::columnAlreadyExists($this->_name, $columnName); } $this->_columns[$columnName] = $column; } /** * Add index to table * * @param Index $index * @return Table */ protected function _addIndex(Index $index) { $indexName = $index->getName(); if (isset($this->_indexes[$indexName]) || ($this->_primaryKeyName != false && $index->isPrimary())) { throw SchemaException::indexAlreadyExists($indexName); } if ($index->isPrimary()) { $this->_primaryKeyName = $indexName; } $this->_indexes[$indexName] = $index; return $this; } /** * @param Constraint $constraint */ protected function _addConstraint(Constraint $constraint) { $this->_constraints[] = $constraint; } /** * @return bool */ public function isIdGeneratorIdentity() { return ($this->_idGeneratorType==self::ID_IDENTITY); } /** * @return array */ public function isIdGeneratorSequence() { return ($this->_idGeneratorType==self::ID_SEQUENCE); } /** * @return Column[] */ public function getColumns() { return $this->_columns; } /** * Does this table have a column with the given name? * * @param string $columnName * @return bool */ public function hasColumn($columnName) { return isset($this->_columns[$columnName]); } /** * Get a column instance * * @param string $columnName * @return Column */ public function getColumn($columnName) { if (!$this->hasColumn($columnName)) { throw SchemaException::columnDoesNotExist($columnName); } return $this->_columns[$columnName]; } /** * @return Index */ public function getPrimaryKey() { return $this->getIndex($this->_primaryKeyName); } /** * @param string $indexName * @return bool */ public function hasIndex($indexName) { return (isset($this->_indexes[$indexName])); } /** * @param string $indexName * @return Index */ public function getIndex($indexName) { if (!$this->hasIndex($indexName)) { throw SchemaException::indexDoesNotExist($indexName); } return $this->_indexes[$indexName]; } /** * @return array */ public function getIndexes() { return $this->_indexes; } /** * Get Constraints * * @return array */ public function getConstraints() { return $this->_constraints; } public function hasOption($name) { return isset($this->_options[$name]); } public function getOption($name) { return $this->_options[$name]; } public function getOptions() { return $this->_options; } /** * @param Visitor $visitor */ public function visit(Visitor $visitor) { $visitor->acceptTable($this); foreach($this->getColumns() AS $column) { $visitor->acceptColunn($this, $column); } foreach($this->getIndexes() AS $index) { $visitor->acceptIndex($this, $index); } foreach($this->getConstraints() AS $constraint) { if($constraint instanceof ForeignKeyConstraint) { $visitor->acceptForeignKey($this, $constraint); } else { $visitor->acceptCheckConstraint($this, $constraint); } } } }