getPrinter(); $printer->write('Task: ')->writeln('run-sql', 'KEYWORD') ->write('Synopsis: '); $this->_writeSynopsis($printer); $printer->writeln('Description: Executes arbitrary SQL from a file or directly from the command line.') ->writeln('Options:') ->write('--sql=', 'KEYWORD') ->writeln("\tThe SQL to execute.") ->write('--file=', 'KEYWORD') ->writeln("\tThe path to the file with the SQL to execute."); } /** * @inheritdoc */ public function basicHelp() { $this->_writeSynopsis($this->getPrinter()); } private function _writeSynopsis($printer) { $printer->write('run-sql', 'KEYWORD') ->writeln(' (--file= | --sql=)', 'INFO'); } /** * @inheritdoc */ public function validate() { if ( ! parent::validate()) { return false; } $args = $this->getArguments(); $printer = $this->getPrinter(); $isSql = isset($args['sql']); $isFile = isset($args['file']); if ( ! ($isSql ^ $isFile)) { $printer->writeln("One of --sql or --file required, and only one.", 'ERROR'); return false; } return true; } /** * Executes the task. */ public function run() { $args = $this->getArguments(); if (isset($args['file'])) { //TODO } else if (isset($args['sql'])) { if (preg_match('/^select/i', $args['sql'])) { $stmt = $this->_em->getConnection()->execute($args['sql']); var_dump($stmt->fetchAll(\Doctrine\DBAL\Connection::FETCH_ASSOC)); } else { var_dump($this->_em->getConnection()->executeUpdate($args['sql'])); } } } }