<?php /* * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals * and is licensed under the LGPL. For more information, see * <http://www.doctrine-project.org>. */ namespace Doctrine\Tests\ORM\Query; use Doctrine\ORM\Query\Expr; use Doctrine\ORM\Query; /** * Test case for the DQL Expr class used for generating DQL snippets through * a programmatic interface * * @author Jonathan H. Wage <jonwage@gmail.com> * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * @link http://www.phpdoctrine.org * @since 2.0 * @version $Revision$ */ class ExprTest extends \Doctrine\Tests\OrmTestCase { private $_em; /** * @var Expr */ private $_expr; protected function setUp() { $this->_em = $this->_getTestEntityManager(); $this->_expr = new Expr; } public function testAvgExpr() { $this->assertEquals('AVG(u.id)', (string) $this->_expr->avg('u.id')); } public function testMaxExpr() { $this->assertEquals('MAX(u.id)', (string) $this->_expr->max('u.id')); } public function testMinExpr() { $this->assertEquals('MIN(u.id)', (string) $this->_expr->min('u.id')); } public function testCountExpr() { $this->assertEquals('MAX(u.id)', (string) $this->_expr->max('u.id')); } public function testCountDistinctExpr() { $this->assertEquals('COUNT(DISTINCT u.id)', (string) $this->_expr->countDistinct('u.id')); } public function testExistsExpr() { $qb = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder(); $qb->select('u')->from('User', 'u')->where('u.name = ?1'); $this->assertEquals('EXISTS(SELECT u FROM User u WHERE u.name = ?1)', (string) $this->_expr->exists($qb)); } public function testAllExpr() { $qb = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder(); $qb->select('u')->from('User', 'u')->where('u.name = ?1'); $this->assertEquals('ALL(SELECT u FROM User u WHERE u.name = ?1)', (string) $this->_expr->all($qb)); } public function testSomeExpr() { $qb = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder(); $qb->select('u')->from('User', 'u')->where('u.name = ?1'); $this->assertEquals('SOME(SELECT u FROM User u WHERE u.name = ?1)', (string) $this->_expr->some($qb)); } public function testAnyExpr() { $qb = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder(); $qb->select('u')->from('User', 'u')->where('u.name = ?1'); $this->assertEquals('ANY(SELECT u FROM User u WHERE u.name = ?1)', (string) $this->_expr->any($qb)); } public function testNotExpr() { $qb = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder(); $qb->select('u')->from('User', 'u')->where('u.name = ?1'); $this->assertEquals('NOT(SELECT u FROM User u WHERE u.name = ?1)', (string) $this->_expr->not($qb)); } public function testAndExpr() { $this->assertEquals('1 = 1 AND 2 = 2', (string) $this->_expr->andx((string) $this->_expr->eq(1, 1), (string) $this->_expr->eq(2, 2))); } public function testIntelligentParenthesisPreventionAndExpr() { $this->assertEquals( '1 = 1 AND 2 = 2', (string) $this->_expr->andx($this->_expr->orx($this->_expr->andx($this->_expr->eq(1, 1))), (string) $this->_expr->eq(2, 2)) ); } public function testOrExpr() { $this->assertEquals('1 = 1 OR 2 = 2', (string) $this->_expr->orx((string) $this->_expr->eq(1, 1), (string) $this->_expr->eq(2, 2))); } public function testAbsExpr() { $this->assertEquals('ABS(1)', (string) $this->_expr->abs(1)); } public function testProdExpr() { $this->assertEquals('1 * 2', (string) $this->_expr->prod(1, 2)); } public function testDiffExpr() { $this->assertEquals('1 - 2', (string) $this->_expr->diff(1, 2)); } public function testSumExpr() { $this->assertEquals('1 + 2', (string) $this->_expr->sum(1, 2)); } public function testQuotientExpr() { $this->assertEquals('10 / 2', (string) $this->_expr->quot(10, 2)); } public function testScopeInArithmeticExpr() { $this->assertEquals('(100 - 20) / 2', (string) $this->_expr->quot($this->_expr->diff(100, 20), 2)); $this->assertEquals('100 - (20 / 2)', (string) $this->_expr->diff(100, $this->_expr->quot(20, 2))); } public function testSquareRootExpr() { $this->assertEquals('SQRT(1)', (string) $this->_expr->sqrt(1)); } public function testEqualExpr() { $this->assertEquals('1 = 1', (string) $this->_expr->eq(1, 1)); } public function testLikeExpr() { $this->assertEquals('a.description LIKE :description', (string) $this->_expr->like('a.description', ':description')); } public function testNotLikeExpr() { $this->assertEquals('a.description NOT LIKE :description', (string) $this->_expr->notLike('a.description', ':description')); } public function testConcatExpr() { $this->assertEquals('CONCAT(u.first_name, u.last_name)', (string) $this->_expr->concat('u.first_name', 'u.last_name')); } public function testSubstringExpr() { $this->assertEquals('SUBSTRING(a.title, 0, 25)', (string) $this->_expr->substring('a.title', 0, 25)); } /** * @group regression * @group DDC-612 */ public function testSubstringExprAcceptsTwoArguments() { $this->assertEquals('SUBSTRING(a.title, 5)', (string) $this->_expr->substring('a.title', 5)); } public function testLowerExpr() { $this->assertEquals('LOWER(u.first_name)', (string) $this->_expr->lower('u.first_name')); } public function testUpperExpr() { $this->assertEquals('UPPER(u.first_name)', (string) $this->_expr->upper('u.first_name')); } public function testLengthExpr() { $this->assertEquals('LENGTH(u.first_name)', (string) $this->_expr->length('u.first_name')); } public function testGreaterThanExpr() { $this->assertEquals('5 > 2', (string) $this->_expr->gt(5, 2)); } public function testLessThanExpr() { $this->assertEquals('2 < 5', (string) $this->_expr->lt(2, 5)); } public function testStringLiteralExpr() { $this->assertEquals("'word'", (string) $this->_expr->literal('word')); } public function testNumericLiteralExpr() { $this->assertEquals(5, (string) $this->_expr->literal(5)); } /** * @group regression * @group DDC-610 */ public function testLiteralExprProperlyQuotesStrings() { $this->assertEquals("'00010001'", (string) $this->_expr->literal('00010001')); } public function testGreaterThanOrEqualToExpr() { $this->assertEquals('5 >= 2', (string) $this->_expr->gte(5, 2)); } public function testLessThanOrEqualTo() { $this->assertEquals('2 <= 5', (string) $this->_expr->lte(2, 5)); } public function testBetweenExpr() { $this->assertEquals('u.id BETWEEN 3 AND 6', (string) $this->_expr->between('u.id', 3, 6)); } public function testTrimExpr() { $this->assertEquals('TRIM(u.id)', (string) $this->_expr->trim('u.id')); } public function testIsNullExpr() { $this->assertEquals('u.id IS NULL', (string) $this->_expr->isNull('u.id')); } public function testIsNotNullExpr() { $this->assertEquals('u.id IS NOT NULL', (string) $this->_expr->isNotNull('u.id')); } public function testIsInstanceOfExpr() { $this->assertEquals('u INSTANCE OF Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyEmployee', (string) $this->_expr->isInstanceOf('u', 'Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyEmployee')); } public function testIsMemberOfExpr() { $this->assertEquals(':groupId MEMBER OF u.groups', (string) $this->_expr->isMemberOf(':groupId', 'u.groups')); } public function testInExpr() { $this->assertEquals('u.id IN(1, 2, 3)', (string) $this->_expr->in('u.id', array(1, 2, 3))); } public function testInLiteralExpr() { $this->assertEquals("u.type IN('foo', 'bar')", (string) $this->_expr->in('u.type', array('foo', 'bar'))); } public function testNotInExpr() { $this->assertEquals('u.id NOT IN(1, 2, 3)', (string) $this->_expr->notIn('u.id', array(1, 2, 3))); } public function testNotInLiteralExpr() { $this->assertEquals("u.type NOT IN('foo', 'bar')", (string) $this->_expr->notIn('u.type', array('foo', 'bar'))); } public function testAndxOrxExpr() { $andExpr = $this->_expr->andx(); $andExpr->add($this->_expr->eq(1, 1)); $andExpr->add($this->_expr->lt(1, 5)); $orExpr = $this->_expr->orx(); $orExpr->add($andExpr); $orExpr->add($this->_expr->eq(1, 1)); $this->assertEquals('(1 = 1 AND 1 < 5) OR 1 = 1', (string) $orExpr); } public function testOrxExpr() { $orExpr = $this->_expr->orx(); $orExpr->add($this->_expr->eq(1, 1)); $orExpr->add($this->_expr->lt(1, 5)); $this->assertEquals('1 = 1 OR 1 < 5', (string) $orExpr); } public function testOrderByCountExpr() { $orderExpr = $this->_expr->desc('u.username'); $this->assertEquals($orderExpr->count(), 1); $this->assertEquals('u.username DESC', (string) $orderExpr); } public function testOrderByOrder() { $orderExpr = $this->_expr->desc('u.username'); $this->assertEquals('u.username DESC', (string) $orderExpr); } public function testOrderByAsc() { $orderExpr = $this->_expr->asc('u.username'); $this->assertEquals('u.username ASC', (string) $orderExpr); } /** * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException */ public function testAddThrowsException() { $orExpr = $this->_expr->orx(); $orExpr->add($this->_expr->quot(5, 2)); } /** * @group DDC-1683 */ public function testBooleanLiteral() { $this->assertEquals('true', $this->_expr->literal(true)); $this->assertEquals('false', $this->_expr->literal(false)); } /** * @group DDC-1686 */ public function testExpressionGetter() { // Andx $andx = new Expr\Andx(array('1 = 1', '2 = 2')); $this->assertEquals(array('1 = 1', '2 = 2'), $andx->getParts()); // Comparison $comparison = new Expr\Comparison('foo', Expr\Comparison::EQ, 'bar'); $this->assertEquals('foo', $comparison->getLeftExpr()); $this->assertEquals('bar', $comparison->getRightExpr()); $this->assertEquals(Expr\Comparison::EQ, $comparison->getOperator()); // From $from = new Expr\From('Foo', 'f', 'f.id'); $this->assertEquals('f', $from->getAlias()); $this->assertEquals('Foo', $from->getFrom()); $this->assertEquals('f.id', $from->getIndexBy()); // Func $func = new Expr\Func('MAX', array('f.id')); $this->assertEquals('MAX', $func->getName()); $this->assertEquals(array('f.id'), $func->getArguments()); // GroupBy $group = new Expr\GroupBy(array('foo DESC', 'bar ASC')); $this->assertEquals(array('foo DESC', 'bar ASC'), $group->getParts()); // Join $join = new Expr\Join(Expr\Join::INNER_JOIN, 'f.bar', 'b', Expr\Join::ON, 'b.bar_id = 1', 'b.bar_id'); $this->assertEquals(Expr\Join::INNER_JOIN, $join->getJoinType()); $this->assertEquals(Expr\Join::ON, $join->getConditionType()); $this->assertEquals('b.bar_id = 1', $join->getCondition()); $this->assertEquals('b.bar_id', $join->getIndexBy()); $this->assertEquals('f.bar', $join->getJoin()); $this->assertEquals('b', $join->getAlias()); // Literal $literal = new Expr\Literal(array('foo')); $this->assertEquals(array('foo'), $literal->getParts()); // Math $math = new Expr\Math(10, '+', 20); $this->assertEquals(10, $math->getLeftExpr()); $this->assertEquals(20, $math->getRightExpr()); $this->assertEquals('+', $math->getOperator()); // OrderBy $order = new Expr\OrderBy('foo', 'DESC'); $this->assertEquals(array('foo DESC'), $order->getParts()); // Andx $orx = new Expr\Orx(array('foo = 1', 'bar = 2')); $this->assertEquals(array('foo = 1', 'bar = 2'), $orx->getParts()); // Select $select = new Expr\Select(array('foo', 'bar')); $this->assertEquals(array('foo', 'bar'), $select->getParts()); } public function testAddEmpty() { $andExpr = $this->_expr->andx(); $andExpr->add($this->_expr->andx()); $this->assertEquals(0, $andExpr->count()); } public function testAddNull() { $andExpr = $this->_expr->andx(); $andExpr->add(null); $this->assertEquals(0, $andExpr->count()); } }