Getting started Requirements Installation Compiling Starting new project Working with existing databases Introduction Making the first import Import options Exporting classes Introduction Export options Connection management Opening a new connection Lazy-connecting to database Managing connections Connection-component binding Object relational mapping Introduction Table and class naming Columns Column naming Column aliases Default values Data types Introduction Type modifiers Boolean Integer Float String Array Object Blob Clob Timestamp Time Date Enum Gzip About type conversion Constraints and validators Introduction Notnull Check Record identifiers Introduction Autoincremented Natural Composite Sequence Indexes Introduction Adding indexes Index options Special indexes Relations Introduction Relation aliases Foreign key associations One-to-One One-to-Many, Many-to-One Tree structure Join table associations One-to-One One-to-Many, Many-to-One Many-to-Many Self-referencing Inheritance One table many classes One table one class Column aggregation Foreign key constraints Introduction Constraint actions Hierarchical data Introduction About Setting up Node interface Tree interface Traversing or Walking Trees Read me Adjacency list Introduction Nested set Introduction Setting up Tree options Node support Tree support Read me Materialized path Introduction Examples Working with objects Dealing with relations Creating related records Retrieving related records Updating related records Deleting related records Working with associations Component overview Manager Introduction Opening a new connection Managing connections Connection Introduction Available drivers Getting a table object Flushing the connection Querying the database Getting connection state Record Introduction Creating new records Retrieving existing records Accessing properties Updating records Deleting records Getting record state Getting object copy Serializing Checking Existence Callbacks Collection Introduction Accessing elements Adding new elements Getting collection count Saving the collection Deleting collection Key mapping Loading related records Collection expanding Table Introduction Getting table information Finder methods Custom table classes Custom finders Getting relation objects Fetching objects Configuration Introduction Levels of configuration Setting attributes Portability Identifier quoting Table creation Fetching strategy Batch size Session lockmode Event listener Validation Offset collection limit Advanced components Eventlisteners Introduction Creating new listener List of events Listening events Chaining AccessorInvoker Creating a logger Validators Introduction More Validation Valid or Not Valid List of predefined validators View Intoduction Managing views Using views Cache Introduction Query cache Locking Manager Introduction Examples Planned Technical Details Maintainer Db_Profiler Introduction Basic usage Advanced usage Hook Introduction Building queries List of parsers Query Introduction selecting tables limiting the query results setting query conditions HAVING conditions sorting query results RawSql Introduction Using SQL Adding components Method overloading Db Introduction Connecting to a database Using event listeners Chaining listeners Exceptions Overview List of exceptions DQL (Doctrine Query Language) Introduction SELECT queries DISTINCT keyword Aggregate values UPDATE queries DELETE queries FROM clause WHERE clause Conditional expressions Literals Input parameters Operators and operator precedence Between expressions In expressions Like Expressions Null Comparison Expressions Empty Collection Comparison Expressions Collection Member Expressions Exists Expressions All and Any Expressions Subqueries Functional Expressions String functions Arithmetic functions Datetime functions Collection functions GROUP BY, HAVING clauses ORDER BY clause Introduction Sorting by an aggregate value Using random order LIMIT and OFFSET clauses Introduction Driver portability The limit-subquery-algorithm Examples BNF Native SQL Scalar queries Component queries Fetching multiple components Transactions Introduction Unit of work Nesting Savepoints Locking strategies Pessimistic locking Optimistic locking Lock modes Isolation levels Deadlocks Caching Introduction Availible options Drivers Memcache APC Sqlite Database abstraction Modules Export Introduction Creating new table Altering table Import Introduction Getting table info Getting foreign key info Getting view info Util Using explain DataDict Getting portable type Getting database declaration Reserved keywords Drivers Oracle Making unsuported functions work Mysql Tips and tricks Technology Architecture Design patterns used Speed Internal optimizations DELETE INSERT UPDATE Real world examples User management system Forum application Album lister Coding standards Overview Scope Goals PHP File Formatting General Indentation Maximum line length Line termination Naming Conventions Classes Interfaces Filenames Functions and methods Variables Constants Record columns Coding Style PHP code demarcation Strings Arrays Classes Functions and methods Control statements Inline documentation Testing Writing tests