<?php /* * This file is part of the sfDoctrine package. * (c) 2006-2007 Olivier Verdier <Olivier.Verdier@gmail.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ /** * @package symfony.plugins * @subpackage sfDoctrine * @author Olivier Verdier <Olivier.Verdier@gmail.com> * @version SVN: $Id: sfDoctrineColumnSchema.class.php 4084 2007-05-23 09:48:50Z chtito $ */ /* This class stores information about a column in two arrays: - properties: contains the name, type, size and constraints - columnInfo: contains also the foreign relation information */ class sfDoctrineColumnSchema { protected static $propel2docDictionary = array( 'types'=> array( 'tinyint' => 'integer', 'smallint' => 'integer', 'bigint' => 'integer', 'real' => 'float', 'decimal' => 'float', 'char' => 'string', 'varchar' => 'string', 'longvarchar' => 'string', # 'smallint'=> 'enum', // enums are converted to smallints # 'blob' => 'array', // arrays will be blobs # 'integer' => 'integer', // to convert doc integer to integer /* 'double' => 'double', 'float' => 'float', 'boolean' => 'boolean', 'date' => 'date', 'time' => 'timestamp', 'timestamp' => 'timestamp', 'blob' => 'blob', 'clob' => 'clob' */ ), 'constraints' => array('autoIncrement' => 'autoincrement', 'primaryKey' => 'primary') ); //FIXME: double, float,real??? protected static $defaultPropelSize = array( 'tinyint' => 3, 'smallint' => 5, 'integer' => 11, 'bigint' => 20, 'longvarchar'=>4000, ); protected static $defaultDoctrineSize = array( 'string'=> 4000, 'integer' => 10, 'double' => 10, 'float' => 10, 'enum' => 2, 'array' => 100, ); static $allowedConstraints = array('primary', 'autoincrement', 'default', 'enum', 'unique', 'nospace', 'notblank', 'notnull', 'email', 'scale', 'zerofill'); // column properties: name, size, type and constraints protected $properties; // column name protected $name; // temporary storage of the description array; used when the class sets up the relation protected $columnInfo; // set if the column is a foreign key protected $relation = null; // we essentially set up the properties array // and translate from propel if needed public function __construct($colName, $columnDescription = array(), $translatePropel = false) { // sometimes we get null if the yml line is empty if ($columnDescription == null) $columnDescription = array(); // for the short syntax type(size) if (is_string($columnDescription)) $columnDescription = array('type'=>$columnDescription); $this->setName($colName); $columnInfo = new sfParameterHolder(); $columnInfo->add($columnDescription); if ($translatePropel) { // we translate the propel types to doctrine ones $propelType = strtolower($columnInfo->get('type')); if (array_key_exists($propelType, self::$propel2docDictionary['types'])) $columnInfo->set('type', self::$propel2docDictionary['types'][$propelType]); else $columnInfo->set('type', $propelType); // we store it in lowercase // if there is a default propel size we set it if (!$columnInfo->get('size')) if (isset(self::$defaultPropelSize[$propelType])) $columnInfo->set('size', self::$defaultPropelSize[$propelType]); // we translate the constraints foreach ($columnInfo->getAll() as $key=>$value) { if (array_key_exists($key, self::$propel2docDictionary['constraints'])) $columnInfo->set(self::$propel2docDictionary['constraints'][$key], $columnInfo->get($key)); } } // we store the raw description, only used in setUpForeignRelation $this->columnInfo = $columnInfo; // name $this->setProperty('name', $colName); $this->setProperty('columnName', $columnInfo->get('columnName')); // type if (!($type = $columnInfo->get('type'))) { // we try to figure out the type // FIXME: write a method to detect relations? if ($columnInfo->get('foreignClass') || $columnInfo->get('foreignTable')) $type = 'integer'; // foreign key else $type = 'string'; // default type } elseif(is_string($type)) // we check for the short syntax type { preg_match('/([^\(\s]+)\s*\([\s]*([\d]+)[\s]*\)/', $type, $matches); if (!empty($matches)) { $type = $matches[1]; $columnInfo->set('size', $matches[2]); } } $this->setProperty('type', $type); // size if (!($size = $columnInfo->get('size'))) { if (is_string($type)) { if (isset(self::$defaultDoctrineSize[$type])) $size = self::$defaultDoctrineSize[$type]; // we have a default size for this type } } if (!$size) $size = 'null'; $this->setProperty('size', $size); // constraints if ($constraints = array_intersect_key($columnDescription, array_flip(self::$allowedConstraints))) $this->properties = array_merge($this->properties, $constraints); } // FIXME: simplify this function public function setUpForeignRelation($className) { $colInfo = $this->getColumnInfo(); $colName = $this->getName(); // If there is no relation info for this column if (!$colInfo->has('foreignTable') && !$colInfo->has('foreignClass')) return; $foreignClass = $colInfo->get('foreignClass'); // if the localName (plural name) is not specified, we add an "s" // as propel does $localName = $colInfo->get('localName', $className.'s'); $foreignTable = $colInfo->get('foreignTable'); $foreignName = $colInfo->get('foreignName', null); $fr = $colInfo->get('foreignReference', 'id'); $counterpart = $colInfo->get('counterpart'); $relationInfo = array ( 'localReference'=>$colName, 'foreignReference'=>$fr, 'localName'=>$localName, 'foreignName'=>$foreignName, 'counterpart' => $counterpart, 'foreignClass'=>$foreignClass, 'foreignTable'=>$foreignTable, // used only for propel import 'localClass'=>$className, 'options'=>$colInfo, // the remaining relation options ); $this->relation = new sfDoctrineRelationSchema($relationInfo); } public function getColumnInfo() { return $this->columnInfo; } public function setName($name) { $this->name = $name; } public function getName() { return $this->name; } public function getRelation() { return $this->relation; } public function hasRelation() { return isset($this->relation); } public function setProperty($name, $value) { $this->properties[$name] = $value; } public function getProperty($name) { return $this->properties[$name]; } public function getProperties() { return $this->properties; } protected function niceVarExport($array) { return str_replace(array("\n"), array(''), var_export($array, 1)); } static protected $doctrineArgs = array('name' => false, 'type' => true, 'size' => false); // generates the doctrine description of a column in PHP public function asPhp() { $props = $this->getProperties(); $args = array(); // take care of the enum type // FIXME: remove this "trick" some day? if (is_array($props['type'])) { $props['values'] = $props['type']; $props['type'] = 'enum'; } $output = array(); foreach (self::$doctrineArgs as $argName => $isString) { $arg = $props[$argName]; unset($props[$argName]); if ($isString) $arg = sprintf("'%s'", $arg); $args[] = $arg; } $columnAlias = ''; if ($props['columnName']) { $columnAlias = $props['columnName'] . ' as '; } unset($props['columnName']); $args[0] = sprintf("'%s%s'", $columnAlias, $args[0]); // what remains is considered to be constraints $args[] = $this->niceVarExport($props); $output[] = sprintf('$this->hasColumn(%s);', implode(', ', $args)); return implode("\n", $output); } // exports this column in propel xml format public function addPropelXml(&$node) { $c = $node->addChild('column'); $doc2proplDict = array_flip(self::$propel2docDictionary['types']); $c->addAttribute('name', $this->getName()); // type $type = $this->properties['type']; if (array_key_exists($this->properties['type'], $doc2proplDict)) $type = $doc2proplDict[$type]; $c->addAttribute('type', $type); // size $size = $this->properties['size']; if ($type == 'varchar') $c->addAttribute('size', $size); // constraints $constraints = array_diff_key($this->properties, array_flip(array('name', 'type', 'size'))); $doc2propelDict = array_flip(self::$propel2docDictionary['constraints']); foreach ($constraints as $constraint=>$value) { if (array_key_exists($constraint, $doc2propelDict)) $constraint = $doc2propelDict[$constraint]; $c->addAttribute($constraint, ($value ? 'true' : 'false')); } if ($rel = $this->getRelation()) { $r = $node->addChild('foreign-key'); $r->addAttribute('foreignTable', $rel['foreignTable']); $ref = $r->addChild('reference'); $ref->addAttribute('local', $this->getName()); $ref->addAttribute('foreign', $rel['foreignReference']); } } // exports this column in doctrine yml format public function asDoctrineYml() { $output = array(); foreach($this->getProperties() as $key=>$value) { if ($key != 'name') $output[$key] = $value; } if ($relation = $this->getRelation()) { $output = array_merge($output, $relation->asDoctrineYml()); } return $output; } public function debug() { $debug = array(); $debug['properties'] = $this->properties; $debug['relation'] = $this->relation; $debug['columnInfo'] = $this->getColumnInfo()->getAll(); return $debug; } }