. */ namespace Doctrine\ORM; /** * Contains exception messages for all invalid lifecycle state exceptions inside UnitOfWork * * @author Benjamin Eberlei */ class ORMInvalidArgumentException extends \InvalidArgumentException { static public function scheduleInsertForManagedEntity($entity) { return new self("A managed+dirty entity " . self::objToStr($entity) . " can not be scheduled for insertion."); } static public function scheduleInsertForRemovedEntity($entity) { return new self("Removed entity " . self::objToStr($entity) . " can not be scheduled for insertion."); } static public function scheduleInsertTwice($entity) { return new self("Entity " . self::objToStr($entity) . " can not be scheduled for insertion twice."); } static public function entityWithoutIdentity($className, $entity) { throw new self( "The given entity of type '" . $className . "' (".self::objToStr($entity).") has no identity/no " . "id values set. It cannot be added to the identity map." ); } static public function readOnlyRequiresManagedEntity($entity) { return new self("Only managed entities can be marked or checked as read only. But " . self::objToStr($entity) . " is not"); } static public function newEntityFoundThroughRelationship(array $assoc, $entry) { return new self("A new entity was found through the relationship '" . $assoc['sourceEntity'] . "#" . $assoc['fieldName'] . "' that was not" . " configured to cascade persist operations for entity: " . self::objToStr($entry) . "." . " To solve this issue: Either explicitly call EntityManager#persist()" . " on this unknown entity or configure cascade persist " . " this association in the mapping for example @ManyToOne(..,cascade={\"persist\"})." . method_exists($entry, '__toString') ? "": " If you cannot find out which entity causes the problem" ." implement '" . $assoc['targetEntity'] . "#__toString()' to get a clue."); } static public function detachedEntityFoundThroughRelationship(array $assoc, $entry) { throw new self("A detached entity of type " . $assoc['targetEntity'] . " (" . self::objToStr($entry) . ") " . " was found through the relationship '" . $assoc['sourceEntity'] . "#" . $assoc['fieldName'] . "' " . "during cascading a persist operation."); } static public function entityNotManaged($entity) { throw new self("Entity " . self::objToStr($entity) . " is not managed. An entity is managed if its fetched " . "from the database or registered as new through EntityManager#persist"); } static public function entityHasNoIdentity($entity, $operation) { throw new self("Entity has no identity, therefore " . $operation ." cannot be performed. " . self::objToStr($entity)); } static public function entityIsRemoved($entity, $operation) { throw new self("Entity is removed, therefore " . $operation ." cannot be performed. " . self::objToStr($entity)); } static public function detachedEntityCannot($entity, $operation) { throw new self("A detached entity was found during " . $operation . " " . self::objToStr($entity)); } public static function invalidObject($context, $given, $parameterIndex = 1) { return new self($context .' expects parameter ' . $parameterIndex . ' to be an entity object, '. gettype($given) . ' given.'); } /** * Helper method to show an object as string. * * @param object $obj * @return string */ private static function objToStr($obj) { return method_exists($obj, '__toString') ? (string)$obj : get_class($obj).'@'.spl_object_hash($obj); } }