#namespace Doctrine::ORM::Internal::Hydration;
* The hydrator has the tedious to process result sets returned by the database
* and turn them into useable structures.
* Runtime complexity: The following gives the overall number of iterations
* required to process a result set when using identity hydration
* numRowsInResult * numColumnsInResult + numRowsInResult * numClassesInQuery
* This comes down to:
* (numRowsInResult * (numColumnsInResult + numClassesInQuery))
* For scalar hydration (HYDRATE_SCALAR) it's:
* numRowsInResult * numColumnsInResult
* Note that this is only a crude definition as it also heavily
* depends on the complexity of all the single operations that are performed in
* each iteration.
* As can be seen, the number of columns in the result has the most impact on
* the overall performance (apart from the row count, of course), since numClassesInQuery
* is usually pretty low.
* That's why the performance of the _gatherRowData() methods which are responsible
* for the "numRowsInResult * numColumnsInResult" part is crucial to fast hydration.
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL
* @link www.phpdoctrine.org
* @since 1.0
* @version $Revision: 3192 $
* @author Konsta Vesterinen
* @author Roman Borschel
class Doctrine_ORM_Internal_Hydration_StandardHydrator extends Doctrine_ORM_Internal_Hydration_AbstractHydrator
* Parses the data returned by statement object.
* This is method defines the core of Doctrine's object population algorithm.
* @todo: Detailed documentation. Refactor (too long & nesting level).
* @param mixed $stmt
* @param array $tableAliases Array that maps table aliases (SQL alias => DQL alias)
* @param array $aliasMap Array that maps DQL aliases to their components
* (DQL alias => array(
* 'metadata' => Table object,
* 'parent' => Parent DQL alias (if any),
* 'relation' => Relation object (if any),
* 'map' => Custom index to use as the key in the result (if any),
* 'agg' => List of aggregate value names (sql alias => dql alias)
* )
* )
* @return mixed The created object/array graph.
* @throws Doctrine_Hydrator_Exception If the hydration process failed.
public function hydrateResultSet($parserResult)
if ($parserResult->getHydrationMode() === null) {
$hydrationMode = $this->_hydrationMode;
} else {
$hydrationMode = $parserResult->getHydrationMode();
$stmt = $parserResult->getDatabaseStatement();
if ($hydrationMode == Doctrine_ORM_Query::HYDRATE_NONE) {
return $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_NUM);
$this->_tableAliases = $parserResult->getTableToClassAliasMap();
$this->_queryComponents = $parserResult->getQueryComponents();
if ($hydrationMode == Doctrine_ORM_Query::HYDRATE_ARRAY) {
$driver = new Doctrine_ORM_Internal_Hydration_ArrayDriver();
} else {
$driver = new Doctrine_ORM_Internal_Hydration_ObjectDriver($this->_em);
$s = microtime(true);
// Used variables during hydration
$rootAlias = key($this->_queryComponents);
$rootEntityName = $this->_queryComponents[$rootAlias]['metadata']->getClassName();
// if only one class is involved we can make our lives easier
$isSimpleQuery = count($this->_queryComponents) <= 1;
// Lookup map to quickly discover/lookup existing records in the result
// It's the identifier "memory"
$identifierMap = array();
// Holds for each class a pointer to the last previously seen element in the result set
$resultPointers = array();
// holds the values of the identifier/primary key fields of components,
// separated by a pipe '|' and grouped by component alias (r, u, i, ... whatever)
// the $idTemplate is a prepared template. $id is set to a fresh template when
// starting to process a row.
$id = array();
$idTemplate = array();
// Holds the resulting hydrated data structure
if ($parserResult->isMixedQuery() || $hydrationMode == Doctrine_ORM_Query::HYDRATE_SCALAR) {
$result = array();
} else {
$result = $driver->getElementCollection($rootEntityName);
if ($stmt === false || $stmt === 0) {
return $result;
// Initialize
foreach ($this->_queryComponents as $dqlAlias => $component) {
// disable lazy-loading of related elements during hydration
$component['metadata']->setAttribute('loadReferences', false);
$entityName = $component['metadata']->getClassName();
$identifierMap[$dqlAlias] = array();
$resultPointers[$dqlAlias] = array();
$idTemplate[$dqlAlias] = '';
$cache = array();
if ($hydrationMode == Doctrine_ORM_Query::HYDRATE_SINGLE_SCALAR) {
$result = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if (count($result) > 1 || count($result[0]) > 1) {
throw Doctrine_ORM_Exceptions_HydrationException::nonUniqueResult();
$result = $this->_gatherScalarRowData($result[0], $cache);
return array_shift($result);
// Process result set
while ($data = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
if ($hydrationMode == Doctrine_ORM_Query::HYDRATE_SCALAR) {
$result[] = $this->_gatherScalarRowData($data, $cache);
// From here on its all about graph construction
// 1) Initialize
$id = $idTemplate; // initialize the id-memory
$nonemptyComponents = array();
$rowData = $this->_gatherRowData($data, $cache, $id, $nonemptyComponents);
// 2) Hydrate the data of the root entity from the current row
// Check for an existing element
$index = false;
if ($isSimpleQuery || ! isset($identifierMap[$rootAlias][$id[$rootAlias]])) {
$element = $driver->getElement($rowData[$rootAlias], $rootEntityName);
if ($field = $this->_getCustomIndexField($rootAlias)) {
if ($parserResult->isMixedQuery()) {
$result[] = array(
$driver->getFieldValue($element, $field) => $element
} else {
$driver->addElementToIndexedCollection($result, $element, $field);
} else {
if ($parserResult->isMixedQuery()) {
$result[] = array($element);
} else {
$driver->addElementToCollection($result, $element);
$identifierMap[$rootAlias][$id[$rootAlias]] = $driver->getLastKey($result);
} else {
$index = $identifierMap[$rootAlias][$id[$rootAlias]];
$this->_updateResultPointer($resultPointers, $result, $index, $rootAlias, false);
// end hydrate data of the root component for the current row
// Extract scalar values. They're appended at the end.
if (isset($rowData['scalars'])) {
$scalars = $rowData['scalars'];
// 3) Now hydrate the rest of the data found in the current row, that
// belongs to other (related) entities.
foreach ($rowData as $dqlAlias => $data) {
$index = false;
$map = $this->_queryComponents[$dqlAlias];
$entityName = $map['metadata']->getClassName();
$parent = $map['parent'];
$relation = $map['relation'];
$relationAlias = $relation->getSourceFieldName();//$relation->getAlias();
$path = $parent . '.' . $dqlAlias;
// pick the right element that will get the associated element attached
if ($parserResult->isMixedQuery() && $parent == $rootAlias) {
$key = key(reset($resultPointers));
// TODO: Exception if $key === null ?
$baseElement =& $resultPointers[$parent][$key];
} else if (isset($resultPointers[$parent])) {
$baseElement =& $resultPointers[$parent];
} else {
unset($resultPointers[$dqlAlias]); // Ticket #1228
// check the type of the relation (many or single-valued)
if ( ! $relation->isOneToOne()) {
// x-many relation
$oneToOne = false;
if (isset($nonemptyComponents[$dqlAlias])) {
$driver->initRelatedCollection($baseElement, $relationAlias);
$indexExists = isset($identifierMap[$path][$id[$parent]][$id[$dqlAlias]]);
$index = $indexExists ? $identifierMap[$path][$id[$parent]][$id[$dqlAlias]] : false;
$indexIsValid = $index !== false ? isset($baseElement[$relationAlias][$index]) : false;
if ( ! $indexExists || ! $indexIsValid) {
$element = $driver->getElement($data, $entityName);
if ($field = $this->_getCustomIndexField($dqlAlias)) {
$driver->addRelatedIndexedElement($baseElement, $relationAlias, $element, $field);
} else {
$driver->addRelatedElement($baseElement, $relationAlias, $element);
$identifierMap[$path][$id[$parent]][$id[$dqlAlias]] = $driver->getLastKey(
$driver->getReferenceValue($baseElement, $relationAlias));
} else if ( ! isset($baseElement[$relationAlias])) {
if ($hydrationMode == Doctrine_ORM_Query::HYDRATE_ARRAY) {
$baseElement[$relationAlias] = array();
} else {
$driver->setRelatedElement($baseElement, $relationAlias,
} else {
// x-1 relation
$oneToOne = true;
if ( ! isset($nonemptyComponents[$dqlAlias]) &&
! $driver->isFieldSet($baseElement, $relationAlias)) {
$driver->setRelatedElement($baseElement, $relationAlias,
} else if ( ! $driver->isFieldSet($baseElement, $relationAlias)) {
$driver->setRelatedElement($baseElement, $relationAlias,
$driver->getElement($data, $entityName));
if ($hydrationMode == Doctrine_ORM_Query::HYDRATE_ARRAY) {
$coll =& $baseElement[$relationAlias];
} else {
$coll = $baseElement->_internalGetReference($relationAlias);
if ($coll !== null) {
$this->_updateResultPointer($resultPointers, $coll, $index, $dqlAlias, $oneToOne);
// append scalar values to mixed result sets
if (isset($scalars)) {
$rowNumber = count($result) - 1;
foreach ($scalars as $name => $value) {
$result[$rowNumber][$name] = $value;
// re-enable lazy loading
foreach ($this->_queryComponents as $dqlAlias => $data) {
$data['metadata']->setAttribute('loadReferences', true);
$e = microtime(true);
echo 'Hydration took: ' . ($e - $s) . ' for '.count($result).' records' . PHP_EOL;
return $result;
* Updates the result pointer for an Entity. The result pointers point to the
* last seen instance of each Entity type. This is used for graph construction.
* @param array $resultPointers The result pointers.
* @param array|Collection $coll The element.
* @param boolean|integer $index Index of the element in the collection.
* @param string $dqlAlias
* @param boolean $oneToOne Whether it is a single-valued association or not.
protected function _updateResultPointer(&$resultPointers, &$coll, $index, $dqlAlias, $oneToOne)
if ($coll === $this->_nullObject || $coll === null) {
unset($resultPointers[$dqlAlias]); // Ticket #1228
if ($index !== false) {
$resultPointers[$dqlAlias] =& $coll[$index];
if (is_array($coll) && $coll) {
if ($oneToOne) {
$resultPointers[$dqlAlias] =& $coll;
} else {
$resultPointers[$dqlAlias] =& $coll[key($coll)];
} else if ($coll instanceof Doctrine_ORM_Entity) {
$resultPointers[$dqlAlias] = $coll;
} else if (count($coll) > 0) {
$resultPointers[$dqlAlias] = $coll->getLast();
* Processes a row of the result set.
* Puts the elements of a result row into a new array, grouped by the class
* they belong to. The column names in the result set are mapped to their
* field names during this procedure as well as any necessary conversions on
* the values applied.
* @return array An array with all the fields (name => value) of the data row,
* grouped by their component (alias).
* @todo Significant code duplication with _gatherScalarRowData(). Good refactoring
* possible without sacrificing performance?
protected function _gatherRowData(&$data, &$cache, &$id, &$nonemptyComponents)
$rowData = array();
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
// Parse each column name only once. Cache the results.
if ( ! isset($cache[$key])) {
if ($this->_isIgnoredName($key)) continue;
// Cache general information like the column name <-> field name mapping
$e = explode(Doctrine_ORM_Query_ParserRule::SQLALIAS_SEPARATOR, $key);
$columnName = array_pop($e);
$cache[$key]['dqlAlias'] = $this->_tableAliases[
implode(Doctrine_ORM_Query_ParserRule::SQLALIAS_SEPARATOR, $e)
$classMetadata = $this->_queryComponents[$cache[$key]['dqlAlias']]['metadata'];
// check whether it's an aggregate value or a regular field
if (isset($this->_queryComponents[$cache[$key]['dqlAlias']]['agg'][$columnName])) {
$fieldName = $this->_queryComponents[$cache[$key]['dqlAlias']]['agg'][$columnName];
$cache[$key]['isScalar'] = true;
} else {
$fieldName = $classMetadata->lookupFieldName($columnName);
$cache[$key]['isScalar'] = false;
$cache[$key]['fieldName'] = $fieldName;
// cache identifier information
if ($classMetadata->isIdentifier($fieldName)) {
$cache[$key]['isIdentifier'] = true;
} else {
$cache[$key]['isIdentifier'] = false;
// cache type information
$type = $classMetadata->getTypeOfColumn($columnName);
if ($type == 'integer' || $type == 'string') {
$cache[$key]['isSimpleType'] = true;
} else {
$cache[$key]['type'] = $type;
$cache[$key]['isSimpleType'] = false;
$class = $this->_queryComponents[$cache[$key]['dqlAlias']]['metadata'];
$dqlAlias = $cache[$key]['dqlAlias'];
$fieldName = $cache[$key]['fieldName'];
if ($cache[$key]['isScalar']) {
$rowData['scalars'][$fieldName] = $value;
if ($cache[$key]['isIdentifier']) {
$id[$dqlAlias] .= '|' . $value;
if ($cache[$key]['isSimpleType']) {
$rowData[$dqlAlias][$fieldName] = $value;
} else {
$rowData[$dqlAlias][$fieldName] = $this->prepareValue(
$class, $fieldName, $value, $cache[$key]['type']);
//$rowData[$dqlAlias][$fieldName] = $cache[$key]['type']->convertToObjectValue($value);
if ( ! isset($nonemptyComponents[$dqlAlias]) && $value !== null) {
$nonemptyComponents[$dqlAlias] = true;
return $rowData;
* Processes a row of the result set.
* Used for HYDRATE_SCALAR. This is a variant of _gatherRowData() that
* simply converts column names to field names and properly prepares the
* values. The resulting row has the same number of elements as before.
* @param array $data
* @param array $cache
* @return array The processed row.
* @todo Significant code duplication with _gatherRowData(). Good refactoring
* possible without sacrificing performance?
private function _gatherScalarRowData(&$data, &$cache)
$rowData = array();
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
// Parse each column name only once. Cache the results.
if ( ! isset($cache[$key])) {
if ($this->_isIgnoredName($key)) continue;
// cache general information like the column name <-> field name mapping
$e = explode(Doctrine_ORM_Query_ParserRule::SQLALIAS_SEPARATOR, $key);
$columnName = array_pop($e);
$cache[$key]['dqlAlias'] = $this->_tableAliases[
implode(Doctrine_ORM_Query_ParserRule::SQLALIAS_SEPARATOR, $e)
$classMetadata = $this->_queryComponents[$cache[$key]['dqlAlias']]['metadata'];
// check whether it's an aggregate value or a regular field
if (isset($this->_queryComponents[$cache[$key]['dqlAlias']]['agg'][$columnName])) {
$fieldName = $this->_queryComponents[$cache[$key]['dqlAlias']]['agg'][$columnName];
$cache[$key]['isScalar'] = true;
} else {
$fieldName = $classMetadata->lookupFieldName($columnName);
$cache[$key]['isScalar'] = false;
$cache[$key]['fieldName'] = $fieldName;
// cache type information
$type = $classMetadata->getTypeOfColumn($columnName);
if ($type == 'integer' || $type == 'string') {
$cache[$key]['isSimpleType'] = true;
} else {
$cache[$key]['type'] = $type;
$cache[$key]['isSimpleType'] = false;
$class = $this->_queryComponents[$cache[$key]['dqlAlias']]['metadata'];
$dqlAlias = $cache[$key]['dqlAlias'];
$fieldName = $cache[$key]['fieldName'];
if ($cache[$key]['isSimpleType'] || $cache[$key]['isScalar']) {
$rowData[$dqlAlias . '_' . $fieldName] = $value;
} else {
$rowData[$dqlAlias . '_' . $fieldName] = $this->prepareValue(
$class, $fieldName, $value, $cache[$key]['type']);
//$rowData[$dqlAlias . '_' . $fieldName] = $cache[$key]['type']->convertToObjectValue($value);
return $rowData;
* Gets the custom field used for indexing for the specified component alias.
* @return string The field name of the field used for indexing or NULL
* if the component does not use any custom field indices.
private function _getCustomIndexField($alias)
return isset($this->_queryComponents[$alias]['map']) ? $this->_queryComponents[$alias]['map'] : null;
* Checks whether a name is ignored. Used during result set parsing to skip
* certain elements in the result set that do not have any meaning for the result.
* (I.e. ORACLE limit/offset emulation adds doctrine_rownum to the result set).
* @param string $name
* @return boolean
private function _isIgnoredName($name)
return $name == 'doctrine_rownum';
* prepareValue
* this method performs special data preparation depending on
* the type of the given column
* 1. It unserializes array and object typed columns
* 2. Uncompresses gzip typed columns
* 3. Gets the appropriate enum values for enum typed columns
* 4. Initializes special null object pointer for null values (for fast column existence checking purposes)
* example:
* $field = 'name';
* $value = null;
* $table->prepareValue($field, $value); // Doctrine_Null
* @param string $field the name of the field
* @param string $value field value
* @param string $typeHint A hint on the type of the value. If provided, the type lookup
* for the field can be skipped. Used i.e. during hydration to
* improve performance on large and/or complex results.
* @return mixed prepared value
public function prepareValue(Doctrine_ClassMetadata $class, $fieldName, $value, $typeHint = null)
if ($value === $this->_nullObject) {
return $this->_nullObject;
} else if ($value === null) {
return null;
} else {
$type = is_null($typeHint) ? $class->getTypeOf($fieldName) : $typeHint;
switch ($type) {
case 'integer':
case 'string':
case 'enum':
case 'boolean':
// don't do any conversions on primitive types
case 'array':
case 'object':
if (is_string($value)) {
$value = unserialize($value);
if ($value === false) {
throw new Doctrine_Hydrator_Exception('Unserialization of ' . $fieldName . ' failed.');
return $value;
case 'gzip':
$value = gzuncompress($value);
if ($value === false) {
throw new Doctrine_Hydrator_Exception('Uncompressing of ' . $fieldName . ' failed.');
return $value;
return $value;
/** Needed only temporarily until the new parser is ready */
private $_isResultMixed = false;
public function setResultMixed($bool)
$this->_isResultMixed = $bool;