string_expression [NOT] LIKE pattern_value [ESCAPE escape_character]

The string_expression must have a string value. The pattern_value is a string literal or a string-valued input parameter in which an underscore (_) stands for any single character, a percent (%) character stands for any sequence of characters (including the empty sequence), and all other characters stand for themselves. The optional escape_character is a single-character string literal or a character-valued input parameter (i.e., char or Character) and is used to escape the special meaning of the underscore and percent characters in pattern_value.


If the value of the string_expression or pattern_value is NULL or unknown, the value of the LIKE expression is unknown. If the escape_characteris specified and is NULL, the value of the LIKE expression is unknown. // finding all users whose email ends with '' $users = $conn->query("FROM User u, u.Email e WHERE e.address LIKE ''"); // finding all users whose name starts with letter 'A' $users = $conn->query("FROM User u WHERE LIKE 'A%'");