. */ namespace Doctrine\ORM\Mapping; interface Annotation {} /* Annotations */ /** * @Annotation * @Target("CLASS") */ final class Entity implements Annotation { /** @var string */ public $repositoryClass; /** @var boolean */ public $readOnly = false; } /** * @Annotation * @Target("CLASS") */ final class MappedSuperclass implements Annotation { /** @var string */ public $repositoryClass; } /** * @Annotation * @Target("CLASS") */ final class InheritanceType implements Annotation { /** @var string */ public $value; } /** * @Annotation * @Target("CLASS") */ final class DiscriminatorColumn implements Annotation { /** @var string */ public $name; /** @var string */ public $type; /** @var integer */ public $length; /** @var mixed */ public $fieldName; // field name used in non-object hydration (array/scalar) } /** * @Annotation * @Target("CLASS") */ final class DiscriminatorMap implements Annotation { /** @var array */ public $value; } /** * @Annotation * @Target("PROPERTY") */ final class Id implements Annotation {} /** * @Annotation * @Target("PROPERTY") */ final class GeneratedValue implements Annotation { /** @var string */ public $strategy = 'AUTO'; } /** * @Annotation * @Target("PROPERTY") */ final class Version implements Annotation {} /** * @Annotation * @Target({"PROPERTY","ANNOTATION"}) */ final class JoinColumn implements Annotation { /** @var string */ public $name; /** @var string */ public $referencedColumnName = 'id'; /** @var boolean */ public $unique = false; /** @var boolean */ public $nullable = true; /** @var mixed */ public $onDelete; /** @var string */ public $columnDefinition; /** @var string */ public $fieldName; // field name used in non-object hydration (array/scalar) } /** * @Annotation * @Target("PROPERTY") */ final class JoinColumns implements Annotation { /** @var array */ public $value; } /** * @Annotation * @Target("PROPERTY") */ final class Column implements Annotation { /** @var string */ public $name; /** @var mixed */ public $type = 'string'; /** @var integer */ public $length; /** @var integer */ public $precision = 0; // The precision for a decimal (exact numeric) column (Applies only for decimal column) /** @var integer */ public $scale = 0; // The scale for a decimal (exact numeric) column (Applies only for decimal column) /** @var boolean */ public $unique = false; /** @var boolean */ public $nullable = false; /** @var array */ public $options = array(); /** @var string */ public $columnDefinition; } /** * @Annotation * @Target("PROPERTY") */ final class OneToOne implements Annotation { /** @var string */ public $targetEntity; /** @var string */ public $mappedBy; /** @var string */ public $inversedBy; /** @var array */ public $cascade; /** @var string */ public $fetch = 'LAZY'; /** @var boolean */ public $orphanRemoval = false; } /** * @Annotation * @Target("PROPERTY") */ final class OneToMany implements Annotation { /** @var string */ public $mappedBy; /** @var string */ public $targetEntity; /** @var array */ public $cascade; /** @var string */ public $fetch = 'LAZY'; /** @var boolean */ public $orphanRemoval = false; /** @var string */ public $indexBy; } /** * @Annotation * @Target("PROPERTY") */ final class ManyToOne implements Annotation { /** @var string */ public $targetEntity; /** @var array */ public $cascade; /** @var string */ public $fetch = 'LAZY'; /** @var string */ public $inversedBy; } /** * @Annotation * @Target("PROPERTY") */ final class ManyToMany implements Annotation { /** @var string */ public $targetEntity; /** @var string */ public $mappedBy; /** @var string */ public $inversedBy; /** @var array */ public $cascade; /** @var string */ public $fetch = 'LAZY'; /** @var string */ public $indexBy; } /** * @Annotation * @Target("ALL") * @todo check available targets */ final class ElementCollection implements Annotation { /** @var string */ public $tableName; } /** * @Annotation * @Target("CLASS") */ final class Table implements Annotation { /** @var string */ public $name; /** @var string */ public $schema; /** @var array */ public $indexes; /** @var array */ public $uniqueConstraints; } /** * @Annotation * @Target("ANNOTATION") */ final class UniqueConstraint implements Annotation { /** @var string */ public $name; /** @var array */ public $columns; } /** * @Annotation * @Target("ANNOTATION") */ final class Index implements Annotation { /** @var string */ public $name; /** @var array */ public $columns; } /** * @Annotation * @Target("PROPERTY") */ final class JoinTable implements Annotation { /** @var string */ public $name; /** @var string */ public $schema; /** @var array */ public $joinColumns = array(); /** @var array */ public $inverseJoinColumns = array(); } /** * @Annotation * @Target("PROPERTY") */ final class SequenceGenerator implements Annotation { /** @var string */ public $sequenceName; /** @var integer */ public $allocationSize = 1; /** @var integer */ public $initialValue = 1; } /** * @Annotation * @Target("CLASS") */ final class ChangeTrackingPolicy implements Annotation { /** @var string */ public $value; } /** * @Annotation * @Target("PROPERTY") */ final class OrderBy implements Annotation { /** @var array */ public $value; } /** * @Annotation * @Target("CLASS") */ final class NamedQueries implements Annotation { /** @var array */ public $value; } /** * @Annotation * @Target("ANNOTATION") */ final class NamedQuery implements Annotation { /** @var string */ public $name; /** @var string */ public $query; } /* Annotations for lifecycle callbacks */ /** * @Annotation * @Target("CLASS") */ final class HasLifecycleCallbacks implements Annotation {} /** * @Annotation * @Target("METHOD") */ final class PrePersist implements Annotation {} /** * @Annotation * @Target("METHOD") */ final class PostPersist implements Annotation {} /** * @Annotation * @Target("METHOD") */ final class PreUpdate implements Annotation {} /** * @Annotation * @Target("METHOD") */ final class PostUpdate implements Annotation {} /** * @Annotation * @Target("METHOD") */ final class PreRemove implements Annotation {} /** * @Annotation * @Target("METHOD") */ final class PostRemove implements Annotation {} /** * @Annotation * @Target("METHOD") */ final class PostLoad implements Annotation {} /** * @Annotation * @Target("METHOD") */ final class PreFlush implements Annotation {}