. */ /** * Doctrine_Import_Builder * Import builder is responsible of building Doctrine ActiveRecord classes * based on a database schema. * * @package Doctrine * @subpackage Import * @link www.phpdoctrine.com * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * @since 1.0 * @version $Revision$ * @author Konsta Vesterinen * @author Jukka Hassinen * @author Nicolas BĂ©rard-Nault */ class Doctrine_Import_Builder { /** * @var string $path the path where imported files are being generated */ private $path = ''; private $suffix = '.class.php'; private $generateBaseClasses = false; private $baseClassesDirectory = 'generated'; private static $tpl; public function __construct() { $this->loadTemplate(); } /** * setTargetPath * * @param string path the path where imported files are being generated * @return */ public function setTargetPath($path) { if ( ! file_exists($path)) { mkdir($path, 0777); } $this->path = $path; } /** * generateBaseClasses * * Specify whether or not to generate classes which extend from generated base classes * * @param string $bool * @return void * @author Jonathan H. Wage */ public function generateBaseClasses($bool = null) { if ($bool !== null) { $this->generateBaseClasses = $bool; } return $this->generateBaseClasses; } /** * getTargetPath * * @return string the path where imported files are being generated */ public function getTargetPath() { return $this->path; } /** * This is a template that was previously in Builder/Record.tpl. Due to the fact * that it was not bundled when compiling, it had to be moved here. * * @return void */ public function loadTemplate() { if (isset(self::$tpl)) { return; } self::$tpl =<<setTableName(\''. $options['tableName'].'\');'; $i++; } foreach ($columns as $name => $column) { $ret[$i] = ' $this->hasColumn(\'' . $name . '\', \'' . $column['type'] . '\''; if ($column['length']) { $ret[$i] .= ', ' . $column['length']; } else { $ret[$i] .= ', null'; } $a = array(); if (isset($column['default']) && $column['default']) { $a[] = '\'default\' => ' . var_export($column['default'], true); } if (isset($column['notnull']) && $column['notnull']) { $a[] = '\'notnull\' => true'; } if (isset($column['primary']) && $column['primary']) { $a[] = '\'primary\' => true'; } if ((isset($column['autoinc']) && $column['autoinc']) || isset($column['autoincrement']) && $column['autoincrement']) { $a[] = '\'autoincrement\' => true'; } if (isset($column['unique']) && $column['unique']) { $a[] = '\'unique\' => true'; } if (isset($column['unsigned']) && $column['unsigned']) { $a[] = '\'unsigned\' => true'; } if ($column['type'] == 'enum' && isset($column['values']) ) { $a[] = '\'values\' => array(\'' . implode('\',\'', $column['values']) . '\')'; } if ( ! empty($a)) { $ret[$i] .= ', ' . 'array('; $length = strlen($ret[$i]); $ret[$i] .= implode(',' . PHP_EOL . str_repeat(' ', $length), $a) . ')'; } $ret[$i] .= ');'; if ($i < (count($columns) - 1)) { $ret[$i] .= PHP_EOL; } $i++; } foreach ($indexes as $indexName => $definitions) { $ret[$i] = "\n".' $this->index(\'' . $indexName . '\', array('; foreach ($definitions as $name => $value) { // parse fields if ($name === 'fields') { $ret[$i] .= '\'fields\' => array('; foreach ($value as $fieldName => $fieldValue) { $ret[$i] .= '\'' . $fieldName . '\' => array( '; // parse options { sorting, length, primary } if (isset($fieldValue) && $fieldValue) { foreach ($fieldValue as $optionName => $optionValue) { $ret[$i] .= '\'' . $optionName . '\' => '; // check primary option, mark either as true or false if ($optionName === 'primary') { $ret[$i] .= (($optionValue == 'true') ? 'true' : 'false') . ', '; continue; } // convert sorting option to uppercase, for instance, asc -> ASC if ($optionName === 'sorting') { $ret[$i] .= '\'' . strtoupper($optionValue) . '\', '; continue; } // check the rest of the options $ret[$i] .= '\'' . $optionValue . '\', '; } } $ret[$i] .= '), '; } } // parse index type option, 4 choices { unique, fulltext, gist, gin } if ($name === 'type') { $ret[$i] .= '), \'type\' => \'' . $value . '\''; } // add extra ) if type definition is not declared if (!isset($definitions['type'])) { $ret[$i] .= ')'; } } $ret[$i] .= '));'; $i++; } if (!empty($ret)) { return "\n\tpublic function setTableDefinition()"."\n\t{\n".implode("\n", $ret)."\n\t}"; } } public function buildSetUp(array $options, array $columns, array $relations) { $ret = array(); $i = 0; if (isset($options['inheritance']['extends']) && !isset($options['override_parent'])) { $ret[$i] = "\t\t\t\tparent::setUp();"; $i++; } foreach ($relations as $name => $relation) { $class = isset($relation['class']) ? $relation['class']:$name; $alias = (isset($relation['alias']) && $relation['alias'] !== $relation['class']) ? ' as ' . $relation['alias'] : ''; if ( ! isset($relation['type'])) { $relation['type'] = Doctrine_Relation::ONE; } if ($relation['type'] === Doctrine_Relation::ONE || $relation['type'] === Doctrine_Relation::ONE_COMPOSITE) { $ret[$i] = ' $this->hasOne(\'' . $class . $alias . '\''; } else { $ret[$i] = ' $this->hasMany(\'' . $class . $alias . '\''; } $a = array(); if (isset($relation['refClass'])) { $a[] = '\'refClass\' => ' . var_export($relation['refClass'], true); } if (isset($relation['deferred']) && $relation['deferred']) { $a[] = '\'default\' => ' . var_export($relation['deferred'], true); } if (isset($relation['local']) && $relation['local']) { $a[] = '\'local\' => ' . var_export($relation['local'], true); } if (isset($relation['foreign']) && $relation['foreign']) { $a[] = '\'foreign\' => ' . var_export($relation['foreign'], true); } if (isset($relation['onDelete']) && $relation['onDelete']) { $a[] = '\'onDelete\' => ' . var_export($relation['onDelete'], true); } if (isset($relation['onUpdate']) && $relation['onUpdate']) { $a[] = '\'onUpdate\' => ' . var_export($relation['onUpdate'], true); } if ( ! empty($a)) { $ret[$i] .= ', ' . 'array('; $length = strlen($ret[$i]); $ret[$i] .= implode(',' . PHP_EOL . str_repeat(' ', $length), $a) . ')'; } $ret[$i] .= ');'; $i++; } if (isset($options['inheritance']['keyField']) && isset($options['inheritance']['keyValue'])) { $i++; $ret[$i] = "\t\t".'$this->setInheritanceMap(array(\''.$options['inheritance']['keyField'].'\' => '.$options['inheritance']['keyValue'].'));'; } if (!empty($ret)) { return "\n\tpublic function setUp()\n\t{\n".implode("\n", $ret)."\n\t}"; } } public function buildDefinition(array $options, array $columns, array $relations = array(), array $indexes = array()) { if ( ! isset($options['className'])) { throw new Doctrine_Import_Builder_Exception('Missing class name.'); } $abstract = isset($options['abstract']) ? 'abstract ':null; $className = $options['className']; $extends = isset($options['inheritance']['extends']) ? $options['inheritance']['extends']:'Doctrine_Record'; $definition = !isset($options['no_definition']) ? $this->buildTableDefinition($options, $columns, $relations, $indexes):null; $setUp = !isset($options['no_definition']) ? $this->buildSetUp($options, $columns, $relations):null; $content = sprintf(self::$tpl, $abstract, $className, $extends, $definition, $setUp); return $content; } public function buildRecord(array $options, array $columns, array $relations = array(), array $indexes = array()) { if ( !isset($options['className'])) { throw new Doctrine_Import_Builder_Exception('Missing class name.'); } if ( !isset($options['fileName'])) { if (empty($this->path)) { throw new Doctrine_Import_Builder_Exception('No build target directory set.'); } if (is_writable($this->path) === false) { throw new Doctrine_Import_Builder_Exception('Build target directory ' . $this->path . ' is not writable.'); } $options['fileName'] = $this->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $options['className'] . $this->suffix; } if ($this->generateBaseClasses()) { // We only want to generate this one if it doesn't already exist if (!file_exists($options['fileName'])) { $optionsBak = $options; unset($options['tableName']); $options['inheritance']['extends'] = 'Base' . $options['className']; $options['requires'] = array($this->baseClassesDirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $options['inheritance']['extends'] . $this->suffix); $options['no_definition'] = true; $this->writeDefinition($options, array(), array(), array()); $options = $optionsBak; } $generatedPath = $this->path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->baseClassesDirectory; if (!file_exists($generatedPath)) { mkdir($generatedPath); } $options['className'] = 'Base' . $options['className']; $options['abstract'] = true; $options['fileName'] = $generatedPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $options['className'] . $this->suffix; $this->writeDefinition($options, $columns, $relations, $indexes); } else { $this->writeDefinition($options, $columns, $relations, $indexes); } } public function writeDefinition(array $options, array $columns, array $relations = array(), array $indexes = array()) { $content = $this->buildDefinition($options, $columns, $relations, $indexes); $code = "