+++ Creating related records When accessing related records and if those records do not exists Doctrine automatically creates new records. <code type="php"> // NOTE: related record have always the first letter in uppercase $email = $user->Email; $email->address = 'jackdaniels@drinkmore.info'; $user->save(); // alternative: $user->Email->address = 'jackdaniels@drinkmore.info'; $user->save(); </code> +++ Retrieving related records You can retrieve related records by the very same {{Doctrine_Record}} methods you've already propably used for accessing record properties. When accessing related record you just simply use the class names. <code type="php"> print $user->Email['address']; print $user->Phonenumber[0]->phonenumber; print $user->Group[0]->name; </code> +++ Updating related records You can update the related records by calling save for each related object / collection individually or by calling save on the object that owns the other objects. You can also call {{Doctrine_Connection::flush}} which saves all pending objects. <code type="php"> $user->Email['address'] = 'koskenkorva@drinkmore.info'; $user->Phonenumber[0]->phonenumber = '123123'; $user->save(); // saves the email and phonenumber </code> +++ Deleting related records You can delete related records individually be calling {{delete()}} on each record. If you want to delete a whole record graph just call delete on the owner record. <code type="php"> $user->Email->delete(); $user->Phonenumber[3]->delete(); // deleting user and all related objects: $user->delete(); </code> +++ Working with associations