Class Summary |
ASTException | Description of QueryException |
AggregateExpression | Description of AggregateExpression |
ArithmeticExpression | ArithmeticExpression ::= SimpleArithmeticExpression | "(" Subselect ")" |
ArithmeticFactor | ArithmeticFactor ::= [("+" | "-")] ArithmeticPrimary |
ArithmeticTerm | ArithmeticTerm ::= ArithmeticFactor {("*" | "/") ArithmeticFactor} |
BetweenExpression | Description of BetweenExpression@license LGPL |
CollectionMemberExpression | CollectionMemberExpression ::= EntityExpression ["NOT"] "MEMBER" ["OF"] CollectionValuedPathExpression |
ComparisonExpression | ComparisonExpression ::= ArithmeticExpression ComparisonOperator ( QuantifiedExpression | ArithmeticExpression ) |
StringExpression ComparisonOperator (StringExpression | QuantifiedExpression) |
BooleanExpression ("=" | "" | "!=") (BooleanExpression | QuantifiedExpression) |
EnumExpression ("=" | "" | "!=") (EnumExpression | QuantifiedExpression) |
DatetimeExpression ComparisonOperator (DatetimeExpression | QuantifiedExpression) |
EntityExpression ("=" | "") (EntityExpression | QuantifiedExpression) |
ConditionalExpression | ConditionalExpression ::= ConditionalTerm {"OR" ConditionalTerm} |
ConditionalFactor | ConditionalFactor ::= ["NOT"] ConditionalPrimary |
ConditionalPrimary | ConditionalPrimary ::= SimpleConditionalExpression | "(" ConditionalExpression ")" |
ConditionalTerm | ConditionalTerm ::= ConditionalFactor {"AND" ConditionalFactor} |
DeleteClause | DeleteClause ::= "DELETE" ["FROM"] AbstractSchemaName [["AS"] AliasIdentificationVariable] |
DeleteStatement | DeleteStatement = DeleteClause [WhereClause] |
EmptyCollectionComparisonExpression | EmptyCollectionComparisonExpression ::= CollectionValuedPathExpression "IS" ["NOT"] "EMPTY" |
ExistsExpression | ExistsExpression ::= ["NOT"] "EXISTS" "(" Subselect ")" |
FromClause | FromClause ::= "FROM" IdentificationVariableDeclaration {"," IdentificationVariableDeclaration} |
GroupByClause | Description of GroupByClause |
HavingClause | Description of HavingClause |
IdentificationVariableDeclaration | IdentificationVariableDeclaration ::= RangeVariableDeclaration [IndexBy] {JoinVariableDeclaration} |
InExpression | InExpression ::= StateFieldPathExpression ["NOT"] "IN" "(" (Literal {"," Literal}* | Subselect) ")" |
IndexBy | IndexBy ::= "INDEX" "BY" SimpleStateFieldPathExpression |
InputParameter | Description of InputParameter |
Join | Join ::= ["LEFT" ["OUTER"] | "INNER"] "JOIN" JoinAssociationPathExpression
["AS"] AliasIdentificationVariable [("ON" | "WITH") ConditionalExpression] |
JoinAssociationPathExpression | JoinAssociationPathExpression ::= IdentificationVariable "." (SingleValuedAssociationField | CollectionValuedAssociationField) |
JoinVariableDeclaration | JoinVariableDeclaration ::= Join [IndexBy] |
LikeExpression | LikeExpression ::= StringExpression ["NOT"] "LIKE" string ["ESCAPE" char] |
Literal | Abstract class of an AST node |
Node | Abstract class of an AST node |
NullComparisonExpression | NullComparisonExpression ::= (SingleValuedPathExpression | InputParameter) "IS" ["NOT"] "NULL" |
OrderByClause | OrderByClause ::= "ORDER" "BY" OrderByItem {"," OrderByItem} |
OrderByItem | OrderByItem ::= (ResultVariable | StateFieldPathExpression) ["ASC" | "DESC"] |
PartialObjectExpression | Abstract class of an AST node |
PathExpression | AssociationPathExpression ::= CollectionValuedPathExpression | SingleValuedAssociationPathExpression
SingleValuedPathExpression ::= StateFieldPathExpression | SingleValuedAssociationPathExpression
StateFieldPathExpression ::= SimpleStateFieldPathExpression | SimpleStateFieldAssociationPathExpression
SingleValuedAssociationPathExpression ::= IdentificationVariable "." {SingleValuedAssociationField "."}* SingleValuedAssociationField
CollectionValuedPathExpression ::= IdentificationVariable "." {SingleValuedAssociationField "."}* CollectionValuedAssociationField
StateField ::= {EmbeddedClassStateField "."}* SimpleStateField
SimpleStateFieldPathExpression ::= IdentificationVariable "." StateField
SimpleStateFieldAssociationPathExpression ::= SingleValuedAssociationPathExpression "." StateField |
QuantifiedExpression | QuantifiedExpression ::= ("ALL" | "ANY" | "SOME") "(" Subselect ")" |
RangeVariableDeclaration | RangeVariableDeclaration ::= AbstractSchemaName ["AS"] AliasIdentificationVariable |
SelectClause | SelectClause = "SELECT" ["DISTINCT"] SelectExpression {"," SelectExpression} |
SelectExpression | SelectExpression ::= IdentificationVariable ["." "*"] | StateFieldPathExpression |
(AggregateExpression | "(" Subselect ")") [["AS"] FieldAliasIdentificationVariable] |
SelectStatement | SelectStatement = SelectClause FromClause [WhereClause] [GroupByClause] [HavingClause] [OrderByClause] |
SimpleArithmeticExpression | SimpleArithmeticExpression ::= ArithmeticTerm {("+" | "-") ArithmeticTerm} |
SimpleSelectClause | SimpleSelectClause ::= "SELECT" ["DISTINCT"] SimpleSelectExpression |
SimpleSelectExpression | SimpleSelectExpression ::= StateFieldPathExpression | IdentificationVariable
| (AggregateExpression [["AS"] FieldAliasIdentificationVariable]) |
Subselect | Subselect ::= SimpleSelectClause SubselectFromClause [WhereClause] [GroupByClause] [HavingClause] [OrderByClause] |
SubselectFromClause | SubselectFromClause ::= "FROM" SubselectIdentificationVariableDeclaration {"," SubselectIdentificationVariableDeclaration} |
UpdateClause | UpdateClause ::= "UPDATE" AbstractSchemaName [["AS"] AliasIdentificationVariable] "SET" UpdateItem {"," UpdateItem} |
UpdateItem | UpdateItem ::= [IdentificationVariable "."] {StateField | SingleValuedAssociationField} "=" NewValue
NewValue ::= SimpleArithmeticExpression | StringPrimary | DatetimePrimary | BooleanPrimary |
EnumPrimary | SimpleEntityExpression | "NULL" |
UpdateStatement | UpdateStatement = UpdateClause [WhereClause] |
WhereClause | WhereClause ::= "WHERE" ConditionalExpression |