. */ /** * Doctrine_Relation_Parser * * @author Konsta Vesterinen * @package Doctrine * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * @version $Revision: 1397 $ * @category Object Relational Mapping * @link www.phpdoctrine.com * @since 1.0 */ class Doctrine_Relation_Parser { /** * @var Doctrine_Table $_table the table object this parser belongs to */ protected $_table; /** * @var array $_relations an array containing all the Doctrine_Relation objects for this table */ protected $_relations = array(); /** * @var array $_pending relations waiting for parsing */ protected $_pending = array(); /** * @var array $_relationAliases relation aliases */ protected $_aliases = array(); /** * constructor * * @param Doctrine_Table $table the table object this parser belongs to */ public function __construct(Doctrine_Table $table) { $this->_table = $table; } /** * getTable * * @return Doctrine_Table the table object this parser belongs to */ public function getTable() { return $this->_table; } /** * getPendingRelation * * @return array an array defining a pending relation */ public function getPendingRelation($name) { if ( ! isset($this->_pending[$name])) { throw new Doctrine_Relation_Exception('Unknown pending relation ' . $name); } return $this->_pending[$name]; } /** * binds a relation * * @param string $name * @param string $field * @return void */ public function bind($name, $options = array()) { if (isset($this->relations[$name])) { unset($this->relations[$name]); } $lower = strtolower($name); if ($this->_table->hasColumn($lower)) { throw new Doctrine_Relation_Exception("Couldn't bind relation. Column with name " . $lower . ' already exists!'); } $e = explode(' as ', $name); $name = $e[0]; if (isset($e[1])) { $alias = $e[1]; $this->_aliases[$name] = $alias; } else { $alias = $name; } if ( ! isset($options['definer'])) { throw new Doctrine_Relation_Exception('Relation definer not set.'); } if ( ! isset($options['type'])) { throw new Doctrine_Relation_Exception('Relation type not set.'); } $this->_pending[$alias] = array_merge($options, array('class' => $name, 'alias' => $alias)); } public function getRelation($name, $recursive = true) { if (isset($this->_relations[$name])) { return $this->_relations[$name]; } if (isset($this->_pending[$name])) { $def = $this->_pending[$name]; if (isset($def['refClass'])) { $def = $this->completeAssocDefinition($def); } else { $def = $this->completeDefinition($def); } } } public function completeAssocDefinition($def) { $conn = $this->_table->getConnection(); $def['table'] = $conn->getTable($def['class']); $def['definer'] = $conn->getTable($def['definer']); $def['refTable'] = $conn->getTable($def['refClass']); if ( ! isset($def['foreign'])) { // foreign key not set // try to guess the foreign key $columns = $this->getIdentifiers($def['table']); $def['foreign'] = $columns; } if ( ! isset($def['local'])) { // local key not set // try to guess the local key $columns = $this->getIdentifiers($this->_table); $def['local'] = $columns; } return $def; } public function getIdentifiers(Doctrine_Table $table) { if (is_array($table->getIdentifier())) { $columns = array(); foreach((array) $table->getIdentifier() as $identifier) { $columns[] = strtolower($table->getComponentName()) . '_' . $table->getIdentifier(); } } else { $columns = strtolower($table->getComponentName()) . '_' . $table->getIdentifier(); } return $columns; } public function completeDefinition($def) { $conn = $this->_table->getConnection(); $def['table'] = $conn->getTable($def['class']); $def['definer'] = $conn->getTable($def['definer']); if (isset($def['local'])) { if ( ! isset($def['foreign'])) { // local key is set, but foreign key is not // try to guess the foreign key if ($def['local'] === $def['definer']->getIdentifier()) { $columns = $this->getIdentifiers($def['definer']); $def['foreign'] = $columns; } else { // the foreign field is likely to be the // identifier of the foreign class $def['foreign'] = $def['table']->getIdentifier(); } } } else { if (isset($def['foreign'])) { // local key not set, but foreign key is set // try to guess the local key if ($def['foreign'] === $def['definer']->getIdentifier()) { $columns = $this->getIdentifiers($def['table']); $def['local'] = $columns; } else { $def['local'] = $def['definer']->getIdentifier(); } } else { // neither local or foreign key is being set // try to guess both keys $column = strtolower($def['definer']->getComponentName()) . '_' . $def['definer']->getIdentifier(); if ($def['table']->hasColumn($column)) { $def['foreign'] = $column; $def['local'] = $def['definer']->getIdentifier(); } else { $column = strtolower($def['table']->getComponentName()) . '_' . $def['table']->getIdentifier(); if ($def['definer']->hasColumn($column)) { $def['foreign'] = $def['table']->getIdentifier(); $def['local'] = $column; } } } } return $def; } /** * getRelation * * @param string $name component name of which a foreign key object is bound * @return Doctrine_Relation */ public function getRelation2($name, $recursive = true) { if (isset($this->relations[$name])) { return $this->relations[$name]; } if ( ! $this->conn->hasTable($this->options['name'])) { $allowExport = true; } else { $allowExport = false; } if (isset($this->bound[$name])) { $definition = $this->bound[$name]; list($component, $tmp) = explode('.', $definition['field']); if ( ! isset($definition['foreign'])) { $definition['foreign'] = $tmp; } unset($definition['field']); $definition['table'] = $this->conn->getTable($definition['class'], $allowExport); $definition['constraint'] = false; // MANY-TO-MANY // only aggregate relations allowed if ($definition['type'] != Doctrine_Relation::MANY_AGGREGATE) { throw new Doctrine_Table_Exception("Only aggregate relations are allowed for many-to-many relations"); } $classes = array_merge($this->options['parents'], array($this->options['name'])); foreach (array_reverse($classes) as $class) { try { $bound = $definition['table']->getBoundForName($class, $component); break; } catch(Doctrine_Table_Exception $exc) { } } if ( ! isset($bound)) { throw new Doctrine_Table_Exception("Couldn't map many-to-many relation for " . $this->options['name'] . " and $name. Components use different join tables."); } if ( ! isset($definition['local'])) { $definition['local'] = $this->identifier; } $e2 = explode('.', $bound['field']); $fields = explode('-', $e2[1]); if ($e2[0] != $component) { throw new Doctrine_Table_Exception($e2[0] . ' doesn\'t match ' . $component); } $associationTable = $this->conn->getTable($e2[0], $allowExport); if (count($fields) > 1) { // SELF-REFERENCING THROUGH JOIN TABLE $def['table'] = $associationTable; $def['local'] = $this->identifier; $def['foreign'] = $fields[0]; $def['alias'] = $e2[0]; $def['class'] = $e2[0]; $def['type'] = Doctrine_Relation::MANY_COMPOSITE; $this->relations[$e2[0]] = new Doctrine_Relation_ForeignKey($def); $definition['assocTable'] = $associationTable; $definition['local'] = $fields[0]; $definition['foreign'] = $fields[1]; $relation = new Doctrine_Relation_Association_Self($definition); } else { if($definition['table'] === $this) { } else { // auto initialize a new one-to-one relationships for association table $associationTable->bind($this->getComponentName(), $associationTable->getComponentName(). '.' . $e2[1], Doctrine_Relation::ONE_AGGREGATE ); $associationTable->bind($definition['table']->getComponentName(), $associationTable->getComponentName(). '.' . $definition['foreign'], Doctrine_Relation::ONE_AGGREGATE ); // NORMAL MANY-TO-MANY RELATIONSHIP $def['table'] = $associationTable; $def['foreign'] = $e2[1]; $def['local'] = $definition['local']; $def['alias'] = $e2[0]; $def['class'] = $e2[0]; $def['type'] = Doctrine_Relation::MANY_COMPOSITE; $this->relations[$e2[0]] = new Doctrine_Relation_ForeignKey($def); $definition['local'] = $e2[1]; $definition['assocTable'] = $associationTable; $relation = new Doctrine_Relation_Association($definition); } } $this->relations[$name] = $relation; return $this->relations[$name]; } // load all relations $this->getRelations(); if ($recursive) { return $this->getRelation($name, false); } else { throw new Doctrine_Table_Exception($this->options['name'] . " doesn't have a relation to " . $name); } } }