. */ namespace Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Cli\Tasks; use Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Export\ClassMetadataExporter; if ( ! class_exists('sfYaml', false)) { require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../../vendor/sfYaml/sfYaml.class.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../../vendor/sfYaml/sfYamlDumper.class.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../../vendor/sfYaml/sfYamlInline.class.php'; require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../../vendor/sfYaml/sfYamlParser.class.php'; } /** * CLI Task to convert your mapping information between the various formats * * @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php LGPL * @link www.doctrine-project.org * @since 2.0 * @version $Revision$ * @author Guilherme Blanco * @author Jonathan Wage * @author Roman Borschel */ class ConvertMappingTask extends AbstractTask { /** * @inheritdoc */ public function extendedHelp() { $printer = $this->getPrinter(); $printer->write('Task: ')->writeln('convert-mapping', 'KEYWORD') ->write('Synopsis: '); $this->_writeSynopsis($printer); $printer->writeln('Description: Convert mapping information between supported formats.') ->writeln('Options:') ->write('--from=', 'REQ_ARG') ->writeln("\tThe path to the mapping information you are converting from.") ->write('--to=', 'REQ_ARG') ->writeln("\tThe format to convert to.") ->write(PHP_EOL) ->write('--dest=', 'REQ_ARG') ->writeln("\tThe path to write the converted mapping information."); } /** * @inheritdoc */ public function basicHelp() { $this->_writeSynopsis($this->getPrinter()); } private function _writeSynopsis($printer) { $printer->write('convert-mapping', 'KEYWORD') ->write(' --from=', 'REQ_ARG') ->write(' --to=', 'REQ_ARG') ->writeln(' --dest=', 'REQ_ARG'); } /** * @inheritdoc */ public function validate() { if ( ! parent::validate()) { return false; } $args = $this->getArguments(); $printer = $this->getPrinter(); if (!(isset($args['from']) && isset($args['to']) && isset($args['dest']))) { $printer->writeln('You must include a value for all four options: --from, --to and --dest', 'ERROR'); return false; } if ($args['to'] != 'annotation' && isset($args['extend'])) { $printer->writeln('You can only use the --extend argument when converting to annoations.'); return false; } if ($args['from'][0] == 'database') { $config = $this->_em->getConfiguration(); $config->setMetadataDriverImpl(new \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Driver\DatabaseDriver($this->_em->getConnection()->getSchemaManager())); } return true; } public function run() { $printer = $this->getPrinter(); $args = $this->getArguments(); $cme = new ClassMetadataExporter(); // Get exporter and configure it $exporter = $cme->getExporter($args['to'], $args['dest']); if (isset($args['extend'])) { $exporter->setClassToExtend($args['extend']); } if (isset($args['num-spaces'])) { $exporter->setNumSpaces($args['num-spaces']); } $from = (array) $args['from']; if ($this->_isDoctrine1Schema($from)) { $printer->writeln('Converting Doctrine 1 schema to Doctrine 2 mapping files', 'INFO'); $converter = new \Doctrine\ORM\Tools\ConvertDoctrine1Schema($from); $metadatas = $converter->getMetadatasFromSchema(); } else { foreach ($from as $source) { $sourceArg = $source; $type = $this->_determineSourceType($sourceArg); $source = $this->_getSourceByType($type, $sourceArg); $printer->writeln( sprintf( 'Adding "%s" mapping source', $printer->format($sourceArg, 'KEYWORD') ), 'INFO' ); $cme->addMappingSource($source, $type); } $metadatas = $cme->getMetadatasForMappingSources(); } foreach ($metadatas as $metadata) { $printer->writeln( sprintf( 'Processing entity "%s"', $printer->format($metadata->name, 'KEYWORD') ) ); } $printer->writeln( sprintf( 'Exporting %s mapping information to directory "%s"', $printer->format($args['to'], 'KEYWORD'), $printer->format($args['dest'], 'KEYWORD') ), 'INFO' ); $exporter->setMetadatas($metadatas); $exporter->export(); } private function _isDoctrine1Schema(array $from) { $files = glob(current($from) . '/*.yml'); if ($files) { $array = \sfYaml::load($files[0]); $first = current($array); // We're dealing with a Doctrine 1 schema if you have // a columns index in the first model array return isset($first['columns']); } else { return false; } } private function _determineSourceType($source) { // If the --from= is a directory lets determine if it is // annotations, yaml, xml, etc. if (is_dir($source)) { // Find the files in the directory $files = glob($source . '/*.*'); if ( ! $files) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( sprintf('No mapping files found in "%s"', $source) ); } // Get the contents of the first file $contents = file_get_contents($files[0]); // Check if it has a class definition in it for annotations if (preg_match("/class (.*)/", $contents)) { return 'annotation'; // Otherwise lets determine the type based on the extension of the // first file in the directory (yml, xml, etc) } else { $info = pathinfo($files[0]); return $info['extension']; } // Nothing special for database } else if ($source == 'database') { return 'database'; } } private function _getSourceByType($type, $source) { // If --from==database then the source is an instance of SchemaManager // for the current EntityMAnager if ($type == 'database') { return $this->_em->getConnection()->getSchemaManager(); } else { return $source; } } }