<?php try { $user->name = "this is an example of too long name"; $user->Email->address = "drink@@notvalid.."; $user->save(); } catch(Doctrine_Validator_Exception $e) { // Note: you could also use $e->getInvalidRecords(). The direct way // used here is just more simple when you know the records you're dealing with. $userErrors = $user->getErrorStack(); $emailErrors = $user->Email->getErrorStack(); /* Inspect user errors */ foreach($userErrors as $fieldName => $errorCodes) { switch ($fieldName) { case 'name': // $user->name is invalid. inspect the error codes if needed. break; } } /* Inspect email errors */ foreach($emailErrors as $fieldName => $errorCodes) { switch ($fieldName) { case 'address': // $user->Email->address is invalid. inspect the error codes if needed. break; } } } ?>