<?php /* * $Id$ * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals * and is licensed under the LGPL. For more information, see * <http://www.doctrine-project.org>. */ namespace Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms; use Doctrine\Common\DoctrineException; /** * The SqlitePlatform class describes the specifics and dialects of the SQLite * database platform. * * @since 2.0 * @author Roman Borschel <roman@code-factory.org> */ class SqlitePlatform extends AbstractPlatform { /** * the constructor */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); } /** * Returns the md5 sum of the data that SQLite's md5() function receives. * * @param mixed $data * @return string */ public static function md5Impl($data) { return md5($data); } /** * Returns the modules of the data that SQLite's mod() function receives. * * @param integer $dividend * @param integer $divisor * @return string */ public static function modImpl($dividend, $divisor) { return $dividend % $divisor; } /** * locate * returns the position of the first occurrence of substring $substr in string $str that * SQLite's locate() function receives * * @param string $substr literal string to find * @param string $str literal string * @return string */ public static function locateImpl($substr, $str) { return strpos($str, $substr); } public static function sha1Impl($str) { return sha1($str); } public static function ltrimImpl($str) { return ltrim($str); } public static function rtrimImpl($str) { return rtrim($str); } public static function trimImpl($str) { return trim($str); } /** * returns the regular expression operator * * @return string * @override */ public function getRegexpExpression() { return 'RLIKE'; } /** * Returns a string to call a function to compute the * soundex encoding of a string * * The string "?000" is returned if the argument is NULL. * * @param string $value * @return string SQL soundex function with given parameter */ public function getSoundexExpression($value) { return 'SOUNDEX(' . $value . ')'; } /** * Return string to call a variable with the current timestamp inside an SQL statement * There are three special variables for current date and time. * * @return string sqlite function as string * @override */ public function getNowExpression($type = 'timestamp') { switch ($type) { case 'time': return 'time(\'now\')'; case 'date': return 'date(\'now\')'; case 'timestamp': default: return 'datetime(\'now\')'; } } /** * return string to call a function to get random value inside an SQL statement * * @return string to generate float between 0 and 1 * @override */ public function getRandomExpression() { return '((RANDOM() + 2147483648) / 4294967296)'; } /** * return string to call a function to get a substring inside an SQL statement * * Note: Not SQL92, but common functionality. * * SQLite only supports the 2 parameter variant of this function * * @param string $value an sql string literal or column name/alias * @param integer $position where to start the substring portion * @param integer $length the substring portion length * @return string SQL substring function with given parameters * @override */ public function getSubstringExpression($value, $position, $length = null) { if ($length !== null) { return 'SUBSTR(' . $value . ', ' . $position . ', ' . $length . ')'; } return 'SUBSTR(' . $value . ', ' . $position . ', LENGTH(' . $value . '))'; } protected function _getTransactionIsolationLevelSql($level) { switch ($level) { case \Doctrine\DBAL\Connection::TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED: return 0; case \Doctrine\DBAL\Connection::TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED: case \Doctrine\DBAL\Connection::TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ: case \Doctrine\DBAL\Connection::TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE: return 1; default: return parent::_getTransactionIsolationLevelSql($level); } } public function getSetTransactionIsolationSql($level) { return 'PRAGMA read_uncommitted = ' . $this->_getTransactionIsolationLevelSql($level); } /** @override */ public function prefersIdentityColumns() { return true; } /** @override */ public function getIntegerTypeDeclarationSql(array $field) { return $this->_getCommonIntegerTypeDeclarationSql($field); } /** @override */ public function getBigIntTypeDeclarationSql(array $field) { return $this->_getCommonIntegerTypeDeclarationSql($field); } /** @override */ public function getTinyIntTypeDeclarationSql(array $field) { return $this->_getCommonIntegerTypeDeclarationSql($field); } /** @override */ public function getSmallIntTypeDeclarationSql(array $field) { return $this->_getCommonIntegerTypeDeclarationSql($field); } /** @override */ public function getMediumIntTypeDeclarationSql(array $field) { return $this->_getCommonIntegerTypeDeclarationSql($field); } /** @override */ public function getDateTimeTypeDeclarationSql(array $fieldDeclaration) { return 'DATETIME'; } /** @override */ protected function _getCommonIntegerTypeDeclarationSql(array $columnDef) { $autoinc = ! empty($columnDef['autoincrement']) ? ' AUTOINCREMENT' : ''; $pk = ! empty($columnDef['primary']) && ! empty($autoinc) ? ' PRIMARY KEY' : ''; return 'INTEGER' . $pk . $autoinc; } /** * create a new table * * @param string $name Name of the database that should be created * @param array $fields Associative array that contains the definition of each field of the new table * The indexes of the array entries are the names of the fields of the table an * the array entry values are associative arrays like those that are meant to be * passed with the field definitions to get[Type]Declaration() functions. * array( * 'id' => array( * 'type' => 'integer', * 'unsigned' => 1 * 'notnull' => 1 * 'default' => 0 * ), * 'name' => array( * 'type' => 'text', * 'length' => 12 * ), * 'password' => array( * 'type' => 'text', * 'length' => 12 * ) * ); * @param array $options An associative array of table options: * * @return void * @override */ public function getCreateTableSql($name, array $fields, array $options = array()) { if ( ! $name) { throw DoctrineException::invalidTableName($name); } if (empty($fields)) { throw DoctrineException::noFieldsSpecifiedForTable($name); } $queryFields = $this->getColumnDeclarationListSql($fields); $autoinc = false; foreach($fields as $field) { if (isset($field['autoincrement']) && $field['autoincrement']) { $autoinc = true; break; } } if ( ! $autoinc && isset($options['primary']) && ! empty($options['primary'])) { $keyColumns = array_unique(array_values($options['primary'])); $keyColumns = array_map(array($this, 'quoteIdentifier'), $keyColumns); $queryFields.= ', PRIMARY KEY('.implode(', ', $keyColumns).')'; } $name = $this->quoteIdentifier($name, true); $sql = 'CREATE TABLE ' . $name . ' (' . $queryFields; /*if ($check = $this->getCheckDeclarationSql($fields)) { $sql .= ', ' . $check; } if (isset($options['checks']) && $check = $this->getCheckDeclarationSql($options['checks'])) { $sql .= ', ' . $check; }*/ $sql .= ')'; $query[] = $sql; if (isset($options['indexes']) && ! empty($options['indexes'])) { foreach ($options['indexes'] as $index => $definition) { $query[] = $this->getCreateIndexSql($name, $index, $definition); } } return $query; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getVarcharTypeDeclarationSql(array $field) { if ( ! isset($field['length'])) { if (array_key_exists('default', $field)) { $field['length'] = $this->getVarcharMaxLength(); } else { $field['length'] = false; } } $length = ($field['length'] <= $this->getVarcharMaxLength()) ? $field['length'] : false; $fixed = (isset($field['fixed'])) ? $field['fixed'] : false; return $fixed ? ($length ? 'CHAR(' . $length . ')' : 'CHAR(255)') : ($length ? 'VARCHAR(' . $length . ')' : 'TEXT'); } public function getListSequencesSql($database) { return "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND sql NOT NULL ORDER BY name"; } public function getListTableConstraintsSql($table) { return "SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='index' AND tbl_name = '$table' AND sql NOT NULL ORDER BY name"; } public function getListTableColumnsSql($table) { return "PRAGMA table_info($table)"; } public function getListTableIndexesSql($table) { return "PRAGMA index_list($table)"; } public function getListTablesSql() { return "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name != 'sqlite_sequence' " . "UNION ALL SELECT name FROM sqlite_temp_master " . "WHERE type = 'table' ORDER BY name"; } public function getListTableViews() { return "SELECT name, sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='view' AND sql NOT NULL"; } public function getListViewsSql() { return "SELECT name, sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='view' AND sql NOT NULL"; } public function getCreateViewSql($name, $sql) { return 'CREATE VIEW ' . $name . ' AS ' . $sql; } public function getDropViewSql($name) { return 'DROP VIEW '. $name; } /** * SQLite does support foreign key constraints, but only in CREATE TABLE statements... * This really limits their usefulness and requires SQLite specific handling, so * we simply say that SQLite does NOT support foreign keys for now... * * @return boolean FALSE * @override */ public function supportsForeignKeyConstraints() { return false; } /** * Get the platform name for this instance * * @return string */ public function getName() { return 'sqlite'; } }