<?php namespace Doctrine\ORM; /** * Base exception class for all ORM exceptions. * * @author Roman Borschel <roman@code-factory.org> * @since 2.0 */ class ORMException extends \Exception { public static function missingMappingDriverImpl() { return new self("It's a requirement to specify a Metadata Driver and pass it ". "to Doctrine\ORM\Configuration::setMetadataDriverImpl()."); } public static function entityMissingAssignedId($entity) { return new self("Entity of type " . get_class($entity) . " is missing an assigned ID."); } public static function unrecognizedField($field) { return new self("Unrecognized field: $field"); } public static function removedEntityInCollectionDetected($entity, $assoc) { return new self("Removed entity of type " . get_class($entity) . " detected in collection '" . $assoc->sourceFieldName . "' during flush." . " Remove deleted entities from collections."); } public static function invalidEntityState($state) { return new self("Invalid entity state: $state."); } public static function detachedEntityCannotBeRemoved() { return new self("A detached entity can not be removed."); } public static function invalidFlushMode($mode) { return new self("'$mode' is an invalid flush mode."); } public static function entityManagerClosed() { return new self("The EntityManager is closed."); } public static function invalidHydrationMode($mode) { return new self("'$mode' is an invalid hydration mode."); } public static function mismatchedEventManager() { return new self("Cannot use different EventManager instances for EntityManager and Connection."); } public static function findByRequiresParameter($methodName) { return new self("You need to pass a parameter to '".$methodName."'"); } public static function invalidFindByCall($entityName, $fieldName, $method) { return new self( "Entity '".$entityName."' has no field '".$fieldName."'. ". "You can therefore not call '".$method."' on the entities' repository" ); } public static function invalidResultCacheDriver() { return new self("Invalid result cache driver; it must implement \Doctrine\Common\Cache\Cache."); } public static function notSupported() { return new self("This behaviour is (currently) not supported by Doctrine 2"); } public static function queryCacheNotConfigured() { return new self('Query Cache is not configured.'); } public static function metadataCacheNotConfigured() { return new self('Class Metadata Cache is not configured.'); } public static function proxyClassesAlwaysRegenerating() { return new self('Proxy Classes are always regenerating.'); } public static function unknownEntityNamespace($entityNamespaceAlias) { return new self( "Unknown Entity namespace alias '$entityNamespaceAlias'." ); } }