mirror of synced 2025-03-28 10:53:49 +03:00

Moved some tests

This commit is contained in:
zYne 2006-12-27 21:27:25 +00:00
parent 13333bcfa0
commit ff5c84a080
7 changed files with 138 additions and 425 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
class Doctrine_Db_Profiler_TestCase extends Doctrine_UnitTestCase {
protected $dbh;
protected $profiler;
public function prepareTables() {}
public function prepareData() {}
public function testQuery() {
$this->dbh = Doctrine_Db2::getConnection('sqlite::memory:');
$this->profiler = new Doctrine_Db_Profiler();
$this->dbh->query('CREATE TABLE test (id INT)');
$this->assertEqual($this->profiler->lastEvent()->getQuery(), 'CREATE TABLE test (id INT)');
$this->assertEqual($this->profiler->lastEvent()->getType(), Doctrine_Db_Event::QUERY);
$this->assertEqual($this->dbh->count(), 1);
public function testPrepareAndExecute() {
$stmt = $this->dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO test (id) VALUES (?)');
$event = $this->profiler->lastEvent();
$this->assertEqual($event->getQuery(), 'INSERT INTO test (id) VALUES (?)');
$this->assertEqual($this->profiler->lastEvent()->getType(), Doctrine_Db_Event::PREPARE);
$this->assertEqual($this->profiler->lastEvent()->getQuery(), 'INSERT INTO test (id) VALUES (?)');
$this->assertEqual($this->profiler->lastEvent()->getType(), Doctrine_Db_Event::EXECUTE);
$this->assertEqual($this->dbh->count(), 2);
public function testMultiplePrepareAndExecute() {
$stmt = $this->dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO test (id) VALUES (?)');
$this->assertEqual($this->profiler->lastEvent()->getQuery(), 'INSERT INTO test (id) VALUES (?)');
$this->assertEqual($this->profiler->lastEvent()->getType(), Doctrine_Db_Event::PREPARE);
$stmt2 = $this->dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO test (id) VALUES (?)');
$this->assertEqual($this->profiler->lastEvent()->getQuery(), 'INSERT INTO test (id) VALUES (?)');
$this->assertEqual($this->profiler->lastEvent()->getType(), Doctrine_Db_Event::PREPARE);
$this->assertEqual($this->profiler->lastEvent()->getQuery(), 'INSERT INTO test (id) VALUES (?)');
$this->assertEqual($this->profiler->lastEvent()->getType(), Doctrine_Db_Event::EXECUTE);
$this->assertEqual($this->dbh->count(), 4);
public function testExecuteStatementMultipleTimes() {
try {
$stmt = $this->dbh->prepare('INSERT INTO test (id) VALUES (?)');
} catch(Doctrine_Db_Exception $e) {
$this->assertEqual($this->profiler->lastEvent()->getQuery(), 'INSERT INTO test (id) VALUES (?)');
$this->assertEqual($this->profiler->lastEvent()->getType(), Doctrine_Db_Event::EXECUTE);
$this->assertEqual($this->profiler->lastEvent()->getQuery(), 'INSERT INTO test (id) VALUES (?)');
$this->assertEqual($this->profiler->lastEvent()->getType(), Doctrine_Db_Event::EXECUTE);
public function testTransactionRollback() {
try {
} catch(Doctrine_Db_Exception $e) {
$this->assertEqual($this->profiler->lastEvent()->getQuery(), null);
$this->assertEqual($this->profiler->lastEvent()->getType(), Doctrine_Db_Event::BEGIN);
try {
} catch(Doctrine_Db_Exception $e) {
$this->assertEqual($this->profiler->lastEvent()->getQuery(), null);
$this->assertEqual($this->profiler->lastEvent()->getType(), Doctrine_Db_Event::ROLLBACK);
public function testTransactionCommit() {
try {
} catch(Doctrine_Db_Exception $e) {
$this->assertEqual($this->profiler->lastEvent()->getQuery(), null);
$this->assertEqual($this->profiler->lastEvent()->getType(), Doctrine_Db_Event::BEGIN);
try {
} catch(Doctrine_Db_Exception $e) {
$this->assertEqual($this->profiler->lastEvent()->getQuery(), null);
$this->assertEqual($this->profiler->lastEvent()->getType(), Doctrine_Db_Event::COMMIT);

View File

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
class Doctrine_Export_Firebird_TestCase extends Doctrine_Export_TestCase {
public function __construct() {
public function testCreateDatabaseDoesNotExecuteSql() {
try {
} catch(Doctrine_Export_Firebird_Exception $e) {
public function testDropDatabaseDoesNotExecuteSql() {
try {
} catch(Doctrine_Export_Firebird_Exception $e) {
public function testCreateTableSupportsAutoincPks() {
$name = 'mytable';
$fields = array('id' => array('type' => 'integer', 'unsigned' => 1, 'autoincrement' => true));
$this->export->createTable($name, $fields);
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'CREATE TABLE mytable (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY)');
public function testCreateTableSupportsDefaultAttribute() {
$name = 'mytable';
$fields = array('name' => array('type' => 'char', 'length' => 10, 'default' => 'def'),
'type' => array('type' => 'integer', 'length' => 3, 'default' => 12)
$options = array('primary' => array('name', 'type'));
$this->export->createTable($name, $fields, $options);
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'CREATE TABLE mytable (name CHAR(10) DEFAULT \'def\', type INT DEFAULT 12, PRIMARY KEY(name, type))');
public function testCreateTableSupportsMultiplePks() {
$name = 'mytable';
$fields = array('name' => array('type' => 'char', 'length' => 10),
'type' => array('type' => 'integer', 'length' => 3));
$options = array('primary' => array('name', 'type'));
$this->export->createTable($name, $fields, $options);
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'CREATE TABLE mytable (name CHAR(10), type INT, PRIMARY KEY(name, type))');

View File

@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
class Doctrine_Export_Mysql_TestCase extends Doctrine_Driver_UnitTestCase {
public function __construct() {
public function testAlterTableThrowsExceptionWithoutValidTableName() {
try {
} catch(Doctrine_Export_Exception $e) {
public function testCreateTableExecutesSql() {
$name = 'mytable';
$fields = array('id' => array('type' => 'integer', 'unsigned' => 1));
$options = array('type' => 'MYISAM');
$this->export->createTable($name, $fields, $options);
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'CREATE TABLE mytable (id INT UNSIGNED) ENGINE = MYISAM');
public function testCreateTableSupportsDefaultTableType() {
$name = 'mytable';
$fields = array('id' => array('type' => 'integer', 'unsigned' => 1));
$this->export->createTable($name, $fields);
// INNODB is the default type
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'CREATE TABLE mytable (id INT UNSIGNED) ENGINE = INNODB');
public function testCreateTableSupportsMultiplePks() {
$name = 'mytable';
$fields = array('name' => array('type' => 'char', 'length' => 10),
'type' => array('type' => 'integer', 'length' => 3));
$options = array('primary' => array('name', 'type'));
$this->export->createTable($name, $fields, $options);
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'CREATE TABLE mytable (name CHAR(10), type MEDIUMINT, PRIMARY KEY(name, type)) ENGINE = INNODB');
public function testCreateTableSupportsAutoincPks() {
$name = 'mytable';
$fields = array('id' => array('type' => 'integer', 'unsigned' => 1, 'autoincrement' => true));
$options = array('type' => 'INNODB');
$this->export->createTable($name, $fields, $options);
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'CREATE TABLE mytable (id INT UNSIGNED AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY) ENGINE = INNODB');
public function testCreateTableSupportsCharType() {
$name = 'mytable';
$fields = array('id' => array('type' => 'char', 'length' => 3));
$options = array('type' => 'MYISAM');
$this->export->createTable($name, $fields, $options);
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'CREATE TABLE mytable (id CHAR(3)) ENGINE = MYISAM');
public function testCreateTableSupportsCharType2() {
$name = 'mytable';
$fields = array('id' => array('type' => 'char'));
$options = array('type' => 'MYISAM');
$this->export->createTable($name, $fields, $options);
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'CREATE TABLE mytable (id CHAR(255)) ENGINE = MYISAM');
public function testCreateTableSupportsVarcharType() {
$name = 'mytable';
$fields = array('id' => array('type' => 'varchar', 'length' => '100'));
$options = array('type' => 'MYISAM');
$this->export->createTable($name, $fields, $options);
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'CREATE TABLE mytable (id VARCHAR(100)) ENGINE = MYISAM');
public function testCreateTableSupportsIntegerType() {
$name = 'mytable';
$fields = array('id' => array('type' => 'integer', 'length' => '10'));
$options = array('type' => 'MYISAM');
$this->export->createTable($name, $fields, $options);
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'CREATE TABLE mytable (id BIGINT) ENGINE = MYISAM');
public function testCreateTableSupportsBlobType() {
$name = 'mytable';
$fields = array('content' => array('type' => 'blob'));
$options = array('type' => 'MYISAM');
$this->export->createTable($name, $fields, $options);
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'CREATE TABLE mytable (content LONGBLOB) ENGINE = MYISAM');
public function testCreateTableSupportsBlobType2() {
$name = 'mytable';
$fields = array('content' => array('type' => 'blob', 'length' => 2000));
$options = array('type' => 'MYISAM');
$this->export->createTable($name, $fields, $options);
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'CREATE TABLE mytable (content BLOB) ENGINE = MYISAM');
public function testCreateTableSupportsBooleanType() {
$name = 'mytable';
$fields = array('id' => array('type' => 'boolean'));
$options = array('type' => 'MYISAM');
$this->export->createTable($name, $fields, $options);
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'CREATE TABLE mytable (id TINYINT(1)) ENGINE = MYISAM');
public function testCreateDatabaseExecutesSql() {
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'CREATE DATABASE db');
public function testDropDatabaseExecutesSql() {
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'DROP DATABASE db');
public function testDropIndexExecutesSql() {
$this->export->dropIndex('sometable', 'relevancy');
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'DROP INDEX relevancy_idx ON sometable');

View File

@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
class Doctrine_Export_Oracle_TestCase extends Doctrine_Export_TestCase {
public function __construct() {
public function testCreateSequenceExecutesSql() {
$sequenceName = 'sequence';
$start = 1;
$query = 'CREATE SEQUENCE ' . $sequenceName . '_seq START WITH ' . $start . ' INCREMENT BY 1 NOCACHE';
$this->export->createSequence($sequenceName, $start);
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), $query);
public function testDropSequenceExecutesSql() {
$sequenceName = 'sequence';
$query = 'DROP SEQUENCE ' . $sequenceName;
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), $query . '_seq');
public function testCreateTableExecutesSql() {
$name = 'mytable';
$fields = array('id' => array('type' => 'integer'));
$options = array('type' => 'MYISAM');
$this->export->createTable($name, $fields);
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'COMMIT');
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'CREATE TABLE mytable (id INT)');
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'BEGIN TRANSACTION');
public function testCreateTableSupportsDefaultAttribute() {
$name = 'mytable';
$fields = array('name' => array('type' => 'char', 'length' => 10, 'default' => 'def'),
'type' => array('type' => 'integer', 'length' => 3, 'default' => 12)
$options = array('primary' => array('name', 'type'));
$this->export->createTable($name, $fields, $options);
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'COMMIT');
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'CREATE TABLE mytable (name CHAR(10) DEFAULT \'def\', type NUMBER(3) DEFAULT 12, PRIMARY KEY(name, type))');
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'BEGIN TRANSACTION');
public function testCreateTableSupportsMultiplePks() {
$name = 'mytable';
$fields = array('name' => array('type' => 'char', 'length' => 10),
'type' => array('type' => 'integer', 'length' => 3));
$options = array('primary' => array('name', 'type'));
$this->export->createTable($name, $fields, $options);
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'COMMIT');
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'CREATE TABLE mytable (name CHAR(10), type NUMBER(3), PRIMARY KEY(name, type))');
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'BEGIN TRANSACTION');
public function testCreateTableSupportsAutoincPks() {
$name = 'mytable';
$fields = array('id' => array('type' => 'integer', 'autoincrement' => true));
$this->export->createTable($name, $fields);
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'COMMIT');
$this->assertEqual(substr($this->adapter->pop(),0, 14), 'CREATE TRIGGER');
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'CREATE SEQUENCE MYTABLE_seq START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 NOCACHE');
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'ALTER TABLE MYTABLE ADD CONSTRAINT MYTABLE_AI_PK_idx PRIMARY KEY (id)');
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'CREATE TABLE mytable (id INT)');
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'BEGIN TRANSACTION');
public function testCreateTableSupportsCharType() {
$name = 'mytable';
$fields = array('id' => array('type' => 'char', 'length' => 3));
$this->export->createTable($name, $fields);
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'CREATE TABLE mytable (id CHAR(3))');

View File

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
class Doctrine_Export_Pgsql_TestCase extends Doctrine_Export_TestCase {
public function __construct() {
public function testCreateDatabaseExecutesSql() {
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'CREATE DATABASE db');
public function testDropDatabaseExecutesSql() {
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'DROP DATABASE db');
public function testCreateTableSupportsAutoincPks() {
$name = 'mytable';
$fields = array('id' => array('type' => 'integer', 'unsigned' => 1, 'autoincrement' => true));
$this->export->createTable($name, $fields);
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'CREATE TABLE mytable (id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY)');
public function testCreateTableSupportsDefaultAttribute() {
$name = 'mytable';
$fields = array('name' => array('type' => 'char', 'length' => 10, 'default' => 'def'),
'type' => array('type' => 'integer', 'length' => 3, 'default' => 12)
$options = array('primary' => array('name', 'type'));
$this->export->createTable($name, $fields, $options);
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'CREATE TABLE mytable (name CHAR(10) DEFAULT \'def\', type INT DEFAULT 12, PRIMARY KEY(name, type))');
public function testCreateTableSupportsMultiplePks() {
$name = 'mytable';
$fields = array('name' => array('type' => 'char', 'length' => 10),
'type' => array('type' => 'integer', 'length' => 3));
$options = array('primary' => array('name', 'type'));
$this->export->createTable($name, $fields, $options);
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'CREATE TABLE mytable (name CHAR(10), type INT, PRIMARY KEY(name, type))');

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@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
class BadLyNamed__Class extends Doctrine_Record {
public function setTableDefinition() {
public function setUp() { }
class Doctrine_Export_Reporter_TestCase extends Doctrine_Driver_UnitTestCase {
public function __construct() {
public function testExportChecksClassNaming() {
$reporter = $this->export->export('BadLyNamed__Class');
// Class name is not valid. Double underscores are not allowed
$this->assertEqual($reporter->pop(), array(E_WARNING, 'Badly named class.'));
public function testExportReportsExceptions() {
$reporter = $this->export->export('User');
// Class name is not valid. Double underscores are not allowed
$this->assertEqual($reporter->pop(), array(E_WARNING, Doctrine::ERR_CLASS_NAME));

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@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
class Doctrine_Export_Sqlite_TestCase extends Doctrine_Driver_UnitTestCase {
public function __construct() {
public function testExportDoesntWorkWithExistingTable() {
$this->manager->setAttribute(Doctrine::ATTR_CREATE_TABLES, false);
$this->adapter->forceException('PDOException', 'table already exist', 123);
$reporter = $this->export->export('User');
// Class name is not valid. Double underscores are not allowed
$this->assertEqual($reporter->pop(), array(E_ERROR, Doctrine::ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS));
public function testCreateDatabaseDoesNotExecuteSql() {
try {
} catch(Doctrine_Export_Exception $e) {
public function testDropDatabaseDoesNotExecuteSql() {
try {
} catch(Doctrine_Export_Exception $e) {
public function testCreateTableSupportsAutoincPks() {
$name = 'mytable';
$fields = array('id' => array('type' => 'integer', 'unsigned' => 1, 'autoincrement' => true));
$this->export->createTable($name, $fields);
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'CREATE TABLE mytable (id INTEGER UNSIGNED PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT)');
public function testCreateTableSupportsDefaultAttribute() {
$name = 'mytable';
$fields = array('name' => array('type' => 'char', 'length' => 10, 'default' => 'def'),
'type' => array('type' => 'integer', 'length' => 3, 'default' => 12)
$options = array('primary' => array('name', 'type'));
$this->export->createTable($name, $fields, $options);
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'CREATE TABLE mytable (name CHAR(10) DEFAULT \'def\', type INTEGER DEFAULT 12, PRIMARY KEY(name, type))');
public function testCreateTableSupportsMultiplePks() {
$name = 'mytable';
$fields = array('name' => array('type' => 'char', 'length' => 10),
'type' => array('type' => 'integer', 'length' => 3));
$options = array('primary' => array('name', 'type'));
$this->export->createTable($name, $fields, $options);
$this->assertEqual($this->adapter->pop(), 'CREATE TABLE mytable (name CHAR(10), type INTEGER, PRIMARY KEY(name, type))');