diff --git a/manual/new/docs/en/dql-doctrine-query-language.txt b/manual/new/docs/en/dql-doctrine-query-language.txt
index a25ad00f6..5ca4afe4a 100644
--- a/manual/new/docs/en/dql-doctrine-query-language.txt
+++ b/manual/new/docs/en/dql-doctrine-query-language.txt
@@ -13,4 +13,34 @@
++ ORDER BY clause
++ LIMIT and OFFSET clauses
++ Examples
+++ The Query Registry
+Doctrine_Query_Registry is a class for registering and naming queries. It helps with the organization of your applications queries and along with that it offers some very nice convenience stuff.
+The queries are added using the add() method of the registry object. It takes two parameters, the query name and the actual DQL query.
+$r = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getQueryRegistry();
+$r->add('all-users', 'FROM User u');
++++ Namespaces
+The Query registry supports namespaces. The namespace is separated from the actual name with / -mark. If the name of the namespace is a record name the given record has all the named queries availible in its local scope.
+$r = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance()->getQueryRegistry();
+$r->add('User/all', 'FROM User u');
+$r->add('User/byName', 'FROM User u WHERE u.name = ?');
+$user = new User();
+// fetch the user named Jack Daniels
+$user = $user->fetchOne('byName', array('Jack Daniels'));
+// fetch all users
+$users = $user->fetch('all');
++ BNF