mirror of synced 2025-03-03 11:23:21 +03:00

Fix Paginator OrderBy clauses when ordering by columns from non-fetched joined tables

This commit is contained in:
Bill Schaller 2015-03-17 17:32:28 -04:00
parent eebce88146
commit df0875c596
3 changed files with 93 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -13,14 +13,11 @@
namespace Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Pagination;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MySqlPlatform;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\OraclePlatform;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\SQLServerPlatform;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\AST\OrderByClause;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\AST\PathExpression;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\AST\PartialObjectExpression;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\AST\SelectExpression;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\SqlWalker;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\AST\SelectStatement;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\PostgreSqlPlatform;
* Wraps the query in order to select root entity IDs for pagination.
@ -111,6 +108,11 @@ class LimitSubqueryOutputWalker extends SqlWalker
public function walkSelectStatement(SelectStatement $AST)
// In the case of ordering a query by columns from joined tables, we
// must add those columns to the select clause of the query BEFORE
// the SQL is generated.
// Remove order by clause from the inner query
// It will be re-appended in the outer select generated by this method
$orderByClause = $AST->orderByClause;
@ -128,6 +130,9 @@ class LimitSubqueryOutputWalker extends SqlWalker
$innerSql = parent::walkSelectStatement($AST);
// Restore orderByClause
$AST->orderByClause = $orderByClause;
// Restore hiddens
foreach ($AST->selectClause->selectExpressions as $idx => $expr) {
$expr->hiddenAliasResultVariable = $hiddens[$idx];
@ -205,6 +210,54 @@ class LimitSubqueryOutputWalker extends SqlWalker
return $sql;
* Finds all PathExpressions in an AST's OrderByClause, and ensures that
* the referenced fields are present in the SelectClause of the passed AST.
* @param SelectStatement $AST
private function addMissingItemsFromOrderByToSelect(SelectStatement $AST)
// This block dumps the order by clause node using Node::dump().
// It then finds all PathExpressions within and captures the
// identificationVariable and field name of each.
$orderByDump = (string)$AST->orderByClause;
$selects = [];
if (preg_match_all('/PathExpression\([^\)]+"identificationVariable": \'([^\']*)\'[^\)]+"field": \'([^\']*)\'[^\)]+\)/i', $orderByDump, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
foreach($matches as $match) {
$idVar = $match[1];
$field = $match[2];
if (!isset($selects[$idVar])) {
$selects[$idVar] = [];
$selects[$idVar][$field] = true;
// Loop the select clause of the AST and exclude items from $select
// that are already being selected.
foreach ($AST->selectClause->selectExpressions as $selectExpression) {
if ($selectExpression instanceof SelectExpression) {
$idVar = $selectExpression->expression;
if (!is_string($idVar)) {
$field = $selectExpression->fieldIdentificationVariable;
if ($field === null) {
// No need to add this select, as we're already fetching the whole object.
} else {
// Add select items which were not excluded to the AST's select clause.
foreach ($selects as $idVar => $fields) {
$AST->selectClause->selectExpressions[] = new SelectExpression(new PartialObjectExpression($idVar, array_keys($fields)), null, true);
* Generates new SQL for statements with an order by clause

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@ -228,6 +228,36 @@ class LimitSubqueryOutputWalkerTest extends PaginationTestCase
public function testCountQueryWithComplexScalarOrderByItemJoined()
$query = $this->entityManager->createQuery(
'SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\ORM\Tools\Pagination\User u JOIN u.avatar a ORDER BY a.image_height * a.image_width DESC'
$this->entityManager->getConnection()->setDatabasePlatform(new MySqlPlatform());
$query->setHint(Query::HINT_CUSTOM_OUTPUT_WALKER, 'Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Pagination\LimitSubqueryOutputWalker');
'SELECT DISTINCT id_0, image_height_1 * image_width_2 FROM (SELECT u0_.id AS id_0, a1_.image_height AS image_height_1, a1_.image_width AS image_width_2, a1_.user_id AS user_id_3 FROM User u0_ INNER JOIN Avatar a1_ ON u0_.id = a1_.user_id) dctrn_result ORDER BY image_height_1 * image_width_2 DESC',
public function testCountQueryWithComplexScalarOrderByItemJoinedWithPartial()
$query = $this->entityManager->createQuery(
'SELECT u, partial a.{id, image_alt_desc} FROM Doctrine\Tests\ORM\Tools\Pagination\User u JOIN u.avatar a ORDER BY a.image_height * a.image_width DESC'
$this->entityManager->getConnection()->setDatabasePlatform(new MySqlPlatform());
$query->setHint(Query::HINT_CUSTOM_OUTPUT_WALKER, 'Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Pagination\LimitSubqueryOutputWalker');
'SELECT DISTINCT id_0, image_height_3 * image_width_4 FROM (SELECT u0_.id AS id_0, a1_.id AS id_1, a1_.image_alt_desc AS image_alt_desc_2, a1_.image_height AS image_height_3, a1_.image_width AS image_width_4, a1_.user_id AS user_id_5 FROM User u0_ INNER JOIN Avatar a1_ ON u0_.id = a1_.user_id) dctrn_result ORDER BY image_height_3 * image_width_4 DESC',
public function testCountQueryWithComplexScalarOrderByItemOracle()
$query = $this->entityManager->createQuery(
@ -284,7 +314,7 @@ class LimitSubqueryOutputWalkerTest extends PaginationTestCase
$query->setHint(Query::HINT_CUSTOM_OUTPUT_WALKER, 'Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Pagination\LimitSubqueryOutputWalker');
'SELECT DISTINCT id_0 FROM (SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, b0_.author_id AS author_id_1, b0_.category_id AS category_id_2 FROM BlogPost b0_ INNER JOIN Author a1_ ON b0_.author_id = a1_.id ORDER BY a1_.name ASC) dctrn_result',
'SELECT DISTINCT id_0, name_1 FROM (SELECT b0_.id AS id_0, a1_.name AS name_1, b0_.author_id AS author_id_2, b0_.category_id AS category_id_3 FROM BlogPost b0_ INNER JOIN Author a1_ ON b0_.author_id = a1_.id) dctrn_result ORDER BY name_1 ASC',

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@ -144,6 +144,10 @@ class User
* )
public $groups;
* @OneToOne(targetEntity="Avatar", mappedBy="user")
public $avatar;
/** @Entity */