Started refactoring of the default hydrator, including some minor speed tweaks.
This commit is contained in:
@ -47,15 +47,31 @@ class Doctrine_Hydrator_Default extends Doctrine_Hydrator_Abstract
* @todo: Detailed documentation. Refactor (too long & nesting level).
* @param mixed $stmt
* @param array $tableAliases Array that maps table aliases (SQL alias => DQL alias)
* @param array $aliasMap Array that maps DQL aliases to their components
* (DQL alias => array('table' => Table object,
* 'parent' => Parent DQL alias (if any),
* 'relation' => Relation object (if any),
* 'map' => ??? (if any)
* )
* )
* @return array
public function hydrateResultSet($stmt, $aliasMap, $tableAliases, $hydrationMode = null)
$s = microtime(true);
$this->_aliasMap = $aliasMap;
//echo "aliasmap:<br />";
/*foreach ($this->_aliasMap as $map) {
$this->_tableAliases = $tableAliases;
/*echo "aliasmap:<br />";
foreach ($this->_aliasMap as $map) {
if ( ! empty($map['map'])) {
//echo "<br />";
//echo "tableAliases:<br />";
//echo "<br /><br />";
@ -81,19 +97,17 @@ class Doctrine_Hydrator_Default extends Doctrine_Hydrator_Abstract
$rootAlias = key($this->_aliasMap);
$componentName = $rootMap['table']->getComponentName();
$isSimpleQuery = count($this->_aliasMap) <= 1;
$array = array(); // Holds the resulting hydrated data structure
$cache = array(); // Temporarily holds results of some operations to improve performance
$result = array(); // Holds the resulting hydrated data structure
$listeners = array(); // Holds hydration listeners that get called during hydration
$identifierMap = array(); // ???
$prev = array(); // ???
$id = array(); // ???
$currData = array(); // ???
$identifiable = array(); // ???
$identifierMap = array(); // Lookup map to quickly discover/lookup existing records in the result
$prev = array(); // Holds for each component the last previously seen element in the result set
$id = array(); // holds the values of the identifier/primary key columns of components,
// separated by a pipe '|' and grouped by component alias (r, u, i, ... whatever)
$array = $driver->getElementCollection($componentName);
$result = $driver->getElementCollection($componentName);
if ($stmt === false || $stmt === 0) {
return $array;
return $result;
// Initialize the variables
@ -101,93 +115,65 @@ class Doctrine_Hydrator_Default extends Doctrine_Hydrator_Abstract
$componentName = $data['table']->getComponentName();
$listeners[$componentName] = $data['table']->getRecordListener();
$identifierMap[$alias] = array();
$currData[$alias] = array();
$prev[$alias] = array();
$id[$alias] = '';
// Hydrate
// Process result set
$cache = array();
while ($data = $stmt->fetch(Doctrine::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$currData = array();
$identifiable = array();
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$rowData = $this->_gatherRowData($data, $cache, $id, $identifiable);
if ( ! isset($cache[$key])) {
$e = explode('__', $key);
$last = strtolower(array_pop($e));
$cache[$key]['alias'] = $tableAliases[strtolower(implode('__', $e))];
$fieldName = $this->_aliasMap[$cache[$key]['alias']]['table']->getFieldName($last);
$cache[$key]['fieldName'] = $fieldName;
$map = $this->_aliasMap[$cache[$key]['alias']];
$table = $map['table'];
$alias = $cache[$key]['alias'];
$fieldName = $cache[$key]['fieldName'];
if (isset($this->_aliasMap[$alias]['agg'][$fieldName])) {
$fieldName = $this->_aliasMap[$alias]['agg'][$fieldName];
if ($table->isIdentifier($fieldName)) {
$id[$alias] .= '|' . $value;
$currData[$alias][$fieldName] = $table->prepareValue($fieldName, $value);
if ($value !== null) {
$identifiable[$alias] = true;
//echo "currdata of row:<br />";
//echo "rowData of row:<br />";
//echo "<br /><br />";
// dealing with root component
// hydrate the data of the root component from the current row
$table = $this->_aliasMap[$rootAlias]['table'];
$componentName = $table->getComponentName();
$event->set('data', $currData[$rootAlias]);
$event->set('data', $rowData[$rootAlias]);
$element = $driver->getElement($currData[$rootAlias], $componentName);
$oneToOne = false;
if ($isSimpleQuery) {
$element = $driver->getElement($rowData[$rootAlias], $componentName);
$index = false;
} else {
$index = isset($identifierMap[$rootAlias][$id[$rootAlias]]) ?
$identifierMap[$rootAlias][$id[$rootAlias]] : false;
if ($index === false) {
// Check for an existing element
if ($isSimpleQuery || ! isset($identifierMap[$rootAlias][$id[$rootAlias]])) {
$event->set('data', $element);
if (isset($this->_aliasMap[$rootAlias]['map'])) {
$key = $this->_aliasMap[$rootAlias]['map'];
if (isset($array[$key])) {
// do we need to index by a custom field?
if ($field = $this->_getCustomIndexField($rootAlias)) {
if (isset($result[$field])) {
throw new Doctrine_Hydrate_Exception("Couldn't hydrate. Found non-unique key mapping.");
if ( ! isset($element[$key])) {
} else if ( ! isset($element[$field])) {
throw new Doctrine_Hydrate_Exception("Couldn't hydrate. Found a non-existent key.");
$array[$element[$key]] = $element;
$result[$element[$field]] = $element;
} else {
$array[] = $element;
$result[] = $element;
$identifierMap[$rootAlias][$id[$rootAlias]] = $driver->getLastKey($array);
$identifierMap[$rootAlias][$id[$rootAlias]] = $driver->getLastKey($result);
} else {
$index = $identifierMap[$rootAlias][$id[$rootAlias]];
$this->_setLastElement($prev, $array, $index, $rootAlias, $oneToOne);
$this->_setLastElement($prev, $result, $index, $rootAlias, false);
foreach ($currData as $alias => $data) {
// end hydrate data of the root component for the current row
//echo "\$result after root element hydration:<br />";
//echo "<br /><br />";
// now hydrate the rest of the data found in the current row, that belongs to other
// (related) components
$oneToOne = false;
foreach ($rowData as $alias => $data) {
$index = false;
$map = $this->_aliasMap[$alias];
$table = $this->_aliasMap[$alias]['table'];
@ -208,43 +194,32 @@ class Doctrine_Hydrator_Default extends Doctrine_Hydrator_Abstract
// check the type of the relation
if ( ! $relation->isOneToOne()) {
// initialize the collection
if ($driver->initRelated($prev[$parent], $componentAlias)) {
if ( ! $relation->isOneToOne() && $driver->initRelated($prev[$parent], $componentAlias)) {
// append element
if (isset($identifiable[$alias])) {
if ($isSimpleQuery) {
$index = false;
} else {
$index = isset($identifierMap[$path][$id[$parent]][$id[$alias]]) ?
$identifierMap[$path][$id[$parent]][$id[$alias]] : false;
if ($index === false) {
if ($isSimpleQuery || ! isset($identifierMap[$path][$id[$parent]][$id[$alias]])) {
//$index = false;
$event->set('data', $element);
if (isset($map['map'])) {
$key = $map['map'];
if (isset($prev[$parent][$componentAlias][$key])) {
if ($field = $this->_getCustomIndexField($alias)) {
if (isset($prev[$parent][$componentAlias][$field])) {
throw new Doctrine_Hydrate_Exception("Couldn't hydrate. Found non-unique key mapping.");
if ( ! isset($element[$key])) {
} else if ( ! isset($element[$field])) {
throw new Doctrine_Hydrate_Exception("Couldn't hydrate. Found a non-existent key.");
$prev[$parent][$componentAlias][$element[$key]] = $element;
$prev[$parent][$componentAlias][$element[$field]] = $element;
} else {
$prev[$parent][$componentAlias][] = $element;
$identifierMap[$path][$id[$parent]][$id[$alias]] = $driver->getLastKey($prev[$parent][$componentAlias]);
} else {
$index = $identifierMap[$path][$id[$parent]][$id[$alias]];
// register collection for later snapshots
} else {
if ( ! isset($identifiable[$alias])) {
$prev[$parent][$componentAlias] = $driver->getNullPointer();
@ -257,6 +232,9 @@ class Doctrine_Hydrator_Default extends Doctrine_Hydrator_Abstract
$this->_setLastElement($prev, $coll, $index, $alias, $oneToOne);
$id[$alias] = '';
//echo "\$result after related element hydration:<br />";
//echo "<br /><br />";
$id[$rootAlias] = '';
@ -264,7 +242,11 @@ class Doctrine_Hydrator_Default extends Doctrine_Hydrator_Abstract
return $array;
$e = microtime(true);
//echo 'Hydration took: ' . ($e - $s) . ' for '.count($result).' records<br />';
return $result;
@ -282,28 +264,82 @@ class Doctrine_Hydrator_Default extends Doctrine_Hydrator_Abstract
if ($coll === self::$_null) {
return false;
if ($index !== false) {
// Set lement at $index as previous element for the component
// identified by the DQL alias $alias
$prev[$alias] =& $coll[$index];
// first check the count (we do not want to get the last element
// of an empty collection/array)
if (count($coll) > 0) {
if (is_array($coll)) {
if (is_array($coll) && $coll) {
if ($oneToOne) {
$prev[$alias] =& $coll;
} else {
$prev[$alias] =& $coll[key($coll)];
} else {
} else if (count($coll) > 0) {
$prev[$alias] = $coll->getLast();
} else {
if (isset($prev[$alias])) {
} else if (isset($prev[$alias])) {
* Puts the fields of a data row into a new array, grouped by the component
* they belong to. The column names in the result set are mapped to their
* field names during this procedure.
* @return array An array with all the fields (name => value) of the data row,
* grouped by their component (alias).
protected function _gatherRowData(&$data, &$cache, &$id, &$identifiable)
$rowData = array();
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
// Parse each column name only once. Cache the results.
if ( ! isset($cache[$key])) {
$e = explode('__', $key);
$last = strtolower(array_pop($e));
$cache[$key]['alias'] = $this->_tableAliases[strtolower(implode('__', $e))];
$fieldName = $this->_aliasMap[$cache[$key]['alias']]['table']->getFieldName($last);
$cache[$key]['fieldName'] = $fieldName;
$map = $this->_aliasMap[$cache[$key]['alias']];
$table = $map['table'];
$alias = $cache[$key]['alias'];
$fieldName = $cache[$key]['fieldName'];
if (isset($this->_aliasMap[$alias]['agg'][$fieldName])) {
$fieldName = $this->_aliasMap[$alias]['agg'][$fieldName];
if ($table->isIdentifier($fieldName)) {
$id[$alias] .= '|' . $value;
$rowData[$alias][$fieldName] = $table->prepareValue($fieldName, $value);
if ($value !== null) {
$identifiable[$alias] = true;
return $rowData;
* Gets the custom field used for indexing for the specified component alias.
* @return string The field name of the field used for indexing or NULL
* if the component does not use any custom field indices.
protected function _getCustomIndexField($alias)
return isset($this->_aliasMap[$alias]['map']) ? $this->_aliasMap[$alias]['map'] : null;
@ -1612,7 +1612,7 @@ class Doctrine_Table extends Doctrine_Configurable implements Countable
if ($value === self::$_null) {
return self::$_null;
} elseif ($value === null) {
} else if ($value === null) {
return null;
} else {
$type = $this->getTypeOf($fieldName);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user